pay you with love ♡ malum (di...

By skittlesmalum

318K 20.1K 15.3K

❝ how do you want to pay? cash or with a check? ❞ ❝ is love also an option? ❞ - in which calum is a broken te... More

00 ➵ prologue
01 ➵ do you want a blowjob first?
02 ➵ one week later
03 ➵ something about you
04 ➵ two weeks later
05 ➵ disappearing
06 ➵ two weeks later
07 ➵ take a break
08 ➵ one week later
09 ➵ dirty little whore
10 ➵ two weeks later
11 ➵ one week later
12 ➵ one week later
13 ➵ one week later
14 ➵ one week later
15 ➵ one week later
16 ➵ two days later
17 ➵ one day later
18 ➵ two days later
19 ➵ two weeks later
20 ➵ one week later
21 ➵ one day later
22 ➵ two weeks later
23 ➵ two weeks later
24 ➵ the same night
25 ➵ the same night
26 ➵ the morning after
27 ➵ one week later
28 ➵ two weeks later
29 ➵ one day later
30 ➵ four days later
31 ➵ one day later
32 ➵ two days later
33 ➵ one week later
34 ➵ the same day
apology and bye i guess? :/

00 ➵ character ask answers

6.4K 289 376
By skittlesmalum

Here are your answers!


Q: Why won't you tell Calum you love him

My mouth can physically not bring itself to utter those three words, it's not my fault. Everytime I'm about to say it, my whole brain and body and mouth shuts down and the only thing I do is kiss him. I hope it doesn't hurt Calum.

Q: Why is Ashton's name in your phone dick

Because he's a dick most of the time but he's still my best friend.

Q: Are you going to ask Calum to be your boyfriend soon ?

Maybe. I want to ask him in the perfect moment and that moment didn't happen yet. I don't know when but I will ask him.

Q: what is your favorite thing about calum?? explain in great detail pls

My favorite thing about Calum? I like when he laughs and you can see the crinkles by his eyes, it's adorable. I like when he laughs because it means he's happy and I love when Calum is happy. And sometimes he tries to hide his laugh by quietly giggling into his hand. There's a lot more that I like about Calum, though, that's just the first thing that came to my mind.

Q: What made you so protective over Calum in the first place?

I honestly have no idea? Like, I didn't even knew him and I felt like I had to protect him. Maybe it was because he looks like a small, lost puppy. I just didn't want someone as precious as him to be in danger.

Q: whats ur favorite clothing item that calum has ever worn ? :)

My red flannel.

Q: Relationship advice? Not doing so good with the ladies

I honestly have no advice for you. I'm not that great with relationships either since I've never really been in a serious one. Sorry!

Q: What would be your dream job

I don't know, I like the job I have now. But, I'd love to not only sell but also produce computer games, that would be awesome!

Q: you don't have to answer this since it's kinda personal and im just curious but...where's your mum?

It's a touchy subject, I don't really want to talk about it right now.

Q: what do you think draws you in about calum so much? why are you so fascinated?

I like his story. Not that it's a great one but it's so amazing to me how he survived all those years. I honestly wouldn't have known what to do, I would have been lost. He made it through and I know that he had his ups and downs but he's still here and that kind of fascinates me. I also like how he's always himself, even though sometimes he's scared of that.

Q: can you explain to us what you feel for Calum?

No, because I can not find the words. It's not just adoration, it's more than love and even more than both of that combined. The things I feel for him are so strong, I honestly don't know if I could ever let him go.

Q: have you ever wanted to stop at a certain point and be with calum forever?

Yeah, multiple times.

Q: Do u wanna have kids with Calum?

We're not even boyfriends yet, talking about having kids with him is so strange. I mean, I would love to but not now. It's too early, we're still young. Also, I wouldn't be able to raise a kid right now.

Q: What hair color is next

Whatever color Calum wants it to be.

Q: What's your favorite color on Calum?

Is that even a question? He's perfect in pink. He's always perfect, to me at least, but I love him in pink. It's adorable.

Q: Do you picture Calum in your future

If Calum wouldn't be in my future then I'd never even let the future happen.

Q: what's your favorite sweater on cal

Probably the white one. It looks great on his darker skin, I like the contrast.

Q: You better buy calum every kind of mascara he wants boy

Oh, he can have any mascara he wants, I'll buy it for him!

Q: how do you feel when you're next to calum?

Like everything's great. I feel that when he's with me, everything is the way it has to be because he belongs to me. Not that I just want him for myself but everything feels right.

Q: What was the first thing you thought when seeing Calum?


Q: what mood for calum us your favourite- like sleepy calum, pretty calum etc

Excited and sleepy Calum.

Q: what's your favorite accessory that Calum wears?

His bows make me feel some type of way.

Q: On a scale of 1-10 how much do you want to make love to Calum

12. I just want to give him all my love but I'll wait until he's ready.

Calum (sorry to people who can't see emojis bc Cal is going to use them a lot):

Q: wanna be my friend? you're perfect to my eyes

Oh, hey!! And I'm not perfect but I really want to be your friend! ☺️

Q: Your perfect in Michael's eyes, can't you see that?

The word 'perfect' was wasted too many times on me, I'm really not. And no, I can't see it. I try to but all I see is . . . me.

Q: Give me style advise bc ur fab ?

Just wear whatever you feel comfortable in! That's the best advice someone can get! 😊

Q: what's your favorite thing to wear? like a blouse or a sweater?

I like wearing blouses but I prefer my sweaters. They're cute and they keep me warm and I feel save in them. It's weird to say that because it's really just a sweater but that's just the way I think. 🙈🙊

Q: what would be a good nail colour for february

Baby blue! But, if you want to bring some color into the cold time and dark evenings paint them a bright color, like a nice yellow. But not a neon one, you know? I'm not really an expert but I hope I could help you! 🙊💞

Q: I'm not trying to be rude, but why do you like girly things? I think it's adorable, but I want to know why.

Oh, you're not being rude! I just feel kind of beautiful in girly things, such as the pink clothes and wearing mascara. I wouldn't feel comfortable in mens clothes, I can't really explain why. The only manly things I wear are Michael's clothes because they smell like him and he thinks that I look nice in them. 🙈

Q: i love u so so much princess

I don't think Michael would like if he heard that you called me princess. 😁

Q: have u ever worn panties before and if no would u ever start wearing some bc u would look so pretty especially in a lilac lace thong

*blushes really hard* Oh, uh, wow this got really personal really fast. But, uhm, I never have worn panties before. I thought about it, though, and god, this is embarrassing. 🙈

Q: can you see yourself being with michael for the rest of your life?


Q: Do you feel bad when Michael doesn't say I love you back or do his kisses say enough for you to feel good??

I don't feel bad, no. I mean, I would love to hear those words coming from his mouth but I can't force him to say it. He always kisses me after I tell him that I love him and honestly, that's more than just enough. 💗

Q: If you could change a decision or choice you have made what would you change and what do you think would happen after you changed it

I wish being born was a choice that I had made because I would change that in a heartbeat. My life has been pretty rough and nobody wants to go through the things I had to go through. It's a little harsh to say that, I know, but if I wouldn't have been born then I wouldn't have had to suffer so much. Sure, I would've never met Michael but he wouldn't even notice if I weren't there.

Q: Why do you love Mikey so much? Like what made you love him?

He changed my life. He was the first person that cared. He helped me so much and I'm so thankful. 💖

Q: How did you feel the first time Michael called you princess?

I was a little surprised but I felt great. I felt like a princess! 🙊🎀👑

Q: How old were you when you started wearing mascara/girly clothes and what made you start?

I think I was like 5? Well, at least I started being interested in those kind of things then. It was a little early, yeah but I'm glad that I found myself in such a young age. And I guess I started thanks to Victora. ☺️

Q: have you ever been in a relationship before michael?

No, no one wanted to be with a whore.. I can't blame them though.. 😞

Q: What are you most afraid of in life?

Loosing Michael, having to work as a prostitute again... I guess those are my two biggest fears.

Q: How did you feel the first time you slept with someone for money?? Has it gotten harder and worse to sleep with people after doing it for so long or are you used to it that it got easier to ignore the pain?

The first time was horrible. The first time it happened was actually my first time, I've never had sex before, so it was pretty rough to loose my virginity to a grown man in his thirties. I got used to the pain, yeah but it never got easier. I didn't want all of it, each time I slept with someone I felt more like a useless human being, it destroyed me from the inside. It also made me hate sex, which usually would be nice and probably fun but I just hate it.

Q: why do you feel happier when you're with michael? do you feel safe when you're with him?

Of course I feel safe when I'm with him! He always protects me from bad things and rude people 💞 And I feel happier because he makes me happy, it's that simple 😊

Q: How did you feel when Michael 'took care of you' and gave you a BJ? since you're so used to being the one having to give your customers pleasure but never receiving pleasure yourself and never being cared about by your 'sex partners'?

It was very nice, to be honest. He was gentle with me and I like that. It was kind of weird not being the one who was pleasuring but I won't complain. He made me feel so good, I never thought I could enjoy something sexual but I did. 🙈

Q: how do you paint your nails professionally, especially on your dominant hand with the non-dominant hand

I don't paint them professionally, they turn out really messy most of the time 🙈 And I have Michael, he always paints my dominant hand 🙊💞

Q: hows your day been so far? oh and i love you so much

My day has been amazing, thanks for asking! ☺️ And I love you too 💗

Q: can you teach me how to do my makeup i suck at it

I'm not a beauty guru but I learned from them so just watch the videos, they help ☺️

Q: what do you adore most about michael?

His kind and accepting personality. He's a great human being and I adore everything about him. Michael is an amazing person with a good character and also good looks 🙈💭💞

Q: what is your favorite thing that youve done with michael and what is something you look forward to doing with michael?

Favorite thing that I've done with him? Probably the time we went shopping and took cute selfies together 🙈 Or the time he held my hand in public and then kissed me 😻💖 What I'm looking forward to do with him? Pretty much everything! 💗

Q: Where do you buy your sweaters??????

Forever 21 mostly, sometimes I find them at thrift shops. 🙈🙊

Q: this isn't even a question but u r so adorable i want to wrap u in 6 blankets and give u 3 bottles of mascara

If you wrap me in six blankets I will look like a fat burrito 🙊😌💖 And please give me the mascara because I'm running out of it 😩

Q: if you were to describe your life right now in one word, what would it be?


Q: What's your favorite tv show

Glee! 😻😻

Q: If pink wasn't a color which would you choose?

Lilac 💜

Q: okay so why is your style so on point? teACH ME YOUR WAYS YOU CUTIE

I don't know, I just wear what I like 🙈 That's really it 😁

Q: What would you do if you were fired from your new job?

Probably break down, I don't want to go back to my old one. Just thinking about it makes me so sad 😭

Q: How are you feeling love? Do you enjoy working with ashton?

I feel great and yes, he's being very nice to me! ☺️

Q: When was the last time you cut??

I stopped like three years ago? I didn't do it for a long time. I started when I started selling my body but stopped because the fresh cuts scared away the customers... Michael was the first one that worried when he saw them...

Q: Do you wear other makeup than mascara??

Sometimes I wear lipstick when I feel like it. But only the nude colors because I like them the most ☺️

Q: tell me something cool about stars!!!!

A star's mass when it's born determines whether its gonna be a supergiant star, a giant star, or a main sequence star ⭐️🌌💖

Q: do you wear eyeliner too or

No, not really 😁

Q: what was your dad like before he disappeared

He was okay... besides the fact that he spent our money on drugs and was 'off' the whole time. I believe in the good side of him, even though he never really showed it. He tried and that's all that matters to me.


Q: what do you think of Calum now that you know him better?

He's an okay guy. I still think it's kind of weird that he's into girl stuff but simply because I'm not used to see boys in pink and with mascara on.

Q: Are you in love with Peyton?

Yeah, I really am.

Q: Why are you so judgmental at first?

I don't know, really. It's like my brain immediately thinks 'ew' when meeting someone new. I can't help it.

Q: How did u and mikey become friends

This little shit destroyed my lego house I built in kindergarten and I hated him up until 5th grade. Then he had a crush on me, which was weird, and since then we're kind of friends.

Q: Do you want to marry peyton? Not now but maybe in a few years?

Yeah, I can imagine that. She would look beautiful as bride. Wow.

Q: have u ever felt sexual attraction toward another guy

Not really, no.

Q: What led you to be a photographer

I always liked capturing beautiful moments and people on camera. It also calms me down, I don't know why.

Q: How do you feel about Calum and Michael hanging out more than michael hanging out with you?

Oh, that's okay. I totally understand. They are in love and I remember when I first met Peyton. I practically ignored Michael for a whole month because I wanted to spend time with her.

Q: would you ever date a boy?



lmao nope m8 i will nvr

Q: lol you're never gonna go somewhere alone to buy your girl feminine products or to a party, are you?

No, I like when Michael is with me. At parties I just drag him along because Peyton starts talking with her girl friends and I end up sitting alone so it's great when I have Michael there to entertain me.

Q: when & what was your 1st date with Peyton?

Oh god, maybe three years ago? We've been together for such a long time now. And the date was very cliché, I took her out for dinner and then we went to the cinema.

Q: What did you put Michael in as for your contacts?



Q: you're bi or gay?


Q: How did you feel when Michael kicked you out of the house that day you were about to frickle frackle?

I was confused but later he texted me the reason why and I understood. It's still weird to be working with his somewhat boyfriend now, really awkward for me.

Q: what do michael's lips taste like?

Cigarettes and bubble gum.

Q: Do you like Ashton?? Like more than friends?

I may or may not have a teeny tiny little crush on him? But it's weird, really and he has a girlfriend which is frustrating. I always like guys who are already taken.

Q: You're nice to calum but do you like him as a friend?

Yeah, he's a great person. I can see why Michael likes him so much.

Q: hi Luke ur very ignored in this story but how's life? U doin okay? Anything you wanna talk about bby? do u like your job?? I love you :)

Life is very good right now, thanks for asking! And yeah, I'm fine, I love my job. Love you too!

Q: are you sexually active?

Ha, I wish.

Q: Wo are you crushing on

On my co-worker who has a girlfriend.


Q: What made you take such a liking to Calum when you first met him when other people did not?

He has a great fashion sense! And I liked that he was being himself. Other people can't deal with people being different but I like different! Calum is unique in my eyes.

Q: will you be calum's witness at his wedding with michael?

If he asked me to be I wouldn't decline.

Q: what's your favorite thing about ashton ?

He always seems to be in a good mood and can make me happy in my saddest moments. Also he gives the best hugs.

Q: Do you really like REALLY love Ash?

Yeah, like really, really, really.

Q: How do you really feel about calum and his past job?

I feel really sad because he didn't deserve it. I don't know what exactly happened before he started doing it but I'm sure it was bad and that makes me even more sad. I'm just happy that he's working with Ashton now.

Q: do you think you and calum will become close friends? why or why not?

Yeah, I feel like we already are pretty close. We like the same things and he's a good person to talk to. It just clicked instantly between us.

Q: Have you done the do with Ash yet? If so how was it

Yeah, we already did it together and it was great. He's very gentle.


Q: What's it like to be Michael's coworker and know all his secrets >:D?

It's great because I always have something that I can threaten him with. Like, when he doesn't want to help me I just threaten him with telling everyone his secrets. I'm a bitch, wow.

Q: whats michaels deepest darkest secret i must know

He has never actually seen a vagina. That's not his deepest darkest one but it's funny.

Q: what do you think about calum?

He's so cute! And he makes Michael so happy and that's amazing.

Q: What music do you like?

I'm into country. People hate me because of this and it is kind of strange but I really like country music.

Q: can you eat 12 donuts in 3 minutes?

I can eat 15 in 2 minutes what now.

Michael's dad:

Q: (literally everyone asked this) can you adopt me?


Q: whats it like knowing that you helped create the sex god that is michael clifford

It's weird to think about my own son as a sex god but I guess it's cool that I've been a part of 'creating' him. Lol.

Q: How are you so cool with your son dating a former prostitute? Most man wouldn't even want their son to be gay and worse yet the boy be a prostitute. Are you one of those dads that is happy as long as your kids are happy?

Yeah, I guess I'm one of those dads. Calum's past doesn't bother me. I know his story and I feel sorry for him but his past isn't what makes him, you know? It's his personality and he really is a nice young lad, Michael couldn't have found a better boy for himself.

Q: How did you raise Michael to be such a great person

I taught him the things that I knew. I wanted him to see the world in a positive light, I didn't want him to be a judgmental asshole.

Q: how do u feel about calum

He's great, I really like him. And Michael is so in love with him, it's cute. I like them together.

Q: what happened to michael's mom?

We don't like to talk about it.

Q: Why did you feel it was important to teach your son that you can't judge a book by its cover because there is a story you don't know yet was it something your parents taught you or did you stumble upon this yourself

I stumbled upon that myself. There was this kid when I was in 5th grade that everyone hated because he liked wearing kind of girly bracelets. It was a weird reason to hate a boy because of that. They never gave him a chance, I did and it turned out that he was one of the nicest people I've ever met. We're still good friends to this day. I always thought it was important that my kids would give people a chance and not hate them because they were different.

Q: What made you not look at Calum any differently cause of his job? What made you look past all that and give him a chance to be himself?

His story. For such a small boy, he had a rough life and he made it through. And I don't want people to act differently than they really are. They should always be themselves. So what if he likes wearing pink stuff? He can even wear sunflower dresses, I wouldn't care. If he's comfortable with that then that's what he should do, it's that simple.

Q: how was your first impression of calum??

Adorable puppy.

Q: how did michael come out to you? did any of the family disapprove?

His coming out was actually shocking to me, esoecially since I didn't expected it. One day I found him crying in his bedroom, I've never seen him crying before especially not this hard. He must've been crying for hours before I came in! I just hugged him and asked what was wrong and he mumbled 'don't hate me' over and over again. I was so worried, I didn't know why he said that. It took a few hours until he calmed down and told me that he liked boys. It wasn't a big deal to me but he told me how his friend came out and his father started to hit him. But I accepted him the way he was and so did his mother.

Q: michael is v v cute and he's such a sweetheart thank you for raising him so nicely


Me lol:


lol no llamas are like the bomb but thank you, youre also vv amazing

Q from @michaeltattoos: should our wedding be on valentines day or???

yes pls how romantic would that be

did you know that i love you a lot

did you know that i love you a lot more

youre like the prettiest person ever and i like your face a lot

look who's talking

when are we moving to amsterdam lmao

the day you turn 18 we'll do it i promise

Q from @chasinglou: how do you manage to stay up until 1am even though you have school the next day

idk man its currently 2am i hate me bc im gonna be exhausted tomorrow cry


im not an amazing writer, im ok. but i get inspiration from other writers like adelaide or amanda, theyre great


ilyt but idk if mariana would be cool with me running away with you

Q from @tbhlashtonaf: Why are you so perfect? Can we be best friends?

im not perfect shush and omg we already are for such a long time now??

Q from @muke-clemmings69: I love you! Please don't ever stop writing Malum stories, you have become my favorite Malum writer. Months and months ago when i was reading your only Malum story published at the time 'suddenly' I never thought I was gonna become this obsessed with your stories.

i love you too, aw! im glad you enjoy my work so much and i promise i'll never stop writing malum!

I have a few scenes of this book that are my favorite, do you have a favourite scene ot chapter perhaps that you have written??

its weird but my fave scene ive written for this book is the one where michael sits outside calums hotel room while hes with customers. idrk why but i really liked writing it, it showed how much it actually hurt michael, it showed him being weak for once. it was a heartbreaking scene, yeah but i still liked it.

Q from @guitarst: I am taking you on a date and you cannot say no :D

okay but youre gonna get in trouble with mariana

Q from @MichaelsWeave: Be my mom?! PLEASE?!

okay child

Q from @LoveMikey14: Why are you so queen af? Whats ur secret?

you guys are my secret, without you i wouldnt even be queen. tf im not even queen im just a teenager whos into gay smut man idk but thanks anyways :D

Q from @chris-_-tina: can you adopt me pls

okay child

Q from @calumftgerard: where are you from??

germany ew

Q from @mukeymouse: So how is your hair today? Is it gay?

its extremely gay, thanks for asking

Q from @panicathebookstore: I would love to be friends with you but I'm really awkward and shy so

im really shy and awkward too so hey

Q from @chocoholuke: hi oliwwwwwwiiiiaaaa I love you, can't wait to send u a gazillion jars of peanut butter idk if you ever noticed but this is CATHY I changed my username bitch

excuse me did u just call me bitch? ugh

Q from @PunkRockCal: who's your favorite character and why???

its so hard to pick my fave! like, i really love calum bc hes the most adorable thing ever but then michael is so kind and amazing. then theres peyton who i adore and also michaels dad ugh its hard man

in one word, how do you describe your hoodies?


Q from @lilacdaisies: So lashton ? IM SORRY YOUR PROBABLY ANNOYED BY THIS

lashton yes but not in this book, sorry :D

Q from @MyChemicalFvck: Mariwia??

mariwia above everything (except malum bc #1)

Q from @awmalum: who is your jay z, cause, girl, you're definitely beyonce

omg that was smooth af but thanks and i guess mariana is my jay z i love her

Q from @lovely-and-weird: are you a single pringle or a taken bacon? if single and a pringle, we're getting married.

single irl taken in not real life lol


you are so adorable, thank you! i could say the same to you cutie

To everyone who said that they love me: I love you more.

To everyone who asked me to adopt them: I will.

To everyone who wants me to be their friend: You can always inbox me!

To everyone who asked me to marry them: Usually I would've said yes but Mariana aka michaeltattoos is the only one for me, sorry. Still love you, though!

To everyone who complimented me: Thank you! I probably blushed while reading your compliments :)

I was too lazy to answer the questions for the character I forgot lol, sorry :D

Hope you liked it!

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