Thefamousfilms Ship/Oneshot B...

By Itzcrystall0816

22.4K 174 150

This is basically just a request book for you guys to request, I'll be doing any kind of ship you want about... More

Request And Important
A Secret That Got Exposed
Into The Unknown!
Home (part 2 of Into the unknown)
Lost and Found
Were to late
A forbidden love
He's gone
It's they're lost (part 2 of He's gone)
Memories (part 3 of He's gone)
I'll forever be there for you love(My R)
After all she is the true writer and reader of the story
Satan's son
How we met
(A/N) should I do a....... (repost)
Failed potion gone wrong (repost because it somehow become a draft again)
(A/N) I have a question (repost)
(A/N) I won't be doing smut anymore (repost)
A/N please read....
A/N thank you so much
Security breach (1/???)
Merry Christmas!!
Happy new year!!
A/N Turn this into a book?
oops! I did it again
(A/N) Please don't mind the reposts
What's the use of feeling blue?
Is this Saitama? No this is Bryan
The babies in black, white, and purple
(Important A/N) Can I really stop myself from doing it?....
(Important A/N) I decided......
(important A/N) about the smutshot book
it's been a while

Were Sorry

563 5 2
By Itzcrystall0816

Requested: no one

Ship: Bryan x Xylo

Plot: Fnaf x OoO crossover, Kay, Mario, and Xylo forgiving Bryan and apologizing to him

This was in my draft since 2020 and last updated when it was July 2021 so yeah hope you like it

Couldn't find any picture for this ship and this is close I could get and the fact the art looks cool and amazing


It's been three years now and Bryan recovered from what had happened mostly everyone had forgiven him well some still haven't *cough* Kay *cough* Mario *cough* Xylo *cough* but above all that his okay now everyone realize he was just being controlled by the sword and decided to visit him one a time thinking he'll be scared if all of them visit together

New campers even came and of course Kay warned them not to talk to Bryan because of what he did to the camp the campers didn't know why but they decided not to ask since, Kay said it in a serious voice with a hint of venom in it

This of course got to the old campers and were angry at Kay for not letting the new campers talk to there innocent bean yes his a innocent bean turns out he change because of the sword but now the sword is gone Bryan is back to his pure innocent self again

So they decided to tell the campers if they want to know why, ask the person Kay warned them about but none of the campers know where this 'Bryan' person live or he might be evil just like what Kay said the old campers got the hint of Kay making the new campers think their bean is evil so the old campers said a line like

"you can meet him if he decided to go back here"

"his the one who is a pure innocent bean so don't corrupt him"

"his the son of Aphrodite but he doesn't flirt or any of does stuff"

"if he did come back you can most likely find him in the flower field"

"or you can find him in the library reading books in a corner"

"and last he may be in the kitchen cooking foods or sweets"

"and don't even dare hurt our bean, got it?"

The last part all of them said having a murderous aura around them, this startled the new campers and were so afraid to get on there bad side, now that was cleared the new campers waited for this 'Bryan' person to come back to camp each of them went to the place the old campers said everyday waiting for this person to come back to the camp

While for Bryan he was nowhere at the dimension, in fact he was at another dimension he was at the FNAF dimension, he discovered a portal while staying in one of his mom's minor

So when he went there he met Jon and Erza who soon become his friends, but they didn't know he was a demigod until he accidentally transformed to protect them, and of course they ask why he kept it a secret from them when he told them the truth they still accept him

Bryan was happy that more people accepted him for being who he is, soon this got to the animatronics and let's just say there planning a murder if they ever met the people who hurt there innocent bean


It was just any other day in the FNAF dimension the animatronics doing there own thing Bryan, Jon, and Jyles were just talking about the camp and yes you heard me right Jyles was at the FNAF dimension with Bryan

After he release Jyles from the lamp which started Jyles flirting with Bryan, then decided to leave to go to camp and when he found out what happened to Bryan let just say all hell broke loose

Bryan literally had to stop Jyles from throwing a knife right through Kay's head while all the old campers where on the sidelines repeatedly saying "do it" while staying hidden at the end Jyles give up and become a overprotective brother to Bryan now let's get back to the present

"hey guys I'm here had to sneak out from camp so Kay won't see me" ??? said the three looked at who said that and it was no other than

"River! Glad you could join us I made sweets, biscuits and tea" Bryan said smiling, River returned the smile and sat beside him with Jyles on the other side both having a glaring contest

"are they still fighting over who's the better brother" Jon whispered

Bryan nodded and whispered back "yup ever since River found out that Jyles become a brother like to me the two of them started to impress on who's the better brother" Bryan explained

Yes River love Bryan but not the love type he loves Bryan as a younger brother he never had, so when he found out where Bryan and Jyles are going he started to join them and when he and Jyles heard what Kay, Mario, and Xylo did to their younger brother when he returned back to camp let just say all hell broke loose again

Bryan had to stop Jyles from confronting the three of them with a clean and sharp knife, while also stoping River who's hiding in a roof having a bow that is already been pulled hard, while the old campers were preparing to celebrate if they did succeed in killing them

By the end of the day Jyles and River didn't succeeded because of Bryan which made the old campers sad now back to the present again

The four were enjoying and just talking until

"hey Bryan the gang said that we should have a sleepover next week" River said taking a sweet and eating it

Bryan smiled brightly and started to nod "sure and can you say the sleepover can be in my house" Bryan said still having a smile on

"but what time?" River asked

"around maybe six o'clock sounds good?" Bryan said, River nodded and they continue to have a normal conversation

>>>>Time skip<<<<

It's been a week now and today's the day the sleepover is happening Bryan woken up early and right now he was staying at the minor of his mom getting things ready for the sleepover

First he went to the gaming room to clean and arrange things it took him two hours so now it's 9:00 am and went to the movie room to clean it up and get the movies ready he finish after three hours and it was now 12:00 pm Bryan eat his food for thirty minutes and clean his dishes for ten minutes which is now 12:40 pm,

Bryan decided to go to his mini library in his office to read a book because he will start making the snacks at one o'clock for everyone that's going to attend the sleepover

While Bryan was reading he failed to noticed someone sneakily entering the minor and sneaking up behind him until

"hi mama can I stay with you!!" ??? said tackling Bryan behind into a hug

Bryan smiled softly and brought the person behind to sit in his lap "Hello Ricarro sweety how are you doing? Did you behave while mommy is gone?" Bryan said softly

"yes mama I been good and I behave while your gone mama" Ricarro said smiling happily at his mom

So your all wondering when did Ricarro started calling Bryan "mama" well it all started-


When Bryan first met Ricarro at the festival he soon fell in love with him I mean who would not fell in love with the adorable bean, at first Ricarro started calling Bryan as uncle and Bryan didn't mind it at all he would always visit Ricarro bringing stuff with him

One day Ricarro went running to Bryan's place crying with a black eye Bryan immediately went in action and heal it, Bryan then made Ricarro to stay for the night and didn't bother on asking where he got the black eye thinking it might be a sensitive subject for Riccaro, the two spend the entire night having fun and making Riccaro be happy again


The next day when Bryan was going to bring Ricarro back some of the new campers joined him and creating a barrier around him turns out when the new campers found out the truth they become protective to Bryan

So now every time Bryan comes to the camp they're will always be someone by Bryan's side, and they were also just going to visit the Egyptian Pantheon when they got there Bryan give Ricarro a kiss on the forehead and said goodbye and started to go back to the minor but Bryan didn't expect Ricarro to say something that melted everyone's heart

"bye mama!"

Since that day Ricarro started calling Bryan "mama" secretly so the others won't know while some know about it

>>>>End of flashback<<<<

"mama can I stay and help you out for the sleepover please?" Ricarro ask with pleading eyes

Bryan just chuckled at his son "how did you found out mama was having a sleepover?" Bryan asked

"when I over heard aunty Relena you got back and where going to have a sleepover" Ricarro said honestly

Bryan chuckled again and shake his head "sure sweety you can help mama with the sleepover" Bryan said

"yay thank you mama!" Ricarro shouted then hug Bryan

Bryan chuckled once again "alright, alright let's go and bake the snack for the sleepover" Bryan said

Ricarro nodded then broke the hug and getting out of his mom's lap and started running to the kitchen Bryan followed but was walking instead


When Bryan got there Ricarro was ready to help him bake

"what should we bake first?" Bryan asked

"can we make sweets, biscuits, and pastries first mama" Ricarro said

Bryan nodded then both started making sweets, biscuits, and pastries unknowing to the two someone was coming, that they don't want to see


The sweets are in the freezer chilling the biscuits and pastries are in the oven baking the two are ready to make the next food for the sleepover

"what's next mama?" Ricarro asked

"what about we make the sn-"

"Bryan can we talk?" before Bryan can even finish someone interrupted him and he immediately pale Bryan turned around face to face with


"X-Xylo what are you doing here?" Bryan asked getting more nervous and scared his breath started to slow

"I just wanted to talk to you Bryan and Ricarro what are you doing here?" Xylo said then look at Ricarro confused why his at Bryan's place

Ricarro went in front of Bryan then spread his arms out making like a wall this confused Xylo even more

"I'm not letting you hurt mama anymore papa!" Ricarro shouted

'okay I'm confused- wait did Ricarro just called Bryan mom?!' Xylo thought now getting more confused

"Ricarro did you just call Bryan mom?" Xylo asked

"I'm not letting you hurt mama you, aunty Kay, and uncle Mario have hurted mama enough papa!" Ricarro shouted doesn't care about what Xylo just asked him

Xylo had many thoughts going through his head

'why did Ricarro called Bryan mom?'

'when did Ricarro stopped calling Kay "mama" and was now calling her aunty instead'

'did we even heard him call Kay aunty and call Bryan mama or we just didn't notice it?'

'and when did Ricarro started calling Bryan mama?'

"Ricarro sweety no need to shout at Xylo your papa okay?" Bryan said putting a hand on Ricarro's shoulder this also snap Xylo out of his thoughts

"but mama. Papa, aunty, and uncle have hurt you enough" Ricarro said

Bryan sigh and looked at Ricarro with a soft smile "I know sweety but that doesn't mean you should shout at your papa and beside sweety I can handle it" Bryan said softly

Ricarro stop spreading his hands but was still in front of Bryan not going to risk getting his mom hurt again, Xylo on the other hand is processing what just happened in front of him Bryan caring for Ricarro like his own son, Ricarro caring for Bryan like his own mother this hit Xylo like a rock

'this is why there's always someone beside Bryan whether there the new or old campers they like- no they love him because this is who he truly is why I'm so stupid to be blinded by anger I should have did the same thing just like the rest did forgive and apologize for he had done and for the mistake I did to him' Xylo thought guilty slowly eating him he hadn't realized it yet until now that Bryan really did change after what had happened

"what do you even want to talk about Xylo because I don't think we had something to talk about?" Bryan said this snap Xylo out of his thoughts, Xylo then saw Bryan was holding Ricarro on both his shoulders while Ricarro just stand there looking at him

"actually Bryan there is something we need to talk about" Xylo said

"if it's something I didn't do then I'll tell you I was here at the minor the whole entire time and I have not visited the camp" Bryan said lying the only three people who didn't know about him going to the FNAF dimension was Kay, Mario, and Xylo considering they wouldn't care at all

"no it's not that and no you didn't do anything wrong" Xylo said

Bryan raise an eyebrow confused and the same could be told to Ricarro "then what is it?" Bryan asked

"Bryan I'm sorry....." Xylo said guilty

This startled Bryan he didn't expect Xylo to apologize he even think that his hearing him wrong

"wha.... What did you just say?" Bryan asked still thinking his hearing Xylo wrong

"I'm sorry Bryan I'm really sorry" Xylo said looking at Bryan in the eyes

"how can I be sure your not lying? After what you have done to me, how can I be sure Xylo? Tell me" Bryan said looking at Xylo in the eyes as well

Xylo thought about it Bryan really won't forgive him that easily after what he had done he just hope Bryan will trust him again

"Bryan I know you still don't trusted me but give me a chance that I really change for the good" Xylo said

Bryan sigh "alright I'll give you a chance you can prove it at the sleepover were having in my minor tonight be here at six o'clock" Bryan said

"alright I also won't be telling this to the two" Xylo said Bryan nodded he started to walk away from the minor

"I suggest you came late when everyone was here so I could tell them!" Bryan shouted

"alright!" Xylo shouted back

"now how about we make the snacks next?" Bryan asked

"okay mama!" Ricarro shouted while nodding rapidly


Everything was set up the snacks are prepared the movie they're going to watch was prepared, the movie room was prepared the game room was prepared and the back up snacks are also prepared, just in case the first batch of snacks won't last like last time they had a sleepover

The gang started to arrive just in time when Bryan finish changing clothes they all went to the movie room, and Bryan giggled a little bit seeing they brought a couple of snacks just in case the snacks Bryan and Ricarro bake and cook won't last

When everyone was sitting and was ready for the movie Bryan stand up and left the movie room confusing them except for Ricarro, he got back and breath in and out

"promise me you guys won't attack this person" Bryan said they just nodded confused then Bryan made a moving motion Xylo walk in and was standing beside Bryan

They all stand up and get there weapons ready to attack him but before they could do it Bryan put up a barrier protecting Xylo

"don't you guys Xylo came earlier and apologize so I give him a chance to earn my trust" Bryan explained they nodded then sat back Bryan drop the barrier that was protecting Xylo and him

Bryan started to walk, and Xylo followed close seeing Bryan might be the only one that can protect him from them the movie started and everyone was watching, they would glance at Xylo for a few seconds then returned back to watching the movie


"I'm not doing that dare it's stupid and it's already night!" Xylo shouted blushing while the others giggled or chuckled

Through out the night Xylo slowly earned Bryan's trust back along with the others now they're playing a classic game of truth or dare

"alright, alright how about this I dare you to throw a handful of whip cream to the person you find most annoying" Momiji said

"that'll be easy" Xylo said getting a handful of whip cream and throw it to Jyles

"I find Jyles annoying because he kept on flirting with everyone" Xylo said

"aww are you jealous darling? You know you don't have to be jealous" Jyles wiping the whip cream out of his face then winking at Xylo

"see. This is what I mean!" Xylo shouted standing up and pointing to Jyles they all just laugh

"you'll get used to it Xylo when I first met Jyles when I was a kid he kept on flirting with me" Bryan said Jyles nodded

"hey mama can I tag along with you to the FNAF dimension!" Ricarro suddenly shouted making everyone stop talking and were panicking

Ricarro was confused until he realized his mistake "I'm sorry mama I didn't mean to say it out loud" Ricarro apologize

"it's okay Ricarro Xylo was bound to know" Bryan said then looked at Xylo

"I guess you earn an explanation about this right?" Bryan said Xylo nodded

>>> After a long explanation<<<<

"hold up so your saying the past 3 years you been going to a dimension called FNAF dimension ever since you discovered a portal and everyone except me, Kay, and Mario know and they would sometimes visit you there" Xylo said still dumpfounded

"pretty much and please keep this a secret to Kay and Mario I don't want them knowing" Bryan said with pleading eyes

Xylo smiled "it's okay Bryan I won't tell them even if they threaten me" Xylo said earning a smile from the others

They continued the sleepover once again and started playing a different game unknowing to all of them two people were watching them

"what are all the campers doing here at Bryan's place?" Mario asked

"no, an even better question is why is Xylo doing there doesn't he hate Bryan like us" Kay said

"yeah your right does he forgive Bryan already?" Mario asked

"thanks again for forgiving me Xylo" Bryan said then continue playing

"well that answers your question" Kay said

"no it should be me thanking you for forgiving me and giving me a chance to earn your trust" Xylo said

"so Xylo really forgiven Bryan after what he did" Mario said

"I guess?" Kay said still not sure why

"do you think Bryan really change the pass years?" Mario asked

"if Xylo forgiven Bryan I guess he did" Kay said

"should we apologize to him?" Mario asked gesturing to Bryan

"I think we should I mean we were blinded by anger to even forgive him" Kay said feeling guilty while Mario nodded feeling guilty too

"hey Bryan can I tag along with you and Ricarro tommorow?" Xylo asked while some said "us too"

Bryan just smiled and nodded "sure you guys the animatronics will surely be happy to see you all again"

"where are they all going tomorrow and what 'animatronics', what does that even mean?" Mario asked

"I..... I don't know actually" Kay said

"should we follow them tommorow?" Mario asked

"definitely" Kay said then they were walking back to camp

>>>>The next day<<<<

Bryan was leading the way to the portal he discovered three years ago and was wearing the same clothes he always wear everytime going to the Theme park, Ricarro was holding his hands and Xylo was walking beside them while the rest followed

They stop in a clearing with only flowers around the place Xylo was confused seeing there's no portal, Bryan saw this and giggled a little before walking straight then started to chant in Latin

"hoc enim mihi apertum portal ad filium meum Venerem magnam velle aperire ostium ad novum consequitur modum cognoscere quod inter arcanum verbis aperire ostium momentum est momentum quod Im 'iens ut in..."

(translate Latin: I'll open this portal to my great wish to open the door to a new dimension to know what the secret words to open the door is the moment that I'm going to...)

Bryan sigh and continue looking straight up and started again

"quod aperire ianuam iter inter creare vis inest et in ratione Im 'iens ut eam in, ultima statim aperuit quisque transire ad iter ....... vocat portal"

(translate Latin: open the door and create a path between this dimension and the dimension I'm going to go in, make it last once it opened until everyone cross the path....... I summon the portal

Then a bright light blinded them a portal showed up and Bryan move a side indicating for them to go first, they go first and Bryan look back whether someone was watching them or not, satisfied he saw no one he went in unknowning to him he is in fact right that someone was watching them and were following them


Everyone landed on they're feet when they exit the portal, except for Xylo he fall down face first and it gave him a weird feeling, like being hit with a bunch of waves in different directions

"that felt weird" Xylo said

"you'll get used to it, just a few more times going through a portal then you'll get used to it" Bryan said reaching out a hand for Xylo

"thanks" Xylo said taking the Bryan's hand and getting up and dusting himself a bit

"come on I wanna ride the ferris wheel!" Riccaro shouted going out of the portal room followed by Jyles who also wants to ride the ferris wheel

While the rest followed by running out of the portal room to ride some the rides or play games or talk to the others, while Bryan and Xylo where left alone in the portal

"I should explain everything first, shouldn't I?" Bryan asked looking at Xylo who nodded

"yup I wanna know this place" Xylo said Bryan nodded

"well for starters in this dimension there's no demigod or god at all everyone here are mortals, while demigod or god are just myths here" Bryan explained Xylo nodded listening as they started walking "and if your caught having like magic or doing not normal being stuff you'll be taken away and brought to a facility and be experimented on, that's why when I got here I had to hide who I am and put a disguised on" Bryan explained Xylo nodded

"so that's why you told me to hide my wings and change to the clothes you gave me" Xylo said Bryan nodded

"yeah since you might get caught and none of us wanted that to happen" Bryan said looking at Xylo who was looking at him back "and beside we don't want to do another rescue mission" Bryan added

"another rescue mission?" Xylo asked raising an eyebrow

"Solis, he decided to reveal himself and he was caught along with Scar" Bryan said with a deadpan look "we had to infiltrate a base filled with scientist who experiment with none normal stuff, we found Solis making a conversation with them and almost revealed us if we didn't interfere and erase they're memories along with the rest of people who discovered his identity and everything else, it was flipping hard for us all" Bryan added sighing remember everything they did to just make the people forget that event

"so that's why we couldn't find anyone in the past for a few days" Xylo said snapping his hand " and here I thought everyone disappeared from existence" Xylo added earning a giggle from Bryan

"we were actually close to erasing Solis from existence for doing such a dangerous thing" Bryan said earning a chuckle from Xylo

"couldn't blame you they're and the rest for that" Xylo said Bryan smiled and nodded

And both continued they're walk they didn't realize they're outside the portal room and now at the abounded area, well not really anymore since they turned that into a beautiful place making it like they're area to hang around containing some stuff they had from they're dimension

Of course they still hang in the main area of the theme park, and the fact they're taking they're sweet time on walking to the main area to go to the others

"thank you" Xylo said Bryan looked at him confused "for forgiving me after what I did to you" Xylo added Bryan smiled

"it's alright Xylo I know you where blinded by anger and after everything that happened I wouldn't blame you getting angry at me" Bryan said making gesture with his arms Xylo frowned

"no Bryan I should have done what the others did forgive and forget, I shouldn't have hold any grudge towards you" Xylo said looking sad then looking at front

Bryan put his hand on Xylo's shoulder and gave a warm and soft smile towards him when Xylo turned his head to look at him "it's alright Xylo I forgave you" Bryan said

Xylo smiled and hug him, Bryan hug back but both soon parted and continue walking to the main area in peaceful silence

Once they arrive everyone where split in groups some where riding the rides, some where talking among themselves, and some where watching from the sidelines, both look at each other and smiled before dashing to the rides as the others observe them while the animatronics watch Xylo as they still don't trust him


By now everyone's at the back of the hotel having a pool and barbeque party, the animatronics have stop watching Xylo and now trusted him, both Bryan and Xylo did gotten more closer together and where sitting on the grass Xylo putting his hand on Bryan waist pulling him closer

As Bryan laid his head on Xylo's shoulder both watching Riccaro ramble about the day and how much fun they have, while the others noticed this and smirk seeing the three act like a family without them even knowing it

It was a fun time for all of them that was until the alarm went off and Molten went in action jumping on to the hotel roof and going to where the alarm was, they all look at each other and nodded and continued what they where doing

Until Molten arrive back to report what the alarm was all about, when Molten did arrive back he was holding up two people with his wires covering they're mouth as he landed they where all surprised but Bryan was the most surprised from them

As he stand up and approach the two people followed by Xylo and Riccaro who stayed close to him along the other campers, the two people look to the ground feeling guilty

"what do you want me to do with this two? I saw them going to the portal room should I kill them" Molten asked the two look up eyes widening Bryan shake his head indicating a "no"

"Molten don't, they're Kay and Mario just put them down" Bryan said the two which are Kay and Mario silently sigh in relief

"so it's this two no wonder they look like they're not from here" Molten said dropping the two then glaring at them along with the rest while Bryan walk to them kneeling down

"Kay, Mario what are you doing here? How did you two even know this?" Bryan asked both two look at each other and sigh before looking back at Bryan

"we found out last night when where looking for the campers why there's none at camp that's why we went to your minor to see whether they'll be they're and we overheard your conversation about a dimension and how you been going they're" Kay confessed looking at the ground

"we then followed you all and watch from a far nof getting caught we realized how much you change and not the same we felt guilty and wanted to apologize but we don't know how to that's why we decided to just go back and waited for your return to apologize, that was when we didn't know we set up an alarm then that thing grab us and brought us here" Mario said continuing what Kay said earlier

After that it was quiet they all stop glaring at the two but still weren't sure whether to trust them or not, as Bryan look at them before standing up as Kay and Mario close they're eyes waiting for what will happen next to them

"I forgive you both" Bryan said smiling softly at them as they look up at him "you two may have done things to hurt me but I also did the same thing, it's best to forgive and forget and move on forward with your journey" Bryan added they smiled and hug him who hug back

"thank you Bryan" both Kay and Mario said still hugging Bryan


After what happened and how they fix everything, Kay and Mario started hanging with Bryan even more as they visit him in the FNAF dimension or at his minor, as everyone forgave the two completely and no longer wanting them death

Bryan and Xylo gotten way more closer than before acting like a couple from time to time, that was until Xylo made a move and kiss Bryan then asked him to be his boyfriend, Bryan of course said yes since he did develop feelings for Xylo

Right now both Bryan and Xylo where watching the night sky and finding constellation behind the minor sitting cuddling together as Riccaro fallen asleep beside them laying his head on Bryan cuddling close to his mother

"I still can't believe you forgave us after everything" Xylo said looking at Bryan who look back and smiled

"of course I would everyone deserves a second chance and you, Kay, and Mario were sorry" Bryan said still smiling Xylo smiled and kiss him

"I love you dear" Xylo said bringing Bryan closer as he laid his head on top of Bryan's head

"I love you too" Bryan said laying his head on Xylo's chest and bringing Riccaro closer to him

The two continue watching the night sky and finding constellation before they both drifted to sleep smiling being a family

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