§×The North Kingdomק

By TheWeeb20

15.2K 723 611

Dream SMP ft. Technoblade. Story inspired by @buniiko_ in Twitter. Check out their account! Also please keep... More

The North Kingdom
Finally Revealed To The King
Meeting The Hunter Duo
Thank You!
A Day Off With Friends
Thank You For 2K+!
Together Forever
?Discord Server?
Big Threat

Got Him

658 50 92
By TheWeeb20

×Author's Pov×

Nightmare woke up around 6 am. He got out of the tent and started packing his stuff. " I am still sleepy go to sleep idiot." Dream said. " No, we need to get moving before they find us. They probably already know where I am planning to go. " Nightmare replied. He could already guess Dream was annoyed.

Nightmare was done packing his stuff. " I am gonna leave the tent here. It is heavy enough to slow me down. " Nightmare said to himself then looked at the map and started walking in the direction of the portal which was going to open that day.

~With Techno, Sapnap and George~

They were on their way, on the horses, in the direction of the portal, they've already packed their stuff since they woke up around 5 am.

" I hope Nightmare is actually going to the portal. If he is not then this will be just a waste of time." Sapnap said. " Where else would Nightmare go? He knows nothing about the North. Of course he would be going to the portal for the South!" George replied. " George's right. And even if he knew the North, he would have nowhere to go. There is nowhere to take revenge on here." Techno said. Sapnap nodded with a quiet hum.

" Does anyone knows what time Dream mostly wakes up at? " Techno asked. " I do. He always used to wake up at 6 am. " Sapnap answered. " That's great. He probably woke up at 6 am then. He can't be that far away." Techno said then they commanded their horses to go a little bit faster.

~Timeskip - 10 Minutes Later~

They came across a tent and hopped off their horses to take a closer look.

" Could this tent be Nightmare's? " George asked. " I think it is.. " Sapnap said while showing them the bloody cloth. " This was the cloth I wrapped around his hand yesterday." Sapnap added. " Great. This means we are on the right way." Techno replied. " Then let's keep going, he might be near." George said then they all hopped on their horses and kept going in the direction of the portal.

~With Nightmare/Dream~

Nightmare has been walking for an hour now. He was tired but he kept walking, he wanted to reach the portal as soon as possible.

" Nightmare come on, let's rest for a bit. I can feel anything you do and you know it!" Dream complained. " No, I wanna get to the portal as soon as possible. " Nightmare said, he knew Dream was scoffing at the moment but he ignored it.

~Timeskip - 20 Minutes Later~

Nightmare was now walking slower. His energy was wasted. " I think I will rest for a bit.. " Nightmare said as he slowly sat down beside a tree and leaned his back against. His legs were slightly sore for walking for an hour and twenty minutes straight without stopping. " Good choice." Dream said. " Oh shut it for god's sake, Dream. " Nightmare replied with a scoff. Dream did not say anything but he made a loud noise in their mind which made Nightmare groan in annoyance. " Jesus christ- Dream stop!! " Nightmare said, causing Dream to laugh then stop.

~With Techno, Sapnap and George~

They were on their horses, still walking in the direction of the portal. Until, Techno spotted someone with a half broken mask. " Guys I see him! " Techno said, catching his friends' attention. " Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Sapnap said. They saw Nightmare looking towards them.

Nightmare cursed, " Fuck! I wasted my time here!! " then he stood up and started running as fast as he could. But he was not as fast as he used to, because his energy was wasted for walking for an hour and twenty minutes straight without taking a break.

" Guys come on he can't get away now!! " Techno said then they commanded their horses to run after Nightmare.

Nightmare looked behind him while running, he cursed as he saw Techno, Sapnap and George running after him on their horses. He threw his bag away to run faster if it was possible. " I hope they catch you. " Dream said. " Shut up Dream!  " Nightmare replied as he kept running. He spotted a log in front of him, he then jumped over it, preventing himself from tripping.

((oH nIgHtMaReEeE!~))

Then he kept running as fast as he could. He looked back to see the trio's horses also jumping over the log and still chasing him. They were also getting closer which caused him to curse.

" I shouldn't have tried to take a nap. Now I might get caught. " Nightmare complained while running. " Take the L. Get good noob." Dream said. Nightmare did not reply to Dream, instead, he focused on running to not trip over anything.

" I think he is getting tired according to his unusual heavy breathing. " George said. " That is good! We can get our friend back if we catch him! " Sapnap replied. " And I can get my boyfriend back." Techno corrected, Sapnap and George laughed at that.

Nightmare heard them talking.  ' Boyfriend- What boyfriend?' Nightmare questioned himself in his mind. " Me and Techno are dating, dumbass. " Dream answered Nightmare's question shortly and simply. Nightmare scoffed, he was triggered. Dream was dating that guy with god complex? Unbelievable.

" We are getting closer! Go go go!!" Sapnap said then their horses started running as fast as they could. They could see Nightmare trying his best to speed up, at least a little bit.

Nightmare almost tripped because of the wet dirt. He slided on the wet dirt and turned to a different location. Techno, Sapnap and George running after him on their horses.

" Shit- That did not work at all!  " Nightmare cursed and kept running and running, hoping to get away from them which was.. kind of impossible now.

" OH NIGHTMAREEE!~" Sapnap shouted. " FUCK OFF!  " Nightmare shouted back. " YOU CAN NOT ESCAPE NOW NIGHTMARE! " George shouted this time. Nightmare scoffed and tried his best to fast. " Just accept your fate, Nightmare. They will catch you soon." Dream said. Nightmare did not reply, he was pissed off.

" Wait- Techno you had a rope with you right? " George asked as they kept chasing Nightmare. Techno checked his side and saw the rope, " Yeah I do. " Techno answered. " Throw it at Nightmare and try wrapping it around his legs to knock him down!" George said. Techno's eyes lit up at the brilliant idea then he grabbed the rope. He threw one side towards Nightmare's legs and it wrapped around Nightmare's legs, causing him to trip and roll on the grass because of his speed.

Techno, Sapnap and George hopped off their horses and ran over to Nightmare who was currently trying to get the rope off.

Nightmare looked up to see them running at him. He tried to take it off faster but two hands grabbed his wrists, preventing him from untying the rope. Realising it's Techno, it pissed him off more. " Get the fuck off of me you cunts!  " Nightmare said. " We caught the prey and we ain't letting go." Sapnap replied then laughed when George slapped the back of his head. Nightmare's eyes started glowing more of a bloody red. ' Nightmare no- Don't you dare use it. ' Dream said in their mind.  Nightmare ignored him.

Nightmare suddenly stopped struggling in their grip, confusing them. " Why did he stop moving?" George asked. " I don't know but we can't loosen our grip because of that. He might be faking it." Techno answered. Then suddenly some pair of black stuff wrapped around their torsos and pulled them off of Nightmare. " Good luck on trying to escape them. " Nightmare said with a smirk and started walking away.

" Shit- What are we gonna do now?! " Sapnap asked while trying to get out of the black thing's grip. " This." Techno answered then grabbed his sword. He swinged it at the black thing and cut it in half, finally escaping its grip. He did the same to the others to free his friends.

" Now come on, let's go." Techno said then they started running after Nightmare quietly.

Nightmare heard a branch crack behind him then he turned around to look. When he turned around, Sapnap ran towards him and tackled him to the ground then started trying to keep him down. Techno kept Nightmare's legs still while George tied his hands behind his back.

When they were sure Nightmare would not be able to escape, Techno talked " Give us our friend back, bastard. ". Nightmare let out a low chuckle, " You need to try, I won't just give your friend back without a reason. " Nightmare said. Techno scoffed then took a few photos out of his pocket and showed them to Nightmare one by one, Dream and his friends were in those photos, reminding them about the good memories.

First, he showed him the photo from halloween.

He showed him the photo from last month when Drista visited them. Then her and Tommy faught.

Then, he showed him the photo from when him and Dream started fighting with plastic swords.

And lastly, he showed him the photo from when Bad, Sapnap and George threatened him by putting pineapple on his pizza.

Nightmare's eyes slowly started to turn back to the emerald green eyes they were used to see. They let go of him when his eyes were fully emerald green and his expression was.. calm. " Did it work?" George asked. " I have no idea but I hope it did." Sapnap answered while still looking at the guy on the grass.

" Guys...?" Dream said. His friends' faces lit up then George immadiately untied Dream's hands. Dream stood up and before he could say anything his friends hugged him. " Aww- a group hug! " Dream said sarcatistically, causing his friends to laugh.

They finally broke the hug. Dream noticed his mask was half broken. " A- My mask is half broken!" Dream said as he took off his mask and looked at it. He did not hesitate to take it off since Techno, Sapnap and George have already seen his face. " Oh right- I brought an extra mask. I found it in your drawer." Sapnap said and handed him the extra mask. Dream out the mask on.

" Are we gonna go back to the kingdom or what?" Dream asked. " Right. Let's go." George said then they hopped on their horses. Well- except for Dream who stood still with his arms crossed. He cleared his throat, causing them to look at him. " Ah right- Hop on behind me Dream. " Techno said. Dream hopped on Techno's horse and wrapped his arms around Techno's torso. That caused Techno to smile then they commanded their horses to run back to the kingdom.

~Timeskip - At The Kingdom~

They ran into The North Kingdom on their horses, catching the citizens' attention. The citizens started clapping when they noticed they got Dream back. They waved at the citizens then they brought their horses to the field and left them there.

They walked into the palace just then Dream's right hand started bleeding again. " Oh shi- My hand is bleeding again. I will go to the nursery." Dream said then walked to the nursery, they followed after him.

Dream sat on the bed and the nurse started cleaning the cut. Just then Tommy, Wilbur and Bad ran into the nursery because they heard Dream was back.

" BIG D!!! " Tommy shouted as he walked over to Dream and they did a fist bump. Bad and Wilbur walked next to the others as they waited for the nurse to finish.

Not so long later the nurse finished her job and wrapped a bandage around Dream's hand lastly then left them alone.

" You are finally back Green Boi." Wilbur said. Dream laughed at the dumb nickname. " Yes I am. Wolbor" Dream replied. " I am glad you did not get hurt while they were trying to catch Nightmare." Bad said. " Oh uhm- I slided in wet dirt, almost tripped over a log and Techno threw a rope at my legs which caused me to trip and fall." Dream explained. Bad sighed before looking at Techno who immadiately knew what that look meant. " I am sorry making you fall Dream-" Techno apologized. Dream laughed, " It's cool. " he replied to the apology.

" But I am currently very tired because Nightmare did not take a proper break. My body is sore." Dream said. " BIG MAN NEEDS TO TAKE A  NAP!" Tommy replied to Dream with a very loud tone. Dream laughed while nodding. " Alright then. We will talk to you later Dream. Rest well. " George said then they all left the nursery.

Dream walked into his room and put his mask on the drawer. He took a quick shower and dressed up. He laid on his bed and pulled the bed covers over himself. He yawned then he fell asleep not so long later.

Would they finally find peace or would everything continue like that? They did not know, yet.

Yoooo! I am speedrunning my chapters! I published three chapters in three days👀.
Lmfao anyways. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did while writing! Feel free to tell me anything in the comments!

Also, thank you guys very much for 5.96K views and 338 votes! It means a lot to me🥺✨

I have to go to school tomorrow so I might not publish any chapter tomorrow but I will try to! Take care. You matter. I love you! ✨💚😄
Word Count: 2251

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