Amara Baggins

Da BryannaFleming9

19.5K 826 51

Amara Tells was a normal teenage,17 years old, girl who played sports, read, and cared. Amara was also an or... Altro

Meeting the Company
Meeting the Thain
The origin of Amara Baggins
Leaving for Bree
Healing and Logic
Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel
Goblins and Azog
Borin and the Tree Elves
The Dragon Inside the Mountain
Saving Lake Town
War Ending

An Unwelcome Guest

3.4K 89 6
Da BryannaFleming9

Bilbo was going outside to get the morning paper and any mail. Bilbo and his sister Amara made a pact 15 years prior to this day that they would hang up their adventuring gear, never go past Riverdale, and become proper Baggins. Amara had never truly been the same since the night they lost their parents. It was as if someone snuffed out a once bright light that rested inside her soul. She practiced her gifts to perfection. Amara was regarded as the overseer of the harvest growth. She would often wave her hand over the crops right as they are first planted and the crops grow strong and healthy no matter the weather.
Her shire clothes

Her circlet

Her hairstyle

The elves created a circlet for Amara as representation that she mastered her ability to control earth grown creations. Neither carried carried any large weapons but their upbringing would not let them leave the house without a few knives on their person. Bilbo worried for Amara. He knew she missed the world outside the Shire but he also knew she never truly forgave herself for what happened to their parents. The few moments of foresight she had were never really clear such as today. She had been in the kitchen cooking and baking all morning long. Bilbo just shook his head and headed to the mailbox when he saw an unwelcome sight but he knew he had to be polite. Manners were everything to a Baggins.
"Good Morning." Bilbo said with a tilt of his head

"What do you mean?" Gandalf questioned as he leaned onto his staff. "Do you mean to wish me a good morning, or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good this particular morning? Or are you simply stating that it is a morning to be good on? Hm?"

Bilbo's tongue felt thick and he swallowed hard. He couldn't break down, not now. Not with the dwarves so close to being here. Swallowing again, Bilbo opened his mouth to reply.

"All of them at once, I suppose." Bilbo said as he put his pipe back and his mouth and took a deep breath, letting the Old Toby calm his nerves a small touch before he looked back up to Gandalf.
"Can I help you?" Bilbo was extremely ticked off, and gave the wizard the cold shoulder.

ISo Bilbo had a choice to make. He could say, 'Yes! I'm the hobbit you need!' and things might run smoother, or his could play it like he desperately wanted to plus he had time to mess around a little and bite his cheek to keep himself from laughing while he cause Gandalf to trip up on his words or action.

The choice too easy.

"An adventure?" Bilbo asked with a perturbed look on his face before going to gather the mail.
"Well, I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures. Nasty, disturbing, very uncomfortable things. Make you late for dinner!"

Bilbo shuffled threw his mail, knowing that Gandalf wasn't going to leave despite the 'ignoring' he was giving the hobbit. Clearing his throat, Bilbo moved on the next part as he nodded his head in dismissal.

"Well, good morning!" Bilbo turned to head for his door.

"To think that I should have lived to be 'good morninged' by Belladonna Took's son as if I were selling buttons at the door!" Gandalf huffed loudly.

ilbo froze and his sight went slightly red.
"You dare to speak her name in my presence?!" Bilbo said coldly all politeness gone
"Bilbo I cannot ask for forgiveness for the past. I know you would never give it. This adventure is extremely important and they are in need of a couple hobbits." Gandalf pleaded seeing that Bilbo would hear him out for now
"Ah I see that's why you waited out here and didn't knock on the door. You knew if Amara answered you wouldn't even this much of your spiel out before she would slam the door or punch you." Bilbo said with a smirk twenty years brought many changes but that would never change, Amara acted on her anger with great precision.
"Just think about it Bilbo. As children you both explored on the outside of this Shire every day. Amara and you were meant for more than just here, Bilbo. Can you truly see Amara cooped up here for the rest of her days, never leaving, and that spark gone forever? She loves the Shire, my boy, that is with no questioning, but she was made for out there." Gandalf said
Bilbo had to think on it. Amara was all he had left in this world. She was withering away here in the Shire even if she thought he couldn't tell. Bilbo hadn't heard her genuinely laugh for years. She was the Shire's greatest advocate and protector. The hobbits of the Shire could have never asked for better  but everyone knew and feared that Amara was giving up and merely settling.
"Even if I talked with Amara we can not simply leave we have to discuss things with the Thain and make arrangements. Come by in a few days for your answer." Bilbo said walking into the house and closing the door to see Amara standing there
Gandalf carved the note on the door and walked away solemnly and hbk hoped for the best.
"You know he will not take no for an answer, Bilbo." Amara said quietly
"Amara, what have you seen?" Bilbo asked directly
"He will return on this day with 13 others for a journey. This journey will be long and dangerous. Many deaths shall come out of it if we decide to go or stay, but without us the 13 shall fail to get what they seek most." Amara said ominously
Bilbo looked at her. Child Amara would have leapt at a chance such as this no matter the possible outcome. Present Amara was going to leave it up to him.
"We have until he returns to find out the full story. I'll write grandfather and he can be here by morning." Bilbo said
"I will follow you where you wish, Bilbo, but keep Gandalf away. I will not speak to him nor shall I wish to interact with him any more than absolutely necessary. Help me move the table and chairs outside please so these people won't muck up the house." Amara said
The two prepared everything so that it would be outside. While Bilbo wrote his letter, Amara went into town to gather materials for the journey she knew would happen. In the book everything seemed so fascinating and unreal but after living the story this was all very real. Amara had a basket that was charmed by some roaming Fae to be enchanted so it was bottomless and food never spoiled. She had two packs done the same way but they also would return to the one they were keyed to in a couple of hours. She had been preparing for this journey all year long. She was excited to meet the dwarves and was curious if they would be similar to the story or if they were different. Amara was also terrified about the upcoming journey. She hadn't left far from the Shire in over twenty years. The last time had been with her mother to collect rare ingredients for an illness an elven child had in Riverdale. She finished her shopping and went home to finish cooking and setting up for the meeting to come. From what she remembered dwarves were not exactly sweet and cuddly people when first meeting. Best to make a good first impression. Amara hoped that the Shire was prepared for what was coming. For the next few days the Company of Thorin Oakenshield shall be here in the Shire.

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