New Beginnings - HP soulmate...

By DavinaSinclair12

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In a world with soulmates, a rather odd group is put together by the universe Josefina Diggory is Cedric Digg... More

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Author's Note
Chapter 1- The Right Time
Chapter 2- I Think It's Broken
Chapter 3- Not Crazy
Chapter 4- First Night
Chapter 5- Stupid Rat
Chapter 6- Rabies?!
Chapter 7- Josefina Diggory
Chapter 8- Hogsmade
Chapter 9- Tour
Chapter 10- Tom Riddles Bestie
Chapter 11- The Scar
Chapter 12- The Prophecy
Chapter 13- Flying
Chapter 14- Letters and Portraits
Chapter 15- Cuddling


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By DavinaSinclair12

Josefina was originally born and raised in America, New York City to be precise

And maybe not so much raised, but that's where she spend most of her childhood

You see Josefina'a parents were muggles

They didn't have a single ounce of magic in their bodies

So it was quite a surprise when a woman dresses in a long dark robes with a witch's hat came and a man with a dark aura knocked on their front door

The two professors told them that their daughter was a wizard

McGonagall thought it was strange that Dumbledore sent her and Snape to America to bring her to him and couldn't help but wonder what was so special about this girl

There were wizard of schools in America but he insisted she be brought all the way to England to study

McGonagall and Snape explained everything about the wizarding world to both her parents and Josefina herself

Her parents were indifferent about the news but Josefina was shocked as well as excited

The truth was Josefina already had some knowledge about the wizarding world

A witch, who was now locked in Azkaban was the one who killed Josefina's older sister, Nancy, as well as a few other innocent people

She was hiding while Nancy was trying to find her as they played in the park

Then came a woman with messy black hair and a crazed look in her eyes

The witch pulled out a stick of some sort (a wand) and struck her Nancy with it

Josefina watched her sister get flung back into a tree and fall to the concrete with her head bleeding

When the witch left she ran out from her hiding spot and screamed for someone to help

But it was too late, Nancy was already brain dead

When officers and her parents asked Josefina what happened she knew no one would believe her, so she lied

She said that they had been playing hide and go seek and since Nancy was taking a long time to find her she came out of her hiding stop to find her, which was when she found her lying on the floor bleeding out of her head

To this day no one but her knew the truth, except for almost the entire wizarding world

It was the cover of the prophet that 4 muggles were killed by Bellatrix Lestrange

But again, to young Josefina she was the only one who knew about it, and that's how it stayed to this day

McGonagall helped her with what she should pack to take with her

She herself had quite a bit of money

Her family was pretty rich

She had a lot from money, she had inherited it from family members who had already passed away

When they got to Diagon Alley they first went to Gringotts so most of her money could be converted to knuts, sickles, and gallons

They then took her to Olivanders to get a wand

That's when she bumped into Cedric Diggory

"Oh I'm sorry" she said as she turned to look the the boy she had quite literally bumped into

"Your American!" He says excitedly

Josefina just looked at him confused

"I'm sorry, that was probably rude, I've just never seen or met anyone outside of Europe. I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory" he says smiling and putting his hand out

"I'm Josefina Brookes, nice to meet you Cedric" she says smiling and shaking his hand in return

"Are you here for the first time?" she asked him curiously

"Oh no, it's my 3rd year. My dad is just good friends with Mr. Olivander so we're here visiting him. Is it your first time?" He asks

"Yea. I just found out a few hours ago that I'm a witch. I'm not really sure what's going on. The people I came with, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, told me to let my wand choose me. But I don't know what that means" she says a little nervously looking down

"Don't worry. I'll be your guide for everything Wizarding!" Cedric responds more then excitedly

He takes her hand and drags her over to where Olivander and his father were standing

"Hi dad, hello Mr. Olivander, this is my new friend Josefina. She's new to the wizarding world and needs a wand" he says to the two men

"Then what are we waiting for. Let's go find you a wand young lady" Olivander says to the new young witch

By now her parents, McGonagall, and Snape had returned with her pet, a pure white owl with bright blue eyes

"Ahh I see we're about to find a wand. This is one of the most important choices a young which or wizard world ever make. Take your time dear" McGonagall said sweetly to the girl

"Alright how about we try this one" Olivander said pulling out a simple brown wand out of its box

Josefina grabs it in her hand and just looks at it

"Well come on, you got to give it a little wave or something" Cedric says beaming

So that she did she flicked her wrist slightly and boxes went flying everywhere

"Ok, not that one. Hmm, how about, yes this one, try this dear" Olivander says handing her another wand

This time when she waves it, picture frames and lamps burst and glass shatters everywhere

Her parents were very religious and when they saw what she was able to do they thought she was handcrafted by the devil himself

They wanted nothing to do with her

"Your a monster! The devil has put you here to punish us! Your soul has been taken over by him! You stay away from us you filthy little monster!" Her parents yelled running out of the store

They left her in Diagon Alley all by herself with only McGonagall, Snape and the 3 people she had met in the shop

McGonagall was shocked at had happened, as was Cedric, his father and the kind Olivander

Even Snape felt some sort of pity and sadness for the young girl

She couldn't help the fact that she was a witch

Josefina had wide eyes and let a tears fall down her face

"Oh sweetheart, it's alright! You are not a monster" Mcgonagall said absolutely appalled by her parent's behavior

"I am. Look at this place, I broke so many things with the wand" she says ashamed at herself

"Josefina this is nothing. All witch's and wizard go through this when finding their perfect wand" Olivander says trying to comfort the young witch

"He's right. You should've seen me when my wand chose me" Cedric says wincing at the memory

"Poor Olivander here had to close shop for a whole day to re-organize and clean the mess that was made by Cedric" Amos, his father said laughing a little as Cedric scratched the back of his neck

This made Josefina let out a little giggle

"You are not a monster, you don't need your parents. You have a wizarding family right here" Cedric's father says

He felt for the young girl

He had been an orphan as well

If no one had helped him and taken him in he wouldn't have a wonderful wife and son

He believe that this girl deserved that

"Come on you still have a wand to choose" Cedric said wrapping his arm around her shoulder

"What's that one Mr. Olivander?" She asks pointing to a black box

She didn't know what it was but something was pulling her to it

"Why do you ask?" He asks knowing what her answer was going to be

"I don't know, it feels like it's calling my name. That's weird right? Great I've gone crazy" she mumbles to herself

"No no dear. That is wonderful. The wand is indeed calling out to you" Olivander says grabbing it and taking it out of the box

He pulls out a beautiful wand that has a stem that's brownish and fades into a almost white-purple color with gold detailing and a blue crystal on the tip

He hands it to her and she looks at it

"Well go on, give it a wave" Amos says encouragingly

Before she could even wave the wand wind started circling around her and it was as if the sun were right on top of her, giving her a spotlight

When the light fades and the wind stops they all are smiling at her

(Pretend the gold detailing at the bottom isn't there, only the top)

"Well, I think your wand has chosen you" McGonagall says with a smile

"Ms. Brookes I remember every wand that I have sold and the person I have sold it to. Your wand is very special. The core is mad of the hair of a Thestral, which is very rare. The Thestral that gave her hair for your wand also gave a second single hair for another wand. That hair went to the elder wand. Your wand and the elder wand are brother and sister. Like the wand of he who shall not be named and it's brother. Your wand's brother belongs to Albus Dumbledore, a great wizard. You my dear are destined for great things" Olivander finishes smiling

After all this excitement, it finally sets in

Where would Josefina go?

There was still a month left until school started and her parents just disowned her

"Where will I go?" She asks softly to Mcgonagall letting a tear fall down her cheek

"Well dear, I know you don't know me very well at all,"Amos says from behind her

"But if you'd like, you are more then welcome to join our family. It's just me and Cedric, my wife passed long ago. I myself was adopted from an orphanage, had I not been adopted, I wouldn't have gotten a chance to have this wonderful life I live now. I would like to give you the same opportunity, and a family who will love you unconditionally. You can become a Diggory" he says smiling with nothing but truth shining in his eyes

Josefina couldn't believe what she was hearing

This man she had just met was willing to allow her into his home?

He was willing to give her the love she never got as a child?

Before anyone could say another word the young Josefina launched herself at Amos and hugged his as she cried into his side because of the height difference

"Thank you" was all she was and to say -------------------------------------------------------

"Now dear, this is going to be your owl. If you want to send a letter or anything really you do so with your owl. Why don't you go ahead and name her" McGonagall said

"How about Snow?" Josefina asks after a long pause

"Snow, very fitting" Amos responded smiling

"Before we get anything else, professor Dumbledore has request you to go see him" Snape says

"We just need to grab a couple more books for Cedric and then we'll meet you there" Amos said

"Alright hold my arm tightly dear, I'm going to apparate us to his office" Snape says holding his hand out

McGonagall was shocked to hear Snape call a "pesky child" dear out of endearment

Before Josefina can say anything there off

When they land there in a different building but Josefina looked a little green and sick

"It happens to everyone their first time" McGonagall tells her appearing next to them

After she gets over the sick feeling in her stomach they walk to a set of double doors and walk into a grand office

"Ahh, I've been expecting you" A man with a long white beard and innocent eyes says

He nods to Snape and McGonagall signaling her to leave them alone

"Please sit sit" he says gesturing to the seat in front of his desk

"How are you my dear?" he asks

"As well as I can be" Josefina says with a small smile

"I'm very sorry to hear of your parents. But I assure you, you will still live a happy and wonderful life with Amos. He will treat you as his own." He says smiling

"In other news, I heard you've chosen your wand. If you didn't already know, I am Albus Dumbledore" he says

Then it hit her like a bus

Albus Dumbledore

The one who owns her wand's brother    

"I can see the wheels turning in your head" he says with a chuckle

He pulls out his wand and gestures for her to do the same

When they're both out she can see the difference between the wands

His wand was a light brown with sections that were thicker than others

It was very simple and elegant

"Our wands' cores are made of the hair of a Thestral. A Thestral is a magical creature that can only be seen by some" he says

"Would I be able to see it?" She asks curiously

"Well yes, or else the wand wouldn't have chosen you" he starts

"The only way one can see a Thestral is if they have seen death. You are a mere 11 years of age. So I must ask, who's death have you witnessed?" the headmaster asked

"My older sister" The girl says quietly

"And what happened to her?" he asked once again

Josefina opens her mouth but then quickly closes it and looks down

"Its alright my dear, this is a safe place. You can tell me the truth, I'll believe you" He says to encourage her

He and most of the people in the Wizarding world already knew what had happened but he wanted to hear it from her

"Well 2 years ago we were playing in the park, and then this woman came and killed her. I saw her use a wand to do it. I thought I was always crazy and thought that that was all just made up in my imagination, but it makes sense now. It was a witch who killed my sister" She said saying the truth out loud for the very first time

"I am very sorry to hear about your sister, but the witch who was responsible is now in lifetime prison. She can no longer hurt anyone" He says standing up and putting a hand on the young witch's shoulder

He opens the door and in walk Cedric, Amos, and McGonagall and Snape

"I believe it would be best if Josefina attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. I've already spoken to Madame Olympe Maxime, we believe she would do most wonderful there." Dumbledore says to everyone in the room

"Why can't I go to school with Cedric?" Josefina asks curiously

"Because it is not your time yet. You will attend Hogwarts but not now. Trust me, you will know when the time is right. Someone will be dropping her things for Beauxbatons at your home within the next week Amos. We will meet again one day" he says the last part directly to Josefina

With that Amos and Cedric take her to her new home

"Why will she be attending Beauxbatons Academy of Magic instead of Hogwarts?" Snape asks very curiously

"I've seen her prophecy. She is destined to be with Harry Potter. Voldemort will do anything he can to get to Harry, and if what I saw was true, that means hurting Josefina. She is very powerful, even without her wand. But with such a strong wand magnifying her powers that will be another reason for him to go after her. There is a prophecy about her, which I am sure he will some to know of, then she will really be in danger. So long as she is far away from Harry she will be safe, for now. When we get closer to the war, nothing will be able to protect her except herself. And after the war has ended she will be the only one who can bring me back" Dumbledore says

"When he has been defeated, she will return to finish her education here at Hogwarts with her soulmates" he finishes

"Soulmates? Not soulmate" McGonagall asks surprised

"Yes, she is quite special. We will see what the future holds for her in due time" He says walking out to watch the stars from his balcony -------------------------------------------------------

Cedric, Amos and Josefina had just arrived to their home

They had a very nice home

It wasn't to big and it wasn't too small

It was beautiful and elegant from the outside but the inside was comfortable and homey

There were 2 floors, 4 bedrooms each with its own bathroom, and an average sized living area and kitchen

It was much different compared to her old home in New York

Her parents probably had already moved somewhere were she couldn't find them, not that she wanted to anyways

Her home there was large and cold

Nothing about it felt like home

But upon entering this house, she knew that this was a place she wanted to call home

"I've always wanted a sibling. Someone I can boss around, and protect. I'm glad I won't have to worry about beating boys up until your at Hogwarts since Beauxbatons is an all girls school. But as soon as your at Hogwarts, no boy will get near you" Cedric says slinging his arm around her shoulder

"I'm sorry to break it to you my boy, but it isn't an all girls school, a fifth of the school's students are male" Amos says laughing at his son

"If anyone ever gets near you I'll hurt them" Cedric says puffing out his chest

"Oh the joy" Josefina responded sarcastically

"From this day forth, you are officially a Diggory. We're your family. This is your home now" Cedric said hugging her

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