Chapter 1- The Right Time

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1 Year ago from the present (4th year for the Golden Trio)

The twins were upstairs in their room while their soulmates and siblings were downstairs with their parents

They were just stalking when all of a sudden they start feeling a dull pain in their lower backs

"Do you feel that?" Fred asks his twin and elder brother

Just then Bill and Viktor comes upstair frantically

"Are you two ok? What are you doing?" Viktor says looking at them and checking for injuries

"You feel it too right. We thought it was from one of them downstairs" George says

"We thought it was one of you two" Bill responds

"That means theres one more out there. And someone is hurting her" He says the last part a little angry

Viktor goes over to Fred and turns him around and lifts his shirt a little so they could see his lower back

"Bloody hell" George mumbles in shock

"Poor thing" Bill says with wide eyes

"What? What is it?" Fred says turning his head to try and see his back

Bill lets go of his shirt and turns around to lift his own to show Fred what they were looking at

Right there on his lower back was something absolutely horrible

'Filthy little Mudblood'

The words lay there red and irritated

It looked as though it had been carved into their soulmates back

"We can't tell any of them downstairs" Viktor says to them

The twins just loo at him confused as if to ask him why

"They can't feel anything, they're not of age yet. If we tell them they'll freak. It's already a touché subject with Mione, Ginny and Harry won't be able to crying, and Draco and Ron will be filled with rage" Bill explains

"Your right, I hate when they're upset. And they will for sure have a bad reaction towards this" Fred says

"Ok, then we won't tell them" George say confirming all of their answers

"I hope your alright love" Bill whispers

"Sweetheart, wherever you may be, I promise we'll find you one day" Viktor says sighing and walking to his room

"Darling when we find you," Fred starts

"We won't let anything harm you" George finishes -------------------------------------------------------

Present Time (Start of 5th year for Golden Trio, Draco, Ginny and Josefina)

Today was the day

Josefina had said goodbye to all of her friends and packed all her things

She had gotten an owl from McGonagall saying that it was finally time

The last school year had been one hell of a ride

Many people she was close to died

She herself almost died, several times

And she was tortured by the woman who haunted her dreams for so long

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