\\THE KILL SWITCH//-(RusAme A...

By ratboythelozer

6.7K 270 330


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25

Chapter 24

253 8 2
By ratboythelozer

Vietnam POV

" Their here!"

At Poland's shout, Vietnam leaped form the well he and North had been working on and ran to the gate. He stopped when he saw Pip stumble in through the gate, someone he didn't know pushing some kind of stretcher with two people on it.

She looked so exhausted, like she would collapse. She looked so sad, covered in soot and ash. The other guy with her looked normal except for one thing. One of his arms was a tentacle, wrapped around the handle of the stretcher. Vietnam heard Poland cry out. He noticed what she did.

The two people on the stretcher were none other than America and Russia. They were covered head to toe in soot and ash, Russia was slightly burned. They were unconscious, and not looking to good. He wasn't gonna point out how they were cuddling. This was serious.

" We made a healers hut," said Vietnam, looking at the tentacle-boy," Take them there, Poland, go with him."

Poland nodded. The guy nodded to, to exhausted to say anything. Vietnam hurried to Philippines's side and let her lean on him.

" What's happened," asked Vietnam," You all are filthy, and Russia and Ame..."

" The lab," said Philippines," The kill switch blew it up-Russia was left inside-I had to save him-we didn't stop-walked straight here."

Then she passed out, to tired to go on Vietnam picked her up and carried her to his shack. He laid her down on the bed and pulled the blanket over her. Then he left to address the others, who were panicking. Tentacle-boy was standing away from everyone.

" Hey," said Vietnam, walking up to him," Who are you, what's your name."

" I'm China," he said," I'm an old friend of Russia's. Him and Ame told me I could travel back with them and live here."

" Oh...okay," said Vietnam," You can rest in Russia's hut for the time being, when your done resting, there's showers in a building on the far side of the gate."

China nodded his thanks then stumbled off towards Russia's shack. And then Vietnam waited with the others.

Waiting to hear the news.

If America and Russia were dead or not.

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