Growing up Pureblooded

By RiddleMaster19

361K 14.5K 741

What would happen if Harry Potter was saved from the Dursley's and instead raised as the pureblooded son of S... More

The Small Voice
The Bruises
A Very Dangerous Game
You have your Mothers Eyes
Welcome to the UK
The Boy Who Vanished
The First Suspect
Daily Lessons
The Investigation
To Mister Black
Memories and Photographs
Preparing For Evil
Authors Note
Do You Want To See My Train?
Christmas Morning
What a Christmas Present
The Black Lord
What is this?!?
Aunt Cassiopeia
Prank and Run
Friend or Foe, Truth and Lies
The Boy No More
Bon Voyage
Dumbledore and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Free Man
The Birthday Surprise
Hufflepuff, Slytherin, or Gryffindor
The Curious Twin
Partner in Crime
Jealousy and New Tricks
The Muggle World
Unpleasant Return
To Old Friends
Persephone's Passion
Filthy Half-Blood
The Truth Will Out
The Obituary
The Funeral
An Heir You Don't Know
Back To Normal
A Secret Agent
Dance Lessons
Look Who It Is
The Invisibility Cloak
The Ministry Christmas Ball
Christmas Eve Outing
2 Filled Graves and 1 Empty One
He Did What?!?
New Sorrow
Of Course Dear
An Owl, A Cat, or A Toad
The Mirror, The Cloak, and The Map
Blood Will Out
Quite Disappointing
This Means War!
Youngest Player in A Century
Words and Sherry
Brooms and Tomes
Troll In The Dungeon
Gryffindor vs. Slytherin
The Twins Meet Their Match
Staff Meeting
Don't Mind Your P's and Q's
Disrupted Christmas
Maybe She Needs A Friend
Through The Trap Door
You're A Halfblood
Drastic Conditions
The Slip Up
A True Black
Miracle Transfer
Aries Awakens
Marius's Heir
Aunt Cassie's Little Black Book
Turnabout Is Fair Play
An Enchanted Diary
The Secret Lab
Not an Ordinary Diary
That's My Compartment
10 For the Parakeet
Improving the Unforgivables
He's A Maurader
He's The Perfect Black
Rule Number Three
Expelled From The Family
The Truth
Blood Brothers
Stubborn As The Rest Of The Family
A Horcrux
300 Hundred Points
Mr. & Mrs. Longbottom
Potions and Cooking
A Christmas of Bickering
Muggle Day
Coolest Professor Ever
You're Early
Secure The Family
Unite The Family
Nuclear Safe Wards
Can't Sleep
Little Hangleton
Slytherin vs. Pride
The Vision
Must Be Drunk
We Have To Help
Find The Wards
What Just Happened
Slytherin's Lost Heiress
People Should Fit In Boxes
You're Going To Listen
I've Always Wanted Her
I Want Breakfast
Good Enough for the Queen
Let's Try Again
Marriage of Convience
Finally The Day Has Come
The Confrontation
Sharing Food, Conversation, and Parents
Wedding Preperations
A Black Wedding
Meddling Matchmakers
Rams Love Lily's
My Hufflepuffs
The Known Intruder
Guess Who's Back
The Ivory Ibis
Mini-Mort and His Death Eaters
Like We Never Left
The New Defense Master
Cheers Moony
Crazy Cousins
Take the Mark?
Tea at Four
The Rules of Pranking
Meet Luna Lovegood
To Do List
Your Ladyship? Or Maybe Not
Useful Squib
Dad's Brother
Come With Me
Do Your Worst
Enough is Enough
You're Right
If Wishes Were Horses
Fruitcake for Kreacher
Newfound Respect
The Chamber
Tower Of Terrors
Look of...... Pity?
Arvek, not Urvak
Soverign Lord King Ares The Conquer
Down With Tyranny
I Trained Him Better
Brief Respite
We're Not Playing Anymore
My Lips Are Sealed
Nicked It Our First Year
Finding A Healthy Balance
Perhaps A Little Patience

The Sorting

2.7K 117 14
By RiddleMaster19

When they reached the school, Aries and Draco thought at first that they would ride up to the castle with the rest of the students in the carriages pulled by what looked like black winged horses, but instead a very large man called the first-years over to a group of boats. "That must be Hagrid," Draco whispered, recalling some of the Marauders' stories. Aries nodded. They climbed into an empty boat, only to be followed by a rather chubby boy clutching a toad and a girl with very bushy hair.

"I do hope we're Sorted soon," the girl was babbling. "I can't wait to find out what House I'll be in. Gryffindor sounds like it's by far the best, though I suppose Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad." "I just hope I'm not in Hufflepuff," the chubby boy said morosely. "My Gran says that Hufflepuff is for misfits." "Well, there has to be some place for the simple people to go, you know, people who aren't brave or clever or ambitious," the girl said. She was beginning to get on Aries's nerves, and he didn't even know her name yet. "There's nothing wrong with Hufflepuffs," he snapped. "My Granny was a Hufflepuff, and she's one of the best people in the whole world." "She really is," Draco agreed. "She's kind to everyone, generous, always cheerful. Great cook, too. Our cousin Dora was a Hufflepuff as well, and she's pretty cool."

"So if you do wind up in Hufflepuff," Aries told the chubby boy adamantly, "wear it with pride, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He glared at the bushy-haired girl. "Like I said," she said in an exasperated tone, "it's good for there to be a House where all the simple people can go." Aries raised an eyebrow. "As opposed to all the prissy swots with their heads up their arses?" The girl huffed, but fell silent. "I'm Neville Longbottom," said the chubby boy. "This is Hermione Granger." The girl harrumphed loudly.

"Longbottom?" Draco mused. "Any relation to Harfang Longbottom?" "He was my great-grandfather," Neville replied. "So you're a cousin too!" Aries exclaimed. "I'm Aries Black, and this is my cousin Draco Malfoy." "Aries B-black?" Neville stammered. "Aren't you Sirius Black's son?" "That's right, and proud of it," Aries said defiantly. "I read about him," Hermione Granger said. "I heard he was a major follower of You-Know-Who, but got out of prison on a technicality." "If she doesn't shut up, I swear to Merlin I'm going to Cruciate her to within an inch of her life," Aries growled to Draco. "Can you really do the Cruciatus Curse?" the girl went on. "I thought it was illegal. I read all about it in The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts." Aries's hand crept towards his wand, and Draco decided to intervene. "So, Granger, eh? Any relation to the Dagworth-Grangers?" "I'm Muggleborn," Hermione said brightly. Aries and Draco both groaned. "Figures," Aries mumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" the girl demanded. "It's means you really oughtn't to barge into someone else's world and start spouting off on things you don't understand," Draco said in a superior tone. "Books are one thing, real life is something else." "Probieren geht über Studieren," Aries added. "Precisely," Draco agreed. "What does that mean?" Hermione asked. "Go look it up in your books," Draco said dismissively. "Or, better yet, go home and leave us alone," Aries muttered. They crossed the rest of the lake in a chilly silence.

Hogwarts Castle was simply incredible. Aries and Draco found themselves staring at the Gothic stonework, portraits, suits of armor and tapestries as much as anyone. Truth be told, they felt a bit foolish, gawking at ghosts like any Muggleborn. But even though the two boys had been raised in the wizarding world, Hogwarts seemed to be constantly bursting with surprises, to a level that simply was not the case at Windermere Court or Malfoy Manor. Professor McGonagall guided the first-years into the toasty warmth of the Great Hall.

"Look at that, Aries," Draco said in awe, pointing out the enchanted ceiling. "I wonder how they managed that." "It's a very powerful Proscenium Charm," Hermione Granger said from over his shoulder. "I read about it in Hogwarts, A History." Aries and Draco shared a dark look, but managed to refrain from making a scene in the Great Hall. McGonagall brought out a very battered old hat and set it on a stool. The hat promptly launched into song. "That's a clever trick," Aries whispered to Draco. 'The Vitalitas Charm, do you think?' Draco nodded. "That, or maybe a really advanced Ventriloquus." "Hush," Granger hissed. "We're not supposed to be talking." The boys turned around and gave her a vicious glare. She seemed unperturbed.

At length the Sorting Hat finished its song and Professor McGonagall began to call out the names of the new students. Aries was glad that his name came early in the alphabet. Right after "Abbott, Hannah" was Sorted into Hufflepuff, McGonagall called out, "Black, Aries." Dark muttering erupted as Aries sauntered forward casually, but he was expecting it by now. It was really more annoying than anything else, and Aries decided the best course of action was to ignore it. He strolled over to the stool and plopped the Hat over his head.

"Oh, very interesting," the Hat muttered. "Aries Black, is it? Or is it Harry Potter?" Aries panicked. You can't tell anyone! It's a secret. They'll send me back to live with the filthy Muggles. "Don't worry, Mr Potter," the Hat replied smugly. "Your secret's safe with me. I am unable to reveal anything I learn from a student's head. My task is simply to Sort you." Aries breathed a sigh of relief. "Now, where shall I put you? You're quite bright, but for you learning is simply a means to an end. You take little delight in knowledge for its own sake. I think we can safely rule out Ravenclaw." No surprise there, Aries chuckled.

"Don't sell yourself short, Mr Potter," the Hat admonished. "You would do well just about anywhere." Of course I would, Aries replied cheekily. I'm Aries Sirius Black. "And with that, I think we've ruled out Hufflepuff," the Hat sighed. "They're salt-of-the-earth sort of people, humble and hardworking." And very dull. The Hat laughed. "You didn't seem to feel that way on the boat." Oh, there's nothing wrong with being dull. Sometimes you want nothing more than a bit of dullness. It's comforting, like hot buttered toast. But I think I'd like a bit of glamour, myself.

"You've thought this out," the Hat said, impressed. Well, my dad has. We've talked about it a bit. "I see. That leaves Gryffindor and Slytherin. You could be great, you know. It's all right here in your head. Slytherin would certainly help you on the path to greatness." Hmm, Aries thought. I don't really know if I want to be great. I know Aunt Cassie's expecting me to be the next Dark Lord and all, but, honestly, I'm great enough as it is. I've got a family that cares about me, enough gold to last me several lifetimes and my dad's good looks. What more does one need?

"Interesting, Mr Potter," the Hat replied. "If you don't want greatness, what do you want?" Aries grinned. I just want to have a good time. The Hat chuckled. "In that case, Mr Potter, I think I know just the House for you." The Hat shouted out for all the Hall to hear: "GRYFFINDOR!" There was a stunned silence, and then scattered applause broke out. Aries took off the Hat and handed it to McGonagall with a flourish before strolling over to the Gryffindor table and taking a seat. The Weasleys twins were heartily applauding him and moved over so he could sit next to them.

"Well done," said Fred. "We can't say we're surprised," George added. "At least this way we'll have an opportunity to work more closely together," suggested Fred. Aries smirked. "We'll have to see about that." The Sorting continued. Harry groaned when Hermione Granger was Sorted into Gryffindor, but the Muggleborn girl looked very pleased. Neville Longbottom was Sorted into Hufflepuff after all, and Aries pointedly gave him a standing ovation. Neville flashed Aries a grin as he made his way to his table, walking with a bit more confidence than he had before. Shortly afterwards came Draco's turn to be Sorted. The Hat seemed to take a very long time. Aries began to worry, and, from the look on his cousin's face, he thought Draco was worried too. That couldn't be good. Aries couldn't risk being separated from his cousin. He raised his wand very discreetly and aimed it at the Hat, being careful not to hit Draco.

"Imperio," he whispered in Parseltongue. Almost immediately, the Hat shouted "GRYFFINDOR!" in a good strong voice. There was silence at first, just as when Aries had been Sorted, but Aries stood up on his bench and starting clapping and whooping at the top of his lungs. Fred and George soon joined in, followed by most of the other Gryffindors, along with Neville at the Hufflepuff table. Daphne Greengrass at the Slytherin table started applauding, as well as Pansy Parkinson, who was still waiting in line to be Sorted. In due time, the Hall was roaring in applause for Draco Malfoy, who grinned as he swept off the Hat and gave a little bow before running off to the Gryffindor table.

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