Predators VS Scorcerers

By ErmaCrossover106

387 21 2

Now King, Scar lead a raid on a Chaos Insurgency base, there he found an experiment that he takes back to Yau... More

The Experiment
The Bad Blood
The planet
The Trophy
The Battle
The Deal
2 Duels
The Alliance๏ฟผ
The Firemorphs
The Story
The Game
The Brothers

The Prison

17 0 0
By ErmaCrossover106

The two warriors had stayed up all night waiting for a chance to steal the Flying Bison, hanging from another vine waiting for the rest of the group to fade to sleep they saw Zuko already on the saddle of the Bison. Sokka was planning to go to the Boiling Rock and Zuko offered his War Balloon.

The two thought it'd be better to keep their presence a secret, they'd hitch a ride on the balloon. Team Avatar would notice if Appa was gone, This is when an idea would turn south.

They were already lifting of when they arrived. They shot over branch after branch, and made a jump for the balloon.

Clinging to the bottom of the balloon's basket for dear life, with an excellent view of the sharp rocks and foaming waves beneath them.

Not the best place to be in.

They entered the caldera, into a cloud of steam, the hunters growled as their Bio-Helmets began to fog up. As they reached up their hands to wipe it away, they noticed something very troubling, they were descending at a very fast rate.

Similar to the speed a crashing war balloon would go.

They gasped realizing the problem, the heat outside the balloon must be the same level or hotter than the air inside. Hence, they were dropping like a falling rock into a steaming lake that would surely boil them all alive.

They cleared the smoke cloud, and saw their chance. Adjusting their legs accordingly they aimed themselves at the shore, with a  jump they flew over the lake. The scalding heat searing their limbs, they remembered that it was just heat and it couldn't hurt them unless they touched the water.

They walked around the caldera looking for a way in, with that Brielle stepped in a puddle of boiling water. Brielle felt the extinguish of pain on her foot, nevertheless she managed to hold in her cry of pain. Wolf on the other hand was no so lucky as a wave of boiling water crashed into a rock behind him, and a few drops hit his back for he was not prepared for the pain.

Wolf let out a roar of shock, listening in horror as it echoed off of the walls of the caldera and the towers of the prison.

The heat of the caldera made it hard to make some shapes out against the clouds of steam, but its definitely clear that the roar had turned a few heads. Guards were peering into the steam and water that surrounded the Boiling Rock, trying to see what had made that noise. The hunters turned off thermal and looked down the shore, and saw Zuko & Sokka frozen in place and watching the steam carefully.

In the morning the two jumped up the wall, scaling the massive structure to it's top. From there They began to survey the prison, the yard was emblazoned with en emblem that resembled a burning flame. Inside the yard were prisoners, all milling around in the sun. The guards near the hunters location were distracted, all it took was one glance in the yard to see why.

People had begun to form a large circle around a guard and a prisoner, It looked like the two were going to come to blows. Wolf zoomed in to memorize the face of the prisoner, he was a big guy with a rectangular face and a gloomy look.

The two men yelled for a while before the guard threw a fire blast at the prisoner, the prisoner was taken away. The warriors peered around the jail, still cloaked they began to walk the long path around.

Wolf: Time to see if this cage caught the attention of the Bad Blood.

Morning came as the two were disappointed, no prisoners seemed to be worth time for the Bad Blood, things seemed hopeless here but they couldn't leave until their ride finds away off.

They heard a rustling nearby and looked towards the noise to see Zuko and a rather plain girl in prison clothes.

Behind them Sokka in a guard uniform. They didn't bother to question why they were dressed that way, but they were curious as to why they were so excited, they followed and saw a reason.

A gondola was approaching, no doubt with new prisoners, if they were waiting for this one they were either breaking out or waiting for Sokka's father.

They looked up at the gondola, watching the prisoners disembark. As each man got off Brielle prepared to strike, if Sokka's father wasn't on the gondola she was going to take Zuko's skull. Afterwards she'd take the heat from Wolf, then convince him to hitch a ride on whatever brought the new prisoners here.

The last man stepped off, and the disappointed sigh of a sad son was heard. Brielle purred darkly and readied her spear.

Guard: Hey, you! Get off the gondola!

They all looked up, a man, tall and strong, stepped off of the gondola. He looked resigned to his fate, but still had a fierce determination in his eyes.

Sokka: Dad...

A bittersweet momentary pause came over Brielle, she felt furious and sad that she missed her shot at taking Zuko's head but at the same time, the tone of that voice, the love and admiration of finding a lost Father.

Zuko was a powerful bender but at the same time she couldn't just jump in and slaughter those three, not after Sokka had found his Father. The Yautja were no monsters, not by her definition anyway.

The two hunters walked down the floor of the prison, both had their minds deep in thought until Wolf noticed something in the corner of his eye.

Wolf: Umm, who's the dead guy?

Brielle turned to where Wolf was pointing to, the headless corpse of a guard laying in a pool of its own blood.

Brielle: What? He isn't one of yours?

Wolf: No! I'm not that sloppy, you?

Brielle: I would be wearing his skull on my belt with honor.

Wolf: Then who did this?

Brielle walked towards the scene to get a closer look at the body, she sniffed to find a familiar scent.

Brielle: Based on this scent, he was in fact killed by a Yautja.

The two thought for a moment until a sense of realization finally hit them.

Both: Bad Blood!

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