The Experiment

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This story begins at a hidden base, infested with Chaos Insurgency and their intentions of weaponizing what they don't understand. Something was breaking in as members were slain left and right. As soon as the director of the base escaped the things arrived at the lab and decloaked, Scar, Celtic, & Chopper.

 As soon as the director of the base escaped the things arrived at the lab and decloaked, Scar, Celtic, & Chopper

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Scar: now look around for those experiments.

Chopper and Celtic nodded as they searched through notes and documents, eventually Celtic noticed a container with black cells swimming through a clear liquid, with that the thing was topped off with a needle. He picked up the container and looked at it intensely, they appeared to be drawn towards his hands.

 He picked up the container and looked at it intensely, they appeared to be drawn towards his hands

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Celtic: I believe I've found something of interest.

Chopper: I've found a document of that, they called those Xenocells. Every species are a key ingredient in the creation of a Xenomorph, so they created cells that transform any living organisms into the perfect organism.

Scar: interesting, is there a way to reverse the effect.

Chopper: it appears they never bothered looking for a way.

Scar: it'd be wise if we give a sample to CG, if anyone can find an antibiotic for it she can.

Celtic: we should probably check that room to complete our search.

Scar: agreed.

The three hunters walked into the Specimen room to see it was full of cryochambers with human child like figures in them, most were shown to have perished but one still had vitals. It was a 6 year old girl with brown hair, asleep as she flouted in the clear liquid.

Scar: what was the meaning of all this?

Celtic: their documents can explain that, do you remember how you must have Yautja genes to operate our technology?

Scar: yes, to keep our weapons out of the hands of greed.

Celtic: it appears they've took women that would soon have children and tried to make the Yautja a part of them.

Chopper: it appears they didn't stop there, they've given this one the sense of smell of a bear, reflexes of a cat, and the regeneration of something called SCP-4715.

Celtic: and they called this project... "The Top Predator".

Scar looked at the child peacefully sleeping in the clear liquid.

Scar: does it say who's blood created this?

Celtic: yes it was..... yours.

That answer caught Scar off guard, Chaos Insurgency got his blood and used it on a child.

Scar: so in a way, she's my relative?

Celtic: in a way she's your daughter.

Chopper: so what shall we do with her?

Scar: hmmmm........ if I'm her father then I should accept the responsibility as it, we shall take her back to Yautja Prime and train her as our own. She'll be the next in line for my throne.

Celtic: well, you're the king now.

Scar broke the glass of the Cryochamber as the young girl slid out, he picked the child up in his arms and began to walk towards the exit and back to his ship.


Personality: Brielle can be a bit of a hot head, especially when she's not winning a fight

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Personality: Brielle can be a bit of a hot head, especially when she's not winning a fight. There has been many times when she broke rules to win a fight, but her father let it slide since she was still young.

Likes: hunting, worthy prey, climbing, skinning prey, taking skulls, her father, winning.

Dislikes: The Bad Blood, cowards, spoiled princesses, being spoiled herself, gremlins, traitors, being called a fragile human girl, loosing.

Notable Facts: Brielle is a name that means Hunting Grounds, for unknown reasons she prefers the version 3 bio-helmet over any other.

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