Miss Me Bastards?

By ConfidentialT

423K 15.7K 1.8K


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Thirty-Six

6.1K 276 44
By ConfidentialT

Katy's POV

"Okay, what happened was Hayden and I went to that pancake place. You know the one that has pancakes all day?" I asked.

Zach, Jordan and Alex nodded. 

"Well when we got there we smelt rouges in there. The smell led us to the kitchen. We went inside and saw 10 rouges." Hayden continued.

"They asked for a fight we gave it too them. Hayden's cut was with a knife, there not deep don't worry. As for mine.. the cut on my arm was done with silver knife which means my cuts were a little deeper. My ear that was cut with a normal knife and the burn was done with cooking oil. One of the rouges poured it on there." I continued after Hayden.

'Hayden maybe we should tell them everything.' I mind-linked Hayden.

'NO. We can't do you know how angry they'll get. They hunt her down and shoot her: with a silver bullet. Okay maybe they won't do that but we'll tell them the whole story when the time is right. And plus I'm not ready' Hayden mind-linked back.

"STOP MIND-LINKING!" Zach yelled.

"Geez, calm down." Hayden replied.

"Your not telling us the truth. There's something you two are hiding." Jordan confronted us.

"Sorry guys but back off Hayden. I don't care what you say to me. Yell at me, annoy the crap out of me. WHATEVER! Leave Hayden alone. Yes we're hiding something and it has something to do with Hayden, he just witnessed something that has crushed his wolf  and him ok? We told you the truth about the rouges but there was a certain someone involved in the planning. Hayden may choose to tell you, he does not need to be babied. It's his choice." I snapped at Jordan and Zach.

"Alpha Blake, Alpha Eric. I'm sorry it turned out this way, we just had a little unexpected run in with rouges. So if you don't mind Hayden and I would like to be excused." I said and bowed my head in respect and left with Hayden.

We went into the kitchen and I got two bottles of water for us.

"Hayden, can I heal the cuts please?" I asked standing in front of Hayden.

"Sure." He said with a sad smile.

I ran my healthy right hand over his cuts and they disappeared. I did the same with the cut on my arm, my ear and the burn at the back of my ear.

I sat across the table from Hayden and mind-linked Drew.

'Drew is Ashton with you?' I asked Drew through the link.

'Yeah we're at the park.' Drew linked me back.

'Okay thanks Drew boo.' I replied and blocked the link.

"I can't believe she would do that." Hayden broke the silence and spoke.

"I can.. I just can't believe she planned the attack on you too. I knew she'd plan it on me but you?" I replied to Hayden.

"I think she'll tell the witch our plan, that could put us in so much danger. Katy she's going against us." Hayden said with hurt and anger. His eyes turned black and I knew his wolf was coming out.

"Hayden calm down. It's ok, take control again." I told him quietly. He's eyes turned back to normal. He stood up from the table with anger running through his body, he was shaking really badly.

"I need to let off steam. I'll be back in an hour or so." Hayden said and then left. He better not run into trouble while he's out running.

I put my head in my hands and relaxed my overwhelmed and angry body.

"MUMMY!" I heard Ashton scream.

I turned around and opened my arms for him to jump into.

"Hey baby. How was your day?" I asked him and picked him up. I saw Drew walking slowly towards us.

"IT WAS SO FUN! Drew is the best. He's my best friend now." Ashton said.

"Stealing my best friend are you Ash?" I said and then pouted.

"No mummy he's my best friend." Ash said and then crossed his arms.

"No fair." I said in a childish voice and pouted.

"Oh it's fair Kitty Kat. Ash's my best friend now." Drew said and then stuck his tongue out at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him too. Drew sat down where Hayden had been sitting. 

"How was your day Kitty Kat?" Drew asked.

"Eventful." I replied "I'll explain later, let's just say a certain someone is completely broken." I added and then sighed for Hayden.

Drew was about to speak when the boys walked in. AKA Zach, Eric, Alex, Jordan and Blake.

Ashton jumped out of my arms and ran at Zach.

"DADDY!" Ash said and jumped into Zach's arms.

"Hey there little man." Zach replied and kissed Ash's nose.

"You have a pup?" Eric and Blake asked at the same time.

"His parents passed because of rouges and Zach and I adopted him." I said and smiled at the two.

"Aww." Eric said.

"Where's Hayden?" Alex asked me.

"He's uh letting of steam." I replied.

"Katy what are you hiding?" Zach asked.

"Not my thing too tell. Hayden will tell you if he wishes. Sorry Zach." I said and took a sip of water from my bottle.

Zach sighed and Eric put his hand on Zach's shoulder.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?!" Drew asked in demand.

I explained to Drew exactly what I explained to the boys. I mean it when I say it's Hayden's secret to tell. Poor Hayden he and his wolf must be hurting so bad right now. I have a brave brother though, I mean he fought even while hurting. 

"Holy shit. Are you two okay?" Drew asked with concern showing all over his facial features.

"Yeah I'm fine Drew." Emphasising on *I'm* "I don't know about Hayden though." I said with another sigh.

"But guys, I don't think Hayden's ready to tell you guys about what happened. You need to give him time. What happened was hard on him. Trust me I would know." I said and looked from Zach to Jordan to Alex to Eric to Blake and to Drew. 

"You have our word for it Kitty Kat." Drew said and then kissed my cheek.

"Thanks guys." I said and smiled at each of them.


What do you guys think happened? Why is Hayden upset? 




- Strictly Confidential 

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