Green Embers (ON HOLD)

By xxwolfhuntxx

1.2K 133 79

You've heard the story of Maleficent. Most people flinch upon hearing her name. But this is the story of her... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Orbilizing Day
Chapter 2: The Castles Awakening
Chapter 3: Banishment
Chapter 5: The Village
Chapter 6: The King and Queen
Chapter 7: Regret
Chapter 8: Escape
Chapter 9: Alligator Eyeballs
Chapter 10: Agreements and Ravens
Chapter 11: Outcast
Chapter 12: Hecate
Chapter 13: Making Friends
Chapter 14: Going Home
Chapter 15: Broken
Chapter 16:

Chapter 4: Alone

78 10 1
By xxwolfhuntxx

I could hear the creaking sound of the gates as they closed forever. The F.A.U.N committee had put a small spell on me so I could feel a little bit of something. I don't get it, why didn't they give me my full emotions back. My mind flashed back to that moment.

 "I'm sorry Maeve. Even if we could restore your full emotions it would drain all of our power." The committee said almost synchronized. My mind flashed with rage. "Then find another way," I screamed.

I imagined I had raised my hand and stripped the committee's emotions one by one, leaving them screaming in agony. I smiled to myself thinking of the thought, but just as quickly as it came, it disappeared. I scolded myself for even thinking of such a thing.

"C'mon Maeve, pull yourself together," I thought. I couldn't do it. It seemed like I had been crying for hours. I dragged my feet against the soft dirt.

"This wasn't supposed to happen, I'm supposed to be training, and playing with the other fairies." It was weird. I felt sad, but my emotions weren't fully there. I could feel that something wrong had happened, and I was clearly upset about it, but it didn't really affect me. For a second my heart stopped, Mom.

Tears were welling up in my eyes once again. When will I see her again? Why did this have to happen to me? My thoughts were interrupted by the loud rumbling sound of my stomach. I sighed. No more warm meals, no more home. This was happening. It took a while for my head to wrap around the fact that I was banished.

This time my stomach rumbled even louder. I looked around for something to eat. I walked over to a small lake and looked for a fish. Bingo. I got a couple of sticks and tried to pick it up, using the sticks as tongs. The fished wiggled around and flopped out of my contraption. It landed in the grass.

I smiled to myself, this isn't too bad. I look at my hands unsteadily, debating whether to use my magic or not. Back in the kingdom using our magic without proper training would cost a huge penalty.

But I'm not in the kingdom anymore.

I took a deep breath and focused on the warmth of the fire, I thought of it as a warm blanket wrapping around the fish. I closed my eyes and raised my hand.

I could almost hear my teacher criticizing me. "Head held high, feet precisely 3 feet apart, and just focus on what you want to happen.

 Even the slightest break of concentration will end in disaster. Think about the smallest details..." I slowly started to close my hand and opened my eyes. A small ring of fire was encasing the fish. Yes! I closed my eyes continuing to cook the fish.

 SNAP. The loud sound of a twig breaking caught my attention. I looked back at the fish and saw that it had erupted in flames. Damn it.

I looked around and called out. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I crouched down, setting my left knee on the ground, and both my hands resting on the grass. Then I shot forward, my wings sprouting up. I scoured the grounds looking for something.

 No luck. I landed back by the lake my wings slowly disappearing. I walked back to the remains of my fish. Great. Burnt fish for dinner. I grabbed a stick and tried to find a piece that hadn't been burnt. It was useless.

The sun was setting. I could see the last bit of sun going down before it completely vanished. I found a patch of soft grass and laid down on it. I looked up at the twinkling stars and sighed. This was nice. My relaxation broke when I heard a loud sound. BOOM!

I jumped up and looked around. A burst of color illuminated the sky. Fireworks. It must be a celebration. I quickly disguised myself by smearing mud on my clothes and face. and approached the nearby kingdom.

 My eyes glazed over the ground looking for someone. My eyes stopped at a middle-aged looking guy. He was wearing some rags and looked very dirty. I walked over to him and asked him, "excuse me sir, what is the reason for the celebration?"

 The man looked at me as if I was delusional. "Well what do you mean? It's the king and queen's anniversary!" His voice was husky, like he didn't use it that much.

"Oh okay, thank you." I replied as I quickly walked away. I flew back to my little "hideout."

Time flew by. Before I knew it 6 celebrations had passed. 6 years of banishment. 

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(Sorry if these are short, I'm feeling really lazy right now)

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