The Six Houses (on hold)

By JTParis

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Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn. Niam, side Larry and potentially some Nuke. Niall's not exactly who he w... More

Part one. Houses of Light.
Ch. 1 Niall
Ch.2 Liam
CH. 3 Moments
Ch.4 Zayn
CH. 6 Niall and Liam.
Ch. 7 Niall and Liam
Ch. 8 Niall
Ch.9 Niall and Liam.
Ch. 10 New Friend.
CH. 11 Liam.
Ch.12 A New Dawn, A New day, A New Boy.
Ch.13 The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.
Ch.14 Oh
Book Two Houses of Shadows
Ch. 16 Under our Spell.
Ch. 17 What the Heck happened.

CH.5 Harry and Louis

467 22 14
By JTParis

The sun was streaming through the curtains in Nialls room cascading colors of fuchsia, gold and blue green throughout the small room. The faint sound of Copper wind chimes echoed in the distance and the smell of an early Autumns thunderstorm still lingered in the air. Some how during their slumber Liam had rolled on his side, grabbed Niall and tucked him in tight so his face was resting into the crook of his neck, blonde fluffy hair rested over Liams face. Both had let out contented sighs once comfortable.

Louis watched with admiring eyes over the two boys.

"I hope it works out in the end." He whispered walking out into the hall. Just as he rounded the corner his and everyone elses phone lite up. Louis' eyes almost popped out of his head as he read and reread the message over and over. Yea he's a little over dramatic, but you know what, shut up!

"24 hours." He whispered dreadfully. Looking up he Saw Zayn and Harry both with the same defeated look in their eyes. Strutting over he flopped down next to Harry letting out a dramatic sigh then curled up into the boy who was all limbs and curls. Harry placed a protective arm around Lou pulling him in even tighter then kissed the top of his hair Inhaling the scent of strawberry shampoo and ozone. It reminded him of a spring day out picking berries with his mum, That was before the 'Gifted' had been outed and he was but a small boy in Holmes Chapel, England.

He used to help the bushes regrow what he picked with his mum, because he felt terrible for plucking their precious fruit. He'd cry and beg forgiveness till the bushes bloomed and regrew, then he'd move on to the grass they trampled or the trees he'd find laying broken and discarded along the trail. When Harry was satisfied that beauty and life had been restored to his secret little valley he'd skip off back towards his mother who would just open her arms with a brilliant smile for him to jump into and she would always whisper 'she was so proud of him for caring so much and that she'd love him forever'.

"Harry." Lou mumbled "Harry. HAROLD!" He shouted as he crawled onto said boys lap bring their faces into alignment. Louis stared into Harrys blank eyes,he could tell he was lost in thought, lost in a memory he held dear. settling back he placed their foreheads together then brushed their noses as he lent in an ever so gently ghosted his lips over Harrys' relishing in the taste of clove, cinnamon and earth that was Harry. He deepened the kiss when he felt the other boy relax into it and kiss back.

The two boys lived in that moment, Earth and Air, swirling, dancing together it caused small gust of winds to swirl around the room as random flowers blossomed all around them. Petals flited around on the back of the wind making for quite a romantic scene. Louis pulled back gasping for air, because no matter how many times they had kissed Harry still stole his breath and more importantly his heart. When Harry kissed Lou he could tell he meant the world to the other boy, from the way he would caress him so gently, the way he would hold him because he knew Lou always got weak in the knees or how he would brush the back of his hand across his cheek after a kiss when lou would bite his lip and look at the ground blushing, then he would whisper "That's what makes you beautiful." and Lou would lose his shit and cry while hugging him so tight to his body trying to just become as close as possible.

Coming back to reality Louis laid his head on Harry's chest just listening to the steady rhythm of his heart beat as he was ushered off to sleep tight in the arms of the man he loved.

Once Louis breathing had evened out and Harry could tell he was deep in sleep, he slid the smaller boy off his lap, laid him on the couch with a pillow under his head and soft afghan thrown over him to keep him warm. locking eyes with Zayn He nodded his head towards the door telling him where he wanted the other boy to go. Placing a chaste kiss on Lou's brow Harry joined the Raven haired lad on the front stoop.

"This is just too much Z, I can't deal with the pressure. I'm already dealing with control of the Earth, Don't you understand what the Humans are doing to her, to me. This added stress I'm cracking." He ran a shaky hand through his curly hair, eyes flashing vibrant emerald green.

"I know Harry and i promise we will get through this. If Niall is who we all think he is then we will all have a ton of stress removed.'

Just then a scream erupted throughout the house which had Zayn and Harry bursting back through the door, running straight towards the source down the hall and into the room on the left, Nialls room. Rushing through the door they were knocked flat on their asses as a brilliant light erupted in the room blinding them, sending out wave after wave of kinetic energy flattening them against the wall near the floor. Wave after wave they tried to fight it, to stand, to help their new friend and nothing it was like they were under tons of weight completely helpless. And just like that the screams stopped, the light stopped and the energy stopped. They both looked up through blurry vision to see Niall floating above the bed, back arched looking completely lifeless, they both rushed to catch him as his body plummeted straight towards the floor beneath him. It was too late for both of them as his body grew closer to the ground to what would surely be a painful ordeal for the little Irish lad.

Air floated around the room in a whoosh towards Nialls body, stopping him inches from the ground, lifted him back into the bed then lowered him back down next to Liam.

"Really guys? Whats the point of having powers if you can't use them when you need them?" Louis said full of sarcasm, flipping his imaginary hair over his shoulder giving both boys he best duh face. With that he turned on his heels and walked away sassily shaking his booty extra 'cause he knew harry was looking. Calling over his shoulder "Close your jaw Harry, you're letting the flies in and i refuse to kiss a mouth full of bugs." He turned the corner and was gone back to his warm comfy spot on the couch.

Zayn looked at Harry and Cracked up Laughing, Holding his sides, rolling from side to side as tears streamed down his face. "He basically just took the piss out of you Harry."

"I know and it's one of the reasons I love him." Harry replied fondly.

"Guess we should leave them to sleep some more. I feel like shits about to get real and quick." The two boys picked themselves up off the floor and walked towards the sitting room.

"Lets just hope we can get Niall back to The Academy by tomorrow night." Harry said taking his spot by Lou on the couch.

"Yes lets hope for everyone's sake."


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