Solo Act

By Greysbonesisles

31.4K 700 112

Singer Callie Torres is one of the biggest superstars in Hollywood. She is getting ready to head out on her w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 14

1.2K 17 1
By Greysbonesisles

"You... you're a doctor?" Callie has to blink a couple of times to make sure she is really seeing what she thinks she is seeing.

"Yes, well if you want to get technical I'm a Pediatric surgeon."

"Wow," Is all she can breathe out, she was not prepared for this.

After processing this for a while she reaches into the box and pulls out a photograph, it's a photo of Arizona she is smiling and looks really happy at her college graduation. Callie can't help but smile at her beautiful girlfriend. Next to her is a tall man in an army uniform, she recognizes him as her brother Tim. On her other side is a younger woman she is shorter and smaller than Arizona and she has shoulder-length blonde hair.

"My little sister Emma was born with Cystic Fibrosis. It is a life-threatening genetic disorder that affects the lungs and digestive system. CF causes the body to produce unusually thick and sticky mucus that clogs the lungs blocking the airways and leads to dangerous lung infections that damages the lungs, it also obstructs the body from breaking down food to absorb vital nutrients." Arizona takes the photo of Callie looking at her smiling family. "There is no cure." She whispers tracing her finger across her sister's face.

Callie swallows hard at the lump that has formed in her throat. "Were you guys close?"

"Very, all three of us. Between all the moving around and hospital stays, we didn't have a lot of time to go out and make other friends. We were each other's best friends." Arizona reaches into the box and pulls out a pink butterfly scrub cap. "She is the reason I went to med school. She spent a lot of time in hospitals. Doctors were like superheroes to me, whenever she got really sick they would swoop in and make her feel better. I become a doctor to help kids like Emma. But even superheroes have their limits."

Callie takes a deep breath not liking where this story is going. Arizona takes a shaky breath preparing for the next part. Callie sees Arizona's hands start to shake, not really having any words she takes it on her own giving her silent support. Arizona feels like she is reliving that day.

It's a normal day at Seattle Grace Hospital, the hallways are buzzing with doctors and nurses each nose deep in a patient's chart. Dr. Robbins is rolling down the hall to her next patient, today has been a quiet day. No big accidents or disasters, but every doctor knows never to say it's 'quiet,' that's just asking for trouble.

"Dr. Robbins?" The nurse behind the desk calls as she rolls by.

"Can it wait Nicole I'm late for..." Pointing to the chart in her hands.

"Dr. Robbins it's Emma." It's like someone poured a bucket of ice water over her head.

The run to the ER feels like it is in slow motion, a million possibilities running through her mind. She had just seen her sister this morning before leaving for her shift. The benefit of having a doctor for a sister is getting daily checkups. Every morning Arizona would check her oxygen levels and refill her medication. That morning she looked a little pale but she still joked about Arizona's crazy wheelie shoes.

Arizona bursts into the trauma room, her heart almost beats right out of her chest when she sees her little sister in the bed with her shirt covered in blood. Doctors are running around her yelling out orders. Turning her head to the side she sees her mom and dad holding onto each other for dear life.

"What happened?" Her voice comes out a little shaky.

"I went to her room and... and..." Barbara tries to explain in between sobs.

"She was coughing up blood so we rushed her here as quick as possible." Daniel states without taking his eyes off Emma.

The sound of the monitor flat-lining makes Arizona spin around. As a doctor, she knows the procedure but when they shock her sister, her lifeless body jerking, Arizona feels her stomach contents rising. The doctors are giving Emma as many drugs as her tiny body can handle, doing everything medically possible to bring her back but still, that line stays flat.

"Time of death..." Before Teddy can complete her sentence Arizona jumps forward.

"NO!" Pushing everyone out of the way to get to Emma, she starts doing compressions. "No, she can't die!" The rest of the world disappears as all she can see, all she can focus on is her sister's limp body, trying to force the life back into it. She keeps talking telling her to come back to her, to stay. A pair of hands grabs onto her shoulders.

"Arizona it's been twenty minutes she's not coming back," Teddy says softly.

"No! She can't... I can't..." She is not giving up on her, she just needs more time.

"Arizona." Teddy takes a hold of her friend's wrists, she has to put all of her strength into pulling Arizona away from her little sister.

"Time of death 17:03," Teddy announces.

Barbara's heart-wrenching sobs cut through the air. Arizona just keeps her eyes on her sister. It feels like she is trapped in some alternate universe. No, Emma can't be dead. Arizona has had to face countless deaths of patients but it's different when it's your own flesh and blood.

"Arizona I'm so sorry," Teddy says as she tugs on her wrists that she is still holding on to, forcing her to look at her for the first time. She sees Teddy's eyes start to water threatening to spill over any second. "We did everything we could, so did you." Teddy can see her words are not registering.

Arizona pulls her arms free from Teddy's grasp seeing her hands covered in her sister's blood. Her now-dead sister. Clenching her fists when a stray tear hits her palm, she looks up seeing the nurses removing the incubation tube to pull the white sheet over her.

"I... I have to go." She says in almost a zombie-like state. "I have patients." Turning around she leaves the room and starts running down the hall, she just keeps running if she keeps running then it will go away.

"I'm a doctor I knew she wasn't going to make it, but the sister in me kept holding on that something, anything is going to happen and she will be okay. She was twenty-one." Sniffing Arizona wipes at her cheeks not even realizing she started crying. Callie runs her fingers over Arizona's name on the lab coat, feeling tears roll down her own cheeks. "Afterwards I focused on my work, on only my work. Working longer and harder hours. If I kept busy I wouldn't have time to think about it. I use to love being a surgeon, the bright lights, latex gloves, even the smell. All those things that use to bring me joy only reminded me of my loss. I was barely hanging on. I... I'm supposed to protect the things I love." Arizona looks down at her hands, her mind is flooded with images of it covered in Emma's blood. "My life went pretty much south from there, I turned into a shell of who I used to be. I had a meltdown in the middle of an OR." She closes her eyes. "When I scrubbed out I grabbed my stuff and haven't gone back since. I couldn't stand being in that hospital anymore, everywhere I looked I saw her. So I ran. When Emma died I piece of me died with her."

After what feels like hours of silence, Callie finds her voice. "Arizona." She says softly not to startle her. Arizona snaps out of her trance and starts tossing the stuff back into the box.

"You know what it doesn't matter anymore." She says grabbing the lab coat from the singer forcefully pushing it into the box.

Callie places her hand on her shoulder. Feeling her girlfriend's hand she stops, still not able to look into those big brown eyes.

"Arizona it does matter. You lost someone very close to you, you were grieving and you still are."

"I just wish there is something I could have done." She says defeated. Callie places her hands on her cheeks trying to wipe away the never-ending tears. "I miss her so much."

"I know, but sweetie you're not a miracle worker. You said it yourself there is no cure."

"But I am a doctor, one of the best freakin' Pediatric surgeons in the country and I couldn't even save my own sister!" Callie wraps her arms around her weeping girlfriend letting her completely fall apart. Callie just holds her tight trying to comfort her. Arizona keeps mumbling "She can't be gone." She has Callie's shirt in a death grip, her tears falling freely.

Callie waits until she hears her breathing return to normal and only hiccupped sobs. Callie is humming softly to her, something she learned has a calming effect on the blonde. Arizona falls asleep but Callie is still wide awake, all the newly revealed information running through her mind. After listing to Arizona tell her about her past she needs a moment to herself to process everything. She has been wondering about the blonde's past and now that she knows she's not sure what to do with it. After just staring at the ceiling she decides to get up.

She is emotionally drained and her head is pounding, she can only imagine how Arizona must be feeling. Looking back over the time she got to spend with Arizona, a lot of things are starting to make more sense. Especially why she keeps on pushing for her and Aria to talk.

Callie wonders her empty house aimlessly. A mix of emotions playing through her mind anger, hurt, confusion, sorrow, empathy, and helplessness. She so desperately wants to be mad at her girlfriend for hiding this from her, but how could she? She promised her she would be here when she is ready to talk. For a moment she wishes she could go back to before Arizona told her. To when they were still in their little bubble, where no one was sad or hurt and it was only smiles and laughter.

Callie know Arizona feels guilty about her sister's death. Like being a doctor gave her some magic power to heal anyone. But she also knows no matter what she does she can't take that hurt away from her.

Her assistant... no her girlfriend is Dr. Arizona Robbins world-class Pediatric surgeon who watched her sister die right in front of her not being able to help her.

Going to the entertainment room she starts playing some video games. After taking out her frustrations on virtual people she still doesn't feel any better, she tosses the controller on the coffee table. Looking at the clock she sees that it is already seven am, she has been up all night.

There is a knock on the front door. Callie quickly answers it before whoever it is can wake her sleeping girlfriend.

"Hi, Bailey." She dryly greets her.

"You didn't think to tell me before going public with your love life?" Bailey asks holding up a magazine with a photo of the two of them kissing on the front page.

"Sorry, it sort of just happened." Callie turns around leading her manager to the kitchen.

"You been up all night?" Bailey asks taking in the singer's appearance.

"How can you tell?" She asks sarcastically turning on the coffee maker.

"It looks like you made out with a tumble dryer. Wait never mind, I don't want to know what you and your girlfriend have been up to all night." Bailey looks around. "Where is your blonder half anyway?"

"Arizona is asleep, she had a very emotional night." Pouring them each a cup of very strong coffee.

"Everything okay between you two?" She asks genuinely concerned.

"She told me some things about her past, something..."

"That she is a surgeon?" She says matter-of-factly taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yes, wait. How? You know?"

"Of course, what kind of manager hires a personal assistant without doing a proper background check?"

"You knew all this time, why didn't you tell me?!"

"It wasn't my secret to tell. I knew she would tell you eventually when she was ready. She's like a little bird if you move to fast you'll scare her off, and you are a lot of pressure. I had to let her come to you." Callie leans her elbows on the counter covering her face with her hands. "How are you doing with all this?"

"I honestly don't know how I feel, I know I can't be mad at her for not telling me. But I can see the pain in her eyes, why didn't she tell me she didn't have to go through all of this alone? I'm her girlfriend I'm supposed to hold her hand when she is scared and to comfort her when she cries."

"So, what is really bothering you? The fact that she kept a secret from you or that she decided to go through it alone?"

"Both I guess." She says playing with the coffee cup in her hands.

"Callie, in the little time I got to know her I can see that Arizona Robbins is a stubborn woman, she probably thought she was strong enough to do this alone. Like asking for help is showing weakness."

"Bailey, her sister died right in front of her while she stood by helplessly. How do I respond to something like that? Heck, the only thing I ever lost was my goldfish when Aria flushed it trying to set it free."

"Unless you have been where she has been there is nothing you can say. All you can do is be there for her, everybody grieves in their own way and own speed. But her telling you is the first step to acceptance. I know this is a big shock and you need time to process it, but try to see it from her perspective. I don't like many people but I like her, she smells nice and she saves babies." She says finishing her coffee.

Callie smiles for the first time since last night. "Thank you, Bailey."

"Hey no need to go write about it in your diary, I'm just doing my job." Bailey starts walking to the front door. "I almost forgot the real reason I stopped by. The label is throwing a party tomorrow night, can I go ahead and RSVP Arizona as your plus one?"

"Of course, there is no one I'd rather take."


After showing her manager out she decides to go through the rest of the box. She finds handmade cards and gifts from patients. It's clear that her patients loved her, macaroni and glitter art never lie. At the bottom of the box, she finds a smaller wooden box full of photos of Arizona, Tim, and Emma. From diapers to college. Arizona and Emma are clearly sisters, even if Emma's hair is a few shades darker than her sisters and her lips not as rosy pink, but that is probably because of the CF. The Robbins clan all share those hypnotic blue eyes and dimples. Callie can clearly see the love the three of them shared.

It's breaking her heart to see her perky smiling blonde so hurt. Callie wants to do something nice for Arizona after their very emotional day. She is working in the kitchen when Arizona walks in.

"Hey." Her voice is horsy from all the crying and her eyes feel puffy.

"Hey." Callie greets her, giving her a weak smile.

"Did you get any sleep?"

"Some." She lies placing a cup of hot coffee in front of the blonde. Callie goes back to pulling out different ingredients placing them on the counter, as silence falls around them.

"Callie, please don't run." It comes out almost as a whisper, sounding so small and vulnerable.

"What?" She turns around to face Arizona.

"This past year everything up until I met you has just been awful. And I know I have been lying to you, but I'm just now starting to feel like myself again. But I can't lose you, and if you leave I don't think I will be able to get myself back again. So please, don't run."

Moving closer to her girlfriend she tucks a piece of blonde hair behind her ear, Callie can't help but move her thumbs across her lover's face tracing the wet streaks across her cheeks.

"Arizona, I'm not going anywhere. I love you, all of you, not just the happy shine parts but all the dark parts too." She never expected Arizona to be picture-perfect, always be happy, and never have any hard times. "Yes, I'm a little upset that you didn't tell me, but it's not going to make me go running for the hills." How is it that she never knew about the sadness behind those beautiful blue eyes she loves so much? Callie pulls her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I never wanted to hurt you, you are the most important person in my life." Pulling Callie as close as humanly possible. She was so scared of losing her. "The only reason I didn't tell you sooner is that I was ashamed." Pulling back Callie gives her a confused look. "Not that I'm a doctor or because of Emma, but because I was supposed to be a good man in a storm, and when my storm came I bailed." Dropping her head in shame. "Maybe because I'm a doctor I like to fix people, I don't like being the one who needs to be fixed." Callie lifts her chin making her look at her.

"Hey you listen to me, you've not broken your just hurting. But the difference is now you don't have to go through it alone, I'm here and I'm never going anywhere." Callie realizes what she has just said, surprisingly it doesn't scare her but does the exact opposite she is excited for their future together.

"But..." Callie cuts her off with a kiss.

"I love you and you love me, we are together and none of the rest matters." Pulling the singer into another bone-crushing hug, nuzzling her head into her neck, letting Callie invade her every sense. After a few moments she pulls back, Arizona really looks around the kitchen for the first time.

"Not to ruin a beautiful moment, but what are you doing?"

"I'm going to make you homemade donuts. It's just I know you like donuts and I don't know, I just thought..." She stops when she sees the blank look on Arizona's face. Maybe this wasn't the smartest idea. "You like donuts."

"How did I get so lucky? You're amazing. Can I help?" Callie looks around at everything.

"Um, you can be on mixing duty." Figuring the blonde can't screw that up, can she?

It surprises Arizona how relieved she feels after telling Callie. She feels weirdly happy. But then again her beautiful girlfriend always has that effect on her. Looking over to the singer, she couldn't help but smile at how much she loves this woman.

The kitchen is quiet, but it's comfortable. The only sounds are coming from Arizona hitting the spoon against the bowl as she mixes the batter, but it is soon joined by Callie softly singing. Arizona wishes she can spend every Saturday morning like this. The soft rain outside breaks her out of her thoughts.

"You know Emma is the one who taught me to love the rain."

"Yeah?" Callie looks over her shoulder, smiling at the blonde.

"Most people see it as dark and gloomy, but she saw the beauty of it." Callie senses there is more to the story. "That's why when it started to rain on my birthday I... I don't know." Suddenly feeling stupid, she goes make to mixing.

"I think it was her way of saying happy birthday."

"Me too."

Arizona hasn't been able to talk about Emma with her parents, Teddy, or even Tim. But she wants to tell Callie, she went from being guarded to an open book. Maybe she isn't as broken as she thought, because Callie fixed her without even knowing it.

After all the ingredients have been mixed Callie is doing all the work, Arizona is playing with the flour on the table drawing pictures. Callie leaves her be, it keeps her busy and she looks happy.

"Working hard there Picasso?" She looks at Callie smiling her dimple smile.

"I don't think Picasso ever drew with a flour or on the back of his girlfriend's guitar," Arizona says putting the finishing touches on her masterpiece.

"Hey, I love the drawings on my guitar, and I love how those new drawings just magically appear."

"Must be those magical guitar decorating elves."

"Do those elves by any chance have blonde hair, blue eyes, and killer dimples?" Callie asks as she steps next to Arizona running her finger through the flour.

"That's classified information," Arizona says in a serious tone. Callie bumps the blonde's nose leaving a white flour fingerprint behind, making Arizona start giggling. Her laughter dies down when Callie captures her lips in a soft kiss. Both of them pouring all the love they can into that kiss. Arizona is the first one to pull back.

"I think we should stop or I'm not going to be able to and I'm really looking forward to these donuts."


After cleaning the kitchen because Arizona managed to get flour everywhere, they sit and talk for hours while eating their donuts, Arizona swears it's the best donuts she ever had. Arizona tells her everything about growing up with Emma and Tim, also about her mom and dad. She tells her about being a doctor and some of her crazy cases and how she and Teddy met. Callie is glad to see that super magic smile again when Arizona is telling her about their antics. Callie is stretched out on the couch with Arizona snuggled in her side.

"Can I ask you something?" Callie asks out of the blue.

"Of course," Arizona says playing with their laced fingers nervously.

"How can you be a surgeon if you're so clumsy?"

"Hey, I'll let you know I'm an excellent surgeon!" She pokes her in the side making Callie laugh.

"I bet you are a rock star with a scalpel." Kissing the blonde on her head. "Do you think you will ever go back? Maybe not Seattle..." The last thing she wants is for her girlfriend to move away, if she could she would keep her next to her at all times. "...but to being a surgeon?"

"I honestly don't know, maybe someday when I'm ready to go back. It's not really something you can force." Callie nods, she looks up at the clock.

"Crap we have to go, we have an appointment with Izzie in an hour." She jumps up offering Arizona a hand.

Arizona reluctantly gets up. "Fine, let's go find you seriously hot dress for tomorrow night."

"Arizona you know tomorrow you're not going as my assistant?" Arizona gives her a puzzling look. "You're going as my girlfriend. So, you get a serious hot dress too." She says slapping the blonde on the behind.


Thirty minutes later Jackson and the driver are waiting for them outside. They learned their lesson after the last time they went dress shopping alone. Arizona's phone keeps on buzzing and it's starting to drive her crazy.

"Ugh, it's Teddy again. She has left me like twenty messages already. For someone who is supposed to save lives, she sure has a lot of time to go browsing through gossip magazines."

"My phone is also going crazy with people asking a million questions, including my parents. Who by the way really wants to meet you." Arizona freezes mid text, looking up at Callie wide-eyed.

"Your parents want to meet me?" Arizona asks nervously.

"Yeah, they want to meet the woman who has made their daughter so happy." Callie sees the panic in the blonde's face. "Don't make that face."

"What? I'm not making a face." She says forcing a smile.

"Yes, that's your freaking out the face. Don't worry, they will love you I promise."

Arizona has a weird feeling that meeting Callie's parents aren't going to be as smooth as she thinks. She has heard many stories about the ruthless Mr. Torres, making grown men quiver in their boots with one look.

Arrive at the shop it's buzzing with customers. Some of them stop what they are doing when the singer enters. The floor manager quickly takes them to the VIP room at the back away from prying eyes. Izzie is already waiting for them with a selection of the latest fashion trends.

"Hi, Izzie you remember Arizona." Callie pointed to the exciting blonde next to her.

"Yes, but I heard you got bumped to girlfriend statues since last time." She says wiggling her eyebrows making Arizona blush. "So, Arizona let's take your measurements so we can find you that perfect dress. Callie I already pulled out some choices for you, if you would like to look at them while I am busy with your girl."

Callie nods before walking over to the dresses Izzie pulled out for her. After browsing through the selection she is relaxing on the couch watching as Izzie brings Arizona dress after dress to try on. Arizona is almost ecstatic getting to play dress-up with the biggest designer dresses. Getting up Callie moves to the other side of the room to make a call she has been putting off for too long now. The call goes straight to voicemail so she decides to leave a message.

"Hey, Aria it's me. I know I have been avoiding you, but I would really like it if we could talk things out. No matter what happened between us you're still my sister. So, um give me a call maybe sometime. Bye." Putting her phone back she turns around just in time to see her girlfriend twirling around in a pink dress. Arizona sees those brown eyes inspecting her.

"What you think?"

"I'm usually not a fan of pink but I think you might just change my mind." Stalking up to the blonde wrapping her arms her waist, placing a kiss on her bare shoulder.

"Are you sure about this? I mean I have no problem hanging in the background, these dresses are really pricy and that's just the tip of the very expensive iceberg." Looking at Callie in the mirror ready to go into the full rambling mode.

"Are you done now?" Callie asks resting her chin on her shoulder. Arizona just nods. "Arizona you are my girlfriend, there is no way I'm going to let you hang in the background when all I want to do is show you off. Don't worry your pretty little head about the price of the dress or any of that crap. You just find the perfect dress you love and let your girlfriend spoil you a little, you deserve it." Arizona turns around in the singer's arms, giving her a raised eyebrow.

"You think you're going to get lucky don't you?"

"Can't blame a girl for trying," Callie says smirking at her girlfriend.

"Calliope Torres, I let you know I'm not the type of girl who you can just buy with some fancy dress." Crossing her arms staring at the singer, Callie gives her a challenging look. "But add in some really expensive shoes and I might change my mind."

"Deal!" Callie says sealing it with a kiss. "Can we get the lady some shoes over here!" Callie yells at the shop attendants.

"You're unbelievable you know that?"

"Well, I try my best."


They spend the day getting everything they need for the party the following day. Callie is pretty sure she will be receiving a 'thank you' basket from her credit card company. Sunday morning comes around after a lazy morning they spend the rest of the day getting pampered. Arizona has to admit she can get used to being treated like a star, just sitting back and let other people do all the work.

Everyone from the record label will be at the party including some other high-end celebrities. It's been the talk around town for weeks. Being fashionably later as usual they are one of the last to arrive at the party. Climbing out of the limo Callie holds out her hand to her girlfriend who is looking nervously at the red carpet, crowded paparazzi, and screaming fans. She reaches out and takes Callie's hand, she pulls the blonde closer.

"Don't worry just give them one of your dimpled smiles and they will be eating out of your hand." She whispers in her ear pulling back she sees a said smile. "Yeah, just like that."

Walking onto the red carpet hand in hand, Arizona puts on her best smile as she follows her girlfriend stopping for a photo after photo. Reaching the end of the carpet her eyes struggle to focus from all the flashing lights and her ears hurt from the screaming crowd. Suddenly she has a newfound respect for the business. Arizona waits with Bailey as Callie signs autographs for some fans before they head into the hotel. The music is blaring and people were scattered around the room. Callie spots the rest of her band standing at the bar. Walking up to them she sees Cristina bend over laughing at something a very annoyed Alex said.

"So, you tried to pick her up but you already slept together and you didn't remember her?" Alex just nods as Cristina laughs holding onto her stomach gasping for air. "That's so embarrassing, tell it again!"

"Cristina, stop picking on Alex," Callie says stepping closer greeting everyone.

"Hey, you can't fix stupid, but I will point it out and laugh at it."

"So, Arizona how was your first trip down the red carpet?" Lexie asks excitedly.

"Intense, I felt very self-aware the entire time," Arizona says smoothing out her dress for the hundredth time.

"Good evening everyone how is my favorite band tonight?" Everyone turns around to see Richard Webber.

"Richard, we are just happy to be back home, and you?" Callie answers shaking his hand.

"Great having all my little protégées in one place. Actually, I was hoping I could talk to you guys about something? There are some people I would like to introduce you guys to, you know just some suits."

"Yes of course." She answers not so excited.

"Great. I'll come by later to introduce you." He leaves to go greet the newest arrivals.

"I'm going to go get a drink, you want anything?" Callie asks her girlfriend.

"Yes, please you know what I like." Kissing Callie on the cheek before she walks over to the bar.

"Well, it isn't the prodigal daughter who returned?" Not even having to look to know that cold voice belongs to.

"What do you want Erica I'm kind of busy?"

"I saw you locking lips with that blonde bimbo of an assistant of yours." Callie turns her head to glare at the other singer, of course, Erica would have something to say about her new romance. "You know this is just a phase right? Pretty soon you are going to get bored of your little blonde plaything and go back to date actual important people." Erica states smugly sipping on her drink. Callie turns her body so she can look her straight in the eye.

"Who do you think you are to have any input in my love life? You don't get a say in any aspect of my life. You lost that right the day you left me standing alone in a parking lot. So, just stay the hell away from me and Arizona!" She turns around not caring about her drink order.

"Oh come on Cal, no need to overreact." Erica grabs her arm before she can leave.

"I think she made herself very clear that she wants you to leave her alone." Erica turns around to see a very pissed off blonde.

"You're here watchdog now too?" She asks letting go of Callie's arm.

"Callie doesn't need me to protect her, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to kick your ass if you don't stop harassing my girlfriend." Taking a step closer to Erica.

"Please, we both know you're not going to even touch me." Arizona looks around them at all the bodyguards and security, until she locks eyes with Callie standing behind Erica.

"Your right, I'm not." Erica smiles victoriously. Arizona walks around her to Callie. She pulls her girlfriend into a heated kiss. When they finally part Callie's head is spinning. Arizona snakes her arms around her girlfriend's neck completely ignoring the other blonde staring daggers at her.

"Wanna dance?" Callie's mouth suddenly goes dry when she sees the mischievous look in her girlfriend's eyes. All she can do is nod as Arizona pulls her onto the dance floor.

Callie has to admit possessive Arizona is hot. The way she is dancing, her hands roaming Callie's body making sure everybody knows she belongs to her. Looking over at the bar Callie sees Erica watching them like a hawk.

"I'm so glad looks don't kill because I kind of like having you around," Callie whispers in the blonde's ear.

"I told you I played dirty on the playground," Arizona says proudly, she can feel Erica's eyes burning holes in the back of her head.

After dancing for a few songs they head over to where the rest of their group is standing talking and taking shots.

"Hey Addie, do you know if Mark is coming?" Callie asks her best friend grabbing a water bottle from the table.

"No, I don't think he is why?"

"He is used to love these kinds of parties, maybe having a girlfriend changed him more than we realized."

"Yeah right, no way Mark has a girlfriend he is most likely at some strip club." She says annoyed taking a shot.

"Strip club?" Arizona asks.

"Yes, you give money to the homeless and some people give money to the topless." This gets a round of laughs from everyone.

"Addie, are you still mad at him for kissing you at the game?" Callie asks placing her hand on her friend's shoulder.

"That's something I don't talk about."

April walks over downing a shot, releasing an angry grunt before downing another shot and slamming her phone down onto the counter.

"April are you okay?" Arizona asks taking the shot out of April's hand before she can down it.

"Ugh, my stupid sisters! They drive me crazy! What is the point of having sisters anyway?" She says dramatically clearly already tipsy. Callie feels Arizona stiffen next to her. "Is it too late to become an only child?"

"Um, I'm going to go to the bathroom." Arizona spins around and leaves before Callie can answer.


"What?" She asks clueless.

"Do you ever think before you talk?" April slowly realizes what she just said. After telling Callie, Arizona felt more comfortable about telling the rest of the band about her past, a more of an overview of everything not really wanting to get into any detail. Besides with this lot a doctor's degree might come in very handy.

"Oh, Callie I didn't think."

"Clearly." Callie turns to follow her girlfriend but is stopped.

"I'll go." Callie is very hesitant but agrees.


Arizona is standing outside looking up at the sky. Trying really hard not to cry, since she told Callie it's like the floodgates have opened. She hears the door open, not bothering to turn around figuring it is Callie. But when the body steps next to her it's the last person she expected it to be.

"Cristina, what are you doing here?"

"Richard is trying to introduce the band to every old person in there."

"So, you sneaked away?"

"Sneak away, run away whatever. Hey, look a shooting star." She points up to a little red flickering light.

"That's an airplane." They just stand there looking at the city lights.

"Do you know what part I hate the most? The flowers, what is up with that? Sorry that your loved one is dead but here is a crappy flower that will also die in a couple of days. I know they try to understand it and try to sympathize but until you felt that loss... my dad died when I was nine. A car accident, I was with him in the car." Arizona turns her head to look at the drummer for the first time. "While we waited for the ambulance, I tried to keep his chest closed so he wouldn't bleed as much. When he died my hands felt his heart stop beating." Arizona closes her eyes as she feels a single tear roll down her cheek. "I didn't really know how to exist in a world that my dad didn't, and I guess that never really changes." There is a silence between them.

"Do you still have dreams about it?" Arizona asks turning back to look at the night sky.

"Sometimes, when I'm stressed or anxious."

"Do you think it is true what they say, that time heals everything?"

"I'll let you know." Cristina gives her a small smile as she places a comforting hand on Arizona's before pulling away really quickly. Cristina Yang doesn't do feelings. "But I do know something that will make you forget for a while and make you feel better."

"Tequila?" Arizona knows well it is the drummers go to.

"Yes, Tequila is very inspirational, but also to dance it out." She drags the blonde back inside, rejoining their group. Callie is immediately by Arizona's side.

"I'm sorry I know Cristina can be a little... Cristina. But I just thought you..."

"It's okay." Squeezing Callie's hand. April sheepishly walks over to them.

"Arizona I'm so sorry, I didn't think."

"April, don't worry about it." Arizona gives her a reassuring smile.

"Come on bitches it's dancing time!" Cristina demands as everyone makes their way onto the dance floor when the DJ starts playing Icona Pop's Girlfriend.

"May I have this dance, Dr. Robbins?" Callie holds out her hand to Arizona.

"Always." Taking Callie's hand as she pulls her closer.

"Where would you be, be without me. We will never find out. What would I do, do without you? We will never know now." Callie sings to the woman in her arms.

"I love you Calliope," Arizona says running her hands over the singer's arms

"I love you too, so much." Giving the blonde a quick kiss. "You sure you are okay?"

"Yes, but do you know what will make me feel even better?" Arizona says suggestively.

"You want to punch Erica," Callie says already knowing the answer.

"Just one time, please?"

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