I Think Your Love Would Be To...

By littleninja0

367K 8.4K 3.1K

Working for Post Malone shouldn't be too hard right? Simple, just don't fall in love More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Authors Note
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Author's Note
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Author's Note
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Author's Note
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Author's Note
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Author's Note
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 68

2K 74 11
By littleninja0

Austin POV

I heard Lena chuckle to herself as I was seemingly trapped in a heavy trance, my gaze captured by her beauty as I longingly looked up at her. She watched as I swallowed hard, my cheeks flushed at her unexpectedly pointing out my not so discreet boner that was prodding against her thigh.

I was at a lost for words, My strong hands still gripping onto her curvaceous hips. I could feel my nails digging into her skin, even through the thin robe she was wearing as I couldn't keep my eyes off of her and to be quite honest, I wasn't even really trying.

"Now look who's staring. The tables have turned haven't they?" She teased, breaking me out of my hypnotic state.

"I- I didn't- I'm-" I foolishly tripped over my words as I struggled to spit out what I was thinking.

"I'll see you downstairs." She smirked, gently releasing herself from my embrace, her hand just barely brushing against the stiffness of my jeans.

I did a double take of her round ass as she turned around to leave my master bedroom but soon snapped out of it as I realized she was about to risk the chance of someone other than myself seeing her dressed the way she was.

"Lena, wait." I called, catching her before she turned the door knob.

I rose from the bed, making my way to my drawer to retrieve a long sleeve t shirt. I held it in my hands as I made my way towards her, her dark eyes trailing every step I made.

"Put this on. Your robe is a little- transparent. I don't want anyone to-" I said quietly, suddenly feeling a strange urge of possessiveness in my chest. I didn't understand why but as ridiculous as it sounded, I felt like she was for my eyes only.

"See me half naked?" She raised one of her brows, the tiniest smirk at her pouty lips. It was almost as if she somehow knew I didn't want her to leave the room in her barely there robe.

She had slipped on a pair of panties after she had gotten out of the bath, therefore I couldn't see everything, but just from a mild glance, it would be near obvious to anyone with two eyes that she was topless underneath.

"Um- well yeah." I stuttered, unsure why I felt the need to shield her from anyone. But for some reason, even though my current self barely knew her, it was almost like an instinct to protect her.

Her smirk formed into a warm smile and she willingly took the shirt from me.

I ran my fingers through my hair and returned a weak smile.

"I'll give you some privacy. I'm gonna go take a shower." I said as she gave me a small nod before I turned away from her and walked into my connecting bathroom.

As I began to pull my joggers down and let them drop to the ground, a bright pink container sitting at the edge of my bathtub caught my attention from the corner of my eye.

I made my way over, picking up the bottle marked Raspberry Sorbet, slightly inhaling the scent from the open cap.

Funny enough, the intoxicating aroma smelled just like her, rather than the other way around.

Just as I was about to place the bottle back down, I heard the door slightly creak open.

"We have got to stop meeting like this." Lena mumbled, a delightful charm in her voice as I turned around to face her.

She stood in the door way with my shirt falling to her mid thigh and pure sex dripping from every inch of her body.

Just when I thought she couldn't get any more attractive after seeing her half naked two days after meeting her all over again, here she was, looking like the goddess of utter perfection in my shirt as I felt my cock growing by the second.

I was too afraid to look down, but by the look on Lena's face, I was probably stretching the fabric of my boxers to its limit just based off of the size of her widened pupils.

But they weren't widened in shock, they widened with- lust? But she quickly snapped out of it, taking a step towards me and taking the bottle from my hand.

"This is what I was looking for." She said quietly before giving me a once over glance.

"I'll see you downstairs?"

"Yeah I'll see you there." I agreed as I could feel my skin beginning to burn from the amount of heat emulating in the room.

"Austin?" My name sounded like actual heaven leaving her lips and I wanted nothing more than to hear her scream it over and over again while she was completely naked in my bed.

"Yeah Lee?"

"I'm really glad you're home." She stood on her tip toes, cupping one side of my flushed cheek with her hand and placing her lips on the other side of my face.

And with that, she turned on her heels, leaving me alone in that bathroom with yet another hard reminder of how bad I wanted her.

"Fuck." I mumbled under my breath as I walked over to the stand up shower, turning the temperature all the way to cold.


I was fully dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, my damp curls air drying from my shower as I made my way down the stairs. 

My parents were all packed to go as they both had to get back to work and were relieved to see I was discharged and back on my feet. Well despite the whole amnesia thing.

I saw the majority of my team starting to say their goodbyes as they were soon leaving for the airport.

I couldn't help but notice my mom hugging Lena as they were wrapped into their own conversation. Lena nodded her head as she smiled warmly before she moved on to hug my dad.

After she was done, I moved forward to say my own goodbyes to my parents, my mom in tears as she squeezed me tightly.

"My baby. I'm so happy you're safe." She cried into my shirt as I hugged her.

"I'm fine mom. I'm gonna be okay don't worry about me. Thank you for coming to see me, I love you both." I let go of her to hug my dad.

"Take care of yourself son. Don't make us panic like that again." My dad chuckled as he gave me a light slap on the back.

"I won't." I chuckled. "Text me when both of you land."

"Will do kid." He smiled, grabbing ahold of his luggage as he made his way through my front door, my mom following behind him. "Lets go Nicole."

"I'm coming Rich." She rolled her eyes. "Pray I don't strangle him on the way home."

I laughed as I waved goodbye while Jeremy loaded their suitcases into the trunk of my Escalade.

I closed the front door shut, running my fingers through my hair as I saw Lena shuffling through my bar near the kitchen while the rest of the team piled into the living room.

She was still wearing my oversized shirt and had managed to slip a small pair of shorts underneath that just barely peaked out as she stood on her tiptoes.

"What's your poison?" I asked as I came up behind her, wondering how it was possible for anyone to look so sexy in a baggy Carhartt tee shirt.

She turned around once she grabbed a unopened bottle, that pretty smile at her lips as her eyes lit up with excitement.


I couldn't help but chuckle at the childish sparkle in her eyes as she gripped the wine with all of her might.

"Have some with me?" She asked softly as she opened one of my cabinets to grab for two wine glasses.

"I don't know Lee, I'm not much of a wine person. I'll have a Bud Light while you have a glass of your Rosè." I suggested as a counter offer.

But instead, she puckered her full bottom lip, making my knees wobble with weakness as I looked down at her.

"Pretty please? For me?" She asked, the childish look in her eyes vanished and replaced with a film of pure seduction. It was almost as if she knew the strong effect she had on me and she was using it exactly to her advantage.

I couldn't say no to her. I mean how could I? Her hardened nipples imprinted through my shirt and I couldn't help but sweep my eyes over them ever so discreetly.

"One glass. But only because you asked nicely."

"Oh yeah? Not because of my big beautiful- eyes?" She teased, earning an eye roll from me as she was hinting that she picked up on my not so subtle glance at her breasts.

"Well those too." I said quietly, her cheeks flushing lightly at my words.

"So rockstar, what would you like for your fancy dinner?" She asked, reaching for a cork screw to open the wine.

"Hmm I think I'm leaning towards teriyaki chicken."

She was the one to now roll her eyes as she grinned. "I had a feeling you'd say that. I already ordered it for you. Always a creature of habit."

"Damn, I guess you know me pretty fucking well." I laughed.

"I do. I got us sushi too." She raised her brow as her eyes studied mine.

Before I got the chance to respond, her phone went off, signaling that the food had arrived.

"Sushi? I don't eat sushi." I mumbled to myself as finished opening the bottle of wine she didn't quite get to. I poured some in each of our glasses and returned the cork to the bottle.

I heard Lena thank the delivery driver and close my front door. My eyes followed her as she dropped one bag of food off in the living room for the rest of the team before making her way back into the kitchen.

"I take that back. I don't think you know me as well as you think. I would never eat sushi." I raised my brow at her as she began removing the food from the bag.

She shot me a look of amusement before sliding into one of my bar stools at the kitchen island.

"How about you try it before you go making assumptions about how well I know you Mr. Amnesia?" She chuckled, beckoning for me to join her.

"I'm telling you Lena. You could know me like the back of your hand. But I promise, I don't do sushi." I shrugged, making my way over to her with both glasses of wine and sitting in the seat next to her.

"And I'm telling you, you need to try it before you make up your mind." She said intriguingly, almost under her breath as she opened the container and picked up a piece of sushi with her fingers.

I let out a sigh of conflict as I was never a fan of expanding my palette but she was just so damn pretty and so fucking charming and I felt like I had no option.

"We both know you're having a hard time saying no to me. Trust me, I know what you like." She quietly said, a certain tone in her voice that repeatedly sent chills down my spine.

I said nothing as she brought the food to my lips, waiting patiently for me to part them. I opened my mouth without any hesitation, allowing her to feed me for what I thought was the first time.

Her eyes locked with mine as I chewed slowly, savoring the delicious taste that I was in no way expecting. I swallowed the food and parted my lips to speak, as Lena was waiting intently for my critique.

But suddenly sushi was the last thing on my mind.

My hand dropped to her lap, my fingers grazing against her smooth skin as I treaded lightly against her leg.

"Mind over matter." I mumbled, my eyes still fixed on her as I pushed the shirt upwards, revealing her tattoo. Lena's eyes widened in shock as the words left my lips.

I swallowed hard when I saw that the same words that had just left my lips were inked beautifully onto her soft skin.

I ran my thumb over the cursive letters on her thigh as I felt her body shaking at my touch while I chuckled under my breath.

"I think you just brought back one of our memories."

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