Dear Elle,

By aliciaruby90

55.5K 1.6K 468

Guided by letters left by her late Mum, Elle and Noah journey through life's most precious moments together a... More

1. Graduation.
2. Summer and Surprises.
3. When it all gets too much.
4. Home.
6. The Dream Job.
7. When your world stops.
8. Moments in time.
9. Healing Us.
10. Dear Noah,
11. The Dress.
12. The night before.
13. Together, Forever.
14. Mr and Mrs Flynn.
15. Truce.
16. Christmas Surprise.
17. Introducing our son...
18. The Newborn Stage.
19. The Beach House Part 1.
20. The Beach House Part 2
21. The Beach House Part 3
22. Is it always happy ever after?
23. When your world turns upside down.
24. Are they worth it?
25. Stronger, Together.
26. High School Reunion.
27. Our Little Girl
28. Dad Life
29. First Day.
30. Dear Elle,
Bonus: Hold Me.
Bonus: Summer Memories.
Bonus: London.
Bonus: Rome.
Bonus: Paris.
Bonus: London II
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5. Twenty One.

1.9K 49 18
By aliciaruby90

Dear Elle,

Happy 21st Birthday!

I can't believe that my baby is all legally grown up and finally 21.

I'm so very sorry that I can't be there to celebrate with you and watch you blow out your birthday candles.

I don't want this to be a sad day, I want you to have a great day. One that you will always remember. You only turn 21 once and it's an age where a new round of experiences become possible and your new found freedom will allow you to explore parts of the world you have never known.

I still remember your very first birthday, June and I went totally overboard for you and Lee even though your Dad and Matthew tried to reign us in. 'They are never going to remember' they kept telling us as we kept ordering more balloons, banners and streamers.

'They won't, but we will'. One day, you and Lee will look back on the pictures and see that maybe you didn't know exactly what that day was, but it was all about you.

We dressed you up. You got spoiled with presents and Lee started crying when Noah blew out his birthday candle.

Birthday's became more special after that, especially once I got sick. As the years progressed, I know what you were wishing for and I how I wish that could have come true. What I would give to hug and kiss you, to stand by your Dad and Brad and sing 'Happy Birthday' and watch you blow out the candle.

You will always be your Dad's little girl, no matter how old you become. Know that we are so proud of the young woman that you are and we are so excited for what's in store for your future. What you have experienced has made you stronger, braver and a survivor. You are a daughter, sister, best friend, graduate and I hope as the years progress girlfriend, graduate, career woman, fiancé, wife and mother.

Miss me today and think of me only for a few minutes but then focus on your day. Prepare for your celebrations, sip some champagne and make a wish when you blow out candles. Hopefully I can help it to come true!

You are so loved by the people who surround you and I hope that you have the most wonderful day and night.

I love you and will always be with you.

Happy 21st Birthday Elle

Love, Mum.

P.S - Give my love to Lee on his 21st Birthday.

Elle POV

The Flynn residence was bustling with people. Decorators. Caterers. Bartenders. Friends. Family.

There were people everywhere. When June had said that she was taking care of our 21st birthdays, I honestly thought a small dinner and maybe a small gathering with our friends.

Yeah, I was wrong. Boy, was I wrong.

June had kept Lee and I up to date about the theme, food and drinks. She had hounded us for our guest lists and made sure that Noah and I were home at least three days before. I was already booked in for a pamper session later this afternoon with June, while the boys had been ordered to man the deck and make sure that the set up went off without a hitch.

To say I was overwhelmed was an understatement.

I knew the Flynn's knew how to throw a party and knowing me I would probably be saying 'best time ever' tomorrow morning once everything had worn off and all we were left with were photos and some sort of hangover - but a part of me wished it had only been a dinner followed by a night with Noah.

But you only turn 21 once right? Might as well make it the best ever!

The theme was Roaring 20's. All our outfits were upstairs pressed and ready to go. It was only 11am and I already felt like I needed a nap. It was going to be a long afternoon and an even longer evening.

I headed into the kitchen to grab some coffee. Luckily the Flynn's had an outdoor entertaining area - so the main house was left untouched by the commotion of people everywhere. I grabbed my mug and poured maybe a bit too much coffee that I was used to having.

But I needed it and it was my birthday.

I sipped and inhaled as I watched decorators hang garlands of black and gold.

Looks like our outfits would go perfectly with the decor, I mused.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and a chin settle on my shoulder, as he nuzzled the crook of my neck.

'Whatcha thinking, birthday girl?' Noah grinned as he stole the coffee cup from my hands and brought it to his lips. He pulled a face. I put way too much sugar in my coffee for Noah.

'That I'm ready to just climb back into bed with you and the party hasn't even started yet' I mused as I spun around and breathed him in.

'Do you want to get away for a bit?' he asked, as his grip tightened around me. 'Maybe we could go for a ride. After our little conversation this morning, I would like to take you somewhere, if you are up for it?''

'I have to be back soon, you Mum's planning on beautifying me for the party' I laughed as he pulled me out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom.

'Not that you need it' He grinned as he threw on his leather jacket and passed me mine. I stepped into my boots, grabbed my phone that was next to the bright orange 'LV' gift bag that Noah had spoiled me with - inside lay a very expensive handbag that apparently I needed for 'ruling the world' - and took Noah's hand as he led me back out of the room.

'And where do you think you are going?' June questioned, as she met us halfway up the stairs a dry cleaners bag in her arms. Despite all the noise and flurry, she seemed as relaxed as ever.

Noah smiled as he gave his Mum a cheeky grin. 'We're running away together...'

'That's lovely. But if you could somehow have Elle back here by 3 that would be great. We have plans'.

June threw back as he son laughed at his mother's response. Outnumbered, June wasn't afraid to give it back to her boys as much as they gave her. Especially Noah, although a kiss on the cheek was all she needed for her to be reminded that he was still her baby....even though he towered over her.

'Ya give Rachel that same speech when she dragged Lee out of here?' He asked as she continued further up the stairs.

'3pm, Noah Flynn', she repeated as she disappeared into her bedroom.

I shook my head as we headed toward the garage. I loved June. I really did and I was super grateful for all the effort she was going to for both Lee and myself. But it was days like this where I wished my Mum was here, helping to plan or helping me to get ready.

I was definitely getting better on the whole 'talk to Noah about your emotions' front. He found the letter in the stack of birthday cards that were waiting to be opened this morning. He wasn't too surprised when I told him what Mum had been doing for all the major moments in my life, saying that my Mum was always full of surprises. For this one, I let him read it with me and he laughed when he remembered being told off about blowing out Lee's birthday candle.

'I miss her Noah. Especially on days like today', I cried into his arms.

Miss me today and think of me only for a few minutes..

Noah stayed silent and honestly, I don't think there was anything that he could say. But little did I know that his actions later than day would have more meaning than any words he could have spoken.

'Ready?' Noah asked as he mounted the bike. I jumped on behind him.

'Yep. Am I able to have a clue about where you are taking me?' I asked as he started the bike. The rumbling bounced off the walls in the garage and he shook his head.

He revved the engine as the garage door lifted from the ground and once the sun shone in, we were gone.


'Noah?' The rumbling of the bike came to a stop and then we were met with silence. I moved off the bike and took off my helmet, letting it rest on the seat. Noah followed and then met my gaze as I focused on something in the distance.

I couldn't speak. I didn't even know what to say. A part of me was mad that he had brought me here today and another part of me knew that I couldn't love him anymore for what he had just done. I was torn but I grabbed his hand as I took a step forward and went to visit my Mum.

We were quiet as we walked through the grass and I could feel my hand gripping Noah's the closer we got. As we neared, I could see that Dad had been and laid her favorite flowers - orchids. I knew he still came often. Brad was a little bit more reserved about visiting - choosing to remember Mum for what she was and seeing her through videos and photos.

'Do you want me to give you two some alone time?' Noah asked. For a split second I didn't want him to leave me, but I nodded. He kissed the top of my head and squeezed my hand before letting go and walking away.

I sat down on the grass and smiled. It had been a very long time since I had done this.

'Thank you for my letter today. I wish you were here to....' I started as I began to pick the grass. Old habits.

'I've been having a good day so far. June and Matthew are throwing this massive party for Lee and I tonight. Roaring 20's theme, so lots of suits and flapper dresses. Brad is so excited. Noah and Lee took him to go and get his costume. He has been talking like a gangster non stop,' I smiled. 'Dad's good. He can't believe that his baby is 21. He wished we had come back a bit earlier rather than just a few days. As soon as we flew in, it feels like I have been pulled in a hundred different directions. June misses you. I guess she misses you the most when there is always something big to celebrate. If you were here you would be helping her plan....'

I paused for a second as I let the wind wrap around me. The sun was shining and it felt good.

'Boston is good, but I miss LA. Work is great. I've been working with some kids who are so awesome! They remind me a lot of miniature versions of us - though maybe just not as cheeky. Noah's almost ready to graduate and I'll follow next year. He is stressing so much because he hasn't landed a job yet, but I'm pretty sure it's coming. Remember how I used to just come here and talk about him? How afraid I was of what I felt? How scared I was if Lee found out how I felt. That Dad wouldn't agree or be happy about it. How scared I was if he hurt me? So much has happened between Noah and I, but from the letters you leave me it's almost like you knew that we were going to be together or that Noah would always be there to look out for me......'

I could see him in the distance, walking around. Occasionally running his hands through his hair. His head was bowed, he was on his phone.

'I don't know what I want to wish for this year Mum. I feel like I've got everything that I wanted, or almost wanted. I'm scared something is just going to come and take it all away...' I let the grass that I had in my hand be taken by the wind.

I could see Noah starting to walk back. Time to go.

'My future is with him Mum, but somehow I think you already knew that. I love you. See you soon' I smiled as I stood up, brushing the grass off. I looked up and let the sun warm my face.

'Good chat?' he asked as he approached. I nodded as I accepted his outstretched hand.

'I should have brought her some more flowers. They could have sat alongside Dad's' I said as we began to walk away. I felt Noah hesitate.

'The orchids weren't from your Dad.....they were from me', he said cautiously.


'Your not the only one who wanted to chat with your Mum. I came a few days ago after I checked it was okay with your Dad'

The expression on my face was a clear indicator that he needed to continue talking. He paused as we arrived back at his bike. Noah took a breath.

'I just wanted to thank her. For you. And maybe a few other things.....'

I cut him off as I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. We stayed like this for a few minutes before I pulled away.

'Thank you. I love you'

'Love you more. Ready?' I nodded as he hopped back on the bike.

'Party time!' he grinned before the wheels skidded against the gravel and we were headed back to the house.


I had been plucked, primped and polished and now felt like I actually looked 21. The salon had done a wonderful job of making the three years of College vanish from underneath my eyes and my hair was brought back to life with a cut and colour. By the time June and I returned home the house had been transformed.

Think Gatsby. Yeah, the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and that fabulous party. This one came pretty close.

Lee and Rachel were looking fabulous in red. Rachel's red flapper dress played against the darkness of her features, while Lee's matching red accessories to his suit screamed that they belonged.

Noah looked as handsome as ever. I was pretty bummed when he told me that he wasn't wearing a suit, but all was forgiven when he walked out of the bathroom in pinstripe slacks, a white shirt, black suspenders and a fedora sitting on his head. A cigar was tucked behind his ear and he finished off the look with his signature smirk.

Happy Birthday to me! Lucky, lucky me!

Following along with the other couples who matched, Noah was in black and white and so was I. My flapper dress was black and set off by a string of white pears around my neck. My hair had been curled and finished with a simple feather headpiece. I could see Noah eying off my black stilettos and knew that once we returned to the bedroom later that night, they would be one of the last things to come off.

I could hear the guests starting to assemble down stairs, with the doorbell constantly going off. One last look in the mirror and I ducked out of the way as Noah tried to smudge my red lipstick.

Party time.


'Happy Birthday day to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Elle and Lee. Happy Birthday to you!"

The chorus finished their song and we were met with a round of applause as we sat in front of our birthday cakes. The party was fantastic. Drinks. Dancing. Family and friends. A few of our friends had flown in yesterday from Harvard and Berkeley, while a few of our old high school friends had surprised us as well. Everyone looked so different and honestly, it felt like no time had passed.

'Make a wish guys!' June prompted as Lee and I looked at each other.

'Ladies first' I smiled as I blew out my candles. Lee followed and we were met with another round of applause as we both cut the cake. Surprise, surprise we both touched the bottom and Noah and Rachel were only too willing to help us out when we had to kiss the nearest boy and girl.

Speeches from my dad and June and Matthew followed. Cake was cute and served and before long we were back out under the stars. People were everywhere. Most on the dance floor, some sitting down. Everyone pretty much had a drink in their hand and a smile on their face.

'So old lady, what do you think of being 21?' I laughed as Lee came up beside me and we surveyed the celebration around us. Everyone was laughing and happy. That's all we could have wanted.

'Old lady?' I put my hand over my heart, offended. 'Your just as old as I am, buddy'

He laughed as he pulled me into a hug. No matter if we were 21, 30, 50 or 80. Things between Lee and I would never change. We would always be celebrating together. We didn't know anything different and I didn't want to know anything different.

We were victims of the night

The chemical, physical, kryptonite

Helpless to the bass and the fading light

Oh we were bound to get together

Bound to get together

The sound of 'Walk the Moon' was blasted through the speaker and we pulled apart. This was my song and Lee knew it.

'Go get him. I'll meet you on the dancefloor', Lee grinned as he took off to go and find Rachel. I spun around the room - there's my guy.

She took my arm

I don't know how it happened

We took the floor and she said

Oh don't you dare look back

Just keep your eyes on me

I said you're holding back

She said shut up and dance with me

This woman is my destiny

She said oh oh oh

Shut up and dance with me

Noah POV

I grinned as the sounds of 'Walk the Moon' blasted through the speakers. Elle's favourite.

She grinned as our eyes locked across the room and before I knew it she was grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the crowded dance floor.

A backless dress and some beat up sneaks

My discotheque Juliet teenage dream

I felt it in my chest as she looked at me

I knew we were bound to be together

Bound to be together

She took my arm

I don't know how it happened

We took the floor and she said

Oh don't you dare look back

Just keep your eyes on me

I said you're holding back

She said shut up and dance with me

This woman is my destiny

She said oh oh oh

Shut up and dance with me

I knew Elle could dance, way better than what I could. She moved along with me and I spun her around a few times. This is how I wanted her 21st birthday to be. Full of laughter, smiles and memories that she will forever remember.

We were joined by Lee and Rachel and suddenly we were in the centre of the dancefloor, a makeshift circle surrounded us as the beat of the song changed.

Everyone raised their hands and clapped along, while they belted out the chorus.

Oh, c'mon girl

Deep in her eyes

I think I see the future

I realize this is my last chance

She took my arm

I don't know how it happened

We took the floor and she said

Oh don't you dare look back

Just keep your eyes on me

I said you're holding back

She said shut up and dance with me

This woman is my destiny

She said oh oh oh

Shut up and dance

I pulled her to me and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her up and onto my body as I spun her around. I could hear cheers, but in that moment it was only Elle and I.

I loved this girl. I had known her from when she was one day old and I had planned to know her until it was our last day on earth. The look in her eyes only certified that she loved me just as much.

Like the song said 'This woman is my destiny'.

Mrs Elle Flynn....yeah, that sounded pretty good and I couldn't wait to make it happen.

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