By adebolu_04

51 4 0

An average teen girl get pulled into another world, she found new friends, a loyal pet and some romance but s... More

~CHAPTER ONE:Amazing Discovery. ~
~CHAPTER TWO:Bitter Truth. ~
~CHAPTER THREE:Adventure Begins.~
~CHAPTER FOUR:Escape from Death. ~
~CHAPTER SIX: Trouble in Paradise.~
~CHAPTER SEVEN: Love in Paradise.~
~CHAPTER EIGHT: The Quest Begins.~
~CHAPTER NINE: The End of an Era (Part one)~.
~CHAPTER TEN: The End of an Era(Part Two).~
~CHAPTER ELEVEN: Home Sweet Home~.

~CHAPTER FIVE:Relieving encounter.~

7 1 0
By adebolu_04

     I approached the boat and I entered it, I sat down and it dawned to me that I can't sail a boat, I grumbled -disappointed- that I can't sail a boat.
    The boat was of a sophisticated fashion, it had a sail with a design that screamed "DOOM" and a big red button that keeps flashing and it says "DO NOT TOUCH",i couldn't resist the flashing light of the button so I pressed it and It jerked and the sail straightened up and Cera who was having a nap next to me was scared, the engine of the boat revved and it moved forward towards the waterfall,i tried to control the boat but it had no steering wheel, so I became scared that the boat may drown.

      I carried Cera and hugged her tightly, due to my recklessness my hand hit a lever at the side of the boat and something like a glass shield covered the boat and it went through the waterfall, I was stunned and I thought "What Technology ".

       I looked inside my backpack and I brought out the map, "we are now on shady shores, but I don't see any company, do you? " I said to Cera but she shaked her head.

      The boat opened back when it reached the shores, I carried Cera off and I also got off and the boat went back. I dusted my clothes because I was wearing a pink and black mini skirt and a whitish shirt with a baby pink sweater vest with pink and black leather boots that reached the middle of my legs. And also any people that Nel said I was meeting, I'm gonna make a good impression and I also dusted my hair and brushed my fingers through it to tame it and for it to stay straight because it was a mess, at the corner of my eyes, I saw Cera tilting her head and staring at me adorably and I smiled.

        I walked towards the trees and I spotted something moving among the bushes, I grabbed Cera and I hid in the nearest bush and scanned around.
     While I was hiding , something or someone poked me with a stick, I slowly turned my neck and I saw bright brown eyes staring back at me, I jumped out in fear and about five kids - two dudes and three girls - who were about my age walked out of the shadows and a girl pointed a pointy stick at me, while I was holding Cera she was growling at them, I put her down and another girl said

"Who are you and what are you doing on shady shores? ", and I replied

"My name is Violet and I'm on my way to Triassic cove and Nelson Jones told me that I'll meet some people, please I come in peace ",

      They dropped their sticks and introduced their selves. The same girl said

"I'm Isabel and this is Conner, Maricelle, Anabel and Adam " and I replied

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. How did you all get here? ",

"The same way you got here", said a slightly tall boy who leaned against a tree with his arms folded and one leg on the tree trunk and he walked towards me with his hands in his pants pockets , he had a slightly muscular body with firm shoulders and cool midnight black hair that reached to his forehead and covered his crystal sky blue eyes a little and down to the back of his neck, he was so cute that my heart skipped a beat and I almost melted,his name was Conner and I replied

"Hum... I... I... I'm... Hum...okay " I stammered dreamily, He smiled at my admirable stammering and my cheeks suddenly turned warm and red.

A Dialogue formed:

Me: (I faced them) So... you guys also had encounters with a few Dinosaurs too.

Adam: (He was also tall like Conner, cute but not as dreamy as Conner, he had brown eyes and long brown hair as long as Conner's) Yeah, pretty much but we're glad you're here beautiful (he winked at me and I smiled and a girl slapped the back of his head) OUCH! ISABEL!

Isabel: Sorry about ...him, He is flirty so ignore him. Nel told us about you, so we waited here for you (She was about my exact height with a long raven-coloured hair and purple coloured eyes).

Maricelle: Hi, I'm Maricelle , It's true, we had incidents with dinosaurs but not the cute and cuddly ones, Do I look like food to you?
(She yelled and raised her hands and her eyes twitched).

Me: (I shifted to the back a little)NO?

Anabel: Sorry, she's a little cranky because a Deinonychus saw her as food...
(She was a little shorter than me and Isabel, she had short blonde hair and jade-green eyes and the other one that yelled was slightly taller in height but she had longer blonde hair that she bonded into a ponytail and she had dark blue eyes, they looked like Twins but their were not that identical)...I'm Anabel, we're twins (yes,i guessed right) Nice to meet you (She extended her hand and I shaked her)

Adam: And I'm Adam (He moved closer to me) we've met earlier (Isabel yelled his name) WHAT!?

Conner: (He ran his fingers through his hair and I was mesmerized) Nel told us you were coming and he said you'll lead us to a cave or something.

Me: (i snapped my self back to reality) yeah.. Yes...i have a map with me (I brought out the map). So how long have you guys been here?

Isabel: For about three days, sorry for asking, do you have any food on you, I'm extremely starving, we exhausted the food Nel gave us.

Me: yeah, I have these seeds called pop up fruits and ...

Before I finished talking, she grabbed the tube and poured it on the Sandy floor and a bush came out immediately but the fruit was bigger than usual.

Conner: WOW!, these fruits are huge,and I bet they'll taste good too. (He stared at the bush).

Me: (I straighten up my slim silhouette)
Yeah, it's because of my immense water close to it and water also double the fruit's initial size. Nel gave it to me.

Maricelle: WOW! that's neat, let's dig in.

Me: But how do you know how it works?

Isabel: I saw a bunch of them in Nel's pantry and he also gave us some to take on the road.

Me: okay, Let's eat.

I took a bunch of peaches in my arms and sat down by a log not far from the water fall, I called Cera and she came to me and I fed her some fruits and I ate some slowly in a neat manner, Then Conner approached me and my heart sunk.

     He sat beside me,dropped the fruits he picked on mine and I went cold and numb, I didn't know what to say or do so I kept quiet and I slightly glanced at his cute face and I looked away.

Conner: Hum... I'm Conner.(he looked at me).

Me: yeah, we've met earlier.(I smiled)

Conner: Oh... (he smiled) so... Which school are you attending? (he chewed a fruit).

Me: We just moved from Greendale about some weeks ago , so I'm still settling, but my mom says this is school called Riverdale High school and they'll be starting a new semester next week, so I'll be going there next week, that's if I ever get out of here(i frowned and my eyebrows furrowed)

Conner: Wow! What a coincidence!, we are all about to start in that school too after Junior high, and I've seen you a lot around the neighborhood, the mall and the stores.

Me: Really,Cool.So...(I faced him properly and Cera ran to Maricelle and Anabel) are you living close to my house... (I raised an eyebrow and smiled) or you're living in the next street? (I asked).

Conner: Not exactly, my house is about five blocks from yours.

Me: Cool.

we both laughed lightly and looked at each other and we blushed, When we were about to pick a fruit, our fingers touched each other and we stared at each other for some seconds, my light pink coloured eyes stared into his dreamy blue eyes, I froze up and I couldn't speak, my heart fluttered because I was lost in his eyes, until Isabel sarcastically coughed.

Isabel: Sorry for ruining your love fest...
(I smiled and blushed further) But we need to look for a place to spend the night before some unwanted guests begin to join the party.

Me: We can spot the next location on the map... (I pointed to the cave on the parchment paper) the next place is the cave.

I called Cera who was playing with Anabel and Maricelle, she ran to me, I carried her and I lock my backpack onto my back.

Adam: That's where we're spending the night.

Maricelle: Let's get going.

    We walked and walked for about three hours, but we were talking, so we didn't notice. While we were walking, they talked about themselves, family, school life and lots more but I noticed at the corner of my eyes, Conner was completely gazing at me throughout, I met his stare and he looked away sharply while his cheeks were bright red, I was flattered and I smiled.

      Me, Marie, Anna and Isabel walked behind Conner and Adam. We talked about girl stuffs like we've known each other for years. I was very happy to meet them including Conner -his dreamy blue eyes, proud cheek bones, firm chest muscles that protruded from his hoodie that he unbuttoned to show his neat shirt which he also unbuttoned to show his chest muscles and neck bones, his long midnight black hair and the way he walked while he placed his hands in his pant's pockets- , he is absolutely charming.

    Cera was also happy because I can tell how she wags her tail when she ran between our legs, I always wondered how she ended up alone, what would have happened if I didn't take her in, maybe she got lost and couldn't locate her mother.

     While we were talking, I was surprised to see how me and the girls had a lot in common even though I'm one inch taller than them but Isabel and I was the same height.

     I realized that anytime I'm around Conner, my heart sinks and I get nervous, Isabel noticed, but anytime she sees me,  she smiles.

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