Unexpected Soulmates (Corpse...

By shadowbelow

17.1K 582 763

[There will be no further updates on this story] "When they say universe has a plan they really mean it. Neve... More

Chapter 1 - The Meeting
Chapter 2 - Obi's Adventure
Chapter 3 - Another Stranger

Chapter 4 - Halloween Special

3.5K 154 185
By shadowbelow

Word count: 5741

— — —

You let out a long sigh as you leaned back on the couch, you took another sip from your wine glass that you had refilled at least twice after the creepy person outside your window.
The guy sitting next to you on the couch had also drank another glass after you insisted it was fine for him to do so, you would have felt bad for drinking the whole bottle alone.

You closed your eyes as your head rested on the soft cushion, you could hear Obi purring on the guys lap, and in the background Corpse's music was still playing quietly.
You softly hummed to the melody of the song, completely forgetting someone else was in the room. You only remembered the guy after you heard him let out a soft laugh.

"What? I think I'm learning the words already", you said with a wide smile on your face.
You took the last sip of your wine and placed the empty glass on the coffee table.

"Right, you just found this artist.." The guy said with his low voice.

"It's never too late to start listening to someone", you said and continued smiling.
"You sound so similar to the singer tho..." you said out loud and opened your eyes to look at the guy.
You hadn't had the time to google the artist yet, did they have even more in common than you knew?

"I've heard that before", the guy said shortly and finished his glass of wine as well, before placing it on the table next to your glass.
After that he quickly pulled his mask back up, he had been putting it up and down to drink this entire time, making you unable to see his face fully.
You looked at the guy with questioning eyes, for a second a thought crossed your mind.

Could it be?

You shook your head, there was no way in hell this was the artist, and there was no way he was hanging out with you in the middle of the night.
You were just a normal person with nothing special to offer, so a famous person like him would most likely never even look at you.

"Am I ever gonna get your name? I need something else to call you than 'The Guy' or 'The Stranger'", you asked the guy with a smile.
"You don't have to say your full name, just anything.. Like the first letter or something!" You continued giving suggestions on what to call the guy, but you didn't want him to feel uncomfortable or force him to tell you his name.

"C", the guy said after a moment of silence.

"C?" You repeated with a questioning tone, the guy just nodded.
"Fine then, C it is. I'm Y/n!" You said with a soft smile, you felt good about him telling you even that much about himself.

"You told me that already.." C started, but you rudely interrupted him.

"I know! But this is us officially introducing each other!" You said excitedly.
"That is Obi.." you whispered and pointed at the cat who was still napping in C's lap, C smiled under his mask and gave Obi a few scratches.

"How many glasses did you have?" C asked suddenly, were you really acting that funny?

"I have no memory, I had a few earlier while drawing.. Is it so obvious that I'm drunk?" You asked since you didn't think you seemed drunk, maybe a bit tired and your head was spinning, but you still felt awake and in a joking mood.

"So you do art?" C asked a new question, you weren't sure if he was actually interested or just changing the subject.

"Yes I do, but it's not fair that you know more about me. So spill it, what hobbies do you have?" You asked curiously, C thought for a while before answering.

"I guess I like games.. And music.." He muttered almost whispering the last word.

"No way! I fucking love games and music!" You said excitedly, you didn't really have other friends that enjoyed making music, so you were happy you would finally have someone to talk to about it.
"Follow me", you said with a smile and got up from the couch.
Obi jumped down from C's lap thinking he was going to get food, but when you started walking towards the bedroom instead, the fluff ball was clearly disappointed.

When you got to your bedroom door you turned around to see C getting up from the couch, he looked a bit confused and was shy on his steps.
You opened your bedroom door and walked in first, C coming in soon after you.

You sat down on your gaming chair that was placed in front of your computer desk, on it was a nice gaming computer you built about a year ago.
You powered it up and turned to look at C who was awkwardly standing in the middle of the room.

"Sit down on the bed or something", you instructed and he did as you told. Once the computer was fully on, you opened up the app that you used to make your own music.
"Okay, this is definitely unfinished but.. Yeah.. Anyways.." you said awkwardly before hitting play.

You leaned back on the chair and could feel your heart starting to race.
Up until now it was a fun idea to share your music to someone, but now that you could hear yourself singing with the melody you had created, you started feeling anxious.

You rotated in your chair, fidgeting one of the rings you had in your finger, trying to distract yourself until the song finally ended.
You turned to look at C who was sitting on your bed, leaning back on his hands.

"It's okay if you don't like it.. Just wanted to share it for some reason..", you muttered as you looked around the room anxiously.

"It was a good song", C said encouragingly and his voice seemed believable, he would definitely be a good imposter if you two played Among Us together.
Would you two ever play games together though? This was a random guy who offered to walk you to the store.. Maybe he didn't want to be your friend..

"I know you could just be saying that, but okay.." you said and spun around in the chair.
You quickly stopped because even that one spin made you feel dizzy, maybe you had been drinking too much.

"So do you have anything else?" C asked suddenly, you looked at him for a second wondering what you should show him.

"I mean I have a couple of unfinished songs, and I have this notebook where I write everything.." you got up from the chair, needing to balance yourself before you started walking past C, and towards your nightstand where you kept the notebook you mentioned.
You needed to keep it close to your bed because you often woke up in the middle of your sleep with an amazing idea for a song, but most of those ideas made no sense in the morning.

After getting the notebook from the nightstands drawer, you sat down on the bed near C and handed him the notebook.
For a second you wondered if you had sat too close to him, so you backed away a bit.

"Feel free to browse.. It's just.. Stupid feelings etc.." you described the book's content, before laying down on the bed, feeling a bit tired.

While C was looking through your book, you just stared at the ceiling.
You were really starting to feel sleepy now that the anxiety had worn off a bit.

"You have some talent", C said after browsing through a few pages, waking you up from your sleepy thoughts.
You just smiled to yourself, it was nice to hear some actual feedback.

"I've never shared my music with anyone before.. My parents always told me it was useless.." you opened up a bit, maybe it was the wine speaking or maybe you were just comfortable around this stranger.
"I guess they were right since I haven't put out anything yet.." you continued with a bit of sadness in your voice.

"If you like music you should definitely keep at it", C said, and he was right, you should do the things you liked.

"I guess you are right.. But I'm too tired to think about that now", you said as an answer.

"Oh, I can leave if you want to go to sleep", C said suddenly, and the second he said that you just felt empty.
You didn't want him to leave, you had so much fun with him today, if you didn't count the part where someone was stalking you. C really made you forget all about it..

Before you were able to answer anything you yawned, making any excuse for him staying invalid, since you clearly were tired.

"Yeah... I hope we can hang out sometime tho.. Like you know.. Without creepy shit happening", you said, hoping C would also like to hang out with you again.
He definitely made you feel comfortable, and he was exactly the friend you needed right now.

"That would be nice", C said with his low voice.

— — —

A week or two had passed by now, you and C never got around to actually hanging out casually, but he did walk you to the store one night.
Other than that you had been busy with writing lyrics and being too exhausted to get out of bed some days.
C had also been busy, sometimes not answering for hours at a time, but you understood that, he had his own life to live.

Today was Halloween, which was one of your favorite holidays, you just loved the spooky vibe that it had. Being actually scared for your life wasn't something you enjoyed though.
Luckily nothing had happened after that one night, so for now your mind could rest a bit.

But that also meant you didn't have any reason to call C to your place, and you were too afraid to actually ask him to hang out with you.
That one night it was easy to just throw it out there as a possibility since you were drunk, but now that you were back to normal it was hard.

The two of you had been messaging back and forth some casual messages, you had also sent him a few song lyrics, and he would tell how to improve on them.
You would also send him pictures of Obi, because who doesn't like a nice cat picture.

On the other hand you finally looked up more about the music artist Corpse. Turns out he told scary stories on YouTube, and apparently also streamed Among Us.
You hadn't had the time or energy to check out one of his streams yet, but you would definitely do that later, since you fucking loved Among Us.

Another thing about Corpse was that he had never revealed his face online, and people were going crazy over him for just his hands and voice.
The latest wild thing was that he shared an image of a single strand of his hair, calling it #onlystrands.
You thought it was funny how hard people were fangirling over this guy, but you didn't blame them, he seemed really cool, but you hadn't entered the simp train just yet.

You had woken up a lot earlier today than what you normally did, the sun was still up in the sky even though it would be setting soon.
As you checked your mail in the common area of the apartment complex, you saw an unusual thing between the rest of the mail.

Even with your mailbox saying 'no advertisements' someone had still managed to miss it and put an ad in your mail.
First you were mad about it, couldn't people seriously read at all?

You looked at the spooky purple and orange design more carefully, realizing it was an advertisement for a haunted house.
You were usually really scared of such things, but you had a crazy idea.

Y/n: You up yet?

You sent a message to C while getting back inside your apartment, C sometimes had an even weirder sleeping schedule than you did, so you didn't expect him to answer so quickly.

C: Yeah, what's up?

You set the ad down on the kitchen table and took a photo of it before sending it to him.
You had no idea if he was a haunted house type of guy, but it was worth a shot.

Y/n: Got this ad in the mail, it seems fun :)

C took a while to answer, so you got yourself your favorite drink before sitting down on the living room couch.

C: Seems like fun
C: Did you plan on going?

Just do it, just ask him to go with you. Seriously it's not as hard as you make it out to be.

Y/n: Yeah! I was actually thinking if you had nothing else to do that you would join me :)
Y/n: No pressure tho!

You took a sip of your drink and let out a long sigh, if he said no then at least you had asked.
To your surprise you got the answer really fast this time.

C: I'll pick you up at 9pm

That was all C replied,  you quickly sent him a smiling emoji to confirm that you had got the message.

Y/n: Just know that I will dress up in a costume

There was still a few hours before 9pm, so this would give you enough time to shower and get dressed up.
You hadn't really dressed up for Halloween in a few years since you didn't have any plans before, this time you were excited to finally have something.

After showering you started doing your makeup for the costume, it took some time and a few tries before you got it just right.
This year for Halloween everyone would have to wear masks, so you kept that in mind while doing your look.

When you were finally done with your makeup, you put on your costume that was inspired by your Among Us character.
You had purchased the (color you use) astronaut suit earlier that month, but you weren't able to find a helmet in time. Luckily you were still able to make your head piece you usually had on in the game.
The end result looked really good, even without the helmet.

You took your phone from the nightstand where you had left it and went to your full body mirror.
You hadn't really sent photos of yourself to C during the time the two of you had been texting, but he did know what you looked like, so sending a photo of your costume would be fine.

You posed for the photo cutely and sent it to C, trying not to look too hard for mistakes in the photo.
Now all you had to do was wait, the clock was almost 9pm, you did have enough time to eat something small so you wouldn't starve while getting scared.

While eating you got a smiley face from C which made you smile like an idiot, you wondered if he would be dressing up as well.
He seemed like a very private person so maybe he would have a mask that fully covered his face.

After you were done eating you got a message that C was almost there, you quickly put away your dishes and gave Obi some dry food before you would leave.
Right as Obi ran to the food you could hear a knock at your front door.

You took everything you might need like keys, wallet and definitely your phone, before putting on your shoes and mask, and opening the door.
Behind it was a guy who was definitely the same height as C, but he had a mask that covered all of his face, he also had a hood on, so you couldn't recognize the hair either.

"C?" You said in a questioning voice, the guy lifted up his No Face mask to reveal the familiar eyes, but this time he had an eyepatch on.
"What happened to your eye?" You asked confused, you hadn't seen him wearing it before when he was around you.

"Light sensitivity.." he answered shortly with his familiar low voice, it had been a week since you had heard that.
"Nice costume by the way", C complimented as he put his own mask back in place.

"Thank you! It's my Among Us character!" You said with a huge smile under your mask.
"I love your mask!" you said and C thanked you quietly, his mask looked really well made.
"Shall we go then?" You said as you took your phone out of the many pockets the astronaut suit had, you quickly looked up the location, before the two of you started walking that way.

The walk there was really quiet, neither of you had much to say and you felt just a bit too tired to actually come up with something.
The walks to the store had been similar to this, but the silence didn't bother you that much anymore, or at least you tried to tell yourself that.

The haunted house wasn't that far away from your place, only a 10 minute walk.
You hadn't even thought about if C had a car or anything like that, but it would make more sense to walk to the place when it was this close.

When you got to the house there were a few people on the line outside, everyone had at least the standard face mask on, even with their costumes, and people were luckily staying apart from each other.
You wondered how the scaring would work inside the house if the people couldn't get close to you, but maybe if they had scary costumes you would still be scared.

You and C got in the line and waited for your turn, the line moved when people were let inside every seven minutes.
That would mean you would have to wait for a while, but hopefully it was worth it.

While waiting you browsed your phone, going through Instagram and such.
Everyone was posting "Happy Halloween" photos today, you didn't really care that much about posting on your social media.
Sometimes you did a small update on Instagram or shitposted on Twitter, but mostly you just liked everyone else's posts.

"Do you have any social media?" You asked C to pass more time, you hadn't seen him using his phone at all when he was with you.

"I do.. But I never use them", C answered to your question, he spoke a lot more quietly than usual, maybe he just didn't like being around people.

"I don't use mine that much either. Just when I'm bored", you said without thinking too much.

"Are you saying that I'm boring", C asked, clearly with a joking tone.

"I would never", you said with an emphasized voice, and C let out a soft laugh which you thought was cute.

It took a while to wait, but finally the two of you were next. You were standing right in front of the dark entrance that was covered with spider webs and fake spiders.
You were fidgeting where you stood next to C, and he noticed that.

"Are you excited or scared?", he asked you quietly, you turned to look at him.

"A lil bit of both", you said, as you had no idea what to expect inside the house.
When you were little you would usually turn around after taking a few steps into one, but now you wouldn't be able to go back.

"Don't worry. I got you", C said from behind his masks, and that made you blush a bit.
After that you smiled, there was no way he would let anything bad happen to you.

"Next!" A person by the entrance said as they opened the small chain gate that was in front of you two.

This was it, time to go.

You and C both took a step forward and entered the dark hallway, at the end of it there was a dark curtain you two had to walk through.
It was almost like all the sound in the air got sucked out when you entered an even scarier looking hallway.

It was dark but from what you could see it was decorated like an old mansion with twists and turns all around you. The place was only lit by a dark blue light, creating a scary 'midnight hour' vibe.
Some corridors were blocked by fallen furniture, and some doors had been bordered up.

As you two walked past one of the bordered up doors, someone started banging on it from the other side. It scared you to death and you bolted past it.
You turned back to look at C who was walking behind you at a normal speed, apparently he didn't get scared by small things like that.

You waited until C got right next to you, before the two of you continued walking and turned on another corner.
This hallway was built to be tight so the two of you had to walk really close together, but you honestly didn't mind.

When walking in the hallway something fell down from the ceiling while making a really loud sound.
You had been walking a bit in front of C, and this jumpscare had made you almost fall on him.

You had taken a few steps back right into his arms, and you weren't sure how to feel about this. You didn't think you had touched the guy ever since he helped you up from the ground that one night when you two met.
You let out an awkward laugh before continuing forward, scared of what horrors might happen next.

You two passed another dark curtain and entered a room now. It was mostly dark with a few fake candles lighting up the room, there were two ways to go and both of you got confused on where to go next.
You walked to the left side hallway and peaked into it, it was fully dark.

"I think it's this way", C said from the other side of the room. You were gonna start walking that way before someone took a hold of your wrist and yanked you backwards, into the dark hallway.

You let out a scream, and C ran after you right away. You had fallen to the floor, but there was nobody there anymore. You had closed your eyes when falling so you didn't see anyone.

"What happened?" C asked as he kneeled down next to you to check if you were fine.

"I have no idea. Someone pulled me back", you explained as you looked around, there was literally no way there could have been someone.
"Are they even allowed to touch us?" You asked, you had heard that you are supposed to sign a waiver for the really scary experiences, where they are allowed to touch and throw you around.

"I don't think so.." C said while offering you his left hand, you looked at it for a second, why did the hand look so familiar.
Was it because of the similar situation you two had been in before, or was it something else? The rings, everything, it just looked familiar now.

You took C's hand and he helped you up from the ground, from there you two continued to the right side hallway C had pointed out earlier, which seemed to be the correct route, or perhaps a less scarier one.

You walked right next to C after what just happened, you didn't wanna fall down to the floor again.
You walked so close to him, that at one point your hands touched, and for a second neither of you pulled away, until the next jumpscare happened.

You kept getting scared from each little sound or movement, but C was mostly calm.
It was good that there was at least one person who knew everything was fine, but you started to think that maybe he was just bored and not having a good time.

"You know C.." you started, but before you could finish anything, two people jumped between the two of you from behind a corner, separating you from each other.
You started running away from them, towards what you assumed would soon lead to the exit, but you heard at least one of the people running after you.

You were too afraid to look back so you just kept running past every jumpscare.
Why was the person still following you? Was it just C? He would have said something though.
Your imagination was running faster than you did, but you still managed to get away from the person who was after you.

You saw the glowing exit sign in the dark and opened the door under it as quickly as you could when you got to it.
It was dark and raining outside, which you thought was weird since they hadn't promised rain for today.
The outside area was empty, and the exit had led you right next to a small forest area.

When the exit door opened you thought it was C finally coming out of the place, but instead you saw the person that had been chasing you through the rest of the haunted house.
You were confused, why was he still walking towards you? The haunted house was over right? There weren't any signs telling you it would continue from there.

The guy looked a lot stronger than you, with a scary mask on and he was coming right at you with a fast walking speed.

"Stop! The haunted house is over!" You said loudly to the guy but he didn't stop. You were about to start running away, but before you could the guy had caught a hold of you.
"What the fuck are you doing! Let go!" You basically screamed now, you noticed the guy was trying to get you towards the forest area, and you started to fight back the best you could.

Suddenly you heard the exit door open again, you looked towards it and saw C standing by the door looking around confused.

"C!" You yelled so he would notice you, C started running at you right away. The guy still had a hold on you but got distracted for a second, you pulled away as hard as you could and got out of his hold.

When C got there he went between you and the guy, guarding you as best as he could.
The creepy guy pulled out a knife from his pocket and took a step forward, this was the first time you thought this person didn't actually work at the haunted house.

You backed away to get away from the guy with a knife, and C backed up with you, always making sure he was between you and the knife.
When the guy took the first swing with his knife C dodged it quickly, and after that he punched the guy in the face as hard as he could.

The guy stumbled back a bit, but ended up gaining back his balance. He started coming at C again with the knife and this time he scratched C's arm so badly that his jacket ripped.
You covered your mouth to stop yourself from letting out a scream, you were away from the two guys now, so you pulled out the phone from your pocket and dialed 911.

As the phone started ringing you looked at the two men who were fighting a few meters away from you.
C was able to punch the guy again, this time so hard that the guy's knife flew to your feet. You picked up the weapon with your sleeve, making it your only protection if the guy decided to come at you next.

When your call was finally answered, you started telling all the information about the situation that you could, trying to also be quiet so the creepy guy didn't realise what you were doing.
Maybe you should have ran away from him right now, but you couldn't leave C behind. At least he didn't have his knife anymore, making it easier for C to defend himself.

The guy got a hit on C which made him fall to the wet ground, this made C's mask fall off and break as it hit the concrete, he quickly got up and fought back, this time knocking the guy on the ground.
C took a few punches in while the guy wasn't focusing on defending himself, and he got knocked out.

C moved away from the guys and lowered his face mask to spit out blood that had gathered in his mouth, he put the mask back on right after that.
You ran to C, wanting to make sure if he was okay, police were on the way so you were able to lower your phone for a second.

"C are you okay?" You asked, looking at his face which was a bit bruised from the fight. There was a cut on the left side of his brow bone, and you really hoped it wouldn't turn into a black eye.
It took a lot of self control to not touch his face or just hug him, you just wanted to comfort the guy.

"Yeah I'm fine", C said while holding his right arm with his other one, that was where the knife had scratched him.
You still had the weapon in one arm and your phone in the other one.

Both of you turned to look at the guy that was knocked down on the ground, hoping he wouldn't wake up until the police got there.

— — —

The night ended up being way longer than you had though, the police got there soon after the call and were able to arrest the person who attacked the two of you.
They asked you all the needed questions then and gathered all the evidence before the two of you were able to leave.
You and C both went back to your house after the event to gather yourselves.

"That wasn't how I expected the night to go", you said as you poured both of you a glass of wine.
The night felt almost like a blur anymore, and half of you wanted to forget it even happened.

"Me neither.." C muttered under his breath as you went to get the first aid kit from the bathroom and brought it back to the kitchen where C was.

"Sorry about taking you there.. If I had known.." you started but C interrupted you.

"There was no way you could have known the same creepy guy would be there", C said as he picked up the glass of wine.

"Wait.. That was the same guy that was knocking outside my window?" You asked confused, you hadn't made the connection yet, but you hadn't really even seen that guy on that night.

"Yeah it was.." C said with his low voice, you put the first aid kit down and leaned on the counter.

"Well at least he'll be fucking locked up now", you said angrily, who on earth did this guy think he was stalking you like that.
You took a long sip of your wine before setting the glass back down on the counter.
"I need you to take off your mask.. We need to clean up the wounds on your face.. Of course you can go to the bathroom and do it alone if you don't feel comfortable.." you said, feeling awkward about that sentence.

"It's fine.. I think I can trust you", C said before continuing.
"Also you basically saw it already", he reminded you, it was true that he had lowered his mask just a bit to drink wine with you that one night, but you hadn't seen his full face yet.
It was a bit weird not knowing what he looked like, even after knowing this guy for weeks now.

C reached behind his ear and pulled the string down that held up his mask, taking it off from the other side as well. He put the mask down on the counter and then took a sip of his wine he had in his other hand.
You just looked at his face for a while and both of you were silent.

"Well your lip is a bit cracked but other than that it looks fine", you said to break the awkward staring contest.
C smiled at you, and this was the first time you had actually seen him smile, it made you feel warm and happy.

You opened up the first aid kit and took out a cleaning wipe, you opened the packaging, and started cleaning the cuts on C's face.
He made painful faces which made you feel bad, but you had to clean everything up.

"Mind moving the eyepatch for a second?" You said to C and he moved it like you told him.
"No bruising there. You can put it back", you continued to clean the rest of his face while he leaned back against the kitchen counter.

"So doc, how bad is it?" C asked jokingly and you smiled at him.

"I think you'll live.. This time", you joked back, before throwing out the used cleaning wipes.
You then turned back to C, looking at his face.
"I don't think there is anything else I can do, luckily you won't be needing stitches.. Is your head fine by the way? Did you hit it when falling?" You asked multiple questions since you were concerned.

"Yeah, it's fine if you don't count the pain on my face right now", C said casually before taking another sip of his wine.
"You know. Despite everything that happened at the end, I still had a good time with you", he said out of nowhere.

"You did?" You questioned the man, not believing him despite his voice being convincing.
C nodded, and took a step forward to you, you looked at him confused.

"Thank you.." he said with a low voice, before leaning towards you, giving you the best hug you had ever received.

— — —

A/n: Happy Halloween everyone! I hoped you enjoyed the spooky chapter!

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