Never wished for you (Camren...

By ubitchbackof

104K 5.1K 3.6K

Have you ever did something wrong for love just to realise it was never enough , it could have given you happ... More

Chapter 1: inheritance
Chapter 2: the one
Chapter 3: will you?
Chapter 4: A girl?
Chapter 5: I do !!
Chapter 6: i do! Part 2
Chapter 7: first night
Chapter 8: hOnYmOoN
Chapter 9: plan cruel
chapter 10: Unwanted Feelings
Chapter 11: Lost
Chapter 12: My Protector
Chapter 13:A troubled start
Chapter 14: wedding girl
Chapter 15:Friends cuddle right?
Chapter 16: what is the truth
Chapter 17: wife
Chapter 18: Mike
Chapter 19:there is two side of a story
Chapter 20: let me explain
Chapter 21: You deserve me
Chapter 22: Pedro
Chapter 23: Unforgettable past
Chapter 24: Value never changes
Chapter 25 : Harsh Reality
Chapter 26: Trust
Chapter 27: sISteR
Chapter 28: It's a new feeling I'm finding
Chapter 30: keena part 2
Chapter 31: different prosprectives
Chapter 32: you just feel it
Chapter 33: damn feelings
Chapter 34: Dinner
Chapter 35: aftermath
Chapter 36 :mijo
Chapter 37: dick wife
Chapter 39: all the thing she said
Chapter 40: surreal
Chapter 41: easy
Chapter 42: promises are meant to be broken
chapter 43: is this our Happy ending?
Chapter 44: surprise?

Chapter 29: keena

2.2K 146 156
By ubitchbackof

Sure there was some awkward tension in the middle of the night, but in the morning was normal again

Or at least they thought

Till camila barged into Lauren in the bathroom half naked

"I'm ..sorry" said Camila trailing her eyes down Lauren's body absorbing every little details like the freckles in Lauren's spine

Or even the drop of water dripping from Lauren's wet hair making their way through the perfect shaped breast which unfortunately was covered by a bra to the glorious abs making them look more irresistible, making camila regret why she never saw this version of Lauren before

She heard someone clearing their throat which she ignored and kept wondering till it went a little to lower where was a noticeable shape of very satisfying part of Lauren covered by the towel which wasn't doing a good job hiding it

'We should change our towel into something more thinner' said camila to herself

"Camila will you go out or not?"asked Lauren shyly yet with a strict tone

"Huh?"Hummed dumbfounded Camila

"I'm not ready yet " not knowing what to say, camila just nodded and headed back in the bedroom, finally releasing the deep breath she was holding admiring Lauren's body

"Obviously she is dotted with some amazing stuff down there!!! Oh  Camila get your head out of the gutter, first you grab and try to pull it away from her body and now you can't stop staring at it!!  Dammit I seriously need to apologise to Lauren " said Camila to herself

"No need I heard it" Lauren answered coming behind her  hearing only the last part

"I know It's different and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-"

"Wow wow shut up, why are you apologising when you haven't done absolutely nothing wrong, I should be asking your forgiveness and what the hell is wrong with you ? You NEVER made me uncomfortable and if you think that I'm uncomfortable after knowing about your missing part than you are completely wrong because you are still the same Lauren for me"said Camila making Lauren heart jump out from her and inside

"Do you really mean it?" Asked again Lauren trying to find the truth in Camila eyes

"I do" said Camila staring directly at those magnificent green eyes, slowly caressing Lauren's cheek with her left hand

"Thanks "

"Don't say this, don't feel inferior to anyone just because you were born  different, because if anything, it makes you more special than anyone however normal is boring right anyway " as soon as camila said this Lauren felt like the little camila she fell in love with is standing right in front of her, not being able to hold herself anymore she hugged camila with everything she had

"You have no idea how happy you made me today camz, you


No idea"


Chapter 23: unforgettable past

"Well listen, it doesn't matter what he thinks and if you are different than that's good because that means you are special and normal is boring anyway" camila

"Open " said Lauren feeding camila mango while she was busy reading a important file

It was an habit by now for them which they acquired in this past weeks, for Camila to do whatever she wants and Lauren to feed her

"Young lady, you have a hand to use, let Lauren enjoy her breakfast and do I have to remind you again of no work at the dining table?" Said sinu and camila huffed in annoyance

"It's ok, I like feeding her at least she try new food" said Lauren in defence of her wife whom didn't take it well

"You mean I don't eat different food ?"

"So you never refused to eat ?"


"THATS a big lie you never try something which is not generic like burgers or pizza"

"See you are lying I tried salmon "

"Because you know what salmon is!"

"I..shut up"

(A/n one of the funniest interview )

"Both of you stop acting like a child and get ready because you guys need to go a countryside resort for the new hotel presentation"

"Papi I can't, I need to go to the office than go out with my bo- est friend " Alejandro just look at her as for 'keep talking and you are grounded'

"I'm taking care of the office you guys go there and Lauren share also your views on the biological energy resources " said Alejandro to Lauren who just nodded

"We better leave now or we will be late" said getting up Lauren and waiting for Camila to get up so they can leave together

as soon as they got in the car Camila started mumbling about how annoyed she was with her father, so easy the mood in the car Lauren put some song in the radio but when she heard the music all the memories of her ex lover come back like a train coming to their station but destined to leave one day

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

Well that's alright, because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry

Well that's alright, because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie


Why? Why did you cheat keena, wasn't I enough?" Asked Lauren crying to her girlfriend who got caught cheating on her with one of her best friends

"No you were always enough but I just have my needs which you were not ready to satisfy, I mean come on we have been together for like a 1 year and still you are not comfortable enough to have sex with me "

"But we do oral-"

"It's not enough, I need more yet I couldn't break up with you because I do love you, you are the best thing that ever happened to me but Unfortunately we are not enough for each other " Lauren knew why she didn't wanted to have sex with keena because her heart was still captured by just one girl although she did love keena but she wasn't in love with her and it's always troubled her enough that she thought if slept with her it will be using keena for her advanced and somehow cheating on Camila, when actually she was cheating emotionally on keena not camila and she was well aware of it

but somehow it still hurt her a lot finding out that keena cheated on her with her best friend other than just break up meanwhile yeah she did have thought of someone else but she would have never reacted on those feelings as long as she was in a relationship with keena

She knew this relationship wasn't going anywhere so they agreed to break up but there was still so much emotions left behind

"Lauren ducking look where you are going " said camila shaking Lauren's body making her take control of the car again

"I'm sorry I just black out for a second "said concentrating again in the road

"What were you thinking about?"asked camila seeing how lauren was distracted

"Past, this music just reminded me of someone of whom I've thought much until now"answered honestly

"Was that your girlfriend?"lauren just nodded

"Yeah my first and last because I wasn't ready after everything that happened between us"camila raised her eyebrows thinking

'what happened?'

"she cheated physically and i cheated emotionally" lauren knew camila too well to even know what she was thinking right now

"what do you mean emotionally?"

"i've always been in love with one and only girl, also when i got in a relationship with Keena she was always in my heart, don't get me wrong i did love keena too but i was too into that stranger who captured my heart not able to forget a slightest thing nor able love anyone other than her or just a simple memory of us "

"How came you fell for me, when you said no one could capture it other than that stranger?"

"i still stuck with my words camz, that stranger still have my heart "

"but you are IN LOVE WITH ME NOW"

"i am"

"How can you be in love with two persone?"

"i am not"

"omg you just said you are still in love with stranger and me"

"i did"

"that's what i am saying! how can you love so two person at the same time!"

"again I'm not "

"i swear  lo I'm gonna kill you!! YOU ARE CONFUSING ME, you say you love me and don't deny about being in love with the stranger too but you keep insisting that you are not in love with two people and that is possible only if the stranger is! but wait we never met before so how is that possible"

"are you sure you never met me?"asked lauren in a challenging way

"I'm quite sure we met in the parking loft of our office! when did you guys break up?"


"but you joined in 2016 which exclude that I am the stranger"said camila confidently

"well you never know"

"you know what i don't care just tell me why she matters so much if she is JUST a stranger! is it because she is beautiful?"

"like hell she is !! but the reason why i fell for her doesn't have anything to do with that , more likely because she gave me the power to be who I am !"

"that's a big statement, what did she do ?"

"she talked to a broken kid aka myself, who was lost in a black hole but those simple words was all i needed to come back stronger than before, when i felt nothing other than a low excuse of a life by someone who i used to love dearly she made me feel enough strong to shake those feelings and keep going " said lauren glancing at camila with a soft smile on her face remembering all the events she went through just with the help of young camila's memories

"wow, but wait if you were a kid then she must be older than you to say such wise stuff right? Is she a pedophile, that's why you can't be together? "said camila with a little bit jealousy while  lauren laugh at camila's claim i

"nop she is a year younger than so it's not the case"

"well you should forget about her, I mean she is a stranger right"

"actually no, i spend most the time with her also i never thought I'll meet her ever again but to my luck she become someone more than a stranger now.. a friend, and to be honest i spend most of my time with her nowadays"

"wait what!! but you are always with me" again lauren nodded her head

"but it's not me "this time lauren let of a sigh and rolled her eyes at camila's stupidity

'I am literally try make her realise that she is the damn stranger and she keep saying no, god help me' said lauren to herself

it will be a lot easy just to say to camila that she is the stranger but she will never believe her, and it's not like she have some proof other than the dragon toy she left her with, but at the end is useless when she can't even accept for a minute that she might  be the stranger

so with a heavy sigh she just kept driving and answering all the question camila have

"So when did you meet her?"

"when i started to work in the Cabello corp."

"so is someone from the office?"lauren just nodded

"well tell m-"

"we are here"said stopping at the entrance

"tell me her name"said getting out of the car

"nop"answered lauren walking towards the receptionist


"i already told you everything so now use your head and try to find out otherwise forget about the stranger"

"good morning how can i help you?"asked the receptionist

"we have a meeting and a deluxe room booked in her name"said lauren pointing at camila

"what's your name mam"

"camila cabello"

"Jauregui"added lauren, also if she hated that surname it was still her surname and sign that she and camila were married

"whatever"mumbled camila

"here mam your key card and your meeting gonna start in 10 minites"

"thanks" both said and directed towards the meeting room

"thanks everyone for being part of it, it was a pleasure doing business with S.F. INC.  till next time " said camila biding her goodbyes

"so home or do you wanna rest first?"asked lauren

"let's rest a little then we head for home" lauren nodded her and said "well then let me buy some food, I'm starving "

"you know what I'll come with, I'm hungry too, that damn was a long ass meeting " said camila and both walked toward the resort restaurant

"can you order meanwhile i go the restroom"asked camila and lauren nodded, after few minutes she felt someone tapping her shoulder

"oh you are ba-"thinking it was camila she turned saying she is back quite fast but stopped when she saw it was no one other than her ex

"Keena" she whispered shocked


hope you guys like it

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and if there is something wrong with the grammar , you can talk to me or

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