Fractured✔ EDITING

By Emrys_Noah

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Part 1 of the FRACTURED series IT'S COMPLETED BUT EDITING IS ON HOLD! What's this book about? I have no idea... More

Prologue- short
Chapter 1- EDITED
Chapter 2- EDITED
Chapter 3- EDITED
Chapter 4- EDITED
Chapter 5 - EDITED
Chapter 6 - EDITING
Chapter 7
Note must read
Not really important
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21-Part two
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Summer special
Idk- Dont let this flop please
Tag fest


20 1 0
By Emrys_Noah

It's finally Halloween!!!!!! Actually, it's been Halloween for a while now. I'm late. So yeah check out Lucky on my profile. Now again, the reader's discretion is advised. This has no relation to the original fractured series.


I woke up on the floor after landing in a pile of thorns in my dream. SiKEEEEE! I woke up with a smile because I know it's halloweeeeeeeeeeeen. Emrys has something special for me. I walked to my desk where a package sat. 

I rushed to it and tore it open. It was just a note that was there. Great! It said 'Read out.' I shrugged and read it

"Teeth of rabbit, stack of hay. switch my body for a day!"

What the fuck did I just read? And I blacked out. 

I woke up once more on the floor. But, it wasn't my floor. It was quite familiar then it hit me. I stood up immediately. Wait, was I wearing sweats? I shrugged that off. Where is he? I walked to his bathroom and washed my face. I looked up in the mirror and saw two colourful orbs staring back at me. I looked behind me and expected him to be there but I was the only one in the bathroom. I looked down at the abs that were staring back at me. What the actual fuck? I looked down at his legs and well you know;) Hollllllllllllllly shittttttttttttttt!!!!!!! I was going out of my head. I guess Emrys did it again! But wait, he's in my body?????

I rushed out of his room and put on a hoodie he had laying on his dresser. I dashed downstairs to get to my house. But 'I' aka Archer walked in. "What the fuck is going on?"  He 'me?' exclaimed

I stared at my form, I gained some weight. Phew, she went up. "Hey, Betty," I said with his British voice. He stopped walking. Okay, sidebar?

Archer is in my body so I'll be calling him she. Cheers!

"God Betilla, I swear to God, I will molest your body!" She threatened. "These boobs?" She gestured towards them. "I'm going to squeeze them until they lactate!" I winced at his harsh words and reached up for my non-existent boobs and felt solid rock abs. I don't think I've ever seen Archer that frustrated. Then she burst out in laughter.

"You should have seen your face. My face?" She said. I rolled my eyes and went to 'my' room. I sat on 'my' bed and sighed. She looked at me. "Do you have any idea why we're in each other's bodies?" I asked. Then I sighed again, "I just want my body back. I'm not used to a body of hard rock!" She chuckled. Typical Archer. 

"Wait! Did you get a package this morning?" She asked suddenly. I sat up and nodded. "It was weird shit. Something about a rabbit. Body switch spell. A spell? How is that even possible?"

"I got the same package and I read out the words as it said. So that's what caused this? I'm guessing there was a reversal spell there too. I think I read it but it's lost in my memories in my body." She said looking directly at me. I guess it was up to me.  



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