best of me

By naiiveking

821 24 3

Yoongi's bitterness about Jungkook turns sweeter just like the mixture of their scents. - This is a yoonkook... More


821 24 3
By naiiveking

Ok so Yoongi is not desperate, he really isn't but he did need a roommate after his Jin-hyung moved out to settle with his mate Taehyung. Taehyung's a sweet beta and Jin-hyung was getting aggressive on every surface of their apartment so much so it wasn't a surprise they mated by the time Jin-hyung graduated and found an apartment together. He did apologise to his Yoongi-chi but he understood, being an omega himself.

But rent wasn't gonna pay itself and he needed a roommate which is cherry on top of the fact he's shy and his emotional constipation makes him defensive and ends up being politely saying fuck off to everyone. Other than his hyung. He'd throw a fit if he heard him cussing.

The landlord does find a person for him to room with but it's an alpha. A tall, muscular alpha with tattoos covering his entire right arm which wouldn't have been too bad if he didn't have a face that screamed smouldering and baby. Also to fuck Yoongi, his wolf was practically skipping at the scent of the alpha which was everything he loved. Hint of bitter coffee almost masked by the caramel and cinnamon. He almost leaked slick. How embarrassing, he taught he knew how to control his wolf better.

Agitated by this it wasn't a surprise he passed this pent up frustration on Jungkook, showing his distaste at the fact he was ready to present to a person he just met, let alone an alpha. He was better than that.

Well it would only work so far if Jungkook was an Asshole. But no, he was by far the most unique alpha he'd ever met. His voice was silky and smooth complimenting his own low and rough one. And the kid was fucking gentle and soft, sensitive to a fault and too generous for his own good. Not to mention how his voice calmed him down and his scent comforted him. Honestly even without any of this he's pretty sure Jungkook wouldn't be any less different in his eyes.

Jungkook was just a person who deserved love just as he showered it. Even though he was much younger than his friends he was mature and honest. Competitive but talented. Such a fucking golden child. He did everything with passion and giving his all that Yoongi couldn't help but find their mixture of scents so right.

He was countlessly told that his sweet vanilla and fresh lilies along with a dash of marshmallows was quite a delicacy.


When Yoongi saw Jungkook for the first time he was bitter (his scent would say otherwise ) and it didn't help when he smiled so wide he looked like freaking bunny that tugged on his heart strings.

"Hello Yoongi-ssi, I'm Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook said , bowing.

Quickly giving a short bow himself Yoongi quickly said , "No need to be so formal call me Hyung." And wow wasn't that character development. Joonie would whine for hours if he told him he'd just let a person he met call him hyung.

Yoongi was praying Jungkook couldn't smell the spike of arousal in his scent when he was looking around the house with his stupid wide bambi eyes shining. Honestly Yoongi felt like petting his hair and coo at him.

Not now Yoongi!

As Yoongi explained to him the structure of the apartment, Jungkook shyly asked questions.

He's kinda similar to me , Yoongi thought.

Mate , his wolf thought and he jerked back from his thoughts. His wolf was a wild one which was a contrast to his own I'm tired fuck off mood.

"If you don't mind me asking, who lived here before? I can still sense a scent quite different than yours. I mean it's not like you have to answer and it's not like they were an omega but it does feel like one and I don't even know if you are comfortable with an alpha, oh my god are you okay about this? I swear on iron man-"

As Jungkook rambled, voice high pitched when Yoongi was frozen for a second, he quickly got over himself.

Yoongi chuckled softly, the other's eyes widening, "it's okay Jungkook. You just arrived settle in first hmm?" His tone was soft, spoken for only the two of them.

The other nodded, his ears red. What was he so cute for?!

As Jungkook opened the door a loud rumbling voice shot through making them hold their hands on their ears. It took less than a minute for Yoongi to realise the bastard- hyung left his earthquake alarm at home and knew it was in his nature to prank them but fucking hell be here to explain it to them.

"I'm -" "We heard bells on our first meet Hyung, are we fated?" Jungkook cut him off mirth and sincerity swimming in his eyes, quite amused. Great going, Yoongi. But wait-

"Oh my god how cheesy can you be brat?!" He squeaked. Fated- it wasn't unheard of but the way Jungkook's eyes crinkled, his heart melting to goo he couldn't help but revert to calling him brat with no bite in his voice.

And the way his scent became stronger maybe neither of them minded.


It was around 9 when Jungkook was finally settled in and Yoongi had whipped up a quick dinner. Lies, he spent hours panicking if the food was up to taste. There was clawing need in the back of his head to please Jungkook for reasons unknown. Lies he knew very well he was attracted to him. But why was this so intense? He was starting to get anxious and he started to emit calming pheromones for himself unknowingly. Was his heat near?

When Jungkook entered the kitchen and dining room his nostrils flared at the subtle sourness of he vanilla, was hyung nervous? His alpha was irritated at the distressed omega that he couldn't help but emit calming pheromones itself, even though they had just met that day. It wasn't uncommon for some to do this unconsciously. A distressed omega always put everyone on standby, especially alphas, their need to protect seeping out.

When his scent hit Yoongi's nose he almost whined at how good it felt but he was flustered and the blush creeping up his chest was proof enough. It made him want to curl up in his lap, nose buried in his neck and wow wasn't that creepy. Hyung would call it tough starved but he wouldn't admit it. Whatever. He just missed Hyung's presence and how safe he made him feel. After all Jungkook was a stranger and close to his nest and maybe he might be going through pre heat symptoms which was weird since his last heat was two weeks ago.

When he looks back at Jungkook he's glad he kept a respectable distance between them enough to not feel smothered by everything. "Are you okay?" The other whispers, gentle only meant for him even though they are the only ones there.

Yoongi nods slowly, breathing getting back to even, " Yeah don't even know what got into me. Don't worry, I cooked food , let's eat before it gets cold."

Jungkook seemed reluctant in dropping the topic but he respected the elder's wishes and plopped his ass on the chair across Yoongi, whose face was still flushed.

Cute .

When Jungkook took his first bite of japchae his eyes widened, "Hyung, this so so good. So delicious, thank you for the food Hyung." He praised which made Yoongi duck his head, too shy to take in the compliments as Jungkook didn't stop. It didn't help his wolf was howling in satisfaction that their- the alpha not theirs liked their food.

Yoongi sighed inside his mind. Damn his instincts. Even though his wolf was quite obnoxious and submissive he knew he didn't need anybody's validation, he was independent and proud of himself and his subgender has nothing to do with it. Jin Hyung had helped a lot towards his self love and confidence but that didn't mean he hated this feeling, his wolf meant well and feeling satisfaction and getting praised didn't make him any less than what he is. So he indulged his wolf. Silently admitting that he himself liked the fact that Jungkook liked his efforts.

"It's not that good.." he started but was cut off when the alpha aggressively shook his head and continued with his praises.

After that the only noise heard was the clinking or chopsticks on metal and low chewing sounds when Yoongi plucked up the courage to ask Jungkook, "How old are you?"

"Twenty two, freshman in college. Double major for photography and dance. What about you Hyung?"

"Oh you're four years younger. I'm twenty six, about to graduate. I was in military so Namjoon is in most of my classes. Music major." He replied, remembering how Joonie pestered him with his philosophy until he finally got to be in friend circle.

"Wow hyungie! I'm also quite passionate about music but I know I'm not too good at it so I indulge in it once in a while. Namjoon-ssi? I admire him a lot! I love his wait a minute-" Yoongi sensed Jungkook's wheels turning in his head."- are you agust d then?! Oh my god!"

Jungkook literally squealed and Yoongi was fond. He could see a fanboy of Joonie but it felt good that they were both appreciated.

It took a while for Jungkook to calm down and they resumed eating and talking in between. Yoongi found out he was from Busan, had an omega best friend Jimin from the same town who he realised was Taehyung's soulmate. What a small world. Both Taehyung and him were from Daegu but only got to know each other through Jin. They bonded quickly over lamb skewers and the brat's puppy eyes made him promise he was gonna pay for it. He wasn't annoyed by it and his tone and soft eyes gave it away. Yoongi was invested in hip hop but did once in a while divert towards r&b whereas Jungkook was interested in pop. They had similar wardrobe aesthetic and he was sure the clothes would get mixed up if Yoongi wasn't small and petite.

That made his mind go off track where he could drown in the alpha's clothes and scent. It could be perfect for his nest-

Hold up that was too much and the thought made another pale pink blush creep up on his vampire ass pale skin.

He couldn't help but rake his eyes towards Jungkook's body. He was broad and muscled and surely warm, the thought of curling up against him where Jungkook would snake his arms around him to keep him safe or where his would slot his fingers between his holding it tight- a hand holding slut as Jin called him.

And he knew he was thoroughly fucked when Jungkook looked up to him and grinned widely. His heart throbbing and he knew he was falling faster.


Within a month, they had grown considerably closer and had met each other's friends and he would say that Jungkook meeting Namjoon was one of the cutest moment. Jung Hoseok, an alpha in the dance major quickly became friends with Jungkook and so he also was thrust into their group of misfits. He couldn't believe that an introvert like him would manage to get six other annoying brats and yes that included Jin too but his heart was so full. Jimin was another fellow omega and it wasn't a surprise they had bonded, feeling protective over each other and he had come out to Yoongi that he was interested in omegas rather than alphas or betas and was asexual. Yoongi never initiated skinship so it was another shock that he wrapped his arms around Jimin for being so strong. Jimin's parents weren't necessarily disappointed but they showed reluctance in support once in a while considering they were more on the conservative side. Namjoon, a beta had unofficially become the leader of this little gang that was heading towards being a pack.

It wasn't overwhelming for Yoongi, their presence and scent always comforted him like a home, since in Daegu his alpha mom wasn't too keen on him being an omega and it was stiff when he once a year went back home.

Jungkook had a very sensitive nose and an introvert like him and it made him happy that he too wasn't overwhelmed. On their daily weekend night out to drink he also realised he was a lightweight and blushed a lot and became a little too handsy or possessive, pulling Yoongi towards him and settling his chin on his shoulders, glaring at anyone who tried to come closer. That made Yoongi release sweeter pheromones to placate his- not his- alpha, drowning in the affection shown.

Needless to say everyone was exasperated at the mutual pining.

(Jungkook blurted out he was a virgin since no one appealed to him nor their scent)

((Yoongi was happy that his scent and presence appealed a lot to Jungkook, who blurted this out too))


It wasn't a secret among them that Jungkook and Yoongi liked each other. The amount of tension oozing was thick enough to cut with a knife and their friends thoroughly exhausted to hear one singing praises of the other. The only ones who remained as dense as this tension was the couple themselves.

When asked they didn't deny or accept about the little bits of courting they did which goes on as:

Yoongi giving Jungkook and only Jungkook the passcode to his studio.

Yoongi was staying late nights at the studio and early morning trying to finish his tracks and seemingly having more pressure being a graduating student. It worried the alpha so much that a layer of bitter coffee filled with distress hung on him and the apartment. Jungkook wouldn't outright call him out but use his so called methods.

Yoongi's omega whined when he came home tired and hungry only for the worried burnt caramel wafting through the apartment. Another aroma wafted through and he realised someone was cooking and saw it was Jungkook who smiled and led him to sit on the chair and served him .

Hours of hunger and stress melted when he ate, it was delicious damn being Jungkook a golden child again. His heart melting too when he grinned the bunny smile and burnt caramel going back to being a cafe heaven. His mouth watering to have a taste and also purring at the fact of being cared for.

He knew he was getting touch starved ( and Jungkook starved) and being away from his nest only heightened the stress.

When they finished the meal Jungkook shot up to clear the plates ignoring Yoongi's protest to let him do the work. While Jungkook was washing the plates and smiling at the whines his little hyung let out telling him to scoot over for him to help.

Jungkook shook his head and turned his head towards him, "Hyung you're tired, go to the bathroom I have a surprise for you." He teased a bit dragging out the "surprise."

Yoongi flushed at the attention cursing his Snow White "sugar" skin as his friends teased that blushed so easily. He was speechless and Jungkook took this moment to cage him between the sink and himself, Yoongi's backside softly hitting the edge.

Yoongi was shocked his mouth letting out a soundless gasp quickly turning red his wolf going haywire. Jungkook bit a smile as he took in the expression of his dear Hyung.

Kitten , his mind provided. He and his alpha agreeing.

Bending down to leave inches of space between them Jungkook whispered, "I missed you Hyung."

Yoongi's eyes softened their scents becoming calmer and sweeter enveloping them in their little bubble, so quiet and personal surely able to hear their loud drumming hearts. Raising his hands to settle them on Jungkook's shoulders caressing them he replied, " I missed you too Kookie." And the other's smile matched his own, gummy and bunny.

The staring continued and he would have fallen asleep if Jungkook hadn't spoken again, "I was worried Hyung, you weren't taking care of yourself well and it hurt my heart. I didn't want to disturb you when you were busy but please let me care for you now." The intensity of the stare had Yoongi giving in but it made him feel other things too. Like the one part pressed at the edge. He really want to bare his neck to placate the alpha's underlying bitter scent.

"I- I wouldn't mind if you came." His voice was quiet and Jungkook wouldn't have heard it if he wasn't so close to him.

"130613, that's um by studio's code. Don't come unnecessarily brat." Yoongi said a bit louder but Jungkook couldn't help but grin wider, overcoming his shock.

He knew anyone walking by could scrunch their noses at the heavy scents combined, becoming sweeter and a bit spicy.

Jungkook brushes their cheeks, lightly burying his nose in the other's neck, letting out a gasp at the smell being the most potent there not missing the twin gasp Yoongi let out. It could have been suffocating, the whirl of sweetness dripping and the hint of arousal being so close to his scent gland, his pupils slightly dilating and darkening, cursing that he couldn't see Yoongi's expression. He hoped he didn't cross a line and was relieved he couldn't find any signs of fear.

Tilting his head to let his lips brush his neck feeling goosebumps arise on Yoongi's skin and the little shiver. Curling his lips into a smile Jungkook whispered, "Thank you Hyung for trusting me. I won't abuse the power." He could feel the hands on his shoulder tightening as the other let out a pleased sound, his own hands wandering to Yoongi's hips.

So small . His mind provided again. It wouldn't be difficult to just lift him up.

Lifting his head back up, biting down a whine that almost left his mouth, he sobered up, almost. He was sure he was drunk of off this.

Looking back at Yoongi, he knew he's damn heart was beating so fast. This little moment making him want to run a mile a minute, and he was sure it affected Yoongi too, if by the way he panted softly.

He really didn't want to break this moment but the water in the tub would be getting lukewarm if he didn't rush it a bit.

"C'mon now Hyung don't you want to see your surprise?" He whispered in the same gentle soft tone.

That broke up the reverie and he looked up at him, confused. Petting his hips ,"C'mon now Hyung, go to the bathroom. I can set your clothes out for you. Do you mind me going through your closet?"

Yoongi shook his head and let Jungkook drag him towards the bathroom. He was ushered inside and he found the tub filled with hot water, the room a bit steamed and a few bath bombs in his favourite smell. He could feel a hint of Jungkook on him and was hesitant to wash it away but the idea of a warm bath after eating to his heart's fill was tempting.

The key to a man's heart is his stomach and bath bombs, he nodded, feeling soft as he removed his garments, picking them up and throwing them in the hamper, choosing not to lock the door.

He picked the unicorn lavender, and popped it in the water, watching it fizzle and spread the magical colour ranging from purple to pink, the mild smell making him sigh. As he settled in, he let out a groan, pleased with the way the hot water soothe his muscles and tendons. Closing his eyes though not falling asleep.

Back to Jungkook, he was absolutely giddy at the thought of Yoongi trusting him enough to give him his passcode, to be able rub his own scent on him even thought it was faint and possibly going to wash off and for him giving the silent green to take care of him, even though he's the Hyung.

Skipping he went in Hyung's room trying hard not to stare at his nest, it was personal and Yoongi hadn't given him the explicit get go. He opened the closet, scratching his nose and trying to decide what would be the best. Preferably his own hoodie, so large it falls near his knee but that's for another day. He picked out a soft shirt and sweat pants.

"Does Hyung wanna wear underwear to bed tonight?" He thought and ended up blushing profusely. What a pervert, Jeon!

He couldn't just yell out to Yoongi for his preference nor search through his drawers. Contemplating for a while, "Hyung must be waiting goddamn Jungkook for being so overdramatic. It's nothing just pull it and give it to Hyung. You are both guys it's not weird-"

He cut himself off when he frantically pulled out the piece of cloth without looking. The decision wasn't the only thing hard right now cause in between his pinched fingers were white cotton panties.

Needless to say Jungkook choked. Without giving it much thought he quickly pulled another one out, thankfully a boxer and hid it in between the clothing, quickly walking over to the bathroom door.

The moment he knocked on the door, the unlocked door slid open a bit under the pressure. Jungkook could burst at the thought of Yoongi, naked in the bathtub, trusting enough to not shut the door.

"You can come in Kook." The voice rang out and the alpha quickly set the clothes on the counter trying not to spare a glance at the older.

When the omega went through the clothes he found both his boxers and panties- oh my god!


2. Jungkook letting Yoongi steal all his clothes + pet names uwu

It wasn't a secret that Jungkook was possessive. He didn't like anyone stealing his clothes, his food, his position, or his pack ( especially Yoongi).

And it also wasn't a secret that Jungkook was very soft on Yoongi the same Yoongi was for him. They all could see there was some special treatment only available to Yoongi and even though it was annoying it was also heart warming.

Normally, if anyone started annoying Jungkook he would either pick them up and throw them somewhere or hit them or pin them down. Every Hyung was scared of Jungkook whom they dubbed as muscle pig. Well, all except Yoongi.

"His muscles are cute." He said on another one of their so called meetings where they all whined about "Jungkookie is scary!" All the while Jungkook nuzzling Yoongi, an arm around his waist.

The all spluttered and whined more at that. Jimin smirked holding his chin in the palm of his hand, " Obviously hyung, we all know about your muscle kink." To which Yoongi had choked and flushed and even more when the arm around him tightened while the others were laughing.

"Mm, that's cute." Came the low, raspy voice of Jungkook, who sounded like he got up from a nap which sent shivers down Yoongi's spine. "If you like them so much Yoonie I'll work harder on them." And the pet name rung loud in his ears the others stifling their laughs and gagging and the soft, "anything for my omega" went unheard.

Yoongi's scent sweetened, he liked it a lot, to which Jungkook let out a low growl and nosed his neck near his scent gland. It didn't help that his pre heat was in a few days and it felt so good to give in to Jungkook. The others stared, going back to murmuring. They could pull Jungkook back but Yoongi didn't mind and they didn't want to create a commotion of a protective alpha.

It wasn't like anyone else approached them either, their scents clinging onto each other possessively, practically screaming mate even though there hadn't been actual scenting done.

Maybe this heat, Jungkook could help him, with or without intercourse. It had already been four months since they were living together and Yoongi had two regular heats where Jimin had taken care of him, non sexually. They were both hopeless romantic at heart and they all knew they wouldn't JUST confess and get it on.

It was endearing. And tiring to see them dating but not realising themselves.

And Hyung calls himself genius , Joon snorted in his mind, shaking his head at them being disgusting again.

Contrary to popular belief the days leading up to heat till the ending of it aren't crazy sex days. It's a period of time where the omega's body begins to get ready to mate, and higher chances of conceiving.

Yoongi had already sent in a letter to college regarding this and he would have a week off after his preheat gets over.

That didn't mean he couldn't feel the tell tale signs of cramps. God be hated that, but at least that meant more sleep. Jungkook was hellbent on making him eat and Yoongi could feel a pudgy tummy starting to form.

When they got back home Yoongi felt better, all he wanted to do was curl up in his nest preferably with his alpha. At times he wished he was actually dating him and not just tip toeing around each other, but he wanted it to be special.

It was the first time he felt so in love, all for Jungkook. It was intense and sweet and it made his heart throb and - a lot of things which he couldn't describe. The lyrics in his diary said otherwise.

When he got to his nest, it felt so empty even though it was filled with soft blankets, (the plushies hidden) body pillows and every pastel fluff he could stealthily buy. Sure he had the dark aesthetic going on but you wouldn't hear it from him to having a liking for cute things such as Holly, plushies, candies, fluffy sweaters, Jungkook- you get the drill.

His nest needed another set of items (from Jungkook and also the person itself) but he couldn't outright ask him that! He was in a daze when he got to the living room area and saw the younger's hoodie strewn across the couch. Without much thought he pulled off his own sweater and tugged the hoodie down on his body, loving the soft material the alpha's scent heavily laden. He let out a small purr, snuggling on the couch pressing his nose at the collar. Felt like heaven.

Jungkook comes in the room calling for Yoongi but shuts up when he sees the omega drowning in HIS hoodie, squirming on the couch, and he unconsciously puffs his chest, feeling pride that Yoongi was wearing his clothes (which have been both a daydream and wet dream for him) but also melts at the thought that Yoongi wanted his clothes especially during his vulnerable period.

He realised the omega was uncomfortable what with the way he was tossing and turning and finally letting out a huff, laying on his back crossing his arms. He was so cute and the pouty scowl on his face made him say,

"You alright, kitten?" Smooth, silky and he could practically feel the heat on Yoongi's face, touching his forehead and smiling.

"Doesn't feel right, koo~ wanna sleep in my nest ." He whined, it was adorable and he couldn't help but slide his arms under his waist and thigh, effortlessly picking him up, the other yelping and wounding his arms around his neck. The blush was more prominent and Jungkook was smiling wide.

"Jungkook!" He yelled as the other balanced him in his arms, "Put me down, I'm heavyyy." He whined his scent turning sweeter, both their ears turning red. He couldn't help reciprocate, cinnamon turning spicier.

"Hmm, no kitten, you are so light." He murmured, face inching closer to rub their noses. Yoongi gulping, "so strong" his eyelids fluttering.

Jungkook let out a low growl, both of them getting out of the haze and Yoongi burying his face in his neck, breathing in the mouthwatering coffee, his lips brushing near the scent gland. He could feel Jungkook's chest vibrating on his side as he let out a low rumble.

He felt so safe, so secure and joy in the arms of the strong alpha and he knew he wouldn't want it any other way.

As Jungkook walked towards his bedroom still carrying him he felt his heart bursting, like small balls of fireworks finally popping and swirling. So warm, he concluded.

And the thickening of the others scent, his bunny smile, Yoongi figured he felt the same. He closed his eyes, feeling the need to be closer to his alpha.

He had stopped denying his omega and it felt so free, to be able to call him his alpha in his mind, without feeling to flush himself down the toilet. He wished after this he could say it out loud.

His, his, his . As much he is Jungkook's.

He could feel it in waves, calm and serene, the wind blowing and their scents mixing, and their smiles, gummy and bunny.

When Jungkook reaches yoongi's bedroom door, he feels conflicted. Is Yoongi okay with letting him in? Literally and figuratively. In his room, his nest; his most vulnerable space and hopefully his heart? He could feel the need growing stronger, he wanted all of Yoongi. His gummy smiles, his precious giggles, his shining eyes, his habit of sleeping anywhere, his passion and love for music and piano, his long fingers perfect for hand holding, his generous and kind heart. So easy to love.

Sensing the inner turmoil of Jungkook, Yoongi slipped one of his hands from around the neck to caress his cheek.

His eyes followed Yoongi's eyes, reflecting his emotions, raw, vulnerable like Yoongi himself, could see the love, the affection, the anxiety, which were shining in his own.

"It's okay, alpha. You can come in."

Those words were all he needed for reassurance. 'It's alright, i understand' it rang. Their eyes glossy as their smiles grew.

Looking at the locked door, Jungkook contemplated the positions at which he could open the door and not drop Yoongi. They were pretty much zero. Yoongi giggles at the way Jungkook fiddled with the knob and tapped his shoulder to be let down.

He did so ( begrudgingly) and hovered behind Yoongi as he opened the door, not wanting to separate from the man or lose his touch. Yoongi let out another laugh at how inpatient Jungkook was to which he got a giggle matching his own.

Jungkook all but pushes Yoongi inside hands on his hips tightening as both their breaths hitch. Due to nearing his preheat, his scent was the most potent here, Yoongi slowly settling down in his nest, crossing his legs while Jungkook just stared. He didn't feel threatened but safe.

"Come here alpha, feels empty without you." In a second, he was sitting down beside Yoongi, letting out a small sniffle at the happiness he felt bursting through veins. He was here, and Yoongi trusted him. His alpha was howling.

Yoongi's eyes twinkled, his smile the widest. He and his omega on cloud nine with their alpha beside them in their nest. He slid his hands, slotting his fingers with Jungkook's, who squeezed back. Leaning slowly till their foreheads touched, breathing deeply, he couldn't help but ask, "Is it good, alpha?"

Realising he meant the nest,he nodded vigorously, "Such a good nest omega, the best, thank you." He could feel high off of their scents. So thick and sweet. So them.

Remembering his drowsy state, he laid down slowly, pulling the alpha down to lay facing each other on their sides.

With their intertwined hands, Jungkook pulled him a bit closer, both breathing the same air. He had waited for the right time, to ask him out, to pamper him but right now this felt like their time. Private and personal and if he didn't do it now, he might never do it another time.

"Jungkook, thank you." "Hyung you don't have to-"

Yoongi shushed him, shaking his head," I want to, Kook-ah."

It feels like waves crashing, the buildup slow, the words at his tip of his tongue, urging to come out, his heart beating against his chest, in tune with Jungkook's own.

He gazes in the alpha's eyes, soft and doe and big, purity gleaming and he knows, he knows this is it. The adrenaline buzzing, feeling sparks all over.

"I want to say how grateful I am. These feelings are so different and scarier than what I've felt for anybody, but I'm happy and grateful it was you, Kook. I'm so grateful you were there for me, anytime. That you showed me you, knowing how terrifying it is and just being you. I feel so happy that it's you. Only you. I've- I can't say what I want to say it's all- jumbled but it feels so right to be here with you and I can't help but pull you close to me. Let you show me everything. Wanna be with you, share all your pain and joy. Want to show you me."

He knew his eyes were glistening with unshed tears, as a person who showed affection through actions, quite shy and found it easier to write his feelings through his lyrics it was so difficult to say it, directly. Felt so free.

"I love you Jungkook."

When a tear slid down Jungkook's cheek, he brought his hand to subconsciously wipe it off.

"Hyung." He breathed out. Shaking his head, "Hyung I- it's me who's grateful. I'm so happy that I'm literally crying Hyung. I knew you were the one, I could feel it. I'm glad you feel it too." Taking a deep breath he continued, staring at the pretty eyes, "I'm so happy it's you, you don't need to thank me Hyung. I'm so happy you trusted me, that you let me in. I'm so happy that I got to see you, for you. That I fell in love with the most beautiful man in this universe. I can't- I can't put it words Hyung but I love you too. So much I'm so grateful that-"

Tears flowing down both their cheeks Yoongi cut off Jungkook to place his lips on his.

Jungkook wished time stopped. His lips were so soft and his mind was focused on Yoongi and only Yoongi. The slide of their lips so soft, so gentle but passionate. He inched Yoongi closer with their entwined hands and slipping the other behind the small of his back, so that they were chest to chest. The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of their breathing and the smack of their lips.

The waves crashed uncontrollably now, the adrenaline bursting in small bubbles, sucking on his bottom lip, pulling it slightly feeling pleased when the other leg out a gasp. Breaking the kiss for a second to kiss the small mole under his lips, he continued deepening the kiss, couldn't help but let out a small moan when Jungkook pressed his lips harder, drinking it all up. Sure, Jungkook was inexperienced, but the kisses made Yoongi feel out of the world. They broke apart, lungs screaming for air, breathing deeply, the exhilaration coming to a rest, not their drumming hearts. Yoongi slowly peeked his eyes open, not wanting to miss a single expression, finding the other's still closed. Red evident on his face and ears and deep breaths.

So pretty, beautiful. Mine. His wolf agreed, pleased.

When Jungkook opened his eyes slowly, he gazed at him with hooded eyes making Yoongi feel hot all over with the intense burning stare holding him down. Made him want to kiss the alpha breathless, touch him more, mark him and do all those things which would make him curl in embarrassment.

He wanted to alpha to smell heavily like him and vice versa. One look and he knew he was wanted as much as he felt the same. The rush was slowly ebbing away into another need, to scent him.

"Jungkook- alpha, please, scent me-" he breathed, he couldn't hold back anymore and he gasped when Jungkook growled and turned him on his back, hovering above him. He whined, even though Jungkook was on top of him he felt so safe.

Tilting his neck in submission even though the alpha didn't ask for him but was satisfied when he let out another growl, lowering himself to nose along his neck. Yoongi whimpered and clutched his hands on his shoulders, pleasure coursing through him.

He didn't remember the last time he was scented by somebody, Jungkook had all but left his shy personality behind and was aggressively scenting him, caramel and cinnamon covering up vanilla and lilies, making sure he smelt like him. When he pulled back , both of them were panting and he couldn't stop the urge to scent him back, pulling him by the collar to bury his nose in his scent gland, breathing in heavily and rubbing his nose against it, brushing his lips once in a while.

Meanwhile, Jungkook had gone ahead and started pecking which soon turned to open mouth kisses along his neck and collar bones, whining when he was restricted by the collar of his hoodie.

Yoongi needed him closer, even though there was no space between them, "off, off." He whined, tugging at his shirt to which Jungkook was quick to comply.

He let out a moan getting turned on immediately at the sight of him as if he wasn't enough already. He really underestimated his muscles and gym trips because holy fuck , he trailed his hands down his shoulders, letting it rest on his toned chest for a while before going down, brushing his nipples which he got to know were sensitive by the moan Jungkook let out, who nipped his neck in retaliation, he whimpered. As an apology, he pecked his cheeks and the corner of his mouth, finally reaching his abs.

Both of them were breathless, pupils dilated and a problem growing in their groins. Leaning down to kiss him again, Jungkook lifted the hoodie up to touch his soft milky skin of his stomach, Yoongi licking his lips pulling a guttural groans from the both of them, "Hyung." He moaned, "Take it off."

Jerkily nodding, he shifted to sit a bit when Jungkook gave him space to remove the hoodie. He has a hundred more of them reserved for Yoongi anyways.

Jungkook took in the sight of Yoongi's quickly flushed face, his face dusted a permanent red, a bit of sweat making his hair stick to his forehead, kitten like eyes blown out wide, panting, hips lips swollen and smelling heavily like him. He looked fucked out and he was proud it was him who reduced to him that state. Going down he appreciated the sight of his collarbones, wanting to go back and give him marks, down his pale chest and pretty pink nipples, which were hard due to suddenly meeting the cold air and his adorable tummy. He was pale and pink in all he right places and his mouth watered to bruise the skin, with his consent of course, to show everyone who he belonged to. To show everyone Yoongi was his as much as he was Yoongi's .

"So pretty, baby. So beautiful. When did I get so lucky hm angel?" He said, looking back to the glossy eyes, hands woving in his long hair and pulling his down for another bruising kiss. Teeth and finally tongue.

Yoongi's mouth was so warm, their tongues playing with each other, although Jungkook won and traced his mouth. Yoongi bit his lips, Jungkook groaning and pulling back to go again.

He was incredibly hard and he knew Yoongi was too. Yoongi bucked his hips up to get friction for his aching cock in his sweats, slightly brushing against Jungkook's own, both of them moaning as they pulled away for oxygen. Yoongi raises his hips for the delicious friction again but was restrained by the sudden grip on his hips, the fingers tightly holding on and he was sure they were gonna leave marks.

"Hyung, are you sure?" He rasped. And that was so hot but he pulled himself out of the haze, looking at the seriousness in Jungkook's eyes.

Holding the alpha's face, he nodded, giving consent, "I trust you a lot Jungkookie, wanna give you everything."

That was the green light he needed to dry humping Yoongi furiously, the omega letting out a series of mewls and moans which went straight to his already hard dick. He couldn't hold his groans back and went back to creating red and purple bruises on his neck, Yoongi's fingers in his hair tightening and scratching at his scalp making him groan in pain but not hating it.

Sloppily kissing along the neck to his jaw and back to his lips, he continued grounding his hips against the other, who pulled back to nip his jaw, embarrassingly reaching to their high fast.

"Jungkookie please, harder." Yoongi gasped, pulling the hair harder, hips bucking against the other, and Jungkook gave in. They were both close.

"Hyung, so good for me-ah- so close." He moaned getting a nod,understanding the other was too.

The final turning point was when Jungkook bit him near his scent gland, not enough to break skin but it was still pleasurable,letting out a loud moan as he came, Jungkook grunting and growling as he came too. He was twitching in his pants, sensitive after such an orgasm, Jungkook brushing his hips slowly and finally stopping.

Yoongi had his eyes closed and breathing deeply, and his orgasm face was so sexy, Jungkook had already archived it in his brain. If he had his camera now he would take hundred of pictures of the aftermath of his face. Still so pretty and hot.

Holy fuck, who gave Jungkook the right to be so hot. He almost got hard again just seeing Jungkook after the most pleasurable orgasm he ever had. But right now he has enough and he wanted cuddles, tough guy be damned.

Exhausted, he plopped himself over the omega who let out a "oof" and weakly slapped his arm non verbally telling him "to get the fuck off, you muscle pig"

He heard a chuckle when the other struggled to get off and laid by his side. Turning his head to see a drop of sweat running down his face, Yoongi gulped.

"Jungkookie." Yoongi murmured, turning in his side and shifting closer to wrap his arms around Jungkook's, feeling cold.

The alpha hummed turning into his side to face the omega, pulling him close to his chest. He could still feel the sweat sticking on his skin and the soiled boxers making him itch and he wanted to wash it all away quickly and go back to cuddling his alpha but he still wanted to pop the question,

"Will you spend my heat with me?" The blush was coming back in full force and he saw the alpha's eyes widening, then he suddenly nodded with the widest smile he ever saw and he has never been in love so much now, with his alpha by his side, grinning that stupid bunny smile and crinkling his beautiful doe eyes.

Jungkook could say the same, the sleepy kitten eyes, the small button nose and gummy smile making his heart ache. He was overflowing with love.


Now that Yoongi's preheat has started, Jungkook realised that his wardrobe was becoming alarmingly empty. Hoodies, t shirts, shirts were now found on Yoongi and his nest where he was welcome to cuddle and scent his omega.

It felt so good to say it out loud after so many months of mutual pining. Both of them made sure to cover the other in their scent, driving away people who wanted a chance. Yoongi's neck was consistently covered in red and blue hickeys which he wore proudly, his friends snickering at the sight of them.

They had decided to meet in the cafeteria before Yoongi's heat hit. After all they deserved some news about them. Right now he was in Jungkook's lap ( he did not agree to this) ((he did)) with Jungkook's chin on his shoulder as everyone looked unsurprised. He was yet in another Jungkook's hoodie which drowned his petite figure.

Seokjin looked at them with affection and disgust and commented, "We weren't even this disgusting even when we mated." To which Yoongi looked up and remarked, "Oh so who was it who literally left cum stain at every point of our house and literally inaugurated their new apartment pushing me out even though I could well hear your moans?" He quirked his eye brow to say "anything you wanna say bitch?" And Jin shut himself up, grumbling about being the Hyung whereas Taehyung had the decency to feel embarrassed. Everyone was laughing.

"Oh I'm pretty sure you two must have done absolutely nothing right?" Jimin drawled, smirking. Jin banging his hand on the table and pointing at the both of them, "Yes Yoongi-chi give us details!"

Jungkook had the audacity to hide his face in his back blushing like a virgin, which he kinda was, to let Yoongi face the group.

"Fuck off, you are scaring the baby." He muttered, getting a whine of "hyungggg"

They were giggling now when Namjoon popped the question, "So who confessed first?" To which there were series of questions.

"I did." And there he could some of them groan while others cheered in happiness.

"Hah! You lose, I knew I could put faith in our little emotionally constipated baby." Hoseok cheered and high fived Jimin.

"Open up bitches! I need to see the money!" Jimin hollered and everyone except Jimin ,Hoseok and yoonkook protested.

"Did yall .. bet who was going to confess first?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows, "And Hyung you betted against me?"


"Jiminie you didn't believe in me?" Jungkook whined and Jimin cooed, "I've known you for years you big baby." Petting his head, to which he only whined more.

"We had actually another bet going whether you two were going to fuck or confess but I guess you did both." Taehyung mused, settling his hand on his palm.

"You all did what-" Yoongi asked, raising his voice but was cut off when Namjoon easily diverted the topic, "So what you both decided further?" Heats and ruts were sensitive topics and it was alright to discuss among them since they were (officially) packmates but they did try to maintain each other's privacy.

"I accepted to take care of Yoongi during his heat." Jungkook said, loud and clear and he would be posturing right now if he wasn't hugging Yoongi, and there were series of howls and whistles.

Yoongi scowled at them but they knew Yoongi wasn't actually angered.

"Good for you both, and for us." Namjoon said whispering the last part and Yoongi rolling his eyes but smiling. "We congratulate you for finally becoming the couple which had us tear our hair due to this romantic tension." Everyone was clapping right now and they felt so fond.

"What about mating?"

Before anyone could say anything Jungkook spoke up, "We talked and decided we won't do it this heat. It's not because it's not the right time or that we aren't sure, but I wanna take Hyung out, I waited so now I can finally do all the things I wished, hold his hand, take him on dates, cook with him, kiss every inch of his face - and - and properly court him." Burying his face back in Yoongi's back and looking back at all of them with determined eyes, making everyone sure they understood he meant every word.

Everyone was stunned and Yoongi broke the silence, "Me too, Kook-ah, wanna court you too."

And then the dramatic group became sobbing and sniffling at how romantic and heart touching it was, being this close to be banned by another public place.


It was a simple day, Yoongi feeling warm and he knew his heat would be hitting anytime soon, so he curled up in Jungkook's lap, only in his hoodie, with the other's hands caressing his back up and down, at least the cramps had lessened.

Jungkook was peppering kisses across his neck to his jaw, chin, forehead and Yoongi only hummed sleepily. The hands dropped to his bare thighs, going as far as the hem, making him want to trail it up up up.

He had made Jungkook not wear a shirt because he felt warm and even though it didn't make sense the alpha didn't question. Then he felt it, the heat pooling in his lower region, and slick dripping down his thighs, cock hardening and leaking already. He gasped when Jungkook growled being able to smell his slick clearly without any restrains.

Yoongi grounder his hips against him, trying to get a bit of relief to his aching cock and twitching hole, still dripping slick. He moaned, unabashedly, pupils dilating to see Jungkook's had too.

"Alpha-" he gasped, wanting nothing but his hands on his skin. "Omega." The growl came in reply, hands roughly holding the other's hips to help him grind better, turning hard himself at the plush ass directly on his covered cock, feeling the slick wetting his groin. "So wet aren't you?" He whispered, taking the small hardened cock in his hands, stroking it up and down, pre cum making the slide wetter. Yoongi could only whine and moan, alpha leaving his lips, biting Jungkook's shoulder when he spurted cum all over his abs and himself.

Yoongi fell forward, nuzzling his nose on his neck and licking at the bite mark, Jungkook's hands holding him close. He was still hard in pants but Yoongi was priority, he needed to be held after a tiring orgasm.

"Did so well for me omega. Came so well, let your alpha take care of you. Still hard, aren't you, kitten?" He whispered in his ears, biting the earlobe, Yoongi letting out a darling whine, clearly shy.

"You alright, darling?" He asked, rubbing the milky thigh ,Yoongi feeling flustered by another pet name. Where does he get it?!

Not good for my heart, he thought.

Yoongi hummed, letting Jungkook lightly scent him, he felt soft at how he handled him, rough at first and gentle the next, like he was precious.

"Want to shift to your nest now?" He asked, the intense stare softened, Yoongi was sure his eyes hung every star in the galaxy. How could he not love this man?

He nodded, letting Jungkook settle him properly sliding his hands down to hold his butt and lifting them up effortlessly. He could feel another slick dribble at how strong he was, Jungkook's nostrils flared, smirking at the still blushing omega, "Like it that I can bench press you, kitten?" Chuckling when Yoongi nipped bat his jaw.

Opening the door, he laid Yoongi in his nest, wiping the drying cum on his front with the box of wet wipes they kept.

Sitting down next to him, his nerves started to get the best of him.

"Hyung, water-"



"In the fridge, snacks are beside us." He said, eyebrow twitching at Jungkook's nervousness. But the other part understood, he was a virgin.

"Towels?" "Jungkook-" "Are our mobiles charged. What about clothes and-"

"Jeon Fucking Jungkook everything is alright. Do you feel okay? You know you don't have to do this."

Jungkook shook his furiously, "No Hyung, I'm just a bit nervous, what if I do something wrong- what if I hurt you?!" He was panicking now and Yoongi quickly hugged him.

"It's alright, bun. I know you won't hurt me and I don't think you'll have the time to think anything else. You trust me right?" He nodded. "It's fine, we are okay. We are gonna have marathon sex and the only things you'll be hearing from me will be more, fuck me and breed me."

Jungkook tightened his hold, blushing, his still hard cock twitching, reminding him of its presence, "Hyungggg"

He felt it, the heat growing stronger, his body feeling hot and scent giving away his arousal, the hoodie feeling itchy against his burning skin. Jungkook could smell it, the slick, vanilla becoming thicker he could taste it in the air, his own cock begging to be the tight, wet heat.

Before he could say anything he was pulled in a rough kiss, tougher than any they had before, teeth and tongues, which should have been painful but it felt so good, pulling apart for air. Jungkook could feel a bit feral, attacking the pale skin of his neck, red and blue blooming on the neck and the other crying out in pleasure.

It felt so good to have his hands and mouth on him, but he wanted it lower. Seems like Jungkook had the same thought too when he growled at the collar of the hoodie restricting him, quickly pulling it off of him and Yoongi gasped.

Now he was naked, the alpha drinking up the sight of him, so quickly fucked out, whimpering and eyes glossy his neck all marked up and pretty pink nipples down to his small pink cock. He was pale and pink in all the adorable places.

He could see the precum leaking as the other whined for contact, trying to get some relief on his cock and hole. He wanted the alpha in and he wanted it now.

"Alpha- cmon fuck me!" To which Jungkook leaned down to kiss him again as an apology.

"So beautiful, kitten. All for me yeah? So pretty, but I wanna try something, can I ?" It was adorable, the alpha asking for his permission which Yoongi gave. He could give him everything and he was getting desperate. He wanted the knot.

Yoongi cried out when Jungkook blew air over his nipple, his hands reaching to tug on his hair, almost screaming when he felt the warm, wet mouth on his left nipple. Tongue caressing the hard bud, nipping it, feeling another harsh pull when the other mewled at the sensitivity. Jungkook bit it in retaliation, Yoongi tightening his hold and he let go of it, pulling back to see the bite mark around it, red and hard,he continued the assault on the other one, fingers coming to pinch the already abused one, pulling out sweet moans and alpha from the omega.

He could feel the omega tense up before he came again, coming all over his stomach and chest, some of it hitting the alpha's chin.

Yoongi was breathing heavily but there was a blissed out expression on his face, and the alpha couldn't resist but give him a wet, slobbering kiss on his cheek, the omega's giggles ringing out.

"You okay?" Jungkook asked, pushing the sweaty bangs back to look into Yoongi's eyes, which were glossy. He nodded, cock still hard matching the one in Jungkook's pants, brushing against his sweats. He whimpered, feeling sensitive after two orgasms.

"Off, off." He demanded, wanting to see Jungkook. He complied, hastily pulling it off, hissing at the cold air hitting his bare cock, hard and aching from no relief.

Yoongi knew he was big, even when he grinded on him, but he was even bigger than he imagined, mouthwatering at the thought of his knot. It was red and veiny, a drop of precum leaking from the slit, and he gulped wanting to taste.

Yoongi staring at his dick made Jungkook cover his erection with a whine. Yoongi sighed getting up and pushing Jungkook to lie down, "Hyung?" Which turned into a moan when Yoongi wrapped his long slender fingers around the length, still not be able to wrap it around it fully.

Jungkook gasped when he rubbed it up and down, which turned into a loud moan when he felt Yoongi's mouth taking in the tip. He pressed his tongue on the slit, licking the precum, humming at the taste.

"Hyung what-" Yoongi shushed him before he could say anything more, "Took care of your omega, wan' to take care of you too. Is it okay?" He asked. Even though he was in heat and not totally coherent, he'd never force Jungkook.

Jungkook gave a jerky nod, covering his face to which Yoongi tutted. "Wanna see you, Kook." He complied.

Going back to what he was doing, he suckled on the head, Jungkook's moans and grunts filling the room. He bobbed his head a few times, hands stroking the part he couldn't reach with his mouth yet, coming back up for air. He tongued on the underside, where he was sensitive pleased with the loud "Hyung-" He went back to take it back in his mouth, inch by inch. He was big and his jaw ached but it felt good. He choked when the tip breached his throat, pulling back coughing, Jungkook giving him a concerned look, "Hyung you don't have to-" "I want to." He whispered, voice raspy.

Jungkook took in the sight, his lips red and swollen, wrapped around his dick, and at the harsh suck his hands grasped his hair, and Yoongi whimpered and he could feel the vibrations. It seemed like Yoongi was determined to make him cum, or just wanted the cum, that he tried to take in the entire cock, gagging when he couldn't. He tried a few more times, feeling happy he could sink down a few more inches, stroking the part which he couldn't take in yet. He will try to perfect deepthroating another time. He pulled off, to suck on the balls, the hand tightening and pulling his hair, the pain so good that he moaned in tune with Jungkook's. Mouthing along the hard dick he looked straight at Jungkook, he knew he was close and had tried to stave off his orgasm, "Cum for me, Kook-ah."

He moaned loud, cumming right in his mouth, some of it hitting his cheeks. He felt boneless, taking a few seconds, struggling to sit, eyes widening at the cum streak on his cheek, "Oh my - sorry Hyung." Yoongi has swallowed whatever he could, swiping a finger where the cum got on his cheek and suckling on it and Jungkook whimpered, "you cant do that Hyung." Yoongi only grinned at him.

Jungkook sat up, wiping any remnants of cum off Yoongi's face, pecking his lips, which soon turned into a deep kiss, he could taste himself on his tongue, drinking up Yoongi's moans. They pulled back and Jungkook asked, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, the heat hasn't hit totally yet, but the next heatwave will be coming soon."

Jungkook nodded, shifting to get the water bottle, twisting the cap open, holding it for Yoongi. "Drink up, you might be feeling thirsty." Yoongi took it grumbling, "I'm thirsty but for something else." Taking a few tentative sips while Jungkook choked on air. He passed it to Jungkook who gulped it down in two big sips.

"Before it comes, can we cuddle?" The alpha nodded, settling down on the bed making grabby hands, Yoongi snorting but complying anyways. Laying his head on the chest, he could hear the alpha's heartbeat, he could fall asleep to that, in his arms, in their nest, smelling heavily like them. He was glad it was Jungkook. He felt Kook peck his head, smiling and pecking him on the chest. The arms around him tightened, cuddling him closer.

A few minutes had passed, Jungkook peppering kisses on his cheek and Yoongi rubbing his cheek on his, scenting him further even though he was drowned in vanilla. Sure Jungkook seemed the more possessive of the two but it was his heat and his senses were given up to his omega. It felt good to let go for once.

And suddenly, the heatwave striked, letting out a small "ah" arching his back, his hole clenching and his cock hard. The smell of slick filled the room, Jungkook growling, his eyes turning a slight red.

His hand went down his back to his ass, finding the area wet, Yoongi pushing back against his hand. His fingers were getting covered by the slick on his thighs, inching forward till they touched the entrance, Yoongi letting out another breathy moan.

He brought his fingers to his lips, tasting the sweet substance, making him hornier.

"Taste so sweet omega, so good for your alpha. All wet for me, right?" Yoongi nodded, a light sheen on his eyes, tilting his head, in submission. He was letting himself go, knowing Jungkook would take care of him, "Yes alpha, all for you. Your omega."

The alpha felt satisfied and happy at the control Yoongi have to him. He was never gonna abuse the power. Mouthing at yoongi's scent gland, he scraped his teeth, Yoongi crying out, his instincts taking over. Jungkook quietly whispered, "your alpha." Before finding his hands back on that heavenly ass.

He wrapped his necks around his neck pulling the alpha closer, letting him shift the position with Yoongi on his back.

"Please alpha! Need your knot! Been a good omega." He cried, Jungkook consoling him with kisses and "yeah baby, soon."

He circled his fingers around the wet rim before pushing one finger inside, Yoongi moaning loud with continuous "alpha more!"

It was tight with only one finger and thrusted it inside the sounds Yoongi letting out going straight to his dick.

It was wet and hot and he couldn't wait to get inside but he didn't want to hurt the omega so he pushed another finger beside the first. The stretch didn't hurt as much but it was still a bit painful. It was so wet the sheets getting drenched below helping the slide smoother.

He fingered his hole, scissoring them to stretch it well for the knot, until he hit the spot. Yoongi moaned so loud. He smirked, ruthlessly thrusting at the spot, loving the cries. Yoongi's eyes were filled to the brim with tears, and the alpha kissed him slow, pulling his fingers out to push in three.

He was so full and he was sure he could cum anytime now, blunt nails scratching the alpha's back, the other hissing in pain but didn't do anything to stop the movement.

Instead he thrusted roughly, Yoongi mewling, pulling him to crash his lips on his. He pulled his fingers out, Yoongi whining for being empty, his hole clenching. He quickly filled it with four fingers with no warning.

"Ah- alpha!" When he finally deemed it stretched, he removed his fingers.

"So good, aren't you?" He cooed.

Yoongi huffed, "I swear to god if you don't put your cock in me-" he cut himself off, breathing hitching when he felt the head of his cock at his entrance, his own small one leaking precum on his stomach.

"Hmm? What will you do?" The alpha mocked, pushing the head in slightly but pulling it out quickly. Chuckling when he heard a whine.

"Please- please, need you alpha." The tears finally running down his cheeks.

He looked so pretty, so beautiful. Tears running down his face, lips swollen, whining.

Having mercy, he held his hip tightly in one hand, knowing it would bruise, and the other holding his dick, guiding it towards his hole.

When the head breached the hole, Yoongi mewled. Jungkook quickly slotting their lips together, distracting him the pain, slowly inching his cock in.

When he finally pushed in, he let out a sigh, wanting to move but he wouldn't without Yoongi giving him the green light. Yoongi whimpered, he was feeling so full, he'd never felt like this before, none of his dildos or fingers ever made him feel like this. Feeling adjusted, he requested Jungkook to move.

"Move please." Jungkook moved his hips, slowly.

"Ah-" when the alpha finally picked up the pace, Yoongi choked on his moans. He pulled back till the tip was inside and slammed his cock back in, Yoongi screaming out loud.

Making sure he hit his prostate, he roughly thrusted, hips hitting his ass, both of them moaning. Yoongi continued his assault on his back, Jungkook not stopping at all.

It felt so good, the pleasure coursing his veins, like the pain wasn't even there.

"Kook - ah cumming." He screamed when the cock abused his prostate, Jungkook circling his hips, spurting out white ribbon all over his chest.

Slowly Jungkook pulled out, both of them hissing, with Yoongi blabbering him to put it back in.

Yoongi gasped when he was turned over, his arms too weak to hold him up, his cheek mushed on the sheets. He looked back to see Jungkook who was staring at him. Eyes dark and hands massaging his ass.

He pulled his hips up in the air, and wiggled it. Crying in pain and pleasure when Jungkook spanked his ass.

"Alpha please- need your knot- wan- wanna be bred."

Jungkook growled, "I will. Stuff your hole full of it, gonna knock you up yeah? Fill you full with my pups. You can do that yeah, pretty omega?"

Though it wouldn't be possible since Yoongi was on the pills, but it didn't stop Jungkook from the dirty talk.

Yoongi nodded, "please please plea-" he was cut off when Jungkook pushed his cock back in, blabbering "thank yous" and a string of moans.

The room was filled with grunts and moans, the alpha leaning forward, never once stopping hammering his cock in his hole, kissing his neck. He slid his hand to one of yoongi's, slotting their fingers together, moaning when Yoongi clenched on his dick.

He could feel his knot forming, sweat glistening on their bodies.

Yoongi's cock was hard and it hurt knowing he was going to cum dry this time, and at one particular hard thrust on his prostate, he spilled a few drops, edging the alpha to finally knot him.

The alpha moaned, the knot forming and pushing it his hole. Yoongi was crying hard when the knot started growing. He gasped when Jungkook grinded his hips and finally tipped over, cumming inside. Yoongi sighed at the feeling of it.

He knew it would be a while for the knot to go down, pumping him full of it. Jungkook guides them slowly to lay down, feeling the cock still gushing cum in him. Yoongi could feel his belly distended at the amount of cum in, both of them exhausted.

He felt satisfied, but sighed when he remembered it was going to go on for three more days. Jungkook noses at his neck, humming and palming at his stomach, purring.

Yoongi chuckled, sleepily and Jungkook wrapped his arms tighter, hissing when the knot pushed in deeper.

"Sorry." He whispered. "It's okay. I told you to do this." Yoongi whispered back, the alpha snorting.

"I love you." He heard Jungkook say.

"I love you too." He could feel Jungkook smiling on his neck, and he couldn't help but smile back.

It was absurd, they were locked together by the knot but here they were, blushing and smiling at hushed whispers of affection.

But it didn't feel anything like that, to them it felt right. Felt like them. They had come a long way and now they were together.

They felt so happy that they didn't want to change anything.

Jungkook cuddled him close, both feeling sleepy but they couldn't erase the smiles off of their face, gummy and bunny.

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