Mobile Legends Golden Gala

By miarebel65

7.3K 247 202

As Zlatan is getting modernized day by day, it had been chosen as the host for the 21st Golden Gala in the L... More

Fight Song
Gavin Paxley
Break Up
Loving You More Than Him
The Job
Meaning of Loyalty
Field Ops
Aamon Paxley
Between Brothers
Dress Up
Finally Yours
New Groom
To Keep
You're a Snake
White Rose
Betray and Guilt


950 19 3
By miarebel65

Hanabi's POV

I stood in a distance as I watched the demise of my brother, I cried in front of his grave. I wished I was faster, I could have save her; but I didn't. I wanted so bad to save him. I could have lead him to a better future.

I kept crying in front of his grave. I missed him so much, I wished I could joined him, but life was never fair to me. "Sister," I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned around to see my brother alive and well. Tear welled up in my eyes as I hugged him tight. I missed him so much.

But that great moment was cut short, when he roughly pushed me away and barked at me, "I hate you sister, you just let me die!"

"No, I didn't Mike. I was trying to save you," I tried to explain myself to him.

"Liar! You left me to die! You're the worst sister ever! I rather die alone then die with you traitor!"

I kneeled onto the ground as I covered my ears, not wanting to hear anymore. He wasn't my brother. He's not my brother. He would never say that to me, right? I just sat there covering my ears, as that fake Mike kept yelling that I was a traitor. I sobbed as I wanted it so badly to stop.

Just as I was about to reach for my kunai for that reason, I felt a pair of hands embracing me into a familiar warm embrace. I looked behind to see my boyfriend hugging me from behind. "Gusion-" I murmured his name to make sure it was really him.

He just kissed my forehead and told me it was going to be alright. I would always feel safe in his arms. I wished I could always be in them forever. Then a blinding light had appeared and I woke up.

I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting them to bright light of the sun. I was about to get up to start the day, when an arm was wrapped around my waist. I looked behind to see him shirtless. I looked down at myself and I was relief that I had my underclothes on. It had only been a week after I agreed to be Gusion's girlfriend. I still remember what he said when we got back from the park that night.


That night after he asked me to be his girlfriend, he dragged me to a famous local bar to celebrate our relationship. When we walked into the bar, he happily yelled, "She said yes!". And everyone in the bar cheered for us. I was surprised that all of our friends are there.

"You planned this party right?" I asked him.

"Well a little help from Fanny and Miya," he replied.

I just shook my head at him and I was dragged away from him by the party planners themselves and gave me a really tight group hug. "Yes! I knew you would say yes to him," Fanny excitedly said as she gave me another bone-crushing hug.

"Ah, yeah," I said as I was literary gasping for air then pleaded for her to let go. She eventually let go as she kept on squealing like a fangirl. I just giggled at her.

"This almost felt like a bachelorette party," I commented.

"Uuu, did the scorpion ask the spider to be his GF or his the 'w' word?" Miya asked as she playfully smirked at me as my face was completely flushed.

"Quite teasing her Miya, it's time to party!" Fanny announced as she walked to the bar to get some drinks.

"I am happy for you Hana, but I better warn you Gusion does have a history of broken hearts," Miya warned me.

"I know, now I beginning to doubt my decision of agreeing to be his girlfriend," I said as I felt uncomfortable of the thought of him breaking up with me.

"Don't worry Hana, I will pray to the Moon Goddess for a healthy relationship both of you".

"Thanks Miya, you're a good friend to me".

Fanny then finally brought back the drinks and we really drank until we were hell drunk. I was so drunk I just dance with random guys. I was having fun until Gusion pulled me away from the dance floor and started to scold me. I didn't care since I was drunk to the max. I just ignored him and kept dancing. I don't know how it happen, but I was suddenly dancing with the person, who Gusion despised most.

He was certainly pissed off that night and dragged me back to the base so I won't do anything idiotic. By the time we were back at the base, I was asleep. When I woke up, I was in my room, lying on my bed and Gusion asleep on a chair. On my bedside was soup, I guessed that he made soup for me to sober up. That was actually quite sweet of him to do. After I emptied the bowl, Gusion then woke up.

"Finally you're awake, that will be the last time I bring you to bar," he said like a father who scolded his daughter for returning home late.

I blushed as I was so embarrassed. I agreed to be his girlfriend and yet I drank and dance with other men. I really felt ashamed. "I should punish you, Nephila," he said in a husky voice as he pushed me back onto the bed.

"Punish me?" I nervously said I was afraid for his type of punishment.

"Yes, so you wouldn't do it again," he then slowly took off my clothes. "And from now on you will be sleeping with me," he continued.

"What? But," he cut me off. "No, buts. You're my girl now, don't dare disobey my words Hana," he whispered in my ear and gently bite it.

I've got not choice, but to agree and well we get intimated later that night.

*End flashback*

From that night, I slept with him every night and every morning I would wake up to only be in my underclothes. How big of a pervert is my boyfriend? I wanted to get out of bed, but how could I when his arms were around me. Then suddenly he pulled me closed to his chest and he buried his head close to the back of my neck. His breathing really tickled it and it really made me shiver.

His lips went to my ear and whispered in a husky voice, "Morning sweetheart". My eyes widen, how long was he awake.

"Umm, morning to you to Gusion," I said as I looked away from him, while blushing.

He grabbed my chin and pulled my face into a passionate kiss. He then gently bite my lower lip, begging for entrance. His gentle harsh acts made me moan and at this early morning. How did I convinced myself to let this pervert be my boyfriend?

I pushed him away and asked, "Umm, can we not do anything intimate at this early morning Gusion?" I blushed.

"Is my flower that shy?" he teased as he smirked at me.

I just nodded my head in embarrassment. He just smiled at me and then gently pat my head. I blushed at his gentleness. I looked up to see him laying calmly with his eyes closed. Under the bright sunlight, his gorgeous features were like enhance. He must have noticed me staring at him as he teased, "Like what you see Hana?"

I wished I could hide right now. I was still not used to this whole new part of my life. I do like it, but I still not used to it. "Go wash up first Hana, or are you waiting for me to join with you?" he smirked at me.

I instantly got off of him and quickly dashed towards the bathroom. "I hate you Gusion!" I yelled from the bathroom as my cheeks were still flushed. My mind said I hate him, but my heart said I love him.

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