By herefornoreasons

79.5K 2.6K 3.4K

*Smut content* Camila is an intern watch dog for the biggest international spy ring in the world, amongst oth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Part 1
Chapter 12 Part 2
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chaoter 24
Chaoter 25

Chapter 14

2.8K 103 133
By herefornoreasons

Camila's POV

"I can't believe you guys have to pretend you're sisters... you're literally fucking each other"

Zach laughed as we settle into bed after arriving at our hotel in Portugal, the dark quiet night all too calming almost a foreshadowing of what was later to come, if Lauren was involved it wouldn't be any less than gruesome

"Well I guess we look alike in a way... but yeah it's kind of weird.."

"Crazy though.. Ally never lets watch dogs in the field not even the experienced ones? She really likes you!"

Zach spoke honestly, I knew she did.. she was weirdly supportive of me and it almost scared me because I didn't know why, she had made a few comments here and there but they never made much sense when I thought about it?

"Yeah but that scares me.. I'm a nobody, she's trusting me but I don't think I should be trusted you know? I don't have any experience or training.. everything I've done has just been pure luck.."

"Hey don't put yourself down like that? You're talented Mila? She can see that and so can Sam and Lauren, you're more than ready for this!"

He spoke rolling over to face me leaning gently on his elbow followed by a gentle yawn that escape his mouth after speaking, his soft features always comforted me.. I'd never had a friend before, my mom never let me out of the house unless it was with her, she was super paranoid I guess but that's exactly why I had to escape in the first place

"Thanks.. that means a lot, I just don't wanna disappoint anyone?"

"And you won't mama! Besides if anything goes wrong Lauren will have your back, that's her job after all.. anyway get some sleep! It's a big day tomorrow!"

I roll over onto my side facing the edge of the bed just thinking about his last words, she would have my back! It seemed she always did, even when I hadn't realised, even when she didn't want to!

The man beside me fell asleep quickly, he always did.. but I never did, truth was I hated the dark, as far back as I could remember it always scared me, not knowing what was in front of me when I reach out my hand.. I guess it was childish but I couldn't help it.. even growing up I always made somebody sleep in the bed my bed with me..

Around an hour had passed and there I was still very much awake, the full glow of the half cracked door the only source of light which all of a sudden disappeared causing my head to gently lift from the pillow slightly fearful as a familiar body crept into the room walking over to lean down in front of my body

"Can I show you something?"

Lauren whispered softly sending a brief swarm of goosebumps flooding my body as I sat up to scratch at my eyes watching as hers followed my every movement

"Show me what?"

I reply as she stood to her feet pacing backwards slightly for me to follow, I untucked my body from within the warm covers stepping out onto the cold floor walking out like a sheep trailing behind her body

"Lauren wha-

"Just come on!"

She spoke quietly as she led me out onto the balcony just outside of her and Sam's room, I was confused to say the least but her body still quickly as her elbows lent against the cold metal that look out across the actually pretty beautiful serene night sky

I follow behind looking on at her relaxed body as I wrap my fingers around the metal bar in front, she let out a soft sigh before parting her lips to speak

"Every couple of years the stars align to make a perfect circle, it's called the moon circle... it's supposed to bring truth to anyone who looks at it"

She spoke delicately in a tone I'd never heard fall from her mouth, I was almost shocked she had pulled me from my bed to show me something so calm and small.. I wondered what had gone through her mind when she thought to come and get me..

"This is what you wanted to show me?"

"I've never seen it before, only read about it, but it's beautiful right?"

She spoke smiling softly.. it was beautiful alright, her smile that was.. her soft lips and plump cheeks highlighting the green in her eyes as the warm night air brush over my exposed shoulders.. I was trying to look at the very thing she brought me here to see but.. I couldn't stop looking at her?

"Yeah it's super beautiful.. but.. why did you want to show me?"

"A beautiful girl I thought she would appreciate a beautiful view? It's rare... like you"

She spoke shocking me so much my jaw almost fell to the floor as a light gasp fell from her lips, the sincerity in her voice striking and bold.. but she didn't care? She didn't care that she was being so soft, it was almost as if she hadn't said it at all?

"Y-you think I'm beautiful? Rare?"

She turn to face me lifting her fingertips up to ruffle the thick loose sitting black waves on top of her head with a small sigh before those glistening pools of green settle up into my gaze

"Don't be dumb Camila, you know you are, and rare yeah, rare in the way that you surprise me, make it hard for me to figure you out.."

"Why are you so obsessed with that? There really isn't much to figure out... I'm pretty boring really.."

I reply blushing slightly as she gently roll her eyes back out into the sky drinking up the magical glow of the brightly shining stars she seemed to be so infatuated with

"I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm an asshole to you.. but you still stick around and forgive me? I guess I just wonder what it is about you that makes you stay?"

Her words were so honest and bold, direct almost as she look on at me as if awaiting an explanation.. but truth was I didn't know? I had been drawn to her since they day I set my eyes over her Latina stature.. that was it? I still was..

"I don't have an answer to that.. but I guess I have the same question, you act like you hate me all the time but then you talk to me like this? It's confusing"

I admit laughing nervously as I turn to face the night sky taking in the view I really was grateful to see.. it was stunning, captivating.. calming

"I don't hate anyone, I'm just a bad person I guess, I have all of these crazy anger issues I never learnt how to deal with so I just accepted that it's imminent I'll piss people off, life's easier that way"

She spoke with a defeated tone breaking my heart almost as my finger tips suddenly began gripping to the metal bar in front with a force driven by guilt.. she'd never stood out to me as someone in recognition of her flaws.. it almost made me feel bad for ever calling her an asshole in the first place

"You're not a bad person Lauren? It's not your fault you get angry.. I mean this Lauren I'm talking to right now is great, I just wish she would make more of an appearance"

"She doesn't really exist anymore that's the problem, I always joke and say she died, but deep down I feel like it's true"

She spoke with a hurt voice as her eyes look down at the ground below her.. it almost felt as if I was dreaming.. this side of Lauren was so different to the one that came out during the day.. and I really liked her? More so than I'd be happy to admit

"You say you don't hate anyone, which means your anger masks how you really feel about people right?.. so.. what does this Lauren say about me?"

I ask on a whim taking advantage of the probably brief moment of purely she was providing me.. I was intrigued truly I was but also fearful.. fearful of what she actually thought of me, she look down at the ground before turning to face me timidly, her bright orbs glistening in the moonlight as a few stray hairs fall back in the gentle wind surrounding us

"Uhh.. well I-

"Come on.. you don't have to be afraid of her.. I wanna know what she thinks"

"She thin- I think... she's sweet, with a good heart, but also feisty and a little scary sometimes? I think you're a good person all in, just maybe a little .. incomplete"

She smile gently immediately frightened by her own honesty as her eyes dart down to the floor.. I couldn't help but feel that warm feeling in my stomach once again as she so delicately detailed her true feelings, all of those moments of anger really meaning nothing at all in this second.. this space


"I recognised it the moment I first spoke to you, like you're mind is searching for something.. I only know that because it's like looking in a mirror.. the only difference is I know why I'm incomplete.."

Her voice was fragile and pure, she was right however.. I didn't know what it was I was looking for.. never did! But I always had been

"W-well why are you?"

Her eyes immediately dull at the question.. I could literally mentally slap myself as my mind quickly remember mine and Sam's pretty heartbreaking conversation.. he told me not to talk about it.. and here I was asking like an idiot..

"Lauren I'm sorry I didn't mean to-

"No it's ok, you already know so it's fine, it was a long time ago.. my memory is shot anyway, don't even remember what she looks like.."

She spoke in a broken tone, the words falling from her mouth sharp like a razor blade being shoved into the very front of my heart

"You know she's with you right now.. in here"

I began as I reach my hand out to rest over her heart, her eyes following down with a smile as one hand remain holding onto the metal bar as I walk closer into her body

"People may leave physically but they're always in your heart.. I know that doesn't really help but it's true.."

She reach her hand up over my own pulling it from my chest before looking back up into my eyes.. we looked at each other for a while just staring... no words, only eyes.. it almost felt as if my breathing had stopped for a moment as I had become so engulfed in the contact, the way her hand didn't let go of mine.. it was so SO incredible

"I um, I'm kind of tired so.. I'm gonna.. gonna get some sleep"

She spoke breaking the moment we had both unconsciously fallen into stepping back slightly to scrape back her thick hair as I did the same nodding with a small smile before following back into the room leaving her to settle back in next to Sam as I myself rejoin Zach


"Ok ready ladies?"

Sam spoke as both Lauren and Camila stood tucked away in the corner of the room they were about to dominate, the cameras settled over their matching black dresses and thick dark hair.. they really did look like sisters in the moment which was seemingly a pro as Lauren's job was to convince a few rich business men of their position in the heavily built up mafia unit


Lauren spoke as she look over her shoulder at Camila stood slightly hesitant scraping at the tight fitting dress covering her perfectly toned body, she'd never done anything as intimidating as she was about to do and it was blatant given the scared look upon her face

Lauren turn her body to walk over leaning into the girls ear whispering something unheard by Sam behind his screen before pulling back with a cocked arm motioning the woman to hold on

"We good mama?"

"Yep, ready to go!"

She reply as the pair began walking confidently towards the entrance, eyes turn immediately as their powerful bodies unified in strutting the walkway that lead to the conference room at the end of the hall..

Their makeup was perfectly polished, their striking eyes and dull expressions intimidating effortlessly as they stood in front of the large metal door that would allow them into the room in which the deal would be 'taking place'

"Ok Lauren they're waiting just walk in and follow the script, I'll keep quiet"

The girl nod before letting go of the girl beside hers arm, the deep breath before opening the large door settling as the 5 men in front glance up to greet them

"And you two must be the Sedcova sisters! How long we have been waiting to meet you both!"

A gruff voice spoke as he lift himself from the chair grabbing for each of their hands to place a small traditional kiss upon their skin Camila couldn't help but feel uncomfortable over however their very detailed discussion about remaining stern stuck solid in her head

"Ladies, a drink?"

"Not necessary, sit!"

Lauren spat as she immediately shut the confident man down watching as he slump back in the chair beside him, Camila simply followed leaning in the same manner as Lauren while the perverted stares flew their way

"You know the night life here is much like the sun, bright and hot.. we can show you beautiful girls the world if you'd let us"

One cocky male spoke discarding the reason for their meeting as he smugly direct the comment over into Lauren's gaze who quickly roll her eyes with an audible tut

"Why don't you shut your fucking mouth and let me talk, we are here for business only! Where is the agreement"

She ask extending her arm across the table as the man nervously shuffle in his seat shooting Camila a look she blatantly ignored, their job was to claim the document and interject the real sisters on the way into the venue.. they didn't have long so Lauren's persuasive skills had to match the raging testosterone present within the room

"Now now miss Sedcova.. this is a mans deal, we may have some reservations in simply handing it over into your girly palms"

Lauren laugh cockily looking down in front of her before pushing her tongue up into the front of her teeth, a power move even Camila had noticed as she walk around to the mans stature leaning over his shoulder to talk directly into his ear

"A mans deal would be a game of poker... this is a woman's deal, and right now you're dealing with a woman capable of cutting that small dick off with just the flick of a wrist... I'd advise you choose your next words wisely if you value that micro artefact between your legs!"

Lauren spoke in the most winding voice ever.. the power excusing her veins dominant and almost scary, the man immediately grip tightly onto the metal arms of his chair as Lauren remain close by his ear.. nobody else said a word.. they were far familiar with the 'sisters' reputation and didn't hesitate to save their own genitalia from the psychopathic tendencies they had heard of

"I will hand it to you"

He began before shooting his blue eyes up into Camila's, her confident talk stance dominating the room alongside Lauren's as he part his lips to speak

"If your sister over there offers a favour.. I won't budge otherwise you must understand.. business is give and take as you know.."

He spoke in a dark serious voice as Lauren stood to shadow his sitting body, before she could even speak however the younger skilfully step in to mark her hostility, her slender body began walking over with a painfully slow strut giving Lauren a subtle hand gesture that indicate her turn in talking .. not that she was meant to be ...

"My body is not for your touch I'm afraid"

She began as Lauren step back watching the younger drag her palm over the shoulders of the men sitting before the ring leader, their eyes following her painful movements before the palm settle over the criminals neck sitting just at the top of his spine

"Business is give and take like you said... but it seems your mistaken in how that works.."

She continued reaching down onto her own thigh slipping her fingertips through the slit in her dress to grab for the blade strapped tightly to the caramel skin Sam had given her for protection, Lauren's eyes simply followed in shock not quite following the girls train of thought as her hand reach around to the front of his throat, her palms wrapping tightly as she drag his head up to look into her eyes, her teeth gritting grin forcing him to gulp back on his breath as she drag the blade gentle over his shoulder

"See me and my sister like to handle our business a little differently..."

The girl began as her eyes shoot to Lauren motioning her with the subtle gesture of licking her upper lip which in spy meant to 'follow', Lauren quickly rejoin her side with a cocky smirk as the girl continued to talk.. Lauren was not however expecting her next move

"See I Give"

She spat before reaching over to plunge the blade deep into the mans unsuspecting thigh not once letting him look down as her other hand kept hold of his throat, she left the blade in his leg as a deep gut wrenching crying pain left his mouth, the guys surrounding him crunching their faces at the gruesome attack before the girl continued to speak

"And my sister takes!"

She spoke as Lauren pull back his suit jacket reaching in for the document grabbing it between her palms not giving any evidence in her utter admiration for the woman beside her as she pace back around to the front of the table While the man continue to scream in pain

"That, is how we do give and take.."

She spat before reaching down for the blade twisting it in his thigh before pulling it out using his suit jacket to clean the bloody residue, his face white and deathly as he hold his palms over the gaping wound

"You are CRAZY! Crazy!"

The pained man yell as Camila rejoin Lauren's side with a passionate smirk sliding the blade back into its holster

"I warned you.. when we want something we take it.."

Lauren shot intensely as she wrap her arm around her 'sisters' looking on at the shocked room of men.. none of them moved... not even an inch... they knew it would be their last if they did.. the perfect thing was however the girls were only imposters.. if they chose later to take revenge it would be against the REAL Sedcova sisters who hopefully in the next couple of minutes wouldn't even exist..

Lauren turn around to pull back open the door keen to get away from the yelling moans of pain dragging Camila quickly behind her before slamming the metal behind her pulling the girl into a secluded hall way with a wildly impressed grin

"Camila what the fuck! That was fucking insane!"

She almost yell as her arms wrap around the top of the girls shoulders, her smirking smile happily accepting the girls compliment as they stood almost in complete darkness against the wall

"I don't know what happened I just.."

"You killed it.. probably literally?"

Lauren spoke in a curious tone zoning out for a moment in thought as the smaller girl laugh to herself cockily

"Yeah uhm.. he's gonna die! I stabbed him in the main blood supply that carries in his leg.."

She spoke timidity as Lauren laugh in shock shaking her head with a proud grin

"You are crazy Cabello! I love it! Anyway we literally have 3 minutes until those girls get here so are you ready? Know what we have to do?"

Lauren ask as she reach down into her thigh to grab for her own blade while Camila did the same nodding back confidently as they wait for Sam's nod of approval

"They're entering the building so get back in the dark spot in front of the door and wait for them to have their backs to you"

The man in their ears spoke as they scurry into the black spot in front of the door blades in hands ready to strike like a venomous snake, Camila had never actually done this before so the brief moment of anxiety swarming her body was expected however that quickly faded when the real sisters walk towards the door standing with their backs to their stature

Lauren reach over to tap the girls leg indicating it was time and within seconds their bodies slam forward in perfect unison lifting the blades to each of the girls neck before dragging them back quickly helping their limp bodies fall to the floor without even a sound

"Good job mama's that was perfect now head to your left there's a hall that leads to the back entrance, I'll have a car waiting for you there ETA 2 minutes GO"

The girls quickly made ways down the hall and into the waiting car slumping down heavily into the seats of the secluded cabin as the dull hum of the engine started up indicating their success

"That... was intense"

Camila spoke as she sat opposite Lauren, the look in the elders eyes almost smouldering as she scrape back her hair wetting her lower lip before removing the mic from just inside of her dress


She mutter with a deep rasp before eyeing the Youngers body lifting her velvety index finger up calling her forward

"Come here.."

The younger girl lift gently stepping forward into the extended arms that guide her to straddle her lap, the atmosphere in the dark car hot and almost sweaty as Lauren pull the girls neck down into her lips running her hot tongue over her bare skin forcing her body to press further into her chest

"Sticking to your promise huh"

The younger mutter breathlessly closing her eyes gently as the elders lion seductively dominate her throat not even caring about the driver half visible in the front seat, Lauren had whispered something in her ear before starting the job as an act of reassurance but it turns out it was just a dirty promise she was more than blatant in carrying out


Lauren mutter as her warm palm float under the slit in her dress wasting no time in finding her thin lace panties slipping her fingers instantly underneath to greet the growing wetness

"You did so good today.."

She spoke as she began to massage the girls sensitive clit lavishing in the way her head fell back behind her, the tips of her fingers gripping tightly onto the elders shoulders for support

"So.. fucking good, and it was super hot too.."

She continued pressing harder against the bundle of nerves as her spare palm reach up to grab a chunk of her thick brown hair using it to pull her neck back into her hungry lips

"Ugh fuck.. I want you inside of me.. please.."

Camila begged rolling her hips over the velvety digits below her feeling the elder smirking against her cheek before dragging her fingertips down towards her centre

"You want me to fuck you?"

"Yes PLEASE! I need you.."

She call out as her flush cheeks burry themselves into the crook of the elders shoulder, the fingers pressing teasingly against the area she so desperately wanted filled

It was only a matter of seconds before the elder gave in thrusting her digits deep inside of the moaning girls core muttering herself as the wetness surround her palm.. she was so wet.. and Lauren knew it was her fault

"Oh my god yes fuck!"

She moan as her hips settle over the thrusting fingers not caring about the driver taking small looks over his shoulder as Lauren picked up the pace curling her digits against her G-Spot effortlessly

"You like that Cabello..."

"Yes.. oh my god"

She moan back directly into the elders ear admittedly making her shudder slightly as she pull her hips down harder against her hand lavishing in the thick high pitched yells that left her mouth surrounded by a string of hot and heavy breaths

"Cum for me Camila!"

Lauren rasped as she bit down against the bare flesh covering Camila's exposed neck listening intently to the wetness below her before her walls began to tighten, the pace of her chest speeding before those fateful words left her mouth almost as if on command

"Uhh f-fuck, I'm c-coming"

Her weak throat gasp as her hips trembled making sure to hold tightly to the elders body as she fell apart heavily

"Mmmh good girl!"

Lauren shot as she curl her fingers harshly one last time lavishing in the intense moan that left the girls lips as her body began to still rocking only gently trailing off the high of her orgasm..

"Fuck .. that was so fucking good.."


Lauren's POV

I loved night time, maybe it was the dead silence that flew across the world or the fact that the pitch black allowed me to forget about how shitty this world really was..

Nothing really made sense in the day.. people talking, birds singing.. I hated it all, my own silence was probably my favourite sound, but it seemed recently I didn't mind the day so much.. I didn't wake up feeling that gutting dread I normally did..

"Today was mental mama.. that girl has some balls"

Sam spoke as we lean out against the balcony, the same balcony I'd been standing with Camila only last night admiring the rare beauty that had formed in the sky settling my usually present rage for a good 20 minutes

"That she does, can't say I was expecting it but it worked.."

I admit, it was strange how often she surprised me, I always bragged about being able to read people like shitty books but her.. I never fucking could? Today.. I thought she was scared? She wasn't.. she plunged that blade so deep I thought she'd loose it.. and yet even then I couldn't figure out what was going through her very complex head

"You know you used to hate her.. feel threatened by her and now? Now you're getting along like sisters.."

"Please don't call me her sister.. I've fucked her too many times for that to be ok!"

I laugh as I sip back on the shitty room service wine watching as Sam predictably roll his eyes in disgust, he wasn't wrong though, I didn't really like her when we first met but that wasn't her fault.. it was Ally's, she always pressed me to 'make friends' but in my mind I only needed myself.. that's all I ever had

"Ok gross mama! But you have to admit .. you're digging Miss Camila lately"

"She's ok I guess, I mean I like her.. I just, she confuses me"

I confess in the same manner I did last night, there was something in her that left me wondering every time I looked at her and I didn't know why, I'd never met her before nor even spoke to her so why was it that she seemed so familiar to me?

"Confuses you how?"

"Like, I always know what she's about to say, always know what face she's going to pull or how she's gonna react when I do something? But there's always something that just leaves me questioning her you know?"

Sam sigh at my words looking away from me briefly before clasping his hands together tightly as if holding back on something before speaking

"You guys are super similar you know Lauren.. in more ways than you probably realise, I think that's what confuses you... she's like alternate dimension you and let's be honest your not exactly the easiest of people to understand"

Made sense I guess?

"You're probably right, you'd tell me if there was something off with her though right.. like if she had some weird secret"

I joked not really thinking much into it, maybe she did though? Maybe she was actually a robot or some shit... maybe she was dropped from the sky by a space ship?

"Promise mama, I wouldn't lie to you.."

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