Make Me Beg [BL]

By morgansluvbot

818K 39.4K 39.5K

Being in love with your roommate wasn't exactly ideal. Being in love with your roommate and a stranger you m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Extra : Chapter 1

Chapter 8

21.1K 1.1K 783
By morgansluvbot

ik ikkk it's been more than two months since my last update i'm sorry ;(

QOTD: how are you rn?

They look nice in my apartment.

Too bad Lucas is here. He always finds a way to ruin something.

I thought about leading them to my room and kicking the door shut. Though, it might not be appropriate, especially since they came to help Lucas move his stuff to their place.

"Don't make it that obvious you wanna fuck them."

My eyes reluctantly tore away from Kyler and Chet to look at Lucas. "I'm not."

Yeah, I was staring at them. I could admit it, but not for the reasons he was probably thinking. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely wanted to fuck them, but they've only been here for thirty minutes and something felt weird.

I couldn't exactly explain what I was feeling when I watched them, it felt like nothing and everything all at once.

Lucas, being the lazy asshole that he was, left them to carry his bed frame down all the stairs, being too big to fit in the elevator. "You're not even gonna help them?"

"Do I look as big as them to you?" He gave me a blank look. "I'd just get in the way." Lucas was tall himself but next to them he looked much shorter than he actually was. So yeah, that's fair.

Making sure they were heading downstairs and out of earshot, I turned to him. "You met up with them to sign all your papers and looked at their place, right?"

"Yeah, I've been there twice."

How do I ask this without sounding stalkerish- I leaned against the kitchen island and squinted at nothing. I'll probably come across as obsessive no matter how I word it.

"They're acting.." My voice trailed off, still trying to find the right words. "Like- do you notice anything weird with them?"

He set his drink down mid sip and turned to me. "You noticed too? Yeah." He nodded. "I think they want me to pay them."


"I thought it was weird that they said they'd help for free but I think they're changing their minds since they're lifting everything heavy."

"Okay- that's not what I was talking about. And you're not paying them?"

"Do I look like I'm rich? I'm moving out because I'm so fuckin' broke."

I nudged his foot. "Go help them then."

"You're not doing anything." He pointed out.

I gestured to the freshly made fruit punch on the counter. Well, I got a pitcher of water and poured some powder in it. "I got refreshments, and it's not my shit. I helped you pack it all."

"Asshole." He walked off with a dramatic sigh and actually started doing something. "You just stand there and look pretty, princess."

"That's what I'm here for." I held my drink out in a mock cheers and took a sip. He was thoroughly unamused.

As annoying as he was, I was gonna miss living with him. We've been friends for years, too many to remember the exact number. I'd still see him at work plenty so I guess there wasn't much to complain about. Still, I felt a little sad seeing all of his things disappearing.

He's gonna be a great excuse for me to go over to Chet's place. I sipped at my drink, suddenly feeling a lot less sad. Really great excuse, actually.

When Kyler and Chet walked back in, my eyes trailed over to them. Chet was laughing at something Kyler said, wide grin on his face as Kyler looked at him with a playful smirk. "That's not possible."

"No?" Kyler drawled, voice low and teasing. "Wanna find out?"

Chet pushed at his side lightly, still laughing. "You're gross."

I wanted to know why there was such a pretty flush set on Chet's cheeks. I wanted to know why they kept subtly brushing against each other, like some giddy teenagers. I wanted to know why Kyler was looking at him like that. I wanted to know a number of things, things that were none of my business.

And because it wasn't my business, I simply looked away and took a sip of my drink.

Huh, I silently thought. That's- something.

There was definitely something to unpack there but as desperately as I wanted to, it wasn't mine to unpack. But I couldn't help but wonder, what changed since I last saw them together?

Chet still looked at Kyler as though the sun raised for him and him alone. He presented Kyler to Lucas, as if they haven't met, proudly and gestured for Lucas to see how cool he was.

It was honestly pretty cute and I, of fucking course, took the open opportunity to remind myself of how hot Kyler was. Jesus, I want to ride him.

Lucas only nodded and gave Chet a thumbs up.

Chet was more than happy with that.

Kyler stood there silently, probably used to it.

So what was different? It seemed like everything and nothing. Chet told me every little detail about his life and I haven't heard anything worth noting about their relationship recently, so I was left clueless.

I could only take another sip of my drink and watch as Chet looked around for a few seconds, looking as if he lost something. When Kyler came out of Lucas' room with another box, he stopped looking and his ears immediately perked.


Something weird settled in my stomach when Kyler purposely stopped in front of him and gestured his head to the front door.

He was asking for help and Chet eagerly agreed, already walking to the door with him. Their shoulders brushed as they walked and Kyler nodded to whatever he was going on about, eyes trained on him the whole time while listening attentively.

I recognized the large box in his hands. There was a hole in the side from when Lucas kicked it and sent it flying. Just to piss him off, I threw a single pillow in there and taped it up.

He apparently didn't find it very funny. "How much fucking room do you think I have in my car? You couldn't have at least put some clothes in there too?"

So I found it odd that Kyler asked Chet to help him bring it down.

Lucas stopped short when he was passing the kitchen, box in hand and ready to be brought downstairs. "What's wrong?"

"Huh?" I blinked at him and he blinked right back. "Nothing?"

"Alright." And then he kept walking.

I silently wondered what kind of face I was making.

Staring at the pitcher of fruit punch, I let out a soft, thoughtful noise. So it's like that now.

When Lucas came back, he eyed me again. "Why do you look like that?"

"Fuck off."

"I'm serious this time." He squinted at me. "You look- pleased? It's really fucking creepy, please stop."

"Just when I was about to help you~ Have fun moving your desk by yourself."

He let out a snort and passed by again, not affected in the slightest. "You wouldn't have helped anyway."

When I was left alone again, I leaned back against the counter and took a sip of my drink.

This is gonna be easier than I thought. 


Like most adults did, I had a job. And as much as I didn't want to go to said job, I didn't have a choice.

I would gladly stay home and watch as Kyler and Chet continued to make use of their well earned muscle, but that sadly didn't pay the bills. So to work I go~

Though, Chet made sure to keep me company while I got ready. Even after Kyler pulled him out of my room by his collar several times, he always made his way back.

I'm sure Kyler probably needed help, seeing that Lucas and I were useless when it came to carrying the heavier stuff, but I never told Chet to leave.

It was cute seeing him try and hide from Kyler, only to be found a few minutes later. "My arms hurt." He'd whine when Kyler pulled him out of my room. Still, he'd help carry something down before creeping back into my room.

"Your bed is comfortable." Chet mumbled while laying down.

Instead of telling him how pretty he looked in my bed, I touched up my eyeliner and checked it in the mirror that I had set up on my desk.


Hearing his name being called again, Chet let out a heavy sigh and sat up. "You're so popular~" I teased.

"My arms hurt." He complained, trying to find any excuse not to go. "If I carry anything else they might fall off."

"Lucas isn't even paying you guys, you both don't need to help him anymore. He can do the rest."

"It's okay." He mumbled, already starting to get up. "I'll be right back."

True to his word, he came back only a few minutes later and right behind him was Kyler. He probably didn't come willingly but he also didn't protest as Chet pulled him in by his hand.

"Are you leaving?" Kyler asked, noticing that I was in my work clothes. Unfortunately for them, I was dressed a little more modestly than when they saw me last time.

But looking at Chet now, he probably didn't think so. In the short time that he was gone, I changed into my uniform. I'm assuming he liked it, considering the way his ears perked with interest and he 'subtly' ran his eyes over me.

"Mhm." I finished everything up after adjusting my bow tie around my neck. "Sorry I can't help you finish~ Make Lucas buy you dinner before you go home."

"It's alright." Kyler waved off politely.


Today was weird.

It wasn't because I saw Chet and Kyler in my apartment for the first time, nor was it because Lucas actually did end up paying them. Well- that was unexpected but he should've done it in the first place.

It also wasn't because Chet texted me only an hour after I saw him at my place.

Chet: we didn't get to talk that much earlierr :(

Chet: we should hang out tonight

Chet: only if you want !!

I didn't answer him for a few hours, not until I had my break but when I did see the texts, a smile pulled at my face. Needy.

Me: if you're okay with me getting off pretty late

His answer came almost right away.

Chet: i am!! i love staying up late

It caused an even wider smile. Liar.

Me: what do you wanna do? go out or one of our places?

Chet always had his read receipts on. I wasn't sure why but I was grateful. He read my text right away and I could imagine he was waiting on the screen for my text bubble to appear.

So when he didn't respond for another two minutes, I imagined him really thinking hard about what we could do. Cute.

Chet: is it okay for you to come over to my place😳

If it was anyone else, I'd take that emoji the wrong way. But since it was Chet, he probably was just embarrassed or shy to ask.

Chet: maybe we could eat food first!! i didn't eat.. and i don't have to run tomorrow!!

Chet: kyler has a different client so i can't run with him :(

Chet: oh but only if you want to! i can eat ramen

A few minutes later,

Chet: oh i can make you ramen!!

His texts were typically all over the place so it only made me laugh at how out of order they were.

Me: i like ramen

Chet: with egg?

Me: only with egg

I was grateful he didn't read my text right away because I was still hesitating on the screen. Should I ask? I didn't ponder on it any longer, only a minute more. I didn't want him to suddenly text back and have me miss my chance to ask so I pressed send and pocketed my phone.

Me: you should bring kyler

So even though I didn't expect to hang out with Chet tonight, that wasn't why today felt weird.

Paul was here again, nothing unusual, but he's still here.

Paul leaves at exactly 9 o'clock every time he comes and it's nearing 11 o'clock right now. I almost wanted to ask if everything was okay but I also didn't care, so in the end I was silent.

Smile pretty and chat him up a bit. Paul is always easy to entertain and he's pretty sweet so I didn't mind.

That's what I had thought, until another hour had passed, my shift was over, and he was still here.

Just as I was throwing on my jacket, because I didn't really feel like walking to my car with my entire upper body exposed, Paul stood up from his usual barstool. "Um," he was blushing, "Can I walk you out?"

What the fuck?

Since I was off the clock, the only thing that had me not walking away silently was the fifty dollar tip he gave me earlier. I guess even I have to do some charity work sometimes.

I couldn't say it was the best feeling walking out with a man probably pushing 70 but he was rich, so it wasn't the worst either. Maybe he'll tip me again for this.

"Do you work tomorrow?"

He held the door open for me and gave me a bashful look. "Mhm, come see me if you can~"

The security gave me a few silent nods goodnight and I returned the gesture. "I'll try and come more often. I've, uh, had more free time lately."

"Oh?" Off the clock or not, this meant more money for me. A little flirting was necessary. "Will you really?" At his shy nod, I smiled at him. "You better not be lying~ You'll get my hopes up."

"I'm not." He quickly insisted. "I'll try and come on the days you work."

"Paul~" I nudged his arm softly, almost afraid his elderly body would blow away if I did it too hard. "Are you trying to get me to look forward to coming in?" Smile pretty. "If you are, it's working."

Was it bad to give an old, married, closested gay man false hope? Maybe.

If he went any redder, I'm gonna start feeling bad. "I'm, um..-"

As sweet as he was to me, I didn't want to stand around longer than I had to, especially since I was looking forward to seeing Chet.

I also didn't really want him to walk me to my car and know which one is mine so I stopped us off to the side of the entrance. "Thank you for walking me out. Make sure you get home safe, alright?"

He could, thankfully, take a hint and nodded quickly. "Yeah, of course, of course. You as well."

Tip me, tip me, tip me-

"Oh, um," he suddenly started scrambling for something in his pocket, "this is for you."


He always comes through.

"Oh no," I tried to refuse the twenty dollars he was holding out, "I couldn't, you were nice enough to walk me out."

"Please." He insisted. "It's the least I could."

After pocketing the tip, I only had to talk to him for a few more minutes before he was walking off to his car. As nice as Paul was, I waited until he pulled out of the parking lot until I started looking for my own car.

Chet and I only texted a couple more times after my break. Just so I tell him what time I was off and so he could send three lines full of happy emojis.

When I checked my phone again, I had a few texts waiting.

Chet: i'm out of ramen :0

Chet: i'll go to the store rn dw 🏃🏼‍♂️

I was going to respond that he didn't need to do that, I was going to respond that it was fine and we could just hang out and eat something else but a quiet voice only a few feet away scared me shitless.


Knowing exactly who that voice belonged to, I quickly glanced up and saw Chet standing awkwardly. "Chet?"

He quickly thrusted out a shopping bag, one he got from the gas station down the street. "I promise I wasn't stalking you." I blinked at him silently, still surprised but not having expected that. "I was buying ramen and walking home since I don't have a car right now but then I saw you. I was gonna say hi right away but you looked busy so I waited."

When he was done explaining, he nodded to himself.

"Um," I glanced towards the security guys who kept glancing over here with an unsure laugh, "it's okay, you could've texted me though. I would've picked some up for us."

Not wanting to give them anything more to tease me with later on, I grabbed Chet's hand and gave a gentle tug. "Come on, I'll drive us."

Every time I held Chet's hand, his engulfed mine. My hands weren't small by any means but his were just so large.

Once we were in the car, he presented the shopping bag happily. "I bought five different kinds because I wasn't sure which one you liked. I know you like spicy so I got a few of those."

I peered into the bag with an appreciative hum. "Nice~ How'd you know I like spicy?"

"You told me."

"Did I?"


On the way to his house, I tried to remember when exactly I told him that. Maybe the first day we met.


hey besties

i literally have no motivation for anything. half this chapter was sitting in my drafts for months and i forced myself to write the other half.

i like writing so i'll try to do it more tho 🕺

okay bye ily.

maddie <3

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