Adore You | ✔

By BooksandGray

7.2M 258K 122K

Cecilia Gomez is excited when she gets a scholarship to an elite private school on the upper east side; Every... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Bonus Chapter 1

Chapter 18

86.8K 3.3K 1.9K
By BooksandGray

Authors note: If you like my story please vote and comment. It lets me know that you enjoy the direction it is going in. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


Chapter 18

The party was a train wreck from the start. First, the caterers were going to be late. Then her alcohol hookup said he wasn't going to be able to make it.

Luckily Chris was able to find another college kid they could bribe with money.

Maria was flipping out because she didn't know what dress to wear.

Lana, of course, came looking as if she was about to walk a runway.

Maria ended up looking like she would join her on the catwalk, despite an hour of panicking and swearing that she would end up looking like a mess.

Eventually, they both looked fabulous and decided to turn their attention to me. Which, if I was honest, I didn't mind. I wasn't super into fashion and makeup, but it was nice when other people put it on you. I ended up looking pretty nice if I do say so myself.

I usually wore workout clothes or athleisure. I didn't do much besides track and casual activities with friends. It was a nice change of pace to look hot every once in a while. I was wearing a gold sparkly cropped top that was held up but the tiniest strings criss crossing across my back.

I was worried initially, and Maria assured me that she tied it up really well, and I would "not be showing the goods" to anyone that night. "At least not unless you deliberately wanted to," she made sure to add.

The top was pretty cropped, so I was glad I had done those extra sit-ups. I also wore a black maxi skirt that had a slit running up my left leg.

The girls straightened my hair, and I wore it loose. Nicole had been spending the day with her family and joined us as we finished getting ready. Her taxi dropped her off just as Robbie and Abigail were pulling up.

Robbie parked the car and got out, walking around to open the door for Abigail. Abigail, of course, looked like a supermodel. She wore a wine-colored sparkly mini dress that left little to the imagination.

I looked back at Nicole getting her bag from the seat. I didn't want to stare.

"Lia, you look amazing," Nicole said, coming up the steps and opening her arms to give me a hug. 

Robbie and Abigail made their way up the stairs behind her, Abigail was busy on her phone. 

"Hi," I said to both of them.

She nodded in my direction to show slight recognition, engrossed in her call.

"Hi," Robbie said. His eyes traveled down my body and then back up, stopping at my eyes. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he blushed.

"Maria and Lana are upstairs touching up," I said, not knowing what to say.

Abigail walked into the house distractedly, still on her phone. Robbie nodded at Nicole and me and followed her.

"Girl," Nicole said, smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Forget it." She said, shaking her head and walking inside.

In retrospect, getting ready with Maria and Lana pretty much concluded the best part of the night.

To start our series of unfortunate events, Jessie drunkenly hooked up with his ex while playing a game that required the participants to pass around a card only using their mouth. 

Maria was heartbroken. Her eyes were glassy when she spoke to me again, and her energy changed from excited to reserved for the rest of the night.

While this was happening, Lana got stupid drunk to the point we had to hide her under a table.

Maria thought it would also be a good idea to shove the equally inebriated Damien in a spare room and locked him up, afraid there would be a part two to that video, and it would include a threesome.

Lana had found a new boy toy, a gorgeous basketball player from another private school; his name was Max. They had been flirting all night.

Maria explained it wasn't out of the norm for her to invite other men to her and Damien's love life. She was not one to judge someone's sex life anyway but drew the line at having a porn video shot at her party.

I actually was not having a bad time. I danced with a boy on the football team. His name was Garry or something like that. I couldn't really hear him over the loud music. He was shy and let me know he had recently broken up with his girlfriend. His nervousness was endearing, and he wasn't a terrible dancer. Eventually, he said he needed to go home to get up early for practice. 

Bored, wanting to dance, and unable to find the girls, I walked around the cramped party. Way more people than expected showed up. In a rush to get everything ready at the last minute, Maria had forgotten to make sure to have enough people manning the entrances. So much for a small intimate party.

It became so packed in some places that the crowd made it impossible to get through the dance area. It was like trying to make your way through a rock concert, drunk and drugged teenagers included.

A tall guy built like a linebacker grabbed my wrist, "Hey," he said. Pulling me towards him. I bumped into a few people along the way. "Hi," I said back.

"You want to dance?" he yelled over the sound music.

"Umm, I was actually looking for my friends!" I yelled back.

"They're probably dancing, come on!" He said, grabbing my hand.

I sighed and started swaying my hips. Might as well have fun if I wasn't going to meet up with the girls. He wasn't as good a dancer as Gary. Kind of stiff. Needed to move his hips and shoulders more.

At one point, he went to turn me around. When I did, I felt a part of him was very awake. Alright, sir, no booty dancing for you, I thought to myself, turning back to face him. "This was fun, but I think I need to find my friends!" I yelled.

"What?" he said, unable to hear me.

"I need to find my friends!" I yelled, trying to move away. He grabbed my wrist. He yelled, "One more dance" I couldn't really hear him, but I could read his lips. I rolled my eyes.

I went to yell that he really needed to keep his hands to himself when an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back.

I looked up to see Robbie behind me. He was giving the guy a frown and a look that said fuck off. Pretty much the face he had on all the time. The guy took the hint and let go of me.

"I was just dancing with her," the guy yelled at the moment the song got a bit quieter. I felt Robbie shrug against my back and move my hips against his. An unspoken message: "Not anymore."

Definitely not a stiff dancer. His body moved perfectly with mine. I was actually surprised. Sourpuss over here is also twinkle toes.

I looked back up at Robbie, and I saw his lips move, but I couldn't really hear what he was saying. I turned around to face him, his hands still on my waist. Either he or the crowd pressed me to him, and I felt as if I was on fire. Or maybe the room was just so crowded it was insanely hot.

I tugged on his neck to bring his head down so I could talk into his ear. My fingers were in this hair at the nape of his neck. I could feel the damp curls on my fingertips—definitely the hot room.

"I can't hear you very well; what did you say?" I said into his ear. He smelled so good I suddenly felt light-headed. Good thing he was holding me up. This was the most bizarre thing. I knew he was an ass, but my body felt amazing when he touched me. I never wanted him to stop.

He leaned into my ear, his lips grazing the shell. "I said, what were you doing with that guy? He's an asshole."

I pulled his ear to my face, "How was I supposed to know? I didn't even want to dance with him."

"You need to learn how to tell people to fuck off."

"I'm sure you're an expert on that," I said without missing a beat. I had a hand on his chest, and I could feel his heart beating wildly.

His face dipped down, "You don't see me dancing with anyone I don't want to dance with."

I glared at him. His face was close to mine, he had an amused look on his face, and then he shook his head and pressed his sweaty temple to mine, letting out a laugh. What was so funny?

The hands he had on my hips went up to my back and then back down to grip my hips, pulling me flush against him. My body relished this, traitor. My hands moved from his neck to his chest, and he rested his cheek against the top of my head. My brain was muddled but some shred of logic spoke up to back up.

I pushed him back, his hand covered the one I had on his chest, "How drunk are you?"

"I don't drink."

I narrowed my eyes at him and raised an eyebrow. He exhaled a laugh when I did, "How high are you?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, "I've smoked more."

A nervous energy suddenly overwhelmed me. I pulled Robbie down, "I was looking for your sister," I said in his ear.

"Nothing is stopping you," He answered, his voice was getting raspier.

"Actually, I can't get off the dance floor. I keep getting pushed around." He looked at me, his eyes narrowed, and then he sighed.

"Hold on," he said and flipped me, so my back was flush against his chest. I could tell a part of him was also awake. This time it took everything in me not to press into him.

He walked backward, cutting through the crowd like a hot knife through butter. We reached the dance floor's perimeter where I could make why way back to the other rooms following the wall. Before I could walk away, he grabbed my waist and pushed me into the wall. His body crushing mine. His hands cupped my chin, and his eyes were wildly dancing across my face.


His head dipped to my ear "What are you doing to me?" he asked his voice curious and husky. 

"Shouldn't you find Abigail?" I asked my voice sounding foreign to me. It was as if I threw cold water at his face. His jaw clenched, and he let go. I hurried out of there. Walking through several rooms until I felt something touch my ankle.

Maria and Lana were assembled under the table. I joined them, the silk tablecloth hiding us from the disaster of the night. Lana was ready to pass out, her head lolling on Maria's shoulder. The only one of us having a great time was Nicole, who spent the whole night dancing with Cameron. Maria sighed; how could this night get any worse?

I got my answer when I heard his voice. I guess he made his way back too. There he was talking to Lana's new prize.

"Have you seen Lana?" Max asked.

"Nope." He was always so social and amicable, I thought sarcastically.

"Aww, man," Lana's new toy said; you could tell from his voice he was also heading towards hangover town.

"Dude, we were heading towards hooking up. She's probably the hottest girl here."

"Sorry, I don't know where she went. I would be careful saying that so loud. Her cousin and her older brother are around."

"Aww, no bro, I don't want trouble." He slurred

"Hey, you know who else is pretty cute that new girl. Lizzie, no Lia. Do you know her?" He asked Robbie, sounding like if the simple act of thinking was becoming a struggle.

"I guess."

"Sure you do; she's always with your sister. Man, I don't know how you do it. Your sister picks the hottest girls as friends."

"If you say so," Robbie answered in that bored tone he would get when he had already decided the conversation was over but was too polite to tell the person to take a hike.

"Have you seen Lia around? The night is young, and I don't want to leave empty-handed," he slurred.


"Don't be so desperate," Robbie answered dryly. "She's barely attractive; there are prettier girls here."


I think I must have subconsciously made a face because Maria looked at me with a face that showed pity.

"My brother is an idiot; he doesn't think before he says anything," She soothed.

"It's fine," I said, plastering a tight-lipped smile, "the feeling is mutual." At that moment, it felt like I was telling the truth. I was so done with Robbie Bennett.

Authors note: If you like my story please vote, comment, and follow. It lets me know that you enjoy the direction it is going in. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


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