Celestial Queen

By emmaboo_29

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Lucy who is hiding from her father and brother, try's to hide her identity by coming up with other names and... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9

Ch. 10

2 0 0
By emmaboo_29

Once me and Levy got up the hill and walked by Lucy's apartment, we could hear crashing and Lucy yelling. Looking at Levy, we ran inside of Lucy's apartment and saw her throwing and yelling with tears coming down her face. Looking to see where Happy was, he flew over and held me crying.

"Hey, Happy, what's wrong? What has happened to Lucy!?"

"Please help her Natsu!!! When she gets like this she does stupid things and normally I can calm her down by talking about her mom and happy moments she had with her but it wont work!!! Please help her before she hurts herself!!!"

Looking at Lucy, I shocked my head and gave Happy to Levy. Lucy then threw a lamp and it shattered, then I jumped behind her wrapping my arms around her so she wouldn't move. Struggling, she kept trying to get lose yelling to let her go but I tightened my grip.

"STOP THIS LUCY!!! This isn't like you!? Your scaring Happy and he's just wanting to help you!!"


"Who hurt you!?"


"She's been yelling her name the whole time."

Looking at Happy then back at Lucy, she looked in front of her so she wouldn't see me, her whole face red from crying and yelling and then she tried again to get out of my arms.  

"Lucy calm down!!! Please, I want to help and so does Happy and Levy!!! Just calm down, please, it'll be alright promise..."

As Lucy calmed down I started to put Lucy on the floor and she held my arms crying. Putting my head on her shoulder she started to take deep breaths that where shaky so I went to kiss her on the cheek but she moved and I kissed her on the neck which made her even more red and she stopped crying. I then leaned by her ear and whispered to her.

"Your the one who moved, but I'm not complaining~..."

I then kissed her on the cheek and she smiled, turning her over so I can see her face I wiped the tears away and Levy and Happy came over and hugged Lucy. As they were crying Lucy keep saying sorry and that she didn't mean to act like that and then held Happy. After about five minutes Lucy and Happy where on the couch sleeping so me and Levy cleaned up and wrote down what broke so we could get new ones.

"So what do you think Lisanna did to her to make her act like that?"

"I don't know, but I will find out."

Once we where done I told Levy she could go home and check on her in the morning so I was left alone with sleeping Lucy and Happy. Looking at her I kneeled down beside her and pulled the loose hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. I then took Happy and held him, walking to Lucy's room I put Happy down and went back to Lucy, picking her up. I then put her in her bed and went to walk out but something pulled on my arm. It was Lucy, she was holding onto my wrist and was trying to pull me close. Smiling and snickering a little I went down by Lucy and she opened her eyes a little bit and looked at me.

"Your not leaving are you?"

"No, I'm not, I'm staying to make sure your okay."

"Can you ummm, s-sleep w-with me??"

Looking at her I smiled and nodded my head, she then let go of me and moved the blankets so I could get in. Once I was in the blankets, Lucy rolled over facing me and held me resting her head on my chest. Holding onto Lucy, I placed my chin on her head and we feel asleep, keeping Lucy warm.

Waking up I looked at Lucy who was still sleeping and kissed her head. I then looked at Happy and saw that he was sleeping too. Getting up off the bed I watched to make sure I didn't wake Lucy up and then walked to the living room, making sure that we cleaned up everything. Then I heard a knock on the door, opening it to find Levy at the door.

"Hey, is Lucy alright?"

"Yeah, Lucy and Happy are still sleeping."

"Then how about we go and surprise her by going and getting her the things that broke last night."

"That would be great but how did you get all the money to do this?"

"The whole gang is coming to help, even gramps"

Smiling and looking back, I grabbed the list and kiss Lucy's head. Then went to Levy and shut the door.

"Okay lets go."

Leaving with Levy we meet with the others and went shopping to go get Lucy the things she broke.


Waking up I kept hearing a loud knock on the door and saw that Natsu wasn't here. Grabbing the sleeping Happy, I looked around the house to see if Natsu was anywhere to be seen but he was nowhere. Walking through the cleaned up house I smiled forgetting someone was at the door. Annoyed with the banging on my door, I went to the door which woke Happy up and opened it a crack to see two girls from school.

"What do you want?"

"We wanted to tell you that you are needed at the park right now."

"Why? I don't even know you girls."

"Yeah you do! Tell her who we are tell her!!!"

"Shut up we were told not to!"

Shutting the door the girls banged on my door again yelling to open up. Rolling my eyes I started to walk away till one of the girls opened the door and jumped on me. Dropping Happy, I pushed the girls off of me and tried to stand up till one of them kicked my leg.

"HEY!!! Leave her alone!!!"

"Happy are you okay."

"I'm fine."

"Didn't she say to bring the cat with us?"

"Yes now you go get him and I'll deal with her"

"Happy, go find Natsu!"


As Happy pulled out his wings and flew out the open door the girl yelled and followed Happy. Turning at the girl in front of me, I just glared at her. She then jumped on me and I pushed her off. She tried to kick me and I dodged it, then tried to punch me in the face so I ducked. It was really easy to fight this girl for she doesn't even try so I slid my leg to trip her and when she got up she brought out a knife which scared me and she smiled.

"What's wrong, don't know how to dodge a knife."

"Your talking too big."

She then swung the knife and I barley dodged it, skinning my cheek. Standing up I didn't know what hit me but I felt something hit my head and I fell to the ground darkness covering my eyes. Waking up I can see trees everywhere and the sun trying to light its way through the cracks of the trees, and then two figures came in front of me. One of the girls was from the house fighting me, the other one I don't know so that lets me know the one chasing Happy doesn't have him.

"Finally she's awake."

"Well, you hit her in the head to hard I'm surprised she's alive."

"I had to do it or you would have never got the job done."

"Shhh she's coming"

Looking to see who they where talking about, Lisanna showed up and it made me mad so when I went to get up I noticed I was tied.

"Yeah I learned the last time to tie you so you wouldn't move"

"Your ridicules Lisanna, just because you didn't get what you want doesn't mean you can do this!"


"No you didn't, I did! I've known him sense we were little!"

"But you left him so it doesn't count anymore!"

"It does count and I didn't leave him he had to go cause he had to move!"

"So he moved away from you, even more information that he doesn't care about you."

"That's not true!!!"

"Oh, I also went and looked you up online, Lucy Hurst huh? Hmm, seems to me your lying who you are cause it said that there was no one by Lucy Hurst."

Staring at her I started to freak out. Did she figure out what my real name is? If so has she called Sting or Jude to let them know where I was?

"Why so nerves Lucy, you look scared there?!"

As she snapped her figure's her two friends came and sat me up by a tree, sitting up I tripped their feet making them fall. Lisanna then hit me, really mad I looked at her and she kneeled down so our eye's meet.

"I know who you are Heartfilia! And I know you ran away from home, how sad that you ran away from your family."

"They are not my family and you don't know anything about me! How did you even find out!?"

Scared that she called them already I went to stand up by using the tree put her friends held my shoulders down.

"You freaked out when I  mention your family and you yelled out that your mother died so I used that and I found the only suited Lucy there, Lucy Heartfilia of the Heartfilia manor. Now, if you don't want me to call them letting them know where you are-..."

"Why didn't you call them already!?"

"That way you can see your whole world crumble before you have to leave."

"He doesn't love you so what will that do you!"

"He does love me and I will make sure of that!"

As she pulled out a little bottle, it was a love potion. To get one of those you had to go find a wizard who would be willing enough to make those but I heard that there was only one in Magnolia and is really hard to find sense it moves all the time. So seeing how she found it and the wizard was willing to make her one is shocking.

"I'm going to make Natsu food for soccer practice and when he takes a bite he'll love me."

"You can't do that to him... he doesn't deserve it! I will tell him what your planning and stop him!"

"Then I'll call Jude telling him where you are so that wont happen."

Tearing up all I cared about was making sure Natsu doesn't get hurt so I don't care if she calls Sting and Jude, I just want to make sure he's fine.

"Go ahead, but I will stop you from giving Natsu that potion!"

"Ugh, your annoying!!! Girls, I'm done with her, beat her as you wish but I want to put a few scratches on her myself."

At that Lisanna turned into a cat and scratched me tearing at the rope in the prosses. Hands still tied along with my waist and legs, I moved my hands under my feet so they could be in front of me and hit Lisanna in the face. Mad she and her two friends beat, kicked, and cut me. Falling down and curling up I took the hits not being able to get up, each hit getting worse. Seeing my blood on the ground and growing light headed, I heard distant yelling and the girls running. Not knowing what happened I just laid there seeing fogy figures and blacked out.


After Happy told us that there were people at Lucy apartment whos trying to take her, we all ran out bumping into someone. As the girl saw us she freaked out and ran, then Happy told us she was one of them who was chasing him so I grabbed her and asked her to tell me what was going on, when she didn't we ran to Lucy apartment finding nothing but an opened door and crashed window.

"Who could have done this to Lu-Lu?"

"Whoever it was is going to pay for taking Lucy!"

"Erza, calm down"

"Yeah, look at Flame head here, I don't think he's okay with this."


Standing in the middle of the room, my anger grew and I was covered in Fire. Who ever took Lucy better have a good reason for taking her out of her free will. About to go out and look for Lucy, Happy stopped me.

"Wait, I may know where she is!?"


"They said something about someone wanting to meet her at the park but Lucy declined so they came in to take her themselves instead."

"Then that's where we're headed!"

"AYE SIR!!!"

Running out of the apartment, we went down the hill through the towns folk and at the park. As we split up to check the whole park, me and Happy went down to the ditch where Lucy was in trouble the last time she was here.

"Nothing, where could Lushie be?"

"I don't know but whoever took Lucy better have a good reason."

Meeting back with the others to check to see if anyone found her, no one did. So out of anger I punched a tree breaking it.

"Chill out Natsu, we'll find Lucy-san I know we will."

"Yeah, isn't there a forest in the back of the park?"

"Yes, Jellal is right, they could have taken Lu-Lu to the woods so they could have privacy"

"Then lets go!!! Come on Happy!!!"


Running ahead of the others we made it to the entrance to the woods, stopping so the others could catch up. Please be in there and okay Lucy, I'll be there soon. Looking at Happy he nodded his head and we started to run in.



"I said stop and wait!"

Getting pulled back and on the floor, Erza was staring down at me angry. Gulping the others caught up and was taking their breath. Letting me go I got up and looked at the others, once they all caught they're breath we all continued yelling for Lucy.



"Guys I think I see her!"

Running to where Wendy was, we ran yelling hoping it was Lucy and when we got there, there was blood everywhere and parts of rope on the ground. Looking in the middle laid Lucy her hands, leg and waist tied up, blood covering her head from toe and out cold. Running to Lucy with Happy beside me, I picked up Lucy's head and held her, Happy on her arm crying.

"Lushie! Lushie please be okay!"

"I'm so sorry Luce... I wasn't here to help you like I promised you and now your hurt... Wendy? Can't you heal her?"

"No, I can stop the bleeding but she has to get to a hospital Natsu."

"Then do that, we need to get Lucy to the hospital and stat Gray!!!"


"Go get a car and Wendy go heal Lucy"

"Yes ma'am"

"Everyone else go home."

"No, I'm going with Lucy."

"What did you say!?"

"I said I'm going with Lucy and nothing you say will change my mind."

"Fine, but everyone else go home."

As Wendy heals Lucy stopping the bleeding, I picked her up and start to head out Happy behind me to a car that Gray found and got in. Heading to the hospital I started to get motion sickness but held it in as best as I can till we got to the hospital. Once we got there we got the closes doctor and asked for help, watching them take her to a room I ran to a trash can and threw up from the motion sickness.

"Wow flame head, you actually held in your motion sickness"

"Leave him alone Gray, now, all we have to do is wait for them to tell us."

Walking to the waiting room I sat down with Happy next to me. Waiting was the hard part, I wanted to know if Lucy was okay now, not knowing was killing me and I can see that it bother Happy too. After about an hour of waiting they came back and me and Happy ran over.

"How is she!? Is she okay!?"

"She's fine, but she lost quit some blood, if you guys didn't stop it then she would have been in a coma. But she has some deep scars and whoever fixed her arm and hand did a good job but from the impact it busted making it worse. The ropes dug deep into her skin so she'll have some marks there too."

"Will she be able to get out Doctor"

"Oh yes, she just need to stay here for a couple of days just to make sure that everything is okay."


As me and Gray got hit in the head Erza looked at the doctor and apologized.

"Sorry about those two."

"Its okay."

"Is she awake?"

"No, she blacked out from the impact so she wont wake up for a little longer."

"Can we visit her?"

"Yes you can, her room is A243"

"Thank you, come on boys."

Getting up I ran to Lucy's room and opened the door. On the bed laid Lucy with small stiches over her body where the cuts where and marks on her where the rope was. You could also see the old scars that she had, so me and Happy covered her up in the blanket before Erza and Gray showed up. I then sat down in a chair next to her and held her hand tears filling my eye's as Happy sat on the bed holding her other hand trying to hold his tears in. As Erza and Gray came in they went to the other side of Lucy and you could tell that they wanted to cry but didn't.

"Poor Lucy, how can someone do this to her?"

"Who could have done this to her and why? This is over the line of forgiveness."

Looking down at Lucy's hand in mine I tried to think who would have done this to Lucy but all I could think of was Lucy waking up. After about 15 minutes the doctor came back letting us know that visiting time is over.

"I'm staying with Lucy, I'm not leaving her again."

"Hey Natsu, we all want-"

As Erza stopped Gray, she shook her head at him and pulled him with her.

"Is it alright if he stay's with her."

"Of course."

"We'll check on you guys tomorrow, keep her safe Natsu."

"Will do!"

As they left I looked back at Lucy with Happy sleeping on her chest. Laying my head down I reached for her hair moving it away from her face. I then slowly drifted off to sleep after fighting it so I could see Lucy when she woke up.

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