The Haddock Twins: Dawn of th...

By Skylight369

424 20 0

The origin of the newest popular game on Berk More

Who Invented Dragon Racing?
Sheep-catching Competition
New Acting Chief and Second-in-command
The Race Begins
The Winners and the Inventor

First Annual Berk Dragon Race

29 2 0
By Skylight369

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How To Train Your Dragon

Chapter 7: First Annual Berk Dragon Race

One of Stoicks' ideas proved to be a big hit among the competitors; face paint. Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut used green face-paint (while the male Thorston covered his whole face with the green paint) and Hiccup, Hicca and Fishlegs used red face paint.

"Face paint! Nice touch, Dad." Hiccup praised.

"Well, it does give a warrior feel doesn't it?" His father commented.

The starting line was moved outside of the Academy to the side facing the ocean. Snotlouts' team was positioned on one side, while Hiccups' team was positioned on the other. Stoick then quieted down the cheering audience. "Welcome to the first annual Berk Dragon Race!" For added effect, the chief opened a crate which kept a few Terrible Terrors who immediately flew out. The cheering continued. "We have two teams. The green team, Team Snotnuts, and the red team, Team... Hicclegs."

The Haddock twins exchanged confused glances, neither of them even decided that name. They then turned to Fishlegs.

"Mm-hm, I thought of that." The Ingerman boy proudly informed them.

"Yes, Fishlegs, that's quite apparent." Stoick chuckled, before speaking louder. "Alright, each sheep is worth one point except the Black Sheep, which is worth five. I've appointed referees." At this Raeda and Astrid, both sitting on Stormfly with the Henderson girl in the front. "to make sure there's no funny business." At the last three words, the chief and the two human referees gave stern glances to Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

This didn't go unnoticed by the Thorston twins. "Why does he always look directly at us when he says that?" Tuffnut questioned.

"The winner of today's race will have there portrait hung in the Great Hall and a feast thrown in their honor." Stoick announced, causing the audience to continue to cheer.

"Might as well call it the Feast of Snot..." Snotlout said, pumping his fist, before rethinking the name. "Snotfeast...a Feast of Snot."

"Feastlout?" Hicca offered, earning chuckles from Hiccup and Fishlegs.

"Are we ready?" Stoick asked the racers. All teens and dragons were pumped and ready to go, especially Hiccup who was now free to enjoy competing in the dragon race now that he didn't have to worry about the Regatta.

Gothi then dropped the flag and the teams immediately took off and separated in search for the sheeps.

Fishlegs and Meatlug flew to the forest and spotted one sheep. Meatlug immediately made a beeline for the wooly animal. "Keep going, girl!" Fishlegs encouraged. Just as they got close to the sheep though, Snotlout and Hookfang came from out of nowhere and snatched up the sheep. "Hey!"

"Nice try, Fishy, this wool is mine!" Snotlout taunted, holding up the sheep. "Snotlout!"

Hiccup and the Thorston twins flew into a tunnel of a cave with the Night Fury flying in front of the Zippleback. "Hey, out of the way! Move!" Tuffnut exclaimed. Being able to use echolocation, Toothless was easily able to navigate through the tunnel with Barf and Belch following him. Hiccup spotted a sheep ahead, and was swiftly able to grab it as Toothless flew by. They then made it out of the cave with the sheep.

"In your face, Hiccup." Tuffnut called, bringing the Haddock boys' attention to the fact that Ruffnut and Tuffnut were able to get two sheeps. "Two sheep! I mean not in your face, but, you know that we got them. That's in your face."

"Ahem." Hicca said, as she and Fishlegs appeared with their dragons behind the Thorston twins, with the auburn girl holding another sheep.

"Uh, you were saying?" Fishlegs said, as Meatlug opened her mouth to reveal two more sheeps inside.

The collected sheeps were brought back to the Academy where they were dropped in the respective teams basket. "Another score!" Astrid announced as another sheep was dropped in the basket.

"So far both teams have equal points. It looks like we'll have another tie-breaker once again!" Raeda announced to the audience. The two girls may not be competing this time, but it was still fun to enjoy as a spectator or a referee. And they both have a feeling that this would be the first of many races.

"Beats the heck out of the old boat race, doesn't it, Chief?" Gobber said, giving his friend a slap on the shoulder. Stoick glared at Gobber. He may have accepted Dragon Racing to replace the Regatta, but that doesn't mean that the Regatta was bad, especially when he was the one who came up with it. Gobber noticed the glare. "Boat race was good, too."

Hicca and Midnight spotted a sheep that somehow ended up on a plank floating on the ocean (seriously how did that happen?), but they weren't the only ones there.

"One mutton to go with a side order of victory!" Snotlout declared, before Hookfang flew in for the sheep.

Not ready to lose to the Monstrous Nightmare, Midnight immediately flew in as well and it was a close call. Hookfang may have put all his speed into it, but Midnight managed to beat him by a second, allowing Hicca to narrowly take the sheep.

Hicca breathed a sigh of relief, before calling to her cousin. "Sorry, Snotlout! You're kitchen is closed!"

On the ground of Berk, the Thorston twins smirked as they sneaked into another sheep pen. "You know, these aren't Sven's sheep." Ruffnut said to her twin.

"No one will know the difference." Tuffnut said with confidence.

But a series of spines stopped them before they could take another step.

"That's because you won't be using them." Astrid said sternly as she, Raeda and Stormfly appeared from above.

"You guys are too predictable." Raeda said.

"Come on! If you aren't cheating, you aren't trying, right?" Tuffnut protested. The only response he got was another spine shot attack which made the blonde twins run away from the pen and back to their dragons.

Fishlegs and Hiccup flew on their dragons to the snowy mountains in search for the sheep. There they found one on one of the mountain peaks. Fishlegs and Meatlug immediately flew to grab it, but were too late to catch it as it slipped and slid down the slope. The dup then chased after it with the human panicking were too late to grab the sheep before it fell off the snowbank.

They were then surprised to see the same sheep suddenly pop back up before Hiccup and Toothless came into view, revealing that they were the ones who caught the sheep.

"It's all tied up!" Astrid and Raeda announced as both teams came back with the final round of sheeps they collected.

"Hicclegs and Snotnuts are dead even at twenty five points! Whoever catches the Black Sheep wins!" Stoick announced.

The Thorston twins exchanged a mischievous look. "That's a go on the super-secret plan." Tuffnut whispered to his twin.

"We gotta find that Black Sheep!" Hiccup said to his team-mates.

A thought then came to Fishlegs. "I have an idea! Something Silent Sven said. The Black Sheep always falls into..."

"The well!" Hicca finished.

"Exactly!" Fishlegs said.

"Let's go!" Hiccup urged, hoping Team Snotnuts wouldn't figure it out, though that was less likely.

Luckily, they seemed to be the only ones who were at the well. Being the only dragon able to fit in the well, Meatlug took Fishlegs down in search for the black sheep. "That's it, steady girl. Steady." Fishlegs said as they went deeper.

Hicca and Hiccup were waiting for the duo outside the well.

"Incoming!" Tuffnut yelled, getting the auburn twins and Night Furies attention. They looked up and saw the Thorston twins fly by with their Zippleback and they somehow caught the black sheep!

"Here we go!" Ruffnut cheered.

"I'm here all week! Try the mutton!" Tuffnut shouted.

"Oh boy, we are not going to hear the end of this." Hicca said to her twin, who nodded in agreement. Both sighing they got on their dragons and got ready to head back to the Academy and accept defeat. Fishlegs, however, decided for some reason to stay in the well for a bit, so the twins left without him.

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