I Need You Too

By I-like-the-cold

494 30 94

"I need you, so you can't leave." "But I have to help everyone. I love you guys." "If you do it you'll get ki... More

The class 1A Party
Todoroki/Kirishima's confession!
~•The party•~
What just happened?!
I don't know

How do i tell him?

82 5 10
By I-like-the-cold

A/N: Hey wsp Monsters!!! 😗 you're all looking cute today😍♥️!! Omg I have problems 😑😁 okay you can read now🤦🏽‍♀️!!!

😔Wait actually quick question... because it's there third year is it class 3A or am I stupid?😭😂 someone please tell me so I can look smart!!


•Izuku POV•

"Hey Kiri do you know how we are getting dorms this year?!"I asked Kirishima.
We happen to walked the same way to school so we talk a lot on the way. "I'm not sure bro. Have you asked Shoto?"

"Oh that's smart why didn't I think of that!" I said to him and he laughed a little. He had his signature smile and I smiled back. It was amazing to look at but to be honest I think he's hiding something behind it.

Eventually I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and then I called Shoto. Well I was on the phone we walked up to the gates of UA.

"Hey shittyhair!!" I heard Kachan yell out... wow I feel like I'm never going to keep talking to Kiri long enough.

I told Sho that I liked someone a while ago but to be honest I like two people.


❄️🔥: Izu I have been talking to you for a while and your not paying attention!!

💜💚: Oh sorry Todo I was kinda dosed out for a second.

❄️🔥: It's fine. So what did you need? I'm at class by the way.

💜💚: Oh...ummm...I was wondering how we are getting dorms t-this year. I forgot if we where told!

❄️🔥: Oh I think we can choose them, and they have to be with 3 other people. Oh and they have to be by the same gender.

💜💚: Okay cool! Do you want to be in one? I mean we are 'best friends'

❄️🔥: Duh...

We joked around on the phone well I waited for Kiri to finish his conversation with Kachan. I didn't want to just leave him there.
I think I'm gonna tell him today. At the party Kachan's having.

•Kirishima POV•

"I'm so excited for today! Did you invite everyone in class?? That's so unlike you!" I laughed well Baku just huffed angrily.

"Hey Angry Dandelion!!!!"
Mina yelled out to Bakugou.

He yelled back.
They started talking about tomorrow and that's when I realized that Izuku was waiting for me. He was on the phone with Shoto and they where laughing. His laugh was so precious. To bad there was no way I could get him to laugh like that with me.

I think he likes Todoroki. Oh and I think Uraraka likes Izu too. Then you have Bakugou and he could never even think about me like that... and well Shoto probably has feelings for Izuku too. So I'm just left here...

I walked away from the Bakusquad, and I could here Kami call out to me. I just keep walking.

My head felt kinda numb and I felt like I was about to have a panic attack. This happened a lot over the summer especially because of my mom. "Oh no, this is bad, this is really bad..." I mumbled as I passed a few classes to get to the bathroom. What I didn't know was that I passed Our classroom... Great.

I continued hopeful that no one saw me walking. Then I hear him. "Kirishima?! Are you okay? Izuku just told me on the phone that you ran in the building. He said he would be right up. I came to check on you." Todoroki said in a monotone voice.

Oh no, I can't talk right now. My voice will come out all wrong if I try to lie. I just turned so he couldn't see me face and closed my eyes. "Hey Eijirou... come on just tell me.... is something wrong?..."
He whispered.
"I-I..." I couldn't talk, I was starting to hyperventilate. I'm over thinking things, and it's really stressing me out. 

Shoto walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, you don't have to tell me if it's to hard right now...but do you want to talk?"

He was so calm...it made me feel funny...I really like him...don't l...

I nodded and looked at his face. His eyes started straight back at me but with something no one would except. He looked concerned. He never shows his feelings.

Before I could react my Vision went black.... I couldn't see anything. My breathing pickedup again.

"Kiri!!! Hey look at me!!" I think that was Izuku in front of me. He came out of nowhere. Well it doesn't matter...it's not like they actually care about what happens to me.

A few seconds later i was on the floor passed out.

•Bakugou POV•

I'm still confused on why shittyhair just left like that. I was going to walk with him to class. I feel like he has been keeping things from me.

When I got into the building and turned down the hall to the classroom I was stunned...

Deku yelled, next to Half and half.

They where watching Kiri being taken away by some of the pro heroes... to what looks like the way to recovery girl.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HIM!!!" I yelled at them running up to their, just as Surprised, faces.

"He just dropped to the floor... I'm not sure why, but with the knowledge I have it looked to be some kind of panic attack or stress attack." Todoroki said.
Spoken like a true pro... he acts like one and we are technically not even hero's yet.

"Hey are you coming or not?!"
Deku asked. They where already walking to the way to recovery girl's office.

"YEAH IM COMING CHILL OUT!" I tried yelling with the same seriousness as usual, but I was kind of scared for Kiri...what if he is actually not okay? I should have tried to talk to him more.

Shit I was going to try to make a move on him too... I wanted to know if he would return some kind of feelings.

Now I feel like an idiot.
Wow I really like this guy...

I really like him.

•Todoroki POV•

I looked over a Izuku and I could see he was scared.
He was pulling on his skin at his fingers. As we where walking there I put my hand down close to his.
I want to hold his hand. I don't like seeing him like this. I wrapped my pinky around his and he looked at me. Then I grabbed his hand intertwining out fingers and I saw the flush on his face.

"That's cute...." wait well.........I think I said that out loud!!!

"What did you say?" Izu asked me.

Okay he didn't hear me. "Oh...nothing...hey look we're here." Then I pointed to the door.

"Right..." he looked disappointed. Maybe I should just tell him I like him. What if he actually likes me too.
Well he did say that he has a crush on someone.

"HEY, GO IN THE ROOM ALREADY!" Bakugou yelled once again, out of nowhere.

"R-right..." Izuku stuttered out.

•Bakugou POV•

Okay I'm actually really scared. Is he okay what if he's not. I don't know if I can handle that. It's been three years of me getting used to my feelings for the dimwit and now this could be something bad.

I have to tell him soon.

"Boys! What are all of you doing here right now. You have class...... hold on let me go tell Mr. Aizawa that you all will be staying. I don't want to get you in trouble."
Wow Aizawa really doesn't care that we are here. He will probably give all of us extra work.

We all walked in the room to see if he was okay. "Kiri!!" Deku yelled out in joy I guess.
Kirishima was sitting on the bed and drinking some water. He looked just fine.

I was so confused.

The green haired idiot ran up to him and gave him a hug. I huffed in annoyance. Why is he so straightforward. Why can't I be like that.

To be honest... all this anger is just a mask. It's something I use to cover my feelings. I wonder how many people do the same...

"Bakubro! You came!? What even happened..." Kiri said signaling me to come over to them. I stepped over there and sat next to him. Before I got to talking recovery girl came back.

"I have some bad news, kids...Mr. Aizawa said that not all three of you need to be in here. So may two of you...head back to class." She said.

"Icallstaying!" I said before the other two even had a chance.

"Oh okay Kachan!"

"Sure." Icy hot looked at Kirishima in a weird way. As if asking with his face if he was good. Kiri nodded. What the hell was that?!

"Bye guys! And yeah Sho I'll talk later..." Shittyhair said.

Icy hot and Green haired nerd left. I could see that Deku was disappointed...I wonder why?

"Hey so you really do care about me don't you Bakugou!"

"Whatever shittyhair!!!" I yelled back. We made some small talk and then when it felt like a good time....

I'm going to tell him about my feelings. It's been three years and we have been together every sense. He was rambling about something stupid and seemed very hung up on the topic. He had this brightness in his eyes... looked like he was glowing.

I truthfully loved his smile and happy aura. I wish I could tell him that though.

"Bakugou are you even listening to me!" He said snapping me out of the trance I was in.
"Oh yeah sorry... I wanted to ask you something..."

"Yeah..what's up! I'm all ears Bakubro." I looked up to him and smiled.
Kiri was Surprised by this and held his had to his mouth.

"Wait is this something serious?!?!" He asked.

"Well kinda...yeah"
I looked down to me feet. Then he grabbed my hand.
I blushed a little and turned so he didn't see my face.
"Hey look at me you okay? Come on what's on your mind?"
Okay I have to tell him he was just so amazing. Agh this is nothing like me at all. He probably will freak out but I could see that I had let my guard down with him already....

"Eijirou... I..."
He looked really curious. He had a face showing that whatever it was he would be there. I sighed and looked him straight in his eyes.
I turned my body so I was facing him and squeeze his hand, that I was still holding.

Okay here I go....

"Eijirou...I like you... a lot... I have for a long time actually."


A/N: Omg😑😭 sorry for the cliffhanger lmao✌🏼😗😜!!! So yeah if you want to rant then go ahead I'm all ears...🤨😍😚.

Oh and I probably spelled like 10000000 things wrong but that's besides the point 🤦🏽‍♀️

(1861 words)

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