Percy Jackson Crossover Aveng...

By TheWeirdGirl692

174K 3.1K 923

After two wars Percy has returned home to his mom only to find out there was an alien attack in New York by a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
New Book

Chapter 14

5K 96 26
By TheWeirdGirl692

What was it about going on quests that made it unique every-time. Annabeth, Percy, Nico, Will, Leo, Hazel, Piper, and Jason, just made it out alive, barely. It was brutal, but now they were standing at the end of the battlefield having stopping the world from ending again.

You would think that would be it, but no those nosy avengers were trying to track them down ever since the mission first started. The damage they left would be questionable, but how can they say that the monsters did it.

Percy huffed out looking down, at the battlefield.  He turned to Annabeth smiling at her face.   At least there was some light in this dark world.

Annabeth understand his somber yet happy expression.  They could withstand anything if they were together.

There were bruised, but they were alive. Now, it was time to go back to camp, and then home. Suddenly an engine roared. There was nothing in the sky, but then there was a blink and then suddenly there was an air craft-a quinjet.

Percy's eyes flew open and he couldn't help looking over to Annabeth. "Who," he asked.

"SHEILD or the avengers! They obviously been tracking us," Annabeth said.

"What do we do," Percy asked.

"Wait the avengers," Leo asked.

Blood splatter his arm, and he had bruises, but he was grinning. "Well..."

The quinjet opened up to Steve, Natasha, Tony, Bruce, and Clint.   Natasha gave Percy a cool look when she studied the scene around her.  The scene must have been confusing.  A bunch of injured kids with what looked like to be a battlefield.

"Kid, are you all right," Steve asked.

"Yeah," Percy started.

"There are a bunch of kids with injuries," Clint started saying, but Bruce spoke up. "They look like they need a doctor," Bruce said. He was already rushing off to go help the kids.

Will was helping the campers, but a lot of people were injured so Percy didn't say anything.

"What happened Percy," Natasha asked. Her voice sounded musical, but devoid of emotion. Percy looked over to Annabeth.

"I asked you Percy," Natasha said. Natasha was purposely singling him out, because Annabeth was most likely to lie better, and evade questions easier.

" see...," Percy said.

"Are you Tony Stark?!" Percy turned to Leo and smiled. It was a good excuse not to answer her question. Percy had forgotten Leo was there. Apparently this whole time Leo was silently acting like a fan girl.

"Yes," Tony said.

Leo's eye were wide and he bounded over full of energy, like he hadn't just gone through an entire battle. "Dude, your work on....".

Percy couldn't keep up on all the science jumbo, but Tony seemed slightly surprised that Leo had all this knowledge. He patted Leo on the head three times. "Well kid, your more than welcome to help me on this particular project. Just do me a favor, and tell me what happened here." Leo excited that he could join for the first half of Tony's words, but when he heard the second half he looked down.

Leo looked disappointed and bounded back to the others. He pouted and asked with eyes if he could tell them. Annabeth mouthed the word "no."

"I am going to gather the others. We meeting back at the place or do we drop the kids back home," Leo said.

Percy sighed. "We need to meet at the location. Some kids still need there stuff, and we can't go back looking like we went through a battle."

Leo nodded, and walked off.

"So Percy..." Natasha tried again.

"Sorry, we can't answer questions at this time," Percy said.

"Look we already know about the..." Clint started.

"Then why are you asking questions," Annabeth asked.

"So it was a part of the Greek..." Natasha started.

"Yes," Leo said.  "Now can I work on the project?!"

"Yes, you can work on the project kid," Tony said. 

"Yes!!!  McShizzle strikes again!"

"Is he always like this," Tony asked.  A hand over his chin.  His mouth in the corner was raising up at the corner.  Yeah, he liked the kid.

"When you mentioned it was dangerous, and that stuff like this happened, I didn't actually think you mean this kind of stuff happened." 

"Yeah, we saved the world again," Leo said.

"But we lost people," Percy said, sadly.  Annabeth laid a comforting hand on Percy.

"Your just kids," Steve said.  "Kids shouldn't be allowed in wars."

"It's our life.  Didn't you ask us to be avengers?  What is the difference," Annabeth said.

"Fury did," Steve said.  "And it was a choice."

"Do you and your friends need a ride back?"

"Our ride is coming," Annabeth said.  "Plus we can't travel in the sky.  You can leave."

Natasha raised an eyebrow.  "We have been tracking you two down for a while now?  Now suddenly, we find you in the middle of this destruction, and you want us to leave?"

"What took you so long," Annabeth asked.

"What," Natasha asked.

"What took you so long to get here.  I mean you didn't look for us at the beginning."

"We had a mole problem at SHEILD.  Now, that we dealt with it..."

"Wouldn't say dealt with it." Tony said.

"We can now focus on you.  You clearly haven't gone into full detail about your life."

"Like you have told me the full details of your life," Percy said sassily.  (Yes, Persassy)

Tony snorted.  "I think I am going to go sign some autographs.  The kids are probably wanting my attention cause I am iron man," Tony said.  Walking away from the scene laughing.

"You are right Percy.  We are going to your mom, so we can have a heart to heart."

Something in Natasha's words sounded like a threat and Percy gulped.  Natasha reminded Percy of Annabeth in a lot of ways.  Percy hoped that Natasha's words weren't as lethal as they sounded.

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