Dumbledore's Apprentice

De ezrabineshipper

20.2K 359 153

Harry gets rid of the Horcrux in his head during the Department of mysteries, meaning that he can finally bec... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

2.2K 36 17
De ezrabineshipper

Ripfang smiled and handed Harry another stack of papers. "A marriage contract, Lord Potter Black..."

Harry was speechless. "A marriage contract? What is that?" he asked. He looked over at Dumbledore, who had a look of surprise on his face. After a moment, he recovered and glanced at Harry.

"A marriage contract is when two families write an agreement to bind together a member of each family in marriage," answered Professor Dumbledore. "It is a very antiquated custom. I do not think any marriage contracts have been written in the last century."

"You are correct, Chief Warlock," said Griphook, who was still in the room. "Gringotts has not recorded a new marriage contract in over a hundred years. However, it appears that the marriage contract involving Lord Potter Black was written centuries ago by the Black family."

"Who is the contract with?" asked Harry, already dreading the answer.

Ripfang spoke up. "The contract was signed by the Black family and the Greengrass family in 1683. However, I believe the contract now applies to a Ms. Daphne Alexis Greengrass."

Daphne Greengrass... The name was familiar to him. He thought of his classmates at Hogwarts and immediately remembered where he had heard the name.

"Daphne Greengrass, she's a Slytherin in my year, isn't she?" he asked, looking at Dumbledore for confirmation.

"Indeed she is," replied Dumbledore with a curious look on his face. "What a fascinating turn of events!"

"What does this mean for me?" Harry asked as he began to panic.

"It means that you must marry Ms. Greengrass by your 18th birthday," said Ripfang succinctly.

"And what if I don't?" asked Harry defiantly.

"Then you will lose your magic, become a Squib, and quite possibly die a painful death," answered Griphook with a smirk on his face.

"How did this happen to me? I didn't sign any contract!" Harry protested.

"The contract was signed by the then Lord Black, who made it binding on all members of the family. By becoming Lord Black just now, you became an official member of the family and accepted all duties, responsibilities, contracts, and liabilities that might come with it," explained Ripfang. "The Black family magic has made it binding upon you."

At this point, Harry was in full blown panic mode. He didn't know Daphne Greengrass well, but he did not want to be forced into a contract against his wishes.

"How can I get out of the contract? Is there a buy out or something?" pleaded Harry, hoping for a miracle.

"Unfortunately, no, there are no buyouts and no escape clauses. You may peruse the contract and see for yourself, but it seems to be an ironclad contract," summarized Ripfang.

To Harry, it seemed like the whole world seemed to be crashing down.

"Why now? Why did no one fulfil this contract during the last 300 years?" asked Harry angrily.

"It was never fulfilled because the conditions of the contract were never met," explained Ripfang. "It seems that this contract acted as an emergency fallback in case the future of the Black and Greengrass families was ever threatened. In order for the contract to be activated, one of the families has to have no male heirs, and the family without a male heir has to have a daughter born within a year of a male of the other family. The Greengrass family only has two daughters, while you are the only surviving male in the Black family. In addition, you and Ms. Greengrass were born 9 months apart, fulfilling the stipulations of the contract. Over the past centuries, many pureblood families, including the Black and Greengrass families, have grown smaller and smaller in number, until they have become what they are today."

Harry put his head in his hands and sighed deeply. It seemed like there was no way out. He would look through the contract, but he doubted he would find anything. If the goblins could not find a way, he doubted he could.

"You said we have to marry by my 18th birthday," Harry said. "Does the contract say anything else?"

"I will have to read the contract in more depth," explained Ripfang. "The contract was just barely brought to my attention. However, I do know that you will be required to give your second son the surname of Greengrass."

"Second son?" asked Harry in surprise. "It specifies how many children we have to have?"

"I am not sure," admitted Ripfang. "Some old contracts do contain such specificity. However, this contract might just require you to give the surname of Greengrass to your second son if you do have a second son."

Harry was beginning to panic again when he felt Dumbledore's hand on his shoulder. He looked questioningly at the headmaster.

"Control your emotions," Dumbledore said simply. Harry nodded, trying to get himself under control. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and cleared his mind of all thoughts. Slowly, the panic and worry faded away into the background. He opened his eyes calmly and saw Dumbledore smiling proudly at him.

"That, my boy, is basic occlumency," said Dumbledore. Harry looked at him in surprise. Dumbledore's theory was right. Clearing his mind had once been incredibly difficult for him. Now, it seemed to come naturally to him. His new latent abilities were beginning to shine through.

With his emotions under control, he turned back to the goblins.

"Ripfang, are there any other portions of the contract that I should be aware of?" he asked. Outwardly, he now seemed cool and collected. Inside, he was marveling at the total mood shift he had just undergone after clearing his mind. In that moment, he realized how much of an impact the soul fragment was beginning to have on him.

Ripfang shook his head. "Beyond the standard fidelity clause, there is nothing else."

Harry nodded, but decided to ask Dumbledore about the fidelity clause later.

"Very well. Will Gringotts be notifying Ms. Greengrass about the contract, or does that responsibility fall to me?" he asked.

"Gringotts will notify the Greengrass family about the activation of the contract and the basic details of the contract, but nothing more. It is your responsibility to enter in contact with Ms. Greengrass in preparation for the execution of the contract," Ripfang explained.

"Execution of the contract? You mean the wedding?" Harry clarified.

"Precisely," said the goblin simply.

Harry mentally snorted in amusement. Leave it to a goblin to describe a wedding as the execution of a contract.

Suddenly, Dumbledore spoke up. "One more thing before we leave. Lord Potter Black will be needing a money pouch connected to his accounts."

"Of course," Ripfang said. He reached into his desk and pulled out a nondescript black bag, which he handed to Harry. "Any money taken from this pouch will be automatically withdrawn from the liquid assets in your vaults. In addition, we are providing you with a muggle debit card that will also draw from your accounts."

Harry nodded in understanding. He and Dumbledore rose and walked out of the office. Fortunately, they were not stopped by any other goblins this time. They reached the bank's entrance and stepped out into Diagon Alley.

"Before we return to Hogwarts," Dumbledore said, "there is one more thing we need to take care of."

Harry raised an eyebrow, motioning him to continue.

"I am an old, senile old man. I can get away with wearing eccentric robes in strange colors," Dumbledore explained. "You, however, are a young man, attempting to gain power and influence. You need to dress the part. I understand that much of your clothing came from your cousin. However, you have more than enough money to purchase clothing that reflects the man you truly are."

"You want me to shop for clothes?" Harry asked in absolute disbelief.

"Precisely!" Dumbledore exclaimed. "But we must do so quickly. We still have things to do back at the castle!"

Harry shook his head in amusement. Never in a million years could he have imagined that one day, he would be shopping for clothes with Dumbledore.

They quickly walked to Madam Malkin's, ignoring the stares all around them. Madam Malkin immediately recognized them as they walked into the store and came to help them.

"Mr. Potter, Professor Dumbledore, how may I help you?" she asked.

"Lord Potter Black here needs a new wardrobe," Dumbledore said, looking at Harry. The shopkeeper's eyes went wide at the information. Harry himself was surprised that Dumbledore was using Harry's full title already.

"Yes," Harry said quickly. "I need four sets of acromantula silk dress robes. Please inscribe each robe with the coats of arms of the Potter, Peverell, Black, and Rosier families. In addition, I need 8 sets of everyday robes, also made of acromantula silk, also with the same coats of arms."

Madam Malkin nodded in understanding, shocked that Harry had included the Rosier family as well. "I can have that done in a few hours," she said.

"That will be fine," Harry said. "Also, I appreciate your discretion in this matter." He did not want her telling anyone about his new titles just yet. She nodded and hurried off to begin work.

At his side, Dumbledore nodded his approval. "While we are waiting, let us venture into the muggle world in order to find some regular clothing," he suggested.

Harry agreed. They headed for the Leaky Cauldron. Just before they stepped out into muggle London, Dumbledore transfigured his robes into an old suit. They stepped out of the Leaky Cauldron and just down the street, they found a Harold's department store. Knowing they only had an hour, Harry began to shop quickly. He quickly found a number of pants, T shirts, button up shirts, and shoes that he liked. However, he was drawn to the suits. After trying on several, he selected four high end suits. Dumbledore smiled in approval when he saw the suits.

"Very fashionable," he said. "I have always enjoyed certain aspects of muggle fashion much more than wizarding fashion," he admitted. "Perhaps you will be the one to make suits fashionable in the wizarding world."

Quickly, Harry paid for the items. It was a large sum, but Harry knew he had much larger amounts in his vaults. They hurried out of the store and back to Diagon Alley to pick up his new robes. He paid Madam Malkin for the robes, left the store, and grabbed Dumbledore's hand as he apparated them back to Hogwarts.

They landed in front of the entrance to the Great Hall. Miraculously, Harry managed to keep his footing as they landed.

I sure hope that is one of the abilities I gained from the soul fragment, Harry thought to himself, the ability to use magical transportation without falling on my butt.

"Come, Harry," said Dumbledore, striding forward into the empty Great Hall. "It is almost dinner and I am sure you are famished. We have not eaten all day."

Not waiting for Harry, he sat down at the Gryffindor table and called a house elf, which promptly appeared.

"Would you be so kind as to bring dinner for Lord Potter Black and me?" Dumbledore asked the house elf.

"Of course, Master Dumblydore," the house elf squeaked and disappeared.

Shaking his head in amusement, Harry walked forward and sat across from Dumbledore.

"I imagine you have a lot of questions right now," said Dumbledore to Harry. Just then, the house elves reappeared with lots of food, which they placed in front of the pair.

"I will attempt to answer most of your questions," said Dumbledore. "Some, however, you must discover on your own."

Harry nodded in understanding.

"What happened today at Gringotts was a rare, momentous occasion. You are the lord of not one but four ancient houses. That fact will have massive consequences for our world."

"Why is that?" asked Harry quietly.

"Let me briefly explain the structure of the Wizengamot. There are three main factions within the Wizengamot: the light, the dark, and the grey. The light and the dark are the largest factions, each constituting about 40% of the vote. Neither, however, has a majority. That is why the grey is so crucial. In order to gain a majority and pass any legislation, each faction has to win over at least half of the grey faction."

"Today, you brought back two houses that had not participated in the Wizengamot since your grandfather Charlus was alive: the Potter and Peverell houses. Those votes will help to bolster the light faction. In addition, you removed two votes from the dark faction: the Black and Rosier families. That will also help to strengthen the light faction."

"However, you have also gained significant influence with the grey faction today," said Dumbledore.

"How is that?" asked Harry.

"Through your betrothal with Ms. Greengrass," Dumbledore answered simply. "Lord Greengrass is the de facto leader of the grey faction. By having his daughter betrothed to you, he is, for all intents and purposes, aligning himself with you, whether he means to or not. This will also influence many other members of the grey faction to support you."

"In addition, the fact that you are actually a pureblood will seem much more attractive to the grey faction," commented Dumbledore.

"But sir, I thought you didn't care about blood purity," asked Harry, worried and confused.

"I personally don't believe in blood purity, but that doesn't mean I completely ignore it," said Dumbledore. Seeing Harry's bewildered face, he continued.

"I have been called many things during my life. One of the most common ones is 'muggle loving fool,'" began Dumbledore. "While I do believe that the wizarding world can learn many things from muggles, and while I do fight to give muggleborns more rights, that does mean I am ignorant or naïve. I know exactly how this world works. I did not become the Supreme Mugwump and Chief Warlock by merely being a powerful, eccentric old wizard. No, I arrived here because I know how to play the game of politics. I have always believed that it is easiest to help someone out of a position of strength. If we are to achieve any lasting change in this world, it is from a position of strength and power. In order to achieve that position of strength, you need to play politics. And unfortunately, in today's politics, blood purity does matter," concluded Dumbledore.

Harry looked at Dumbledore in shock. He had never expected that from the gentle old man. He had always viewed Dumbledore as an idealist. However, he was beginning to realize that Dumbledore was much more realistic than that.

"Do you understand where I am coming from?" Dumbledore asked Harry.

"Yes, sir," said Harry. "I agree with you. I am just surprised to hear that you believe those things."

Dumbledore gave a chuckle. "I am not a barmy old man, my boy. For some reason, most people tend to forget that."

The pair ate in silence for a few minutes before Dumbledore spoke again.

"I wish for you to read through all of your account and holding summaries tonight before you go to bed," he instructed. "I imagine that your wealth and holdings are quite extensive, and it is important to know what resources you have at your disposal."

"Okay," Harry agreed. "I also want to study up on the remaining members of House Black."

Dumbledore smiled in approval while taking another bite.

Harry spoke up again. "Sir, what do you know about Daphne Greengrass?" he asked hesitantly.

"Curious, eh?" chuckled Dumbledore. "Miss Greengrass is a member of the Slytherin house, as you know. I have heard several students remark about her beauty – something I am sure you have noticed as well. She is also a very intelligent young woman. She consistently finishes second in your class rankings, just behind Miss Granger. Although, if you were to tutor Miss Greengrass in defense against the dark arts, she might be able to claim the top spot," finished Dumbledore with a smirk.

"As for her family, the Greengrasses are an old, pureblood family, members of the Sacred 28. They are renowned for their so called "neutrality," which is why they are members of the grey faction," explained the Headmaster.

"How do you think she will react when she finds out about the contract?" Harry asked.

"I imagine she will react just as you did initially," remarked Dumbledore. "She will be upset and disappointed at first. However, I am sure she will realize how advantageous a contract with you will be. She is quite an ambitious girl."

Harry nodded, thinking about the Headmaster's comments. He knew he was referring to the political ramifications of their betrothal. It was strange, however, to hear the Headmaster talk about such important matters so casually.

The pair finished up their meal and prepared to leave the Great Hall.

Before they left, Dumbledore left Harry with a few last instructions.

"Remember to read through all of the Gringotts tonight," he reminded Harry. "I will expect you to fill me in on it tomorrow. Also, do not forget to practice your Occlumency before you go to sleep. I saw how you were able to clear your mind in the bank today. I imagine that you will be able to progress quite rapidly."

"Of course, sir," said Harry. "I won't let you down."

Dumbledore smiled. "I know you won't, my boy. Be ready bright and early tomorrow morning. Your training starts first thing," he said as a smirk as he walked away, leaving Harry wondering what torture awaited him in the morning.

Daphne Greengrass sat down at the kitchen table to eat breakfast. Today was the first day of summer vacation and she was excited to relax for a few weeks. The last few months had been especially stressful due to her endless studying for her OWLs. She had just finished her fifth year at Hogwarts and would be beginning her NEWT studies the following school year.

Daphne was a member of the Slytherin house and was considered by most of the boys at Hogwarts to be the best-looking girl in her year. With long blonde hair and a curvaceous body, she knew that many of the boys at Hogwarts would give an arm or a leg for a chance with her. None, however, had ever gotten that chance.

As she sat down, she saw her mother and father already eating breakfast. "Good morning," Daphne said quietly.

"Good morning, Daphne," her mother replied kindly. Anastasia Greengrass was the mirror image of her daughter. She had long blonde hair and a face very similar to Daphne's.

Anastasia Greengrass looked to her husband beside her, expecting him to say good morning as well. However, he was too busy reading the Daily Prophet to pay any attention.

"Jonathan!" Anastasia scolded him, slapping his shoulder lightly. Startled, he looked up and saw his daughter at the table.

"Oh, good morning, Daphne," he said quickly. "Didn't see you there. Where's Astoria?"

Astoria was Daphne's younger sister and had just completed her third year at Hogwarts.

"Sleeping still. She will probably sleep until noon," remarked Daphne.

"What story is so interesting today that you don't notice us talking to you?" Daphne's mother inquired, putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh nothing, just that Dumbledore officially accepted the Potter boy as his apprentice," Daphne's father said, turning his attention back to the newspaper nonchalantly.

"He did what?" Anastasia exclaimed in surprise. She grabbed the newspaper from her husband's hands in order to see for herself.

Daphne rose to her feet and walked to stand beside her mother in order to read the story as well. It was plastered all over the front page.



In a stunning turn of events, Albus Dumbledore, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Headmaster of Hogwarts, and recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class, has announced that he has accepted Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, as his official apprentice. Potter becomes the first and only apprentice of the illustrious and celebrated wizard. The announcement comes less than a day after the revelation that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has returned, in which You-Know-Who was seen at the Ministry, battling with Chief Warlock Dumbledore and Mr. Potter. Witnesses describe the awe-inspiring battle in the atrium of the Ministry in which Mr. Dumbledore battled the Dark Lord to a standstill while Mr. Potter dueled the Dark Lord's lieutenant, the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange, who recently escaped from Azkaban.

The Ministry has yet to release an official statement on the return of the Dark Lord. However, one must wonder if Headmaster Dumbledore has decided to take matters into his own hands by training the boy-who-lived and preparing him for an eventual confrontation with the Dark Lord. Sources within the Ministry have begun identifying Mr. Potter as the Chosen One, a title that Mr. Dumbledore's actions seem to confirm.

In papers filed with the Ministry, it was revealed that Dumbledore has taken Mr. Potter on as his formal apprentice. This type of apprenticeship is exceedingly rare and has only occurred five times in the past century, including Mr. Dumbledore's own apprenticeship with the famous alchemist Nicholas Flamel, creator of the Philosopher's Stone. In essence, Mr. Dumbledore has handpicked Mr. Potter as his eventual successor and will train him to, one day, take his place.

We at the Daily Prophet applaud Mr. Dumbledore's decision to mentor young Mr. Potter, who has been the lone voice of truth over the past 12 months regarding the return of the Dark Lord. We wish Mr. Potter the best in this new endeavor and welcome his increasing influence in magical Britain.

For more information on formal apprenticeships, see B9.

For more information on Albus Dumbledore and his relationship with Nicholas Flamel, see B15.

For more information on Harry Potter, see B20.

Daphne looked up from reading the story and snorted in amusement. "The Daily Prophet is sure laying it on thick," she said. "Only last week they were calling him the boy who lies. Now he is the Chosen One."

Daphne's father nodded. "The Daily Prophet is attempting to get back in Mr. Potter's good graces. This is momentous news, however," he emphasized.

"What do you mean?" Daphne asked. "Everyone already assumed that Dumbledore was teaching Potter."

"This is different," stressed Jonathan. "Dumbledore is officially recognizing Potter as his apprentice. He is basically telling the world that Potter is the new Dumbledore. He must be incredibly powerful magically for that to happen. It is hard to understate the importance of what Dumbledore just did. He just gave Potter even more power and influence than he already had."

Daphne chewed her lip and nodded, beginning to understand what her father was saying.

Her mother also began to comment on the story. "Whatever truly happened in the Ministry a few nights ago must have convinced Dumbledore to start training Potter. He is obviously impressed by what he has seen from Potter. I wonder if there is any truth to what the Prophet is saying about him – that he is the Chosen One," wondered Anastasia aloud. "It does seem poetic – the defeater of Grindelwald training the boy-who-lived to defeat the greatest dark lord of all time."

"Yes," murmured Jonathan thoughtfully as he rubbed his chin. "Dumbledore obviously knows something about Potter the rest of us do not. This was a calculated move that will have huge political implications. I wonder what else Dumbledore has up his sleeve to capitalize on the disruption this will cause."

Daphne sat back and watched her parents. If they were worried and impressed by the news, then it really was a big deal.

"I don't get it," said Daphne. "Potter has never shown any special potential in any of his classes. He is the middle of the class academically. There are plenty of rumors about his adventures, but there are just that. Rumors."

"I am willing to bet that there is some truth to the rumors," theorized Jonathan. "More than Mr. Potter lets on."

Their conversation was cut off as a horned owl suddenly flew through the open window and landed on the kitchen table with a letter tied to its leg.

"It's from Gringotts," remarked Anastasia in surprise. She reached forward and untied the letter. The owl promptly let out a screech and flew back out the window from where it came.

Anastasia unfolded the letter and began reading. As she did, her face grew paler and paler. Noticing her reaction, her husband grabbed the letter and began reading. His eyes opened in shock and his face grew pale as well.

"What happened?" asked Daphne, slightly worried.

Her father reluctantly handed her the letter, unable to vocalize his thoughts. Daphne began reading.

To Miss Daphne Alexis Greengrass,

This letter is to notify you regarding the recent activation of a marriage contract between yourself and the Lord Black. Please visit Gringotts as soon as possible so that we may discuss the contract in more detail.



Greengrass Account Manager

Daphne dropped the letter in shock. A marriage contract? How was this possible? Why was it activated now?

"Honey," her mother said. "Are you okay?"

"How?" was all she could say. "Who is Lord Black?"

"Wait," her father said suddenly. "Didn't the Prophet say that Sirius Black was killed at the Ministry two days ago? He was the last Black and must have passed the title of Lord Black on to someone else, which is why the contract was suddenly activated."

"Oh no," said Daphne, falling into her chair. A knot began to form in her stomach. "Draco Malfoy is always bragging about how his mother is a Black and how he is in line to be the next Lord Black."

Her mother gasped and put her hand to her mouth. "It can't be!" she exclaimed. "Not the Malfoy boy."

Her father looked like he had just swallowed something sour. "I certainly hope not," he said seriously, "but I don't know of anyone else related to the Blacks that could claim the title."

He looked at Daphne. "Go grab your stuff. We are going to Gringotts right away."

Daphne nodded. She hurried to her room, quickly fixed her hair, and grabbed her shoes. She hurried down the stairs and found her parents standing in front of the fireplace.

"Ready?" asked her mom. Daphne nodded. The family stepped into the large fireplace. Her father threw down a handful of floo powder and yelled, "Gringotts Lobby!"

The three vanished into the green flames. Moments later, they came spinning out of a fireplace in the lobby of Gringotts. Gracefully, they stepped out of the fireplace and walked up to the front counter.

"Hello, we are here to see Irontooth," Jonathan Greengrass said briskly but respectfully. The goblin leaned forward and stared at him.

"Very well, Lord Greengrass," the goblin said. "Irontooth is waiting for you in his office. Please follow me back." He promptly jumped off his stool and quickly led them back to the account manager's office. He opened the door and motioned them inside.

They walked inside and found their account manager, Irontooth, waiting for them.

"Lord Greengrass, Lady Greengrass, Miss Greengrass," Irontooth said as they sat down.

Not wasting any time, Jonathan pulled out the letter they had received from his breast pocket and slammed it on the table. "What is this all about?" he demanded.

"I think the letter was fairly straightforward," Irontooth said sarcastically. "A marriage contract was recently activated between Miss Greengrass and Lord Black."

Suddenly, they heard on the door behind them, which opened to reveal another goblin.

"Ah, Ripfang, come in," said Irontooth. Turning to the Greengrass family, he said, "This is Ripfang, account manager for the Black family. I asked him here to explain more about the contract."

"Of course," said Ripfang. "After speaking with Lord Black yesterday, I had time to peruse the contract a little more. It was enacted in 1683 and signed by the then Lord Greengrass and Lord Black. It was only to be activated if one of the families had no male heirs and the other family had a male born within a year of the oldest female, which is the situation presently. It is a very straightforward contract. As I explained to the Lord Black yesterday, there are no buyouts nor escape clauses. The contract must be executed."

Daphne's face paled when Ripfang mentioned how the other family had to have a male born within a year of the eldest daughter. It was Draco, there was no doubt now. She also knew the consequences of not fulfilling a magical contract.

As she glanced at her parents, she knew they had reached the same conclusion.

"There is no course of action we can take to escape the contract?" asked Jonathan Greengrass desperately.

"No," said Ripfang simply. "You must wed by Lord Black's 18th birthday and he must give the surname of Greengrass to your second son."

Daphne felt sick to her stomach, though she tried to appear composed and in control.

"When is Draco's 18th birthday?" Daphne asked weakly, wanting to know the day her life would end.

"I'm afraid I don't understand your question," Ripfang replied. "I do not know when Draco Malfoy's 18th birthday is. You would have to ask the Malfoy account manager."

"Aren't you his account manager too? He is Lord Black, isn't he?" Daphne asked, confused.

"Draco Malfoy is not Lord Black, Miss Greengrass. His mother was a Black, but there was another individual with a much stronger claim to the lordship of the Black family."

Daphne was shocked. Her parents were shocked as well, but they were doing a better job of hiding it.

"Who is Lord Black then?" Jonathan managed to ask after several moments.

"Lord Hadrian James Potter Black holds the lordship of House Black," Ripfang replied with a smirk.

The room fell completely silent. Daphne could have heard a pin drop. Finally, she managed to overcome her surprise.

"Harry Potter? Harry Potter is Lord Black?" she asked dumbly.

"I believe he goes by Harry Potter Black now," said Ripfang snarkily. "But yes, he is the Lord Black."

Daphne could not believe it. She was betrothed to the bloody boy-who-lived. She did not even know what to think.

"How is that possible?" Anastasia Greengrass spoke up. "I know his grandmother was a Black, but Draco's claim is much better. How is he Lord Black?"

"I am not authorized to discuss the details of Lord Potter Black's family," said Ripfang mysteriously. "Rest assured, however, that Lord Potter Black's claim is much stronger than Mr. Malfoy's. In addition, the Black family magic has already accepted him as the new Lord Black. If you wish to know the details, you will have to ask Lord Potter Black for more information."

Daphne and her parents looked at each other. The goblin was purposely not telling them something, and from the looks of it, it was something important. They needed to speak with Potter.

Irontooth grabbed a stack of papers on his desk and handed it to Daphne. "This is your copy of the contract for your perusal. Gringotts has fulfilled its obligations under the terms of the contract. It is now the responsibility of you and Lord Potter Black to ensure that the contract is executed."

Daphne nodded in shock. In one morning, her whole life had been turned upside down.

She did not even notice as her parents led her out of the office and to the floo in the bank's lobby. Before she knew it, she was back at Greengrass Manor. She sat down on one of the couches in the great room beside her parents.

"Wow," said her father. "Well, look on the bright side. At least you're not engaged to Draco Malfoy. It could be worse."

Daphne shook her head. She did not appreciate her father's attempt at humor.

"Well, I think we know what Dumbledore had up his sleeve," said her mother, referring to their earlier conversation about Harry's apprenticeship. "Potter is now lord of two major houses. This will create a huge power shift in the Wizengamot. Combine that with becoming Dumbledore's apprentice... It's the perfect storm."

"And now, he will forever link the Black and Potter families to the Greengrass family," finished her father. "Merlin's beard."

Daphne just sat there in silence, listening to her parents. She was busy thinking about her future husband, Harry Potter Black. She had so many questions that needed answering. She had seen him around Hogwarts but had never really spoken to him. He was attractive, but she knew next to nothing about him beyond the rumors that were spread about him.

More than anything, she was worried. If nothing else, Daphne Greengrass was ambitious. She had goals and dreams that she had worked hard to achieve. Now, however, she feared she would forever live in the shadow of the great Harry Potter. She could not allow that to happen. If anything, she needed to fit him into her plans. But to do that, she needed to speak to him first.

She turned to her parents. "When can I talk to him?" she asked.

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