honey → dallas winston

By discobookclub

73.9K 995 1.5K

completed jun 29 23 in the heat of the summer, two hearts become one [I'M WELL AWARE OF HOW CRINGE GEORGIA IS... More

a note
playlist + epigraph


2.8K 42 138
By discobookclub

*drug mention (weed)*

Johnny Likes Boys!
August 12, 1968

She'd been on the couch for what felt like ages. She had a feeling it was Dally's way of forcing her to sober up and drink the water Soda had brought for her. Soda was now planted next to her arguing about their favorite music.

"Rolling Stones are better," Soda said with his arms crossed. He was very obviously against any criticism.

"Have you listened to the Doors though? Because, I think you'd change your mind," Georgia took another sip of water. She drank nothing but for at least thirty minutes. She was far from sober, but not nearly at blitzed as before.

"Yes, and the Stones are better," Soda was obviously done arguing after this. He refused to allow anyone to tell him that the music he liked was inferior to another. The two sat in an agreed silence, unsure of what to do next. That was until Johnny and Dally finally came sauntering over. There was a smirk on Johnny's face when he looked at Georgia. As per usual, she reconsidered the decisions that lead her to this point. Though, she thought maybe creating a list of her own would make Dally less ashamed by his. It was an unfounded thought, but an interesting one nonetheless.

"Ok who's better, the Stones or the Doors," Soda asked the two boys. Without hesitation, Johnny answered the Doors. Dally said the Stones. Georgia and Soda eyed each other, this battle would have to be finished later.

"Soda, I would ask you to join us, but after last time..." Johnny trailed off. Soda looked confused for a moment before coming to a realization

"Gotcha, definitely not my speed," Soda excused himself, "You to be nice to her, or I'm comin' for ya."

Georgia finally stood up off the couch and stretched, "What happened last time?"

"You don't wanna know," was all Johnny said.

Behind Buck's was a large field that backed up to the tracks. There wasn't any light except for the pale moon and the green tinge from the windows. The group walked a bit towards the middle of the field, where Johnny eventually plopped into the grass. Georgia and Dally followed suit. Johnny had already pulled a joint from his jacket and was lighting it.

"Now," he took a hit to make sure it was lit, "I know you smoke, but this kinda burns."

"Can't be worse than cigarettes," Georgia brushed the warning off.

"Suit yourself," Johnny passed the joint to her with a look of incredulity.

Georgia quickly realized Johnny was right. It was much hotter and much thicker than cigarette smoking. The lack of a filter had made all the difference, and before she could stop herself, Georgia felt like she was coughing up a lung.

Johnny burst into laughter; Dally covered his mouth so Georgia couldn't see his grin.

"Holy shit," she coughed again, "Okay let me try again." Johnny tried to yell no before it was too late and failed. Luckily, Georgia didn't couch nearly as much this time. She silently passed the joint to Dally, who was able to hit it without any issue. Johnny did the same. After a few rounds through the circle, Georgia could tell she was comfortably high. It was something much more enjoyable than having the room spin in front of her.

"Guys," she said exhaling some smoke, "is the s or c silent in scent."

Johnny and Dally looked at her in amazement. It was hilarious to them to have someone with them who was funny when high. Two-Bit and Steve mostly ate, Pony usually got sad, and Soda, well, Soda didn't smoke anymore.

"I think it's the c," Dally reasoned. Johnny disagreed.

"Wait, so what happened to Soda?" Georgia laughed.

"Oh god," Johnny handed the joint back to her, "last time he got completely stoned. Like, totally blitzed. And he goes into the street and lays on his back, and goes 'Don't move me y'all I'm a speedbump now."

"Yeah, and when we tried to move him he goes, 'It's my civic duty'," Dally was almost in tears.

"Speedbump Soda," Georgia snickered. This sent them back into a fit of laughter. Once it calmed down Georgia had another question lined up. "Random question Johnny, but do you have a girlfriend?"

Johnny and Dally looked at each other, both of their faces showed they were three seconds away before dying of laughter. When Georgia muttered 'what', they couldn't help it. Johnny laughed so hard that he had to clutch his sides. Dally's head was in his hands and his body shook from giggles.

"No," Johnny wheezed, "no I definitely don't."

"Sorry, I didn't-" she started but Johnny cut her off.

"No," he was still laughing, "no it's not that."

"Johnny doesn't like girls," Dally breathed, "it's just funny 'cause everyone thinks it's obvious. Especially 'cause of his giant crush on-"

Dally's face was met with a chunk of dirt. Johnny had grabbed some beside him and thrown it directly at his head.

"Shut your trap, Dal," Johnny was serious all of a sudden. There was still a smirk on his face, but he obviously didn't want Dally to say a word more.

"You're too old for him anyway," this made Johnny leap over and tackled Dally. They wrestled for a minute, all the while Johnny was shouting 'Shut up, asshole'.

Once both of them had settled down and were sufficiently covered in dirt, they sat in a circle without a word.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Johnny then asked.

"No," Georgia jested, "kissed a girl at a party once but that was it. What about you?"

"No, Dally's too prideful to be in love, or feel anything really, even though deep, deep, deep, very deep down, he's a softie," before Dally could chuck dirt back at Johnny, he said, "We're even."

After sitting for a while longer, the group decided to make their way back inside. They found everyone enthralled by Darry playing pool. When they got to the table, it was clear he was making his way through the crowd, beating everyone who tried. Being the only sober one at the party, it wasn't like Darry had immense difficulty beating everyone.

"Let me try," Georgia piped up from behind Johnny. Darry's wrinkled his brows then motioned for her to come to try.

"This chick's gonna beat us all at everything," Dally grumbled, memories of his record being destroyed coming to mind.

"Not me though," Johnny sassed, "Can't beat me in poker."

Darry racked and broke the balls, getting two solids in followed by the two, and three balls. He missed by a hair on five. Georgia wasn't worried. Of all the things she'd busied herself with in Chicago, drinking and hustling people in pool were near the top of the list. She managed to sink nine, ten, 11, and 12 in a row but missed on 13. Darry then got five, and six, followed by Georgia with 13, and 14. This was looking to be a very short game. Georgia realized at this point it must've been late because lots of the people that had been there before had left.

She was brought from her thoughts when she saw Darry lining his back up with the table. The eight-ball was perfectly in line with the cue ball and the pocket. However, it was impossible to get without hitting it from behind your back. Something Darry executed perfectly. Georgia's mouth dropped.

"Ah, the signature move, gets you every time," Johnny placed a sympathetic hand on Georgia's shoulder.

"Worth a shot," she sighed.

She lingered around with the group for a while longer, before they came to an unspoken agreement that it was time to go home. Two-Bit had left a while ago with some girl, so Georgia was left without a ride.

Everyone said a final happy birthday to Georgia and made their way out the door. Georgia stood on the stoop for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to get home. Soda, Steve and Darry had gotten in a car together and left. Johnny and Pony walked off to who knows where, and Dally leaned up against the wall smoking a cigarette. Georgia decided to just walk the 20 minutes it would take her. It was still warm, and the streetlights gave her enough light to get back safe. Halfway through the lot, Dally yelled at her.

"What, you're not gonna ask me to walk you home?" his arms gesturing to show his confusion.

"Do you wanna walk me home?" Georgia put her hands on her hips.

"No, just figured you'd ask," Dally leaned back against the wall.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Georgia turned and continued, "goodnight Dallas."

Before she knew it Dally was at her side, scoffing, "Don't call me Dallas. And I'm only doin' this so I don't feel guilty. Don't want you gettin' beat up and it bein' my fault."

"I'd be fine," Georgia pulled a switchblade out of her jacket and opened it. Dally's eyes widened. She immediately put it away.

"I didn't know you had that," Dally kicked a rock in front of him. His hands were shoved deep in his pockets.

"Believe it or not, there's a lot you don't know about me," Georgia breathed. She picked at her cuticles again.

"Ok fine, favorite candy?" Dally looked at her. He was completely serious. After that morning at the diner, Georgia hadn't expected anymore questions from Dally.  The pair were both so all over the place with their emotions for each other, that it seemed pointless to try. It was either sweet moments or bickering. Georgia didn't bother to sort any of this out. Dally was just the only other person in the gang she felt herself growing close to.

"Sweetarts, you?"

"Starbursts, okay, uh favorite color?" Dally had a whole list of questions ready.


"Pink? Wouldn't have guessd. Also since you forgot to ask, mine's red. Movie?"

"It would be red," Georgia ran a hand through her hair, "Twelve Angry Men."

"Psycho's mine," they turned a corner, "biggest fear?"

Georgia had a hitch in her step.



"Same actually, can't stand it. Alright, hard one. Someone you really miss."

Georgia sighed heavily, "My mom."

Dally could tell this was a bad question. Until this point, he'd figured Georgia's mom had been alive and well, living in Chicago. He realized that was far from the case.

"She died when I was 11. And my dad hated me after, because I reminded him of her. A lot of things would've gone differently if she hadn't died. For example, maybe my dick dad wouldn't have kicked me out at 17," Georgia was wistful.

"'M sorry," Dally was quiet.

"It's okay, really. It would just be interesting to see where I'd end up if she was around. Parental advice and all that. Besides, I haven't talked to him since then. Not sure I'd really want to anyway."

They walked the rest of the way back to Georgia's apartment without talking. Before she opened the door to the hall, she remembered her car was at the Curtis'.

I'll get it tomorrow.

She turned away from the door to face Dally, who's attention was taken by a moth fluttering next to a lamp.

"I have a question," Georgia looked up at him. She noticed how tall he was. When he looked down at her, his hair fell over his forehead. For once, he looked peaceful.


"What Johnny said, is that true? That you're completely incapable of feeling anything? Because I really don't like being screwed with," Georgia bit her tongue. It had been a mean question. Dally had been relatively nice to her, but if it was all for show, or some endgame he had in mind, she had no desire to entertain it.

"Used to be," he pushed his hair out his face, "I used to be even more of a dick. A couple years ago though, Johnny almost died, and I got bent over it. I dunno know, it kinda made me rethink shit. I'm not bein' nice to you as a joke though. I think you're cool. And I don't completely hate bein' around you."

"Gee thanks," Georgia played with the keys in her pocket.

"Look, I'm sure Soda's already explained to you that I'm no good, so I won't do it again, but I'm bein' honest. And quite frankly, I think you should be allowed to think for yourself," he didn't speak like he was angry. There was something pleading in his voice. It was like he was begging Georgia to see him, to really see him.

"Yeah," Georgia stared at her shoes, "goodnight Dally."

Dally nodded, "Goodnight Georgia."

When she was finally alone in her room, Georgia went directly to bed. She didn't sleep a wink.

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