Losing Her Mate (Book 2 of Th...

By sunflower8907

166K 5K 1.1K

******THIS IS A SEQUEL***** James has finally moved on from his horrible past and with the help of his mate A... More

Author's Note
Chapter ONE
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Chapter THIRTY
Author's Note

Chapter TWO

5.7K 190 44
By sunflower8907

Amber POV

I can't believe I froze up like that in the middle of a battle. I could have been killed. Scratch that we could have been killed. I sigh inwardly. Ten minutes after finding out about its existence and the baby's already slowing me down. Damn maternal instincts.

"Amber, baby are you okay?"

James voice snaps me out of my reverie. I glance at him and his eyes are full of concern. "Uh yeah I just zoned out for a second there" I clear my throat and sit up a little "What were you saying?"

I look over my desk. James, Dallas, and I are in my office discussing the recent rogue attack. Over the last few weeks James has become a valuable asset in regards to the running of the pack. Both Dallas and I are in full agreement that his opinions and strategic ideas are exceptional and he has become a pseudo Gamma for Red Dawn.

"I was saying" Dallas responds in a slightly irritated tone. My focus has been anywhere but this meeting. This has to be the 4th time I've spaced out. I need to focus. "The rogue that we captured is waiting in the interrogation room do you want to take care of it or should I?"

I grimace Dallas's track record has never been very good with rogues. The last couple of times I sent him to interrogate a rogue he accidentally killed them before extracting any useful information. This may be the only opportunity we have to gain the upper hand.

"No I'll do it. Jared told me it's a female she may feel more comfortable with another female" I could also use something to get my mind off of the pregnancy.

"Are you sure?" His eyes lower to where my stomach is hidden beneath the desk and return to my face with lightening speed. "I mean you didn't seem like yourself earlier during the fight."

Fear flashes through me. He couldn't possibly know could he? Hoping I'm doing a good job at masking my panic I feign a air of indifference, "Everyone has bad days Dallas"

"Not that I don't think you can take care of yourself with the rogue but you seem a little pale are you not feeling well?" James adds sitting forward examining my face.

I break out in a cold sweat and my hands begin to tremble, I quickly hide them from view before he notices. I look at James and give him a reasurring smile. "I'm fine James. You're right though I do feel a little under the weather and a little tired. I'll just take a nap before heading down to talk to her"

"Hmm sickness and fatigue isn't that a sign of something" Dallas narrows his eyes and raises an eyebrow.

"Just a bug" I reply quickly.

"You sure about that" his eyes drop to my abdomem again this time bringing them up slowly to emphasize his point. "Maybe it's something bigger than that."

Yep he knows.

"I'm positive it's a bug" I say through clenched teeth with a look that says drop the subject or I will kill him.

He chuckles and gives me a knowing smirk. "Ok Alpha"

I breath a sigh of relief and look over to James his face is full of confusion and he's glancing between Dallas and I as if trying to figure out a puzzle.

"So" I say a little too loudly getting up from my office chair distracting James from his thoughts. "There's not much else to discuss until I deal with the rogue so I think I'll go take that nap" I turn to my mate "You coming, rest is probably what you need for your injuries."

James slowly rises from his seat. The wound on James's shoulder was not severe and the doctor said it should heal by tomorrow but his leg was broken pretty badly and wouldn't heal for a couple of days even with his advanced werewolf healing.

"Yeah you're probably right the the sooner I can get this boot off my leg the better"

"Let's go then-"

"Actually" Dallas interrupts getting up from his chair "I was hoping I could talk you for a moment" He looks at James and back at me "Alone"

Dallas is giving me a warning look and I know exactly what he wants to discuss. I can't have James finding about my infidelity through Dallas. I plan on telling James everything myself........one day.

"Um sure I'll meet you in our room okay" I say to James, I see hurt and suspicion flash in his eyes before he replaces it with a small smile.

"Sure I'll meet you upstairs" he then turns to leave slowly making his way towards the door on his crutches. I see him pause for a moment hand on the door knob. I hold my breath. Please just leave James. He shakes head, opens the door, and leaves.

I release a sigh of relief. There's a moment of silence and Dallas takes his seat again. Before long his voice fills the room.

"You're pregnant aren't you"

I visibly stiffened, leave it to Dallas to give no preamble and just lead with the ugly truth. I collapse into my chair and remain silent looking anywhere but him. I refuse to tell anyone before my mate but apparently I don't have to tell him anything.

"That's great Amber" his voice is full of exuberance and joy my eyes snap to his. Is he insane?

"Great how the hell do you figure that?"

He shrugs a wide cocky smile across his face "I don't know maybe its Fate's way of telling us we belong together "

Yep he's crazy and he's pissing me off. As if I would ever leave my mate for him.

"James is my Fate. What we did was not Fate it was a mistake."

His smile drops and he leans  forward "Our baby isn't a mistake " he growls.

I subconsciously rub my tummy feeling a twinge of guilt "I didn't mean it that way and and what do you mean our? We don't even know if this baby is yours. I was in Heat and was highly vulnerable to conception. James could be the father. You and I only had sex once"

He sits back in his chair with a contemplative look on his face "I figured as much you were pretty wild and insistent that night maybe you were having a spike thus I would the father right? Did your Heat end that night?"

I don't remember much of our drunken romp that night but what he said just confirmed one of my greatest fears and to make it worse my Heat did end that day.

My thoughts must show on my face because his smile returns.

"You don't know anything for sure Dallas and neither do I" The more we talk the more angry, frustrated, and distraught I become. I just want to be in James's arms with him telling me it's all going to be ok.

"You know what I'm done with conversation" I get up from my chair and round my desk but before I can get half way to the door Dallas grabs my arm. I snatch my arm away and face him aggravated.

"Don't touch me, I haven't changed my mind about us this baby that might be yours doesn't change anything"

His face morphs from confusion then hurt and finally settles on anger "You'll come around eventually. Right now you just can't face the fact that maybe your mate wasn't man enough to get the job done and I was" he sneers.

I release a deadly growl and take a step towards him "Don't push it Dallas"

He takes a step from me and raises his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry that was out of line. I'm just frustrated. I've been able to feel this connection to you for the last couple of weeks. At first I thought it was wishful thinking but now I know." he reaches his arm out and places his hand on my stomach "Don't tell me you don't feel it Amber" To my horror and astonishment as soon as his palm connects I can feel an insistent fluttering.

I stumble back a step feeling light headed and short of breath. Between the almost instant recognition of my conception by Dallas, the fact that he was the last person I slept with before my Heat ended, and now the weird fluttering when he touches where the baby is growing, the facts are hard to ignore.

"It's just indigestion" I croak my throat becoming thick. The lie is unmistakable in my voice.

I hear Dallas laugh like this is some huge game. I may be carrying a child that there's a strong possibly isn't my mates. Fucking Hilarious. My anger grows and I glare at him.

"It's not indigestion Amber, you've got my son in there. The future Alpha of Red Dawn." He says full of pride.

Son?!? Ok this is too much. I have to get away from him before I explode with all the questions and feelings running through me. I need to think or maybe a drink.

No I need James.

"This discussion is over Dallas we will talk more later" I whisper my tone sounds as defeated as I feel.

I walk away from him in a daze but once again he stops me and gets in my face. I look up at him and he seems almost sympathetic.

"Look Amber I understand this is a delicate situation between you and James so I will give you time" his face grows serious "Just know I will not stand by idily and watch another man raise my pup. I refuse to be on the sidelines for much longer. Either you tell James or I will."

*°~*°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~*


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