Slim Chances

By Falloutlover27

5.1K 59 19

Eren and Historia attempting to escape the Interior Police. Will they succeed? Will Eren save the day? Or fai... More

Slim Chance
No Sight


589 6 2
By Falloutlover27

Levi ducked down while grabbing one of the MP's guns and pushing it upward. One of the soldiers fired off a round and Levi could hear a scream of pain from another direction.
He jumped back up and pushed the gun forward, slamming it into the soldier's chest which caused him to let go.
He looked to his left and saw an MP on the ground clutching his stomach. Another soldier was trying to help the injured one.
People tried to rush out of the club, it was three stories up and he guessed there wasn't a single person that wasn't the way out.
The Captain then spun around with rifle in hand and pointed at the remaining two soldiers. He saw the bickering.
"Damn it, you shot your squad mate Ferrill! You fucking dumbass!" The soldiers were too distracted with eachother to pay attention to him. The soldier that had done the talking was screaming at Ferrill. Levi chuckled slightly.
For the love of God, these MPs can't do a fucking thing right," Levi thought to himself. But he didn't waste time and darted for the bathroom.
"Shit, he's getting away!" Levi heard behind him. He pushed past people as quickly as he could, some were knocked over as he shoved them.
He brushed past a blonde woman, and as soon as he did, her head exploded as another shot was fired.
Her hot blood splattered onto him, and painted the once beautiful pink wall in front of them into a disgusting red. He continued going as if nothing had happened, merely wiping the blood off of his face.
People around the screamed in terror as blood painted them as well. He glanced for just a moment, and saw a young brunette man on his knees next to the headless body.
"Shit, Ferrill! You just killed a woman! Drop your fucking gun" He heard the soldier roar.
"I won't forget your sacrifice," he whispered to himself as he continued his pursuit to his escape.
He blew through the door, looking around for a moment. It closed behind him, an eery silence filled the room. The only noise was the commotion of outside. He slid the heavy steel trashcan in front of the door propped his bun onto the knob, and locked it.
He stood there for just a second, staring outside. The rain poured, all he could see was little beads of yellow that were building windows and street lamps. He put his head and let the cold glass soothe him.
Do we stand a chance? They took us by surprise. We are all that remains of the Scouts as far as I know. And there are far more of them than there are of us. It's ten to one. But the entirety of the Military Police is a bunch of fuck ups like the ones back there. They had four guns and they all went down, and I didn't even have to do a damn thing. You better get us out of this Erwin.
The soldier snapped out of his thoughts. He had a job to do. He opened the window, the cold metal and glass shocked his fingers as he did so, and a cold burst of wind went through him.
Three stories up. And I don't even have my gear. This should have been planned better. He thought to himself.
He heard the doorknob jiggle. "This is Corporal Jameson with the Military Police, you are under arrest! We have the building surrounded! Just come out-"
Levi quit listening and hopped out onto the window sill. The rain soaked him almost immediately, the cold winter air quickly made him shiver.
No better way to keep warm than moving. He chuckled at that thought. He looked to the left and saw a small awning just below him.
The streets were vacant, this building was not surrounded. The MP was just trying to bluff him into surrendering.
Do I make the jump? Or jump for another window sill and hope I don't slip and miss? He asked himself yet another question. He quickly made his decision and jumped for the awning, just as he heard the bathroom door blow open.
His feet landed on the awning and slid right out front under him, where he began sliding toward the bottom of the awning.
"Aw shit!" He grunted out right as he felt his body completely slide off of the awning. It was only ten feet above the ground.
The black haired man landed on his shoulder, which hurt terribly. The rain pelted him, and his left side was completely soaked as he laid on the sidewalk.
He took a second to catch his bearings and see if he had any serious wounds or injuries before standing up. The rain got heavier.
Captain Levi then threw his cloak up and started his jog back to camp, taking alleys and alternate streets to avoid MP traffic. The traffic was ridiculously high because they had discovered their location, Levi realized.
He jogged through the sketchier parts of Orvud district, the area becoming slightly more industrial, factories and large apartment buildings for its workers were eventually all that was around them. Instead of the high end homes and clubs near the center of the city.
He finally made it to their camp. He opened the large, rusted steel door and closed it behind him.
"Guys, it's just me. Captain Levi," He called out. It echoed through the factory. Then he started the five story walk up the stairs.
As he got to the fifth floor, he heard his comrades' talking. He knocked on the door to the room they had taken camp in. A small fire was in the center of the ring of people, and they all sat on boxes.
"Captain Levi! We thought you were captured," Jean cheered. Relief was obvious on the young man's face.
"Yeah, I was sure they had caught you," Mikasa chimed in. "So what did the Broker tell you?" Mikasa asked him.
Armin, Sasha, and Connie all sat around the camp looking dry. While Jean Mikasa and him were all three still soaked from the rain.
"We're heading for Yarckel right now, the MPs damn near caught me. They know were are here in this city. And I have no doubt they are watching the way out of town right now. So we are going to scale them and we are going to have to walk South East." Levi explained.
He turned toward the door. But not without one last word of advice.
"Gear up, stay quiet, and travel alone. Right now we aren't soldiers. We are operatives. And every operative is to work alone until we are on the other side of that wall. If you get caught, you're on your own. Got that?" He told his squad.
"Yes sir," was echoed throughout the squad mates. They all gave a light salute. And with that, Levi went to get his ODM gear.
They all followed Levi into the room they stored their gear. All of them strapped up and got ready to move.
"It's eleven right now. If you aren't at the stables right outside of the city then we are advancing without you," Levi announced. He then threw his hood on and jumped out the window, the sound of him engaging his ODM gear could be heard.
"Good luck everyone. See you on the other side," Jean saluted them, and did the same as Captain Levi.
They all slowly left, until the building was empty.

Are you guys liking it? I got a few reads. I just wanted feedback was all! Let me know! And if you want like one shots written and stuff I can do those too!

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