METANOIA | Joel Dawson

By project_deceiver

188K 6.6K 15.2K

COMPLETED | ❝ We met at the end of the world, and sat hand in hand as the stars went out. ❞ ━ to where... More

i. a settlement of solace
ii. disrupted slumber
iii. where thrill fills our lungs
iv. journey towards existence
v. a game of instincts
vi. the creatures that lurks
vii. mystic lights in the north
viii. the heart skips as the soul is pulled
ix. no paint splashed the canvas
x. caution amidst merriment
xi. melancholy found in petrichor
xii. swimming in the river of tomorrow
xiii. spun in a cycle of befuddlement
xiv. millions of emotions in a single curse
xv. the churn of seeking
oo. epilogue

oo. prologue

18.1K 525 1.5K
By project_deceiver

━━ 彡。༉༄˚✧ ━━

A MINUTE. A damn minute was the only thing that I asked for. But sadly, we don't always get what we wanted, right? The frustration boiled up inside me as I once again had to shut my mouth and return my sandwich into my backpack. My stomach grumbling angrily at my actions.

Following the zipping of my bag was the screech of the monstrous beast that caused me to narrow my eyes to slits towards the sound. I let out a scoff as I watch the horrendous insect copy my exact expression. This bitch.

Making eye contact with it, I slowly reached towards my back pocket. While doing this, the creature slightly tilted its head, curious as to what weapon I had in store for its large structure. A smirk made its way to my face as I gently pulled out my hand from behind, my palms tightly in a fist, and raise it until it was on the monster's view.

Curiosity got the best of it as it waited for my next move. My smirk slowly turned into a mocking smile as I slowly raised my middle finger and waved it around, "Yeah, that's right. Fuck you! I was about to eat, you bitch!"

Although thinking it through, flipping the large creature off wasn't the best idea as it screeched, very loudly, mind you, and made its advance towards me.

I did the best thing to do in situations like these. Which, as we all already guessed, is to run. Turning around as quick as my petite form could manage. I sprinted as fast as I could with a chuckle escaping my lips. I shall name you Trisha. The wind blowing harshly at my face that I had to hold my loose ponytail to make sure my only hair tie didn't fall.

To my left was a lot of trees. Ranging from spruce, pine, cedar, cypress, redwood or fir; Knowledge, people. Also to my right, was an abundance of trees. And in front of me- ugh, never mind, we all know it's also trees. Of course there's trees everywhere, this is a damn forest, you idiot.

Oh, and to complete the list of my humble misfortunes. Let's say that when I was looking back and forth at the large insect and the direction I was running to. I squinted ever so slightly and noticed the straight antennae. The monster had a small body which was followed by a giant long translucent thingy which I could only classify as an egg chamber for baby insects. A look of horror appeared on my face as a sudden realization hit me- this was a termite. Not just an overly large termite but an overly large queen termite. Termite queens aren't even supposed to move due to their obnoxiously large egg chamber but this damned Agatha 616 just had to make an appearance. I just love how even the harmless insects want to eat your whole body now. Stupid chemical compounds. A scowl made it to my face as I remembered what these creatures usually ate- fucking wood. How lovely, how about I just get inside a tree and become the dessert to its fucking wood fest.

Darting straight ahead, I took the chance on glancing behind me, only to see that I was at least a good few feet away which made me quickly change my direction to the right. Seeing an open trunk of a tree, I speedily shoved myself inside there. I sat there and took deep breaths, hoping to calm my rapid breathing.

Listening to my surroundings was one of the things I got used to in all of my experiences here. And by experience, I mean all of the knowledge I gained throughout the two years that I spent travelling by my own. Well, I wasn't exactly alone for most of it. I had the pleasure of being accompanied by two people, both of whom are very cool. The three of us decided to have an adventure of a lifetime but the two of them knew I wasn't really staying with them forever. We learned things, trained, and also travelled places together. They tried to convince me to go with them but I refused, I wouldn't want to intrude. So, as a farewell gift, they gave me a grenade. Which by thinking of it, made me come up with a plan.

I quickly zipped open my backpack and took out the grenade, giving my packed sandwich an apologizing stare. The grenade was a small, roundish kind with a greenish color.

Hearing noises approaching where I was, I closed my eyes and reassured myself. Don't worry food, I'll be with you in a sec. Rising up from my position, I quickly caught sight of the monstrosity a few feet away from me.

"Hey!" Its head snapped to glare at me and made it's way towards my position. The queen was quickly nearing me. And just like a cliche movie, it opened its mouth, separating its pincers. Making it more cliche, I removed the pin of the grenade using my teeth. "Eat shit, bitch!" This made it more pissed as it screeched more loudly.

One. I threw the grenade. Two. I watched as it flew through the air. Three. Watching with narrowed eyes as it made its way inside the giant insects' mouth. Four. I hurriedly made my way back to the safety of my hard tree trunk. Five. I covered my head as I heard the sound of body parts being exploded. A huge thank you to the both of you for giving me this grenade.

Several seconds passed and silence enveloped the whole forest. If you imagine it, this would be a very peaceful place, but the smell of the fried termite parts just had to break it. I stood up and walked behind the trunk of safety. Immediately cringing at the gruesome sight. Trisha sis be dead. Walking over to what I assumed was the head of the insect, I crouched down to its height, completely ignoring the smell. A victorious smirk played on my lips. "There can only be one queen here and I refuse to let go of that title. Queen Trisha doesn't sound good anyways."

The grumbling of my stomach brought me back from my boasting and I quickly stood up. Hoisting up my backpack on my shoulder, I took one last look at the dead termite and then turned to leave.


Munching on the last bit of my sandwich, I quietly hummed to myself. The change of scenery was very pleasant to observe. It reminded me of my first year of exploration. I was always mesmerized by the landscapes and such. If only I had a camera with me. And besides, I can't draw for the life of me, it would be nice to capture the nature even without the camera. Most technology nowadays don't even seem to work and all of the batteries have already ran out.

Though I must say that the absence of technology really made a difference. It made me realize the true beauty of nature. How fresh the wind is here, how blue the sky was without air pollution and a lot more things. Just forget about the deadly monsters that are most likely out to kill you then you should be set.

Speaking of those giant lovely monsters. Those things are a major pain in the ass. I've actually encountered a lot of them during my adventures. I remember the first time I encountered one face to face. It was a giant mosquito. I even recall naming him as Edward Cullen- for obvious reasons. Rest In Pepperonis, Edward my man. I hope you have an endless blood fest wherever you may have ended up. Now, thinking about all of the monsters I've faced. I don't remember a thing about not pissing them off. I end up either yelling at them, flipping them off, and my favorite one; giving them names.

I stopped walking and stared at what was in front of me. Could this be it? Only one way to find out. A circular plate-like, trapdoor which was now slightly rusty was before me. Around it was straight like poles which I only assumed was their source of service or an antenna.

I was about to open it up when it suddenly opened on its own. A mop of blonde waves peeked through until a face slowly appeared with it as the person climbed out. As what I could see, this was a woman, obviously, which looked about in her mid 20's. She was pretty, I must admit. When she was fully done climbing out of the evidently underground bunker, she finally set her eyes on me. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw me and then finally let out a huge grin appear on her face.

"Kar, what the hell is happening up there?" A deep manly voice sounded from below the bunker. "It's a girl, Ray!" The pretty blonde woman stalked closer to my own form. She held out her hand for me to shake, a kind smile evident on her face. "I'm Karen. You must be a survivor, come with me inside the bunk, it's much safer there." I stared at her hand, not wanting to make it dirty by my own, but accepted it eventually. Not wanting to act like I was a huge snob.


Time has already passed and it was several eventful hours to the pretty french brunette. After she was led to the bunker, she was immediately grabbed by the ladies, pushing her to a room where she could clean herself up. She wasn't that dirty, she knew how to clean herself up because it always bothered her when she started to smell. After she was done cleaning up, she changed to the clothes the ladies on the bunker gave her. She clearly tried to refuse but all of them were very consistent on making her wear their clean clothes.

Actually, she was kind of glad that the girls took her to make herself look presentable. Aurora wouldn't want to be introduced to the people of the bunk when she was dirty. After a good amount of time introducing herself to all of the people on the bunker, well all except one, she was given a tour around the place.

During these hours, a sleeping Joel Dawson was inside his room. Clearly getting the rest he deserved for not sleeping most of the time due to strange noises. He was the only one who has yet to introduce himself to the newest arrival.

The people were very welcoming which made Aurora sigh in relief. She was looking for this place for the past two year and she finally found it. The reason to it was because her father was once with her on their first few months without a bunker. Things turned to be the worst and his last words to Aurora was to find this bunker. Something about how most of the people here were strong adults who could protect her. I know, very original. But what Aurora didn't know was that inside this bunker was someone who'd cause her a storm of emotions.


When Joel finally awoke, it was already night time. He sat up on his bed and let out a loud obnoxious yawn. Rubbing the sleep away, his eyes caught sight of a girl sleeping peacefully on the bed across his own. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he slowly stood up. Walking closely to her bed, he poked her arm, proving that he wasn't still dreaming.

Moving back, he got shocked when the girl shifted on her sleep and faced upwards. By now, Joel Dawson has his mouth agape. Damn, he thought. He has never seen such beauty. It was as if he was in a trance, enchanted by the beauty sleeping in front of him. If anyone was to glance at this scene, they would feel weirded out in knowing their fellow bunker just pulled an Edward Cullen, not the mosquito.

Shifting in her sleep once more, her nose scrunched up in a cute way which made the creepy stalker get more entranced. He was distracted, scanning her full face and stopping at her plump lips that he didn't notice the brunette slowly opening her eyes.

"Exquisite view I've got here." She stated which made the poor boy jump from fright. Ending in him falling down with a loud thump from his clumsiness. The brunette let out a low chuckle and slowly turned on the bed. She peeked on the edge of the bed to look at the boy in amusement.

"You okay? That looked like it hurt." She mused. The boy in question cringed in pain and opened his eyes. "It didn't hurt. I'm fine-" He was cut off when he glanced towards her eyes. Those blue eyes that could pass as the color of the ocean. Eyes that twinkled like Dumbledores' on that story Harry Potter.

The girl stared at him weirdly, wondering if there was something on her face that made him stare. She let out a fake cough that successfully brought the boy up from his own world. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." The boy stammered out, finally getting up from the floor. When he finally finished dusting himself up, his freezing problem took over him, not knowing what to do. Great timing.

"You can place your butt here if you want," Aurora said, patting the seat beside her. Joel hesitated for a second but finally sat down after she told him she doesn't bite. They were now sat side by side on her bed and just let silence pass by. The awkward boy raking his brain for words that he could say to the ethereal girl sitting beside him. "The name's Aurora, by the way. Aurora Kingsley. Although I doubt that we need to say our last names." She finally said.

"Joel. I am. Yeah, that's my name, Joel Dawson." He managed to say, sputtering his sentence. He cursed himself for being so nervous that his ears turned a light shade of pink. He didn't even know why he was panicking at the sight of the girl, he has a girlfriend- A girlfriend, how the hell did he momentarily forget about that.

Aurora hummed, looking at her legs as if it was the most entertaining thing in the world. "Joel, I am- Are you like Yoda or something?" She questioned, muttering the first part. Joel seemed to relax at this, finally releasing a small chuckle. "You know Yoda?"

"Of course, dude. My favorite line from him is: May the odds be ever in your favor-" She cut herself off, snickering from Joel's raised eyebrows. "Kidding. I know it's from Divergent."

The amount of confusion on Joel's face was enough to crack the girl up, soon followed by the boy himself.

"Back to the topic, I actually heard your name being tossed around here in the bunker. Something along the lines of Joel, maker of minestrone."

"Yeah, making minestrone is the only thing I do here. I'm pretty useless around here if you ask me." He looked down, suddenly ashamed that he wasn't as useful as everyone else here.

Aurora looked at him and saw his downcast expression. "Hey," She called but he still didn't look up. "Hey, look at me," She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. By that, he looked at her and saw the sincerity in her eyes. "Don't ever think that you're useless. Just because you only make minestrones doesn't mean you're useless. You just haven't gotten the chance to show your full potential."

Joel was confused. Not because he was confused why the girl was comforting him even though they aren't close but confused because his heart started beating faster. He hasn't felt that since two years. Two years being the time he has spent away from his beloved girlfriend. But more importantly, he was soothed by just her words and sincerest eyes. So he smiled, a small smile, but nevertheless a real smile.

"Thanks. I really needed to hear that." Joel confessed. Making the girl smile at him and rub his shoulder before placing them on her legs again. This was something they both had in common. They were shy on the first encounter, mostly Joel, but once they get close to someone, curses and swears would be something normal in their conversations.

Another moment passed where they just kept staring forward. Although, Joel was sometimes glancing at her discreetly; not really discreet but that was what he thought. Aurora was about to start another conversation when the both of them suddenly heard very strange noises. Joel, being used to this, turned a shade of pink, embarrassed that his roommate had to hear these explicit sounds. Well, Aurora didn't really mind, she was an open-minded person after all.

"Oh!" Someone exclaimed and the noises got louder. As Joel turned a more brighter red hue, Aurora bursted in laughter. The poor embarrassed boy looked at her in confusion but followed suit on her laughter

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't hold it in anymore or I could have farted it out." This made Joel laugh harder with his eyes glassing with joyful tears. The both of them sobered up after another minute, not anymore bothered by the still ongoing noises.

"I'm guessing this is a normal occurrence here in the bunker?" She questioned and faced her roommate. Joel hummed in confirmation and turned towards the girl. Both of them still had traces of smiles on their faces but just kept staring at each other. At least bunking here would be more tolerable. Joel assumed, knowing that he and the girl would be best buddies inside their so called 'home'.

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