The Steve Saga: ~Glitch Trial...

By Fallen_Angel_YT

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This is a FavreMySabre (or Elan) Story about his series Steve Saga and I was reading a couple of stories simi... More

Ch. 1 The Sleepover
Ch. 2 A Nightmare
Ch. 3 Nightmare Pocket Dimension Fight (Pt. 1)
Ch. 4 Nightmare Pocket Dimension Fight (Pt. 2)
Ch. 6 Let's Get Hypno Back!
Ch. 7 On Our Way

Ch. 5 Nightmare Pocket Dimension Fight (Pt. 3)

93 3 1
By Fallen_Angel_YT

When we got to the middle, Sabre was nowhere to be seen. Meaning, whoever our attacker was, took him and we have to prepare for the fight of our lives...

{Dark Steve's POV}

"Well, Dark Steve, you yet again failed another task. This one was easy too and you still failed!" Nightmare Steve says.

"I had my decisions once you let go of your grasp from me. I chose to help Sabre and his friends. If you were still in control of me, I would've destroyed him but I'm glad you let go of me." I tell him.

"Oh hush you ungrateful piece of Darkness! Now Nightmare Steve is Light Steve ready?" Someone said.

"Almost. He needs a few more modifications and then he can attack." Nightmare Steve replied.

"Good. Finish him up and then when Sabre and his companions arrive, he will attack them." The voice says smugly.

"Don't you DARE hurt Sabre or the others! If I still had my powers I would attack you right here!" I shout. Nightmare Steve turns away like he didn't hear me.

He starts walking away to finish with Light Steve and I'm just stuck, tied together, and laying on the floor. I struggle against the ropes and I wince when they rub a certain spot on my wrists. Tears come to my eyes as I ribs my wrists more and I look up to see the strange Entity looking down at me and smirking.

"Your friends arrived a few moments ago, but I couldn't tell Nightmare about that. Anyways, the Darkness will defeat them, and then it will be easier to destroy the companions. Get comfy, Dark Steve, this will be quick and you will want to watch every second of this." He says. He walks off smirking still and I keep struggling against the ropes.

As he walks down the stairs of the castle tower I shout to him, "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!" He stops and turns to look at me.

"Oh, but I already have..." (Sound familiar??????) He walks down the rest of the stairs and I hear a door slam and lock.

"Now what? Sabre, if you're out there, please hear me. Please stay safe, I miss you and I hope you're okay. Stay safe." I say to myself.

I hope the Nightmare Essence doesn't spread any faster than it was, I feel Nightmare getting weaker in his current body. Please contain the Essence so he doesn't gain control.

{A few minutes later}

I wake up from a small nap when I hear lightning. I scramble to my knees and carefully move my arms so I don't scrape and leave anymore bruises on my wrists.

I hear the door to my tower unlock and see Light Steve walking in, his hair and clothes splattered with different shades of grey. His eyes a dark blood red with no shine or emotion to them.

"Here. This may be yours. Don't try anything with him though, Nightmare Steve still has control over him and can make him attack when he needs." He says. He drops a figure who is in a white suit covered in dirt and grass. His hoodie is off which shows grass in his hair and his hair mangled from fighting and damp with sweat.

"Sabre!" I shout. I scoot over to him and try to raise him.

"Light Steve, wait!" He turns.

"What?" He says impatiently.

"Can you ask Nightmare Steve if he can release my hands from these ropes? I don't have my powers and I'm too weak to do anything. Can you ask him for me please?" I ask him. I sound crazy asking Light Steve for help.

"Fine. I can't guarantee he will do it but I'll ask. This is the one favor you get from me though." He says. I nod and he walks off. I hear the door close and lock.

I struggle to raise Sabre from the ground.

"Come on Sabre. How can someone get so heavy so fast?" I grunt and try raising him again.

I separate my wrists or at least try, so I can raise Sabre once again when my wrists separate and I can move my arms fully.

Light Steve kept his promise and asked Nightmare Steve for me. Thank you, Light Steve.

I turn back to Sabre and raise him so he's sitting on his knees. He starts groaning softly and I realize that means he's starting to stir.

"Urrg... D-dark Steve?" He mumbles. His eyes flutter open slowly and I pull him into a hug. He slowly returns the hug and he buries his head in my shoulder.

"It's alright. We're going to be fine." I tell him. He starts crying softly.

"I failed. I was supposed to save you and I just ended up getting captured. I'm sorry Dark. I was so caught up in finding you that I didn't comprehend the safety of my friends and now they're in danger because I was caught." He sobs. I pull him into a tighter hug and he returns it.

We keep hugging until we decide that it was time to let go. We heard the door unlock slowly and the door creaking open softly. Footsteps are heard on the stairs and Sabre stands up and in front of me just in case. I don't think he has his powers but he can still fight. He's a good fighter when he's not thinking of himself most of the time.

The footsteps creep closer and closer and I scramble closer to the wall behind me. Sabre holds out his arms and grips an iron sword in his right hand. It turns black and yellow, similar to Nightmare Steve and the Nightmare essence on his hand and arm. The infection spreads again but slower because Sabre has more control over it than before.

We hear the footsteps again and his head voices as well.

"Shut up! You going to get us caught with your loud as hell breathing!" One says.

"All of you shut it! How are we supposed to save them if we get caught by Nightmare?" Another hisses.

"Okay pause for a second here. We need to help Sabre and Dark Steve. Now I want everyone to shut their loud mouths and Null, Lucas. Stop fighting." One tells them. I recognize the first voice as Lucas's and the second as Null. The third voice must've been Hypno Steve.

Sabre, I think noticed who the voices belong to as well and put his sword away.

"Guys! We're up here!" Sabre whispers.

"That's Sabre! Come on!" Lucas says.

"Now hold on. How do we know it's not a trap?" Null says?

"Get your asses up here before I beat the shit out them," Sabre says. I blush from his use of words. The footsteps rush up the stairs and I see Null, Hypno Steve, Lucas, Spencer, and Mogi.

"Thank God for your alright." Hypno Steve says.

"Yeah. Well, that Darkness was strong surprisingly. Dark Steve was already up here when I arrived. By the way, we haven't freed you yet. Let me do that real quick." Sabre says. He starts cutting the ropes with the Nightmare Sword. As he does that, the others keep talking.

"Where's Nightmare Steve anyway?" Lucas asks.

"What happened after you covered yourself, Sabre?" Null asks.

"Dark Steve, what happened when you were attacked?" Spencer asks.

Sabre finishes cutting the ropes and he replies to all the questions.

"We don't know where Nightmare is, I was teleported away when I covered myself with obsidian and Dark Steve was possibly attacked and brought here when he didn't have use of his powers anymore." He says.

"Wow, so you have been through a lot recently. We never thought of what really happened." Mogi says.

"Yeah. It's fine, now that I'm free, we can get the heck out of here." I exclaim. I turn around to look through the tiny window and see the rest of the others fighting the Darkness. I watch a little longer and then see a ton of lighting hitting each individual, teleporting them away.

"We have to get out of here quickly!" I shout. Everyone runs to the stairs and we open it out to a bridge about 20 feet off the ground.

"Just go! Hurry up!" Sabre yells. We run across the bridge one at a time and once Spencer is over, Sabre and I take off running. We reach the middle and the bridge collapses.

"Sabre!" I shout. He falls and I grab his infected hand. I pull him upwards and the others are scrambling to the edge to see what's happening. I throw him up and he lands on top of me and hugs me tight.

"Don't worry. I won't let you go." I tell him. He hugs me tight and I pick him up and run to get a running start.

"Dark Steve, don't do it! You won't make it!" Hypno Steve shouts.

"Trust me on this one, Hypno. I won't let him go and I won't fail this time!" I yell back. I start running and I run faster than I ever ran before. I reach the edge and I jump. I hear the shouts of the others and the wind in my ears.

I start falling halfway and I see bedrock appear under me and I keep running. I look down at the others and they are smiling and laughing. They follow under the bedrock and we run to where I believe the others went.

{Sabre's POV}

I hold onto Dark Steve as he runs off of the edge of the bridge. He starts falling and then he lands on a hard surface. I turn and look and he landed on a bedrock platform. He starts running and the bedrock moves with him. I hear the laughter of the guys below us and then I hear their hurried footsteps. I look back up at Dark Steve and then in front, where we're going.

I guess Dark knew where he was going because we're heading towards an arena looking structure. We keep running and we reach the edge of the castle wall. I look down and the guys leap off the wall and land on bedrock just like us. They run upwards and right next to us. The bedrock collides and joined together to create a platform large enough for all of us. I look up at Dark Steve and he looks back down at me. We stop for a moment and the bedrock stays beneath us. Dark Steve sets me down and I look at the building were right at the entrance of it and we look off to see the rest of our friends trapped behind iron bars and obsidian.

We feel the bedrock expand and someone appears next to Hypno Steve and turns to us.

"Thanks, Herobrine! I kind of knew you were going to help us." Null says.

"No problem, Null. Now, I will assist you in freeing the others. But we are going to need two more people to join us." Herobrine tells us. Two more people appear next to us and then one more unmentioned guest appears.

"Sabre, you may know these people. Alex and Galaxy Steve. And then our uninvited guest here is Ghost Steve." Herobrine introduces. Alex and Galaxy run next to me and hug me.

"Sabre! I never thought we would have seen you again!" Alex says. I return their hugs and Ghost Steve floats next to us.

"It's a pleasure to see you once again Sabre." He says. Alex and Galaxy pull away from the hug and Ghost Steve floats in front of me.

"It's great to see you too, Ghost Steve," I say. He floats off and we hear lighting behind us. The platform expands and a figure appears out of the lighting.

"Hey, Sabre! Did I miss anything?" The figure says. I recognize the figure as Guardian.

"Hey, Guardian! No, you haven't missed anything really. We were just about to go save our friends." I tell him.

"Well count me in!" He exclaims.

"Is anyone else there hiding?!" Lucas shouts. We hear more lighting and more people appear.

I see Rainbow Steve, Faceless, Shadow Sabre, and Origin Steve. They all fly over to the platform and it expands once more.

"Wait a minute. How many people are here now?" Spencer asks. I count 16 people.

"16 people," I say. Everyone flies onto the platform and it expands a lot. It expands once more as two more people arrive.

"Hey, guys! Room for two more?" One says.

"Of course!" Hypno Steve says. The two figures land and I can see their faces more clearly. I walk up to them and when they see me they walk up to me.

"Hey Sabre, long time no see," One says.

"It sure has been a while, Time Steve," I say. Everyone turns when they hear the name and the watch interested.

"So, Time, Elemental, what brings you here? I thought you faded away Time. And you were destroyed in the blast Elemental?" I say.

They both look to the ground, guilty that they know what happened to them.

"I never faded away Sabre, and Elemental never was destroyed. We teleported to the In-Between. We didn't expect each of us to be there together. We didn't dare show our faces after what you thought happened to us." Time Steve says. Dark Steve and Alex walk up on either side of me and Dark Steve puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Give them a break, Sabre. They must have been through a lot since you saw them last. Let them work with us. We need all the help we can get." He tells me. I look at Alex and she nods.

"*sigh* Fine. I forgive you both and plus, we do need as much help as we can get." I say. I turn back to look at Time and Elemental Steve. They are smiling and their eyes look full of emotion once again.

They bound over to talk with some of the other people. I walk over to Herobrine and ask him if we can speak alone. He agrees and we step onto a separate platform to talk.

"What is it, Sabre?" He asks.

"I wanted to ask, we won't need to bedrock anymore. We all have our own powers. Except for my friends. But they can use someone else. But we can make our paths with our powers. If you want, you can help my friends but otherwise, we can use our individual powers to get to the arena." I tell him.

"That's fine with me Sabre. That's also a good idea." He agrees. I nod and smile and we head back to the main platform.

I walk back to Dark Steve and we all feel Herobrine expand the platform more. We go back to talking. As I walk to Dark Steve I hear Mogi and Hypno Steve talking about Redstone contraptions. Spencer and Galaxy Steve making jokes. Rainbow Steve and Guardian talking about books. Time and Faceless talking about the catacombs. Origin Steve and Elemental talking about the In-Between. The others are sitting or standing in groups of 2 or 3 resting or talking about what they did before.

I walk to Dark Steve, who was talking to Null about who they may be fighting. He turns and he tells Null that they'll talk later. He waves and goes to sit in a group of 2 people making it 3.

"So, what did you talk to Herobrine about?" He asks.

"He's not going to give us a bedrock platform anymore. We all have our powers so we're going to make our own paths to the arena." I tell him.

"Alright. Well, let's do this." He says.

{A few moments later...}

We all gather in a circle leaving to middle open so that Dark Steve and I can talk about our plan.

" from here Hypno and Alex will attack from behind and if that doesn't work. We resort to Plan B. Everyone remembers what that is right?" I say. Everyone nods and says 'yes.' I move on in our plan.

"So if we are captured and Sabre is left with one other person we resort to our second plan. Sabre will absorb one of the Steves and he will fight with both Nightmare and whoever he absorbs powers." Dark Steve says. Everyone nods in agreement and we break off.

"Now. Everyone knows that positions, let's go into position and destroy Nightmare and whoever else!" I pump my fist in the air and everyone copies my movement.

"For the Steve Realm!" Someone shouts.

"FOR THE STEVE REALM!" We all yell together. We run off the platform and create our own bridges with our powers.

I look to my left then to my right and see all the different Steves and non-Steves running alongside me. I speed up and then I'm in front of the group. Dark Steve runs up next to me and smiles at me as we keep running.

I smile back at him and turn forward again to focus on our destination. We arrive at the edge of the building and I jump down without my path and land on the ground with a roll. I look on either side of me and everyone does the same. I rise and walk towards the middle. Everyone follows the orders of the plan and they spread out around the edges of the arena. Some go invisible and some fly up. I walk to the middle and I watch as Dark Steve goes invisible in his position.

I walk to the middle and stand there waiting and watching. When I hear rumbling I look to my left and see rocks flying up, jagged and sharp, I dodge it and fly upwards. The rocks keep rising and I look to see if Elemental Steve is doing that. He's looking up at me and shakes his head. I look down at the rocks and fly forwards and encase myself in a small obsidian ball. I hear more rumbling and open the top to see what's going on. I see cages, many cages, enclosing everyone. The ones that are flying are enclosed in a cage in midair and the one's invisible somehow are encased in cages.

"NO!" I shout. I fly out of my obsidian and fly down to Dark Steve.

I try to break open the bars and I hear Dark Steve shouting at me.

"Sabre. Sabre! It won't work, we're all stuck! Now, look out!" He tells me. I turn to the left and see the rock flying out of the ground and I fly upwards in time before they hit me. I look down at Dark Steve before I turn around.

I turn around and a ball of ice appears in front of me. If I was any closer to it, I would've been suffocating in the ice. I fly in the other direction and ice appears there too. I turn in a circle and ice surrounds me. I fly upwards with the speed of a Yellow Steve and I look down to see it close under my feet. I keep flying around in circles, making it impossible to hit me with anything. Lightning starts striking down all around me, trying to hit me. I stop in my tracks and I wave my hands, power seeping out into every corner of the arena. Everything around us disappears except for the cages.

"ENOUGH!" I shout. The lightning stops and everything is quiet once again. The rocks below fall back into the ground, the ice ball floating in midair dissipates, and the cages remain where they are. I look for Hypno Steve and realize he and Herobrine have the most power out of everyone.

Hypno Steve is to my left floating in a cage trying to get out and Herobrine is to my right, sitting in his cage not even trying to escape. I look at both and send a mental message to them.

I think it's time to resort to our Plan B. Can one of you turn into an object so I can pick it up? I can merge with you if you are an object.

I look at both and they seem to have gotten the message. Herobrine replies.

I'm sorry Sabre. My powers faded somehow and now I can't do anything. I'm also chained to the bottom of the cage as well. I'm sorry I cannot help.

He lifts his hands and his wrists are bound by chains, hammered to the floor of the cage, just like he said. I nod in sadness and I turn to look at Hypno Steve. He is not in his cage anymore. I hear slight rumbling again as I move towards Hypno Steves cage. He is not in the cage but an object of his colors replaces him. I reach to pick up the object and it has a small engraving on the end of it.

"Merge" is all it says.

Thank you, Hypno Steve.

The rumbling gets louder and before I have time to look, rocks fly up and push down to the ground.

I'm on the ground, pain shooting through my whole body. The Hypno Pickaxe in lying next to me, rocks are trapping my limbs. My eyes slowly opening and closing. I move my head to the right and see a figure walking near me. I hear the muffled screams of all my friends around me. I think I'm losing conciseness but enforce myself to stay awake.

"Hello once again, Sabre. It's nice to see you again." The person says. I turn to look at him.

"W-who are you?" I manage to say. My vision comes into focus and I see it's a person with once pure white hair and clothes, now they are splattered with different shades of grey.

"An old friend. Let's just say, I escaped with a little help." He says.

I squint my eyes to see who this person is and then my eyes go won't with recognition.

"Light S-Steve?! How did you get off Lucas's server?!" I exclaim.

"Like I said. A little help." Light Steve tells me. I turn away, tears coming to my eyes. I close my eyes once again and feel a sharp pain in my chest.

Light Steve has one foot on my chest and he's leaning down at me. I wince and cry out. He smirks and speaks to me in a hushed voice.

"Now, you have given up. It's time for you to DIE!" He says. His hand starts glowing a black-white glow and he gets ready to strike me. I close my eyes and grip the Hypno Pickaxe. I open my eyes to see his hand coming down when a mystery person jumps in and knocks Light Steve off me.

This person is a blur and fast but I can see some colors to him. His hair is a dirty dirty blonde, almost brown but not quite there. He's wearing a bright green hoodie and has something wrapped around his face. He has shoes that look like Vans and his skin tone is tan colored.

He knocks Light Steve off me and takes out a diamond sword to fight him. He's a really good fighter. I try to get out of the rocks but it's no use. I look at my arm and it still has Nightmare Essence over it but it's spreading faster. Another person shows up and starts to take the rocks off me. One other person shows up.

The first one has dark brown hair and a bandana wrapped around his head. His shirt is white with a black long sleeve underneath. An emblem of fire is shown on the white shirt. His pants are a light black and his shoes are checkered Vans. The other person has hair the color of dirt. He has circle sunglasses on his head. His eyes dark brown. His shirt is blue and his emblem on the shirt is a white rectangle with 'Supreme' in all caps written in red. His pants a dark grey and his shoes are common sneakers.

"Come on let's get you out of here!" The bandana one says. I nod but slowly because everything hurt.

The two guys pull out pickaxes and start hacking at the rocks. In a few moments in free but not able to stand upright. The guys notice and nod at each other. They help me up and hold me in place. The one with the glasses holds me and yells something to his friend. The bandana guy runs off to join the green hoodie in fighting Light Steve. The glasses guy walks me over to a wall hurriedly and sets me down against it.

"Are you all right?" He asks. I try to nod but I can't. So I shake my head. He nods and pulls a bottle out of his pocket. He opens it and tells me to drink.

I drink it and I slowly feel like myself again. The infection is still there but I feel better. I stand up and the glasses guy helps me.

"Who are you guys?" I ask still a little weak. He smiles and winks as he says: "Call us, The Dream Team." I look confused as he runs off to join the fight. I get a realization and smile as well. I run off to start freeing my friends. The glasses boy dropped a diamond pickaxe, probably purposely, so I pick it up and go to free my friends.

I run to the nearest cage. Inside is Rainbow Steve. I start hitting the cage until a bar bends and he can get out. After a few hard hits, he is free and smiles.

"Come on, we have a lot more people to free!" I exclaim. He runs off to the left to free Shadow Sabre and I run to the left to free Time Steve.

{A few minutes later}

We manage to get 5 people free when I was knocked to the side and hit a wall forcefully. I look up and see Nightmare Steve flying full speed towards me. I jump up and fly to the top of the cage where my friends are held. I jump down to avoid my friends from getting hurt. Nightmare Steve keeps charging at me. I don't think he has control over me anymore, which means, I controlled the Nightmare Essence, and it can no longer spread! This is good and all but I still have a living Nightmare chasing me.

I circle the entire arena before stopping to actually fight. The three guys that call themselves 'The Dream Team' somehow fly in front of me and pulls out diamond swords enchanted to the max. I smile and float next to the green hoodie guy and pull out the Nightmare Sword. Nightmare Steve stops when he sees us all and he stops and flys backward a little. His eyes go wide then they go back. I thought I saw a flicker of Yellow in them but I was probably just imagining it.

"H-how?! I thought I destroyed you all before?!" He exclaims. I look at green hoodie and he looks at me and smiles.

"That's what you thought, we survived but at what cost? The cost of finishing you!" Green hoodie says. I turn back and smile.

"Chicken man, care to finish him. It seems like he caused the most trouble." Green hoodie says.

I smile and say: "Sure. Wait what?" He turns and shakes his head. He means he'll tell us later. I nod and turn back to Nightmare Steve.

He's on the ground, on his knees looking down. We all float down to be at his level. He looks at me and I look him straight in the eyes.

"Hey Sabre, this is the Yellow Steve. THE Yellow Steve. I came to control to say, I'm sorry. I never meant for this much trouble to be caused. I hope one day, you can forgive me." His eyes go Yellow and Black. The flash and don't stop. I nod and reply.

"Maybe one day, Yellow Steve. One day I can forgive you, but today is not that day." I raise the sword and my mask falls from my face. It must've gotten loose in the flying and fighting.

Everyone turns to me and their eyes go wide. I get ready to bring the sword down when I realize my mask fell. I lower my sword and pick the mask from the ground. I look at the mask in my hand and I just stare for a while. The glasses guy walks up and tries to put his hand on my shoulder. He doesn't bring the courage to do it. I nod because I know why.

I raise my sword again and my eyes flash a different color. I bring the sword down and shut my eyes as I do it. I open them once again and see Nightmare Steve gone and the sword laying on the floor. I pick up the sword and pull out the mask. I tie the mask back on like nothing happened and everyone just stares for a while. They get back to work at freeing the rest of the Steve's and I sit there helpless.

{A few moments later}

While the last of the Steve were freed, I still sat on the ground in the middle of the arena. I slowly rise and walk to the edge. I find a piece of stone and pull out flint and steel. I light a fire and burn the Nightmare Sword. I look at the night sky. The Nightmare Pocket Dimension is beautiful at night, even though it looks like Nightmare Steve. I say silent words to The Yellow Steve.

"I hope your happy in the Spirit World. Say 'Hi' to Purple Steve for me will ya? Anyways, hope your happier than you were here. Goodbye, Yellow Steve." I finish. I look back at everyone and the are talking amongst themselves. A few are whispering behind their hands and glancing at me as I walk past.

I try to ignore them and just keep walking. The green hoodie and his friends walk up to me.

"Hey, about the mask--" I cut him off.

"Don't worry about it. It was a mistake to show you guys, I should've checked to see if it was tied or not." I tell him.

"Ok. Well about what I said earlier, there was a town that we came across. It was wonderful. There were Rainbows everywhere. Then Nightmare Steve came, probably expecting to see you, and attacked us instead. He then... erm..." He says. I look at him.

The bandana guys take off his bandana, glasses dude removes his glasses, and green hoodie dude removes his mask. He has green eyes that are a shade that I didnt think was possible to have. I remove my questioned look and replace it with an understanding/sorrow look.

"Can I call everyone over so we can share the news together? I believe I know what your going to say." I say. My eyebrows creasing in.

I call everyone to the middle of the arena. Everyone walks over but steadily. I reassure them with my look and they hurry over to see what they have to say.

"I know, you've all seen my eyes, but that is not what we've called to talk about." I start.

"I've called to talk about..." I look at green hoodie and he nods. "About the Rainbow Town." I finish turning back to look at the group of Steve's and non-Steves.

"The ones here call them selves The Dream Team, they have helped us in ways we couldn't have done ourselves. So, of you would agree, we would welcome them into our lives as one. I ask this because the news of the Rainbow Town is tragic. What do you say?" I tell them. I see nods of approval and slow nods of confusion. I nod and continue.

"Now The Dream Team will be accepted to travel and share our adventures with us. The news about the Rainbow Town will hit the ones closest to us the most. I will stop wasting your time and get to the point. The Rainbow Town is gone." I say. I see wide eyes, gasps, and tears forming.

"The Rainbow Town is gone, meaning we have to keep travelling or else we will be caught again by a new entity. So, if you may, we would like to tell you our actual names. My name is Dream, my real name is Clay but please dont call me by it." Dream says.

"My name is George." George exclaims.

"My name is Sapnap! I'm the brains of these two!" He jokes. The others smile and George grabs him by the neck and gives him a noogie. I giggle and turn back to the group of people.

"Turst me on this one, we are going to get back on track with everything, we will need time but we will do it. If you decide not to travel with us, you may take your leave now, otherwise we will start on our way out of here." I say. I see a few Steve's leave, including Origin, Faceless, Shadow Sabre and Time and Elemental. I sigh but keep up my brave face.

"Let's go then?" I say. The remaining people nod. I'm surprised that they managed to get the ones from the cage in the air. I start walking and lead the group out of the castle.

What none of us saw, was an entity looking at us from a tower of the castle.

{??? POV}

I watch as Sabre gives his speech and the guys beside him introduce themselves. I smile and chuckle.

"Soon Sabre, I WILL destroy you. I will make this your fault and then, no one will trust you! Good luck Sabre with your journey, you will need it!" I say. I throw my head back and laugh. I lower my head and through the hoodie, my eyes glow a bright but dark red.

"Soon, Entity 0 will rule the Steve Realm and EVERYONE WILL BOW TO ME!!" I say. My eyes glow a brighter red.

Entity 0 was a new enemy, even Sabre was not able to comprehend. They were in for the journey of a lifetime...

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