The Magic that Brings us Toge...


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In Luz's and Amity's potion class, they were working on a new potion that finds the user's soulmate. As soon... More

Potion Class
Bottoms Up
The Mark
The Confession
Daddy's Home
The Suitor
The Warning
Mother Knows Best
Back to Class
End of the Day
The Flower
The Talk
Curse Description
New Admirer
Spilled Crimson
The Proposal
Fear and Reasoning
Knife to See You!
A Breath of Fresh Air
Sunsets and New Friendships
Breaking Free
You've Got Mail
Underneath the Grom Tree

The Surprize

891 37 16

Luz's POV:

The sun twinkled in the sky as Ami and I walked to the courtyard for lunch. Willow and Gus waved us over as we sat at our table basking in the sun. Boscha walked over quivering in her posture looking at the last seat at our table. 

"Hey Willow, do you mind if I sit here?" Boscha asked scratching the back of her neck. Willow smiled warmly as I noticed the lavender haired witch powerwalking to our table. Boscha sat down as Alice made it to our table. 

"Will you guys make room for the little new kid," Alice begged in a snotty tone. Ami and I shook our heads as Willow noticed our expressions. 

"Sorry, this table only fits us," Willow chirped. Alice looked dissatisfied and she stomped her boot into the mud. 

"Oh, come on couldn't you two lovebirds move to another table. I want to sit with the human," Alice toyed staring into my eyes. My gut ached, and I felt terrible for putting this on Willow.

"Alice, I don't want you to sit here," I claimed as Ami grabbed my hand under the table. 

"Oh, isn't the human feisty. That's hot, damn," Alice claimed as she placed her hand into my hair. Ami quickly sat up, and she slapped Alice's hand off my head. Alice gave Ami death eyes as she stood backward. 

"Leave her alone," Ami growled as she held me close.

"What, you think you scare me. You obviously lack the hot's for the human, so I understand why you are jealous. The human secretly wants me and you know it, so leave me and the human alone number one Luzer," Alice scowled. Tears dripped down Ami's face as rage spiked in both our systems. I kissed Ami's forehead and Alice grabbed onto my back trying to pull me away from Ami.

"Go away," I shouted as I pushed her off. She flew a good ten feet away out of our amazement, and she got up struggling from the powerful push. Damn, I knew I had superhuman strength, but wow.

"I love you, Ami. Don't worry about what she said, you know that isn't true. She has some nerve trying to take me away from you," I comforted as I held her close. 

"I love you to Luzy, do you think we should tell her about the soulmate thing," Ami whispered. 

"Not unless we have too, she seems like she is crazy," I replied. Over my shoulder, I saw Alice trudging back to our table.

"Damn, I never knew humans were that powerful. That's really hot, I bet you are too much for green head next to you," Alice chimed as she tried to get close to me. 

"Damn you really don't know when to fuck off!" Boscha shouted.

"What's it to you reject," Alice scowled. 

"I don't care what you say, new girl. You are messing with my friends, and I politely would like you to fuck off! I'm hungry and I want to eat lunch without being disrupted," Boscha growled. 

"Wow, rude! Hexside is very hospitable," Alice frowned. 

"Alice, please go away," Gus asked. 

"Fine, I can tell when it is dangerous for me to be around people," Alice admitted. She scampered away like those cheesy villains on T.V. The tension cleared after she left the area. She glared at our table as she ran away, so I decided to kiss Ami while flipping Alice off. 

"I swear to god! She is even worse than Mark," Ami growled. 

"Amen Ami, she sucks," I replied smiling in her embrace. 

"Thank you Boscha," we said as Boscha smiled. 

"No problem, good residence of her. I just wanted a damn sandwich in peace," Boscha exclaimed. 

"So, that's the new girl then. Trouble just doesn't end with you two does it," Willow claimed with her teasing smile. 

"That's not even half of it," I giggled. 

"What do you mean?" she asked in a concerned tone.

"Luzy and I were cursed by my father. We are stuck with the wolf curse for eternity unless we find a cure," Ami explained. 

"Fuck Mr. Blight, he is an asshole," Boscha and Willow chimed at the same time. Willow's face turned a shade of pink as she tried to pursue the topic. 

"Wait a minute, is that Mark over there with Alice?" Gus asked. We both looked over to the two teens laughing on a bench staring intently at us. 

"Goddammit, my dad doesn't know when to drop it does he?" Ami growled. 

"If I see him again, I will kill him," I spat. Ami's grip around my waist tightened.

"How was school besides them?" Gus asked trying to clear the tension.

"It was good, we made a potion to give us cat ears," I giggled.

"Nice, we worked on teleporting today," Gus replied. 

"That's cool, how far can you teleport?" Willow asked. 

"I can do about 100 feet. Do you guys want to see?" Gus asked with a bright smile.

"Sure, that sounds awesome Gus!" I cheered. Gus prepared a spell circle around his feet and suddenly he disappeared. He appeared by the tree that was on the other side of the courtyard, and within seconds he was back.

"Good job Gus!" Ami cheered. 

"Thank you," he replied with his face beaming in pride. I looked back over to the spot Mark and Alice was to see they were gone. 

"Don't worry about them Luzy, we are safe if we stick together," Ami comforted. 

"Thank you, Ami. I love you, you know that" I cooed.

"I love you too, Luzy," she replied with a bright smile. 

"I love you," a slight whisper claimed. 

"What was that?" Willow asked. 

"Nothing, I got you something," Boscha replied as she held out a medium-sized teddy bear.

"Oh my gosh! I love it! Thank you so much," Willow cheered as she hugged Boscha. A rare blush crept on Boscha's face as she returned Willow's hug.

"I ship it," I whispered. Ami punched my arm while giggling. The bell rang as we headed to our next class. Our journey was cut short when we overheard two familiar voices in the hall.

"He said he would pay me 900 snails for every day I harassed them. If I make the brown-haired one fall in love with me I get a hot girlfriend and some extra cash," a voice echoed.

"Oh yeah, he said if I were to make her fall in love with me, he would make sure I made it into the Emporer's coven," a male voice replied. The talking was cut short as we saw Alice and Mark speed off away from the sound. 

"I knew it," I hissed. Ami held my arm as we made our way to our illusions course. The unpleasantry of meeting Mark in that class allowed me to convince Ami to sneak away, and out of this school. We ran to the library and into Ami's secret hideout. The amber lighting calmed us from the stresses of school as we sat on the beanbags. 

"I'm glad we don't have to continue with that hellhole. I'm really happy it's just the two of us. Ami laid her head on my lap while I brushed my hands through her silky hair.

"I knew my dad would never leave us alone," Ami growled.

"Relax, I'll protect you, Ami. We are in this together," I comforted while leaning down and kissing her forehead. 

"I love you so much Luzy," Ami gasped. 

"I love you more than anything Ami," I replied. Suddenly, a soft knock echoed on the door. 

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