Shifting to Sorcerer's Stone

By KatherineIn

15.4K 561 41

Sophia Taylor was just a normal girl at ten years old. One day, she was in her father's study and fell asleep... More

Chapter 1: Can You Feel The Magic
Chapter 3: Sorting
Chapter 4: What am I?
Chapter 5: Getting Ready
Chapter 6: First Day
Chapter 7: Why Being Nice To Me
Chapter 8: Flying Lesson
Chapter 9: Halloween
Chapter 10: Start of Start New
Chapter 11: Christmas
Chapter 12: Detention
Chapter 13: Sorcerer's Stone
Chapter 14: A Great Adventure
Preview of the reboot
Reboot is Up

Chapter 2: Hogwarts Here I Come

911 36 8
By KatherineIn

This will be the last preview. Please comment and vote. this will let me know if you are interested in the story. when there are many comments and votes. I will officially start the story.

Disclaimer: everything besides Sophia and her family belong to J.K. Rowling.


September 1st came and it was time for me to go to Hogwarts. I found out that I was in Great Britain this whole time. I spent the past few days reading the books that Professor bought for me. I wanted to get some ideas and knowledge of the wizard world. I knew that I might not be the only one who didn't know much about the wizard world. I wasn't from this world to begin with. I was still absorbing the idea that I was a witch and a shifter. I wanted to know more about my shifting abilities. I decided that once I'm in school, I would do some research at their library.

Professor McGonagall came to pick me up and went to the the train station. Once we got to the station, she gave me my ticket. She told me that I should keep my shifting powers a secret. I should not tell anyone about it. She told me to stay mysterious for the time being. I didn't know why but, I didn't bother to ask anything about it. I walked through out the station to find the platform. I looked at my ticket. Platform 9 3/4 . {Was their such a thing?} I looked around and found a family who had owls and trunks in their carts. I followed them. I saw them run into a wall. I looked up. Platforms 9 and 10. After they went through. I prepared myself. I took a deep breath and ran through the wall. I went through the other side and saw a train. "Wow," I said. I gave my bags and Tempest to the handler and went inside the train.

Many children were inside the train. They were talking with other kids. I decided to try to find a compartment for myself. I found one and went inside and locked the door. The train started to move ten minutes later. I had a lot of thoughts in my mind. My life had changed so much. I wonder what mom and dad would think if she ever got back home. {Mom and dad must be so worried by now.} The only thing that I had that reminded me of home was my necklace. A gold necklace with a amethyst pendant was given to me by my parents on her fifth birthday.

Knock Knock Knock...

I got startled by the knock on the door. I looked through the window. It was a boy with platinum blond hair that was gel back. I walked over to the door and unlocked it. The door opened. "Hi, is it alright if we sit with you?" he asked. "We?" I asked. I looked behind him. There were two big boys behind him. {Looks like his bodyguards.} I nodded my head and sat on one side of the compartment. The platinum hair boy sat with me while the other boys sat on the other side. The platinum hair boy began to speak. "Thats Crabbe and Goyle. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," he introduced. "I'm Sophia. Sophia Taylor," I said. Malfoy began to frown a bit. {What is something that I just say?} "Are you pureblood," he asked. "Um...." {I don't even know what he was talking about.} I started to panic.

The door opened and revealed Professor McGonagall. "I have been looking for you Miss Taylor," she said. "Hello Professor," said. "Would you come with me please," she asked. I nodded and quickly went out of the compartment. She quickly talked to me about blood status. She informed me that there was a potion that would tell me my blood status. Also, she told me that Dumbledore would explain everything once we get to Hogwarts. I sat with her for the rest of the train ride. I changed into my robes. The train stopped and everyone walked off the train. It was night time.

First years were to follow a big guy named Hagrid to the boats. Only three kids were allowed per boat. I sat with two kids that I didn't know. Then I saw the castle. I was so mysterious looking in a good way. We made our way out of the boats to inside of the school. We went up some stairs and met with Professor McGonagall. We smiled at each other. She explained to us the houses. I remembered that she explained to me a few days ago. There was Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. She left us to settle a bit.

I heard a familiar voice near the top of the stairs. "So its true then. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

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