Cotton Flower (ON HOLD)

By Letsget-Schwiftyyy

413K 9.1K 3.7K

She was... So soft. So sensitive. Just like the flower. And he was the boll. The dead. The rough. To protect... More

Hi! Vol. 2


13.6K 416 97
By Letsget-Schwiftyyy

~Beginning Of L O S T~

It's been two months.

Two months of pain.

Two months of torture.

Two months without his mate.

Two months of hating himself for not trying harder to get her from that-

That devil.

He's never seen anything like it, what was she?

After his mate was taken away from him, he started running around the woods trying to find her, trying to sniff her out but he couldn't even get a hint of her magnolia scent.

It's as if she never existed.

He wouldn't be surprised, if his mate was all in his head.

She was like an Angel.

And a devil like him doesn't deserve an angel like her.

But he kept searching, but to no avail. He kept searching until he saw the sun start coming out.

That's when his sanity snapped.

He left the woods and went to the hospital. His anger flowing through the building, the whole pack shivered from fear of their alpha.

They didn't stand in his way but rather everyone in his path ran to the nearest room or pushed theirselves against the wall.

His breathing was heavy, his veins were popping out his skin as his wolf was close to take control.

But Graham was angrier than his wolf, his wolf may have been angry but he was also slowly falling into depression the longer he was away from his mate, making his wolf just a tad bit too weak to take control.

And all Graham could see was red as he was walking down the hospital corridors.

Until he saw the man he was looking for.

Dr. Madden.

The doctor that used to check on Cotton-Mae.

And the same doctor that recommended to his Alpha to let his mate leave.

Dr. Madden saw the rage he was holding, even a blind man would know by just his presence.

But what shook him to his core was that his anger was towards him.

The greatest doctor in Alpha Adlers pack just got his neck snapped in front of the fellow doctors and nurses, making them gasp and quiver.

Dr. Madden died.

And so did many other poor souls who made a single mistake in the two months he was without his mate.

He started training again with his scouts.

Losing a little less then half of them whenever one came to deliver the news of how they couldn't find their Luna.

He was out of control.

He didn't think about how his pack could fall without their strong, powerful Alpha.

All they have now is an out of control, unstable, beast controlling them.

If they weren't scared of him then, they sure were now.

He was now in his office, supposed to be doing paperwork but couldn't help but down glasses and glasses of whisky. His Beta knew there was no way in getting his distressed alpha and close friend to do anything, so taking it upon himself, he started doing as much of his work as he could without Graham getting mad.

He heard a knock on his door and he just grunted as a reply, putting his thumb and pointer finger on each temple, rubbing them, waiting for whatever the person behind the door had to say.

In walked in Camari, with dinner. Camari has been the only one delivering food to her alpha, since the other maids were too afraid, and somehow, Graham didn't have the need or want to kill her.

The reason why because he wouldn't know how to deal with Cotton when he gets her back.

Well... if he gets her back.

No, no he will get her back.

She quickly but carefully put his food on his desk before turning back around to leave the office, but before she could she got stopped by his voice.

"Camari, before you leave, tell your Beta that I need him to call the Alpha of the Cresent Lake pack and to say we need him here urgently," He slurs before getting up and pouring him another glass of whisky.

"And make sure he also brings the Fowler family as well..."

~                                                                                           ~

"What do you mean you don't know where my sister is?" Amara snarls at Graham, stepping closer to him but getting held back by her younger sister, Waverly. Graham only sighs and takes another sip of his whisky.

After Xavier called Alpha Lawrence on Graham's request of his presence, he agreed he would come but the earliest he can come is in three days, making no exceptions for Alpha Adler.

But the Fowler family came with no hesitation.

Well, the Fowler family minus the father.

But was he surprised?


A little aggravated? Yes.

Does he really care so little to not come? Xavier did mention it had something to do with the youngest Fowler, and for him not to show up?

Embarrassing, really.

"Your sister was taken away by this... woman. It was as if she was controlling her, her body and mind. Now, I feel like there is something-something I don't know, about my mate. And I don't like not knowing something about my mate, especially something that takes her away from me. So is there something you have to tell me? Hm?" He growled out, standing on his desk with his hands leaning against his mahogany desk. She was human, she for sure wasn't a werewolf and Cotton and her family did say she was human.

So what was that supernatural being doing around Cotton?

"What do you mean? We told you enough about Cotton," Winston says, stepping up behind his older sisters with his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed in worry. He was always very protective over his little sister, Cotton.

He was her best friend, and she was his. Ever since Cotton-Mae was born, his world felt a little less lonely. Sure, he loved his older sisters but they were always doing little things without him, making him feel like some sort of an outcast. He struggled making friends at school because little kids were afraid of his father. Their father did make a reputation out of himself and that rubbed off onto his family.

He did of course hope for a little brother, but he couldn't help but love Cotton-Mae when she came home.

~12 years ago~

"Winnie! Come out, come out wherever you aaaare!" Winston kept his hand covering his mouth so he doesn't let a laugh out, not wanting to give away his hiding spot.

They were now in their 11th round of hide and seek, this time Cotton had to find her older brother, while the two older sisters were doing their homework in their rooms.

Cotton was now in the laundry room, where Winston managed to squeeze himself in the cupboard that was in the corner of the room. He was looking at her through the slits, grinning wide at his 6 year old sister, her little frame in a yellow sundress and hair in two pigtails, looking through the laundry basket, throwing out the clothes, thinking he somehow hid himself in there.

Before he could laugh, he heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs, towards the two children that were now shaking in fear. He heard Cotton's breathing getting heavier, and saw how her fraternal eyes gathered with tears.

"P-please Winnie, if y-you're h-h-here, please come out! I-I need y-you!" She whisper shouts, barely getting out the words that were stuck in her throat. Immediately, Winston starting pushing the cupboard, but realized he was stuck. Cotton gasps in fear but then realized where her brother was. Her bare-feet ran to the cupboard, trying to get him out but the cupboard wouldn't budge.

And her short frame that barely touched the knob couldn't help her brother much in the situation.

Then, that's when they heard the room door slam open, revealing their "father".

He looked around the room and noticed all the dirty laundry that was scattered around the laundry basket. And that's when he noticed the little girl in front of the moving cupboard that was getting shaken up from inside.

Noticing his gaze on her, she slammed her back against the cupboard, trying to get as close to her brother as she could.

"Did you do that, you little bitch?" He pointed at the clothes that were on the floor, Cotton looks at where he was pointing and slowly nods, looking back at her father.

"And why the fuck would you do that, hm?" She knew trying to explain herself would get her no where, at already the age of 6, she knew what to do in situations like this.

He made sure of it.

"I-I'm sorry, G-Gamma," Her s's slurred from her missing front teeth, looking down at her toes. He then grabbed her arm roughly, almost lifting her up from the floor, she had to bite back a whimper, but couldn't when he eventually did lift her off the ground by only carrying her arm, making her cry out in pain.

Winston started breathing heavier, and started slamming on the cupboard door, wanting to be with his sister. That's when it caught their fathers attention again.

"Please, Dad! Please don't hurt her!" The 8 year old begged, still trying to get out. Their father scoffed on disbelief.

"And you managed to lock my son in there?" He shook his head and tsked, grabbing her other arms and lifting her up so they were now face to face.

"Now that's 2 weeks," He smirks evilly at the tears that were rolling down her cheeks, but she didn't fight, she didn't scream, she just let him carry her upstairs and put her in "there".

All while her brother was screaming for his sister.

~Back To Present~

He'll never forget that day, not being there for his little sister.

Her being tortured for two weeks all because of some dirty laundry and him being stuck in a cupboard because they were playing hide and seek.

When he found out that she was the mate of the one and only Alpha Adler, he almost had a panic attack.

He thought the moon goddess was playing a joke on them for a second.

How could someone as sweet and soft as Cotton, be with someone as cold and cruel as Alpha Adler?

But there was nothing Winston could do, nothing he could do but pray for his sister everyday that she would be fine.

That she was safe and happy and that he would give her a better life then her own family could ever give.

But no, the strongest Alpha in the history of Alphas couldn't take care of his mate for less then a week.

He didn't feed her for about two days, she was scared, taken advantage of, got sick and now it's as if she fell off the face of the earth, as if she never existed.

Winston bet he never got a pet when he was younger, wouldn't know how to take care of a goddamn hamster.

But he of course kept his thoughts to himself.

"Well Alpha, w-what would you want to k-know?" Their mother chocked out, trying to hold in her tears.

She missed her daughter terribly these last few months, and now knowing her daughter wasn't even safe and in the arms of a stranger?

It was too much for her to bare.

"I don't know, anything. How she grew up, what was she like, what she would do? There must be something you must have noticed that was irregular?" He growled. If his mates own family knew nothing about her, there was no hope of finding his mate, or knowing what happened to her.

"Um, Cotton is good at reading?" Waverly says, making Graham sigh.

He already knew she was a good reader, before all the chaos that happened, she would sometimes read to him on his lap after he was done with his work. With having no educational background, she sure was an amazing reader, and was also very smart.

"That's not concerning," He growls, trying his best not to be disrespectful to his lovers family. Waverly giggled sheepishly, looking at her shoes.

"She bruises easily," Amara says, calming down just a little bit, still mad at the man who put her little sister in harms way. The oldest Fowler only said that to worry the man who lost her sister, hinting that she would most probably be dead by now because of how sensitive her skin was, but when those words slipped out her lips, it caught Graham's attention in a different way.

He would notice tiny bruises on her body, and he would always grow concerned. She would calm him down by saying she just bruises easily. He remembered one time how she got tiny bruises all over her body by just rolling on the grass.

He was always worried about her and her sensitive skin, but seeing as this is the perfect opportunity to find out if something is wrong with her.

"Does she have a skin condition?" He asks, sitting back down and switching on his computer.

"No Alpha, that's how she's always been. But she does have an ointment that helps her bruises, did she not mention it?" Ellie asks in worry, looking at her daughters mate. Of course she would have an ointment, no wonder her bruises healed so easily.

But he was with her all the time, he never saw her apply it.

"Mom, you know she doesn't need that ointment. Although Cotton does bruise easily, she also heals just as fast," Winston says. Her family were always mesmerized by Cotton, even their father. They were always in awe in how she moved, on how she healed so easily after brushing her arm against the door frame, how she always sensed when someone was upset. She was an empathetic, sensitive soul that the world never deserved.

Graham sat back, looking at the family.

Right there, he knew there was so much more about Cotton-Mae Sienna Fowler that no one knows about.

Something that even Cotton probably doesn't know about herself.

~ ~

It's been 2 weeks, and Alpha Lawrence has his scouts searching along Graham's scouts for these 2 weeks.

But yet nothing.

Alpha Adler only had Alpha Lawrence as his ally, most of the other packs in America were against him, so he couldn't ask for extra help. And also, no one else knew about him finding his mate except his pack and of course Alpha Lawrence.

But the extra help, although appreciated, didn't help.

At least that's what he thought.

Alpha Adler and Alpha Lawrence were in his office, talking about the situation while Graham was trying to do his work although he was a little drunk.

It was 7pm when one of the Cresent Lake pack scouts came knocking on his office door along side of one of Alpha Adlers scouts. Graham growled a 'come in', expecting the bad news.

But what he got was quiet the opposite.

"Alpha Adler, we wanted to inform you that we think we are close to finding your Luna," Alpha Lawrence smiled in pride and relief over the good news. In pride because of his scouts, and in relief because Alpha Adler can come back from his depressive episode.

Alpha Adler was ecstatic to hear the news, but was still rather annoyed they didn't have his mate by now.

If they were close they should have found her by now.

"Well what are you waiting for? Go looking!" He shouted, making the pair run back outside with the rest of the scouts.

2am came around and the scouts were done for the day. Alpha Lawrence thinking the news would cheer him up, only made Graham fall into a deeper hole of depression.

It was now 3am, and the storm outside matched Graham's anger. Everyone in the house was in their bedrooms, fast asleep.

Except Graham.

He was now finishing his second bottle of whisky, sitting in the kitchen by himself. As he was going to get a third bottle, he noticed something on the kitchen counter.

The book: Hamlet.

He never noticed it there before, and it's months since she was gone.

How'd the book end up here?

Just to torture him?

He started breathing heavier, all he could see was red.

He took the empty whisky bottle and threw it at the wall, smashing into pieces. He then turned around and grabbed the mahogany stool and smashed it against the floor.

By the time he was finished, the kitchen looked like a wreck room.

He collapsed on his knees and put his head in his hands, breathing heavily.

"Baby, please come back home..." He whispers to himself.

All of a sudden, he heard knocking on the front door. He sighs out in defeat before slowly getting up, stumbling at times. Muttering under his breath, he hopes that whatever this is doesn't waste his time.

Opening the door, he thought he would see one of his guards standing behind the door, but saw something completely different.

A short figure dressed in a light green cloak with the hood covering their face. The person was looking to their left, humming a small tune.

Graham couldn't believe his eyes.

It couldn't be...

"F-Flower?" He whispers, catching her attention. She looks down, her dainty hands reaching up to her hood, slowly pulling it down.

"Hello, my love,"

~End Of L O S T~

Hey guys!

How are you?

Hope everyone is doing well!

Tell me, anything interesting happened recently?

I would say I'm proud of this chapter, but I don't know.

It's long! But I feel like it's not the best so I do apologize!

And also, if you notice any spelling errors, please let me know so I can fix it.

But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

See you next time!


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