Vegito x Gogeta (+ pictures)

By BoOMarAly308

17.9K 127 303

Hello everyone ! This is a Vegito x Gogeta book. Warning ! This contains lemons, and this story is like, very... More

Chapter 1 : 'Where i am ?'
Chapter 2 : 'feeling for each other'
Chapter 3 :'i love you (lemon !)'
Chapter 4 : "goku and vegeta"
Chapter 5 : "love between two saiyan" (lemon)
chapter 6 : "bulma's funeral"
Chapter 7 : The party
I'm sorry!
Chapter 8 : He's back....
Chapter 9 : Zamasu vs Gogeta
Chapter 10 : The wedding !
Chapter 11 : What a night ! (Lemon)
Chapter 12 : Lemons
Chapter 13 : BROLY + Tournament of pôwer !
If Gogeta was the Uke + What if all the Seme were Yandere. (Sad)
Chapter 14 : Craziness!
Chapter 16 : It's going to be Alright
Chapter 17 : The Kiss
Chapter 18 : Christmas (Smut Warning !)
Chapter 19 : The real side (🍋)
Chapter 20 : The choice
Cute ^^
💖💜# 2 : Vegeta x Goku💜💖
❤Vegito x Gogeta #2 (+Gotenks)♥
💙# 3 : VEGITO X GOGETA!!!💙
🌹Vegito x Gogeta #3 (lemon)🌺
🔥Vegito x Gogeta #4🔥
🌟Vegito x Gogeta #5🎶
♥Vegito x Gogeta #6🌟
🍀Vegito x Gogeta #7🍬(+beji and Goji)
♥Vegito x Gogeta #8❤
💜💙Vegito x Gogeta #9💙💜
🌺🤍Vegito x Gogeta #10🍩❤
... Sorry ? '^^
❤🍰Vegito & Gogeta #1♥🍦
🍨♥Vegito & Gogeta #2🌟🍉
🍩♣Vegito & Gogeta #3 (Last part)♠🍰
🍫Vegito & Gogeta #4🌟
●Vegito & Gogeta #5 (+Beji x Goji)🌟
❤Vegito & Gogeta ! #6♠
🔹Bardock x Turles🔸
🍨Whis x Beerus🍩
🌟Some CUTEE picture that I found !! #1🌟
🌟Random Pictures #2♥
✴Random picture !#3💙

Chapter 15 : It was all a dream ...

159 1 2
By BoOMarAly308

Vegito pov : 

? - Please wake up !! I beg you ! You can't leave us like this !

What ..? Where am I ..? Who's screaming ..? And better question ... Who am I ..?

? - Vegito please ! Wake up !! It's been 5 months since you've been unconscious ! You're scaring us !

Vegito ..? That's my name ? But who's talking to me ..? And why can't I open my eyes ?

? - Vegito you bitch ! Your best friend is waiting ! We're all waiting !!

Damn ... I don't know who's this other person is but he or her really want me to wake up. But do I have a best friend ? Fine ... I'll try to wake up. 

Beji - Geez ... can you stop shouting ..?

? - Vegito !!

I look around me and I raise an eyebrow. 

Beji - Who are you people ..?

The person around me blinked and they talk to each other. 

B - It's me Bulma ! And this is Vegeta and Goku , you don't remember us ..?

Beji - Bulma ..? Not really ... Wait ! Of course I remember ! 

Bulma smile and Goku laugh. 

B - I wanted to ask ... why do you look so ... surprised ?

I look at Bulma and I get up. 

Beji - Do you know someone named Black ? Alysson ? And Dohko ?

I ask with a smile. 

B - Who ..? Vegito are you sure you're alright ??

Beji - eh ? Of course I am !

I say as I blink, does they not remember them ?? Or ... no I can't have imagine everything ... right ..? B-But ... does that mean ...

Beji - B-Bulma I have a question ! A-Am I married ??

B - Married ?! No you're not ! Why you are asking ?

I ... am not ... married to Gogeta ...? B-But how ..? D-Did I see the future ..? Or .. did I create everything ...?

B - Vegito ..?

Beji - I-I'm sorry Bulma I need some time alone ! T-Tell Gogeta that I'm fine and that I'm going to train with him later !

I didn't watch anyone and I teleport away. What happen ?! Does that mean that everything that I say ... that I did ... was not real ..? I can't believe that !!  I punch the ground and I groan silently. That can be true !! I never did a dream like that in all my life ! W-Who knocked me out then ?? W-Why does this have to be a dream ?! I thought as I close my eyes and I shiver a bit. 

Bulma pov :

What happen to you Vegito ..? Did you have a strange dream ..? Because you are not married to someone and nobody in the world is named Dohko ... that's just weird ... I hope you'll get better soon ... because your best friend can't hold back any much longer what he have to say to you ...

??? pov :

Vegito was training alone a bit far away from everyone and to tell the truth , he was a bit sad , sad to have ever make a dream like this , sad to not be with his "friends" and his dear "boyfriend". Bulma was talking with Vegeta while she was cooking. Goku was training with Gohan even if Chi-Chi was not actually happy about it. Gogeta was bored and he was sick to wait for Vegito to come to him so he decide to teleport to him. 

Gogeta pov :

Goji - why you're avoiding me ?

Vegito say nothing and I crossed my arms.

Goji - Vegito ! Answer me for Kami's sake !

Beji - ... I ... don't want to talk ... Gogeta ...

Goji - I don't care ! You will talk to me now ! What's happening ?! What happen after Zamasu knocked you out ?!

Vegito say nothing again but this time he look at me. I notice that his eyes were empty and that he looked like he cried. 

Goji - I ask again , what happen after Zamasu knocked you out ?

Beji - ... I think ... I was dreaming ...

I raise an eyebrow and I look at Vegito , what does he mean by "I was dreaming" ?

Beji - everyone was there ! You ! Me ! Bardock ! Turles and more ! Even my other best friend named Alysson ! Don't you remember him ?! Or even Black ! O-Or I don't know ! You don't remember anyone ?? A-About you loving me and being your husband ???

I blink in surprise. Married ? How am I married to him ? I never confess my feelings for him. But who are Bardock and Turles ? I think Bulma told me that Vegito is crazy ... but I don't believe that. 

Goji - Calm down , I don't know what you're talking about ? Who are they ? 

Beji - ... Why am I the only one who remember everything ?? W-Why ?? D-Do I have some kind of a curse on me ?? O-Or a spell ?? W-Where is everyone ..?? 

Vegito start crying a bit and he back away , that's the first time I actually saw Vegito cry for a dream. 

Goji - Calm down Veg ! E-Everything is alright ! You're fine ! 

Vegito didn't answer to me and he teleport away. That was something .. I didn't know a dream could do that to someone .. but maybe he did live in his dream ... that's why he didn't wake up from all the call and he didn't even react when King Kai was doing something. 

Vegito pov :

I hate everything ! Why am I the only one ?? ... Maybe I am crazy ..? Actually I don't care anymore .. all I want is answer ... like everyone else .. was it just a dream or was it real ..? Did I really have another life ..? With strange people ..? Or was it just my imagination for one of the perfect world ..?

I sigh and I calmed down , I'll ask Zen-Zen if he can help me .. because I need answer .. or I will never forget what I just live ... let's just hope I will have a nice life here ... I thought as I teleport away again to my house and I walk inside.

End of this chapter ! So ... what actually happen there ? I'll let you imagine ^^

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