Cutie and the Dork

By JadieBabiexxx

4.4K 29 14

When an unpopular girl goes to a new boarding school she's surprised at the reception she receives and then t... More

Cutie and the Dork
Cutie and the Dork chapter 2
Cutie and the Dork chapter 4
Cutie and the Dork Callum's pov
Cutie and the Dork chapter 5
Cutie and the Dork chapter 6
Cutie and the Dork chapter 7
Cutie and the Dork chapter 8
Cutie and the Dork chapter 9
Cutie and the Dork Epilogue

Cutie and the Dork chapter 3

421 2 1
By JadieBabiexxx

Two months later, Freddie and I were getting on great which sort of split the group because Louise felt that I had betrayed her by flirting with Freddie. Rachel and Brianna sided with me though because I hadn’t even known her when they were together and it's not like we were close when I started.

“Rhe? Are you okay?” Freddie asked me, I snapped back into reality and turned towards him smiling.

“Yeah, sorry. What did you want to tell me?”  He was fiddling nervously with the blanket on my bed. It was well after visiting hours and he was not even meant to be in here at all being a boy. He came over every night and he always brought me a hot chocolate, nowadays we shared one because I was scared of putting on weight now that everyone was watching me.

“I really like you.” He blushed and my heart sped up, it was beating so fast I felt like I would have a heart attack!

“I like you too Freddie.” I could just about force out.

“I... I mean... Rhea willyoubemygirlfriend?” he stuttered, I just looked at him in shock. Freddie as in hot quarterback, wanted by every girl in the school Freddie was asking me out? My jaw was hanging so wide I had to use my hand to close it.

“I... I... urm... yes, yes I'll be your girlfriend!” he smothered me into a hug and I held my arms around him tightly. He smelt so good as always, I could feel his heart racing under my cheek. He pulled away from me slowly and lifted my chin to his face. I closed my eyes not wanting him to see the fear that would be in them. I felt his soft light pink lips touch mine and I put my arms around his neck drawing him in closer and deepening the kiss. I couldn’t believe I was having my first kiss with Freddie Roper! I pulled gently away and looked into his eyes, he looked back into my own pure happiness had made his eyes go a bright blue colour.

“So I'll see you tomorrow?” I saw the confusion on his face as I stood up to let him out.

“Yeah...” he got up behind me following me to the door. I turned stood on my tiptoes and kissed him, I felt his smile as he wrapped his strong arms around me. After a few more kisses he left, I waited five minutes before I knocked on both the girls doors.

“He asked me out!” I nearly screamed jumping up and down the corridor.

“OH EM GEEEEEEEEEE!” they screamed jumping up and down grabbing me in a hug. We huddled in the pink fluff that is her bedroom talking for about an hour. Then we called it a night, I woke up in the morning and jumped in the shower. We headed down into the cafeteria to grab some breakfast before breakfast.

“Morning.” I felt some strong arms wrap around me as Freddie whispered in my ear. I nearly choked on my cereal.

“Morning.” I replied once I managed to swallow, he twisted around and kissed me. The girls giggled and I blushed. Rachel and Gareth are together and Brianna and Jacob got together two weeks ago. Apparently we're the three hottest couples of the year, I sighed just thinking about Freddie and I being a couple makes blush. We all had to go home for thanks giving; we're all flying out back home so we can travel to the airport together. Once we had said our goodbyes I made my way to my seat in the first class and put in my iPod earphones listening to my favourite album The Bridge by Melanie Fiona. It was a short flight and as soon as I got off I saw my parents waiting at the gates for me, I ran towards them and almost took my dad off the ground when I flew into him. He hugged me tightly and my mum huddled behind me, I turned around and hugged her tightly. I felt her sobs and I felt bad that I had asked to leave.

“How was your flight pumpkin?” I looked at my dad, my eyes still felt puffy from crying.

“It was great and very comfortable.” My mom was clutching my hand all the way to the car, I didn't feel babied though I actually liked it. On the short drive home I texted Freddie to say I got home okay, I knew he would still be on his flight so I put my phone in my bag not expecting a reply. Once we reached outside our house I jumped out and went running in to find my brother. He looked up from his game bounding over to me before he had even pressed pause. He hugged me tightly and then catching himself he jumped back to his game blushing deeply.

“Welcome home dork.” He sniggered, I actually laughed. Before I left I would have gone mad at him for calling me that. He looked up at me in surprise.

“Thanks loser.” I smirked in reply.

“Wait a minute! Has the Goth actually developed a fashion sense?!” he teased looking at my tight dark wash skinny jeans, tight nude coloured camisole and long fuchsia pink cardigan.

“I wasn’t a Goth virgin boy.” I retorted smiling, he looked at me shocked and then laughed so hard he fell of the sofa, I was laughing too so much that I didn't realise that his girlfriend came in behind me blushing from her forehead to her neckline.

“Hey Rhea, you look nice.” She complimented me, now it was my turn to be shocked she had never complimented me before in the six months they had been together.

“Thanks Amy.” I replied and left them to continue, I headed up to my room with my bags and called Brianna.

“Rhea I was just about to call you, I just got back. OMG did you look on facebook?”

“No why what's up?”

“Jacob totally tagged me in his status saying how much he misses me!” her excitement was contagious, I found myself squealing into the phone.

“He is too sweet!”

“I know! I'm gonna like it right now! Make sure you say u miss him too!”

“I will! Have you spoken to Rachel?”

“No, I'm gonna call her right now!”

“Okay bye!”

“Bye!” I ended the call and dialled Rachel's number, after I had told her she said she needed to call Bri. I got off the phone and went downstairs.

“Dinners ready.” Mom called as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I went into the dining room and sat next to my brother. Amy had already left for the day and he was sitting alone.

“So how’s private school?” I turned to him and smiled filling him in on all the great things I had been doing.

“I'm happy that you're enjoying yourself.” My dad said as he sat down at the head of the table, which was his usual spot. We ate dinner chatting animatedly throughout which would never have happened before I left. After dinner and desert I went upstairs to call Freddie but he didn't answer so I just chatted to my friends on face book. I now had 300 friends and before I didn't even have an account!

“Do you fancy going for a walk?” I turned to see my brothers head through my now open door. I jumped up out of my seat telling the 14 people I was chatting to I'll be back later. It was already dark out but I knew my brother was probably taking me to a party of some sort. He had never invited me to one before, but we seem to be getting on really well nowadays. He had starting calling me at least twice a week since I had started school.

“So who's Freddie?” my brother asked as we reached the end of the drive, I turned to him shocked.

“My... urm... my boyfriend.” I mumbled.

“I was wondering why a boy would call the house phone and ask for you.”

“When?! Why didn't you tell me!” I shrieked getting my phone out of my bag checking for missed calls.

“Just a few minutes before I knocked on your door.”

“Why didn't you tell me!”

“I forgot, anyways do you want to come to a party?”

“Yeah, but I need to call him back.”

“Call him later, he said he would call back in a few hours anyway.”  I nodded and continued walking, we could have drove in my brothers car but he insisted it wasn’t far. A few minutes later and we arrived outside of Lacy Morgan’s house. I looked at him in surprise and horror, she hated me why on earth would he bring me to her house. The music was so loud I could hear it from the bottom of the drive, we got into the house and went to find Nathans friends since I didn't have any here.

“Geek?! Is that you! You look different!” I turned to see Lacy standing behind me, her eyes were wide with shock.

“My names Rhea.” I informed her sharply.

“I'm sorry Rhea, bad habit. You look really good though.” She complimented me.

“Thanks.” I replied coldly.

“Let me take your number, I'll totally call you to come over next week.” Before I had chance to protest she had my phone in her hands as soon as she unlocked it a large picture of me and Freddie came up.

“Is this YOUR boyfriend?!” she almost deafened me. Her two sidekicks looked down at the screen with their mouths agape.

“Yes.” I smiled smugly.

“He's HOT! Like REALLY HOT!” she was staring so hard at the screen I feared it may break.

“Yeah, he is.” I smirked. She went to my pictures, but I wasn’t angry I knew what she would see. Pictures of Freddie and me kissing, him sleeping in my bed, us snuggling, my friends, me and all our hot boyfriends. They looked as if they were going to die, I almost laughed in their faces. People from their school huddled around us trying to get a peak at him, to see if it's true I guess. I just knew some of them were already texting or finding me on face book.

“You're a cheerleader?” her voice was filled with a mixture of disbelief and awe.


“Wow, I mean I'm happy you're enjoying yourself.” Her voice was almost quivering with jealousy.

“Yeah it's great and the guys are so hot.” I made sure my voice was so enthusiastic; the look on her face was priceless. I got back my phone and went to get a drink, nothing alcoholic though. Just in case I made a fool of myself, like on the party we had at Halloween in Jacob’s dorm room. I dropped on my ass and laughed so hard I snorted, which I'm still getting teased about!  After a few hours of chatting with my previous enemies I was ready to go, Nathan and I walked home laughing all the way about the look on Lacy’s face. Just as I got up to my bedroom my phone started ringing, I was shocked when I looked on the screen.

“Hey Freddie.” I could hear the grin in my voice.

“Hey beautiful, I miss you.” I blushed at his compliment.

“I miss you too.”

“I can't wait for this week to be over, I hate family time.”


“Because I'm here alone, my parents are both away on business.”

“Aw, why don't you go see your friends.”

“I will tomorrow, I'm kinda tired”


“What you doing?”

“I just got in from a party I went to with my brother.”

“A party?” he sounded irritated, I was shocked he wasn’t usually like this.

“Yeah, this girl I was at school with here threw a party.”

“Who did you go with?” did he actually sound suspicious?!

“My brother.”

“Are you sure?” now I was actually getting mad.

“What are you trying to say Freddie?” my voice was bordering on angry.

“Nothing, forget it. I'm going to bed.”

“Ok, goodni-“ he put the phone down on me before I could finish my sentence. I felt angry tears fall from my eyes. I called up Brianna and Rachel on conference call, after they had ranted and then cracked me up laughing a felt a lot better and went to sleep.

“Ow!” I woke up to being slapped in the face with one of my pillows. My brother was laughing so hard he fell on the floor. I leapt onto my feet ignoring the head rush grabbed a pillow, and whacked him repeatedly until he begged for mercy. We sat on the floor laughing our heads off; our parents had gone for the morning to get some more food for thanksgiving.

“Kids?” my mom called as her and dad returned, both of their arms were laden with bags from the grocery store. We had just finished lunch, my brother actually cooked! First time ever! We had just loaded the dishwasher when they arrived back.

“Hey mom, more food?” I asked peeking in one of the bags.

“Yeah I'm gonna bake some pies. Want to give me a hand?”

“Sure.” I pulled up the sleeves of my long sleeved t-shirt and unpacked the groceries. After we had barked enough pies to feed the five thousand I dropped on to the couch in the living room.

“Hello.” I answered my phone on the third ring.

“I'm sorry I hung up on you.” Freddie said.

“Why did you do it in the first place?” I asked him quietly.

“I don't know, I guess I felt kind of jealous.” He admitted.

“Well you don't need to be.” I reassured him, he sighed and apologised again. When we got off the phone I realised that he had actually upset me, I know he was my first boyfriend but hanging up on me because I went to a party doesn't sound normal!

The week passed quickly and I was sad that I was going back; my parents dropped me at the airport. I was crying so hard I couldn’t even breathe properly, even though I love my new life it was sad parting with my family. Thanksgiving had been so great it just made me so upset to know that I wasn’t going to see them until Christmas.


pleeeeeaaaaassssssseeeeee dont be too harsh on my first book!!! I no its a typical romance but im just trying to get a grip on this whole writing scene (ok i no violins out!) jus please vote and comment! dont break a girls heart!!! :'(

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