By jimins_bbydoll

26.6K 1.7K 594

Being thrown into a completely new world and falling in love with the Grim Reaper was not on Jimin's bucket-l... More

A Sunrise
The Caged Angel
Magic and Potions
Little Things
Flowers of Apology
Tears of the Past
The One Who Never Stopped Loving
One Wall Down
Fallen Too Far
Easily Broken
He Who Knows It All
Prison of the Paradox
A Possession
An Answer and a Reaping
Unmet Desire
An Angel's Sadness; A Demon's Longing
'I Want You, But How?'
The Past Never Abandons You
Behind the Gunshots, A Frightened Boy
A Deal With the Devil
Fooled Him Twice
The Northern Division
The Reaper and His Angel
Under the Crescent Moon
Five Against the World
Enslaved By the Demon
Sometimes, Love Is Not Enough
The Betrayal
The Nameless Woman
The Price of Knowledge
The Angelic Demon
The Isolation
The Angel's Resistance
Balance and Equality
Tale of the Fallen Warrior
The Melody of the Angel
Battle Scars
Author's Note/ Q & A(?)

The Tomb

324 31 5
By jimins_bbydoll

Idk why i'm holding out updating the chapter bUT



"Alone he cannot, but with us, he can. Witches, come on out!"

At the brisk command, in came a whole horde of witches- men and women alike- some carried weapons like bows and swords.

"I wouldn't say so"

This time, it was from Jimin's right side, that the lilting voice rang out. His smirk grew wider, because yes, yes, yes!

Erata and Fen had also succeeded in their task.

For behind them, were a swarm of Angels, clad in white and armed for offense.

As a portal opened in front of their eyes, out jumped Draiotch.

The Seelie threw him a grin.

Behind him, Jungkook jumped out of the portal, landing on his feet with a soft thud.

Jeon- motherfucking- Jungkook. Jimin had severely told him to stay behind, but of course, when did Jungkook ever listen?

The brat gave him a wink and out came a man who Jimin concluded as Jungkook's real father. The leader of the Korean Mafia. He held an aura about him that excluded quite intimidatingly, just like how Jimin would imagine any Mafia boss would.

Jimin looked at the army he'd given commands to make in less than two weeks, feeling the dread creep up on him slowly, but surely. Ajax was looking at him, calculating his every movement, and Jimin didn't dare give the impression that something was wrong.

But everything was about to go so wrong.

Where were Yoongi and Hosoek?

"Jimin" Seokjin urgently, claiming his attention. "Jimin, you must tell them what needs to happen"

Jimin gulped. He turned to face the entire army behind him, some judging him with narrowed eyes and some looking doubtful.

He didn't know what to say.

His eyes caught on Fen, who nodded at him encouragingly. He looked at each of his friends faces, drawing strength from their smiles. He took a deep breath.

Here goes.

"I know this is sudden" when he spoke up, his voice was stronger than he thought it could be. "But if you let Ajax win today, you might as well as say goodbye to peace" he noticed the shocked looks on some faces at this blunt statement but Jimin had to put it all out to see. He had to make them believe that they must win. "And I know it's harsh, but this is no time to be sugar-coating anything. So I'll give it to you straight. Beyond that army, lies the Spirit of the Good, who has been sealed for eons. And if we are to bring peace to Elyxion and Earth again, we need to release her. I need to release her. The Spirit of the Good, combined with a human host, is what makes the Angel King" At the shocked gasps, Jimin gave a tight smile. "Yes, the lost ruler of the Angels. And I will bring him forth again. So I need your help. I need your help to buy me time to release her. So please, please, help me. And I'm sorry to ask it like this, because it's risky. It's war. But there's no other way"

"So you want us to risk your lives for you?" At the indignant shout from a witch, it was Fen who abruptly stepped up, face showing his muted anger.

"None of you may know, but I am the Angelic Demon" he voiced deeply. "And I vouch for everything he says. If even a single one of you does not want to risk their lives today, we are not urging to you to stay here. But if you feel like it is your duty to Elyxion, then I ask you to stay with us, and fight this out. Because this is our homeland. And we must fight for it"

His words were deep, and enriching. But as Jimin watched, a few people stood up and walked away. He didn't let it affect him. Instead, he gave a brisk nod to those who chose to stay.

"Thank you" Jimin sincerely said. "I will succeed" he vowed.

As the crowd cheered him on, Jimin turned once again to face Ajax wondering why the hell Ajax was waiting long enough for Jimin to give a motivational speech. He was surprised to see the man exchanging rough words with a woman. A woman much like- Jimin drew a sharp breath- Fen.

That must be his sister.

As if realizing this, Fen stepped forward.

His twin- Fey- turned towards him, tears streaking down her face.

"You cannot do this" she sobbed. "You cannot- you cannot release her!"

Fen gave her a hard look. "It is what must be done, sister" the word gnarled on the way out and Jimin hadn't seen Fen look so spiteful before.

Fey chocked on a sob as she looked at the Demon King beside her. "You promised me a better world!" she cried. With an exasperated click, Ajax shoved her to the side. He was aggravated beyond limit now and Jimin could see that his patience was at its limit. He didn't seem to understand Jimin's game plan- and by the way he shoved Fey aside, nor would he ever know about it.

"Is this really what you want?" his voiced boomed over the entire ground. "To be killed in a meaningless battle?" his voice was dripping with venom.

Where ARE you Yoongi?

Jimin was now getting desperate. Were they going to fail? Was Jimin going to end up leading them all to their deaths?

A silence followed Ajax's question and the man growled out a curse.

"Very well then, it is you who has chosen your own death" Jimin watched as he raised his hand to command his army, heart plummeting down to his feet and fists clenching when-


Oh thank god.

Oh thank fucking god.

Jimin whirled around to see Yoongi, in one hand a scythe and in the other a book- running towards him, grinning triumphantly. Joy overtook Jimin as he finally- finally- landed his eyes on the man after so fucking long.

Focus, Jimin.

But Jimin didn't need to be told that. As Yoongi thrust the book into his hands, he was already geared up and ready to go. He had the spell, the final element to conclude everything.

"Yoongi, I need you to come with me to the tomb." he said and Yoongi nodded, lips a thin line. Jimin looked at Ajax, who had once again hesitated. He looked confused. "And also" he added. "I believe in second chances" Yoongi's face was blank as he processed this, but then he nodded again, this time slowly, eyes grim.

"And Erata and Seokjin" he muttered. "Keep Ajax off me"

The two nodded.

"The others" Jimin called out. "Buy me some time. I'll try to be as quick as possible"

They waited. They waited and waited and waited until Ajax finally roared out a command and suddenly, everything was chaos.


Jimin didn't know how to process what had exactly happened, but both sides had rushed forward with roars that were deafening and Yoongi had grabbed Jimin by the wrist, urging him forward.

All around him, the scenes were frightening. It was too soon, but blood was starting to spill.

At one point, Yoongi had to let go of Jimin to defend himself against their enemies. Jimin yelled out, punching as best as he could. One caught him by the neck, squeezing, and Jimin gasped, grabbing the bight book in his hands and hitting the Demon straight on the head and making him fall down with a groan. He didn't know where they were coming from but he blocked out kicks and punches, throwing some of his own, all while keeping the book in his hands secure. At one point, Jimin was sure that something had cut through his skin, for there was a sudden burst of pain and he grit his teeth, willing himself to ignore it and just move forward.

He evaded another assault, throwing a punch straight to a man's jaw and damn did that hurt his knuckles like a bitch.

It seemed that no matter what direction he would choose, there was always someone ready to pounce at him.

More hits. More pain.

Jimin was almost reduced to a shaking mess.

He could see the sudden bursts of light- a product of using magic against offense, and he swereved away from them as best as he could. After all this time, he was still a stranger to magic.

"Jimin!' At Yoongi's cry, Jimin frantically looked for the Reaper who had gone ahead of him. Yoongi gestured to him, only to get punched in that second. He groaned, clutching his stomach as he somehow managed to retaliate.

The sounds of battle was frightening, and he desperately hope that Jungkook was okay in all of this mess.

The gunshots, swords clanking together, the groans of pain- everything was just too much.

Jimin wasn't made for battle.

But then suddenly- suddenly- the Willow was looming over him awfully close.

Jimin winced at another blade grazed his forearm, evading a little too late. He felt exhausted, even with the adrenaline in his system. His feet felt like cement.

"Jimin, come on!"

At Yoongi's cry, Jimin made himself rush forward, ignoring everything else except his need to just end everything, once and for all.

He hauled himself up next to Yoongi, who was panting now, but more composed than Jimin was. Panicked, Jimin grazed his eyes over the roots of the Willow that ran sometimes, even taller than he was.

"Where is it?" he cried over the roars of battle.

But before Jimin could do anything but move a finger, a shrill voice rang out.

"Stop the human! Don't let him find what he wants!"

Jimin's throat dried up. Shit. Shit.

Shit no.

"Jimin, go! Now!"

As Jimin looked at Yoongi, who was swinging his scythe in a sort-of rhythm, Jimin was overwhelmed by panic because there was no way Yoongi could hold back so many people at once.

He shook his head, trying to recollect him thoughts.

Go find the tomb.

"I'll keep you safe, Jimin" Yoongi turned to look at him with a smile that seemed out-of-place for the in such a battlefield. "Go. I'll be fine"

But in the next second, a sword cut across his arm and blood sprang out. Jimin cried out, shocked.

Yoongi threw him a look and croaked out, "Go!"

So Jimin did.

With tears in his eyes, He stumbled over the fucked up roots of the Willow, running desperately around, trying to see where the goddamn tomb was-

Where are you? He cried in his mind. Answer me! Tell me where you are!

He tripped, falling on to his knees, panting and exhausted and he felt like giving up but no. He raised his head to look up at the scene in front of him, for all around him, surrounding the Willow, was the battelfied. Somewhere among the cluster, Erata and Seokjin were fighting side by side against Ajax, keeping him away from Jimin. These were people who had believed in him. Who still believed in him. He couldn't disappoint them. He couldn't.

He picked himself up, wiping the sweat off his forehead as he began to run again. He heard shrieks that commanded people to catch him and kill him, but he wasn't going to be deterred. Not now. Not when he was so close.

Book clutched closer to his chest, Jimin ran as fast as he could, eye running over the Willow with unhidden desperation when-


The tomb.

Hidden cleverly among two twisted pieces of the Willow's roots, was the tomb. And somehow, Jimin knew that it was the one he was looking for. Eyes raking over the carved stone, he fell on to his knees, heart accelerating wildly as he flipped the book to the page Yoongi had dog-eared, hoping that he could read the spell chosen.

The sounds of the battle seemed muted now- it not as loud as Jimin's own heart beat ringing in his ears as his fingers shakily held the book open.

This was it.

To his immense relief, Yoongi had taken care to write the spell down in a way that was easy for Jimin to read.

So, Jimin chanted.

Eyes fixated on the book, Jimin chanted, whole body trembling from head-to-toe.

Maybe he was too engrossed in the spell and zoned out from everything around him, or had just disregarded the sound in his urge to finish the chanting- but whatever it was, suddenly and without a warning, there was a shadow looming over him, pulling him out of his world and in the next second, a blinding pain in his left eye paralyzed his entire body from the shock.

Blood rained down Jimin's face, but that wasn't why he suddenly cried out in agony.

No. The pain was definitely not why he had cried out.

For right in front him, a glistening blade cut through the book, slicing it right in front of Jimin bloodied vision.  


and i oop-

Also i had to consider how Jimin wasn't actually a fighter- he hasnt been to battle or shit

Stay safe and love y'all!!!!


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