From Victim to Lover

By spencerreidluver224

714 34 9

She was the victim and now she's in love with the fellow agent that rescued her. Will it last or will their j... More

The Rescue
Come Back To Me
The Return
Hannah Evans
Lover's Lane
I'd Wait for you
Ghost from my past
Wedding Day
Old Friends

Girl's Night Out

7 1 0
By spencerreidluver224

Hannah's POV 

We walk into the bar and all eyes are on me. I yank the bottoms of my dress down but follow Emily to where Tara, JJ, Penelope, and Savannah are sitting at the bar already drinking. We order our first round of drinks and are already approached by a group of guys. "Hey pretty lady you wanna dance?" a guy asks grabbing my hand and looking at me. I am slightly drunk but deny. "No thank you." I say pushing them away. 

Emily walks back over to us with some guy. "Guys this is Brad. He's a real FBI agent." Emily says smiling at us. "Really?" I ask looking at him. "What's it like at quant-eee-co" Penelope asks. "What section are you in?" Tara asks. "That's classified" Brad says "Do you have to carry a badge and gun" JJ asks "Affirmative" he says looking at all of us. "It must be really hard keeping all of those secrets." Emily says "Yeah it can be. But yeah it's a skill like anything else. Architects are good at building stuff, measuring. FBI is good at keeping secrets." Brad says. "Can we see it?" I ask "See what?" Brad says "Your badge and gun" "That's ummm.." "Classified." we all say. "Tell me something Brad does it look like this?" Emily says pulling her credentials out and holding them up. "Or this" Tara follows "Maybe like this?" I say "No girls I think it looks like this" JJ finished. Brad gets up and walks away and we all order another round. 

After a long night of dancing and 17 rounds of shots, 4 drinks a beer we are all smashed. JJ knew the bartender so he takes everyone's car keys and makes us call our rides. "I am. ummmm. Hahaha. Am going to call my wonderful lover." Penelope says "OOOOO Luke alvez rightttt." I say laughing back. Luke takes Penelope and Tara home. "I think we should go too. I am gonna call Derekkkk" Savannah laughs dialing his number. "OMG. You guys can't leave yet. Wait I am going to call Spencerrrr. My husband. Rossi wanted Grace tonight so he is home by alone." I say falling off the stool and laughing. Me and JJ lay on the floor while Emily and Savannah sit on the stools and we are waiting for our rides. 

Spencer's POV

I am half way through Pride and Prejudice when my phone lights up. I look down and see it's Hannah. I answer. "Hey baby. You okay?" I ask "Helllllloooo. We are really drunk can come pick us up you. JJ needs to go home too." She laughs. "How much did you drink?" I ask getting up. "Ummm Emily bought a lot of shots and then Tara bought drinks for everyone and then Penelope but us each a beer. So a lotttttttt." She say pronouncing all of her T's extensively. I laugh into the phone. "Okay. Baby I am on my way stay where you are." I say. "Don't worry the bartender took all of our keys and gave them to Luke we can't go anywhere. I am laying on the floor with JJ" she says "Okay be there in a minute" I say "Hanging up now." I say ending the call. 

I shake my head and pull up in front of the bar. As I enter the bar I realize how empty it is and notice it's 5:30 in the morning. There she is laying on the floor staring at the ceiling with JJ as her and the other girls laugh. "You weren't lying about laying on the floor." I say walking towards them. "Yayyyy you're hereeeeee. Ahhh I love you. But no wait we can't leave yet Morgan is on his way to get Emily and Savannah so they can go home. We can't leave sem here what if somentin happens" she says standing up. As she tries to walk over to me she falls and laughs. I look at the bartender "How much did they drink?" I ask "17 rounds, 4 scotch's on the rocks, and each had 1 beer so 22 drinks for each of them." he says looking between us. Hannah laughs and falls into me I catch her. "Thank you love. I drank too much. I lovahhhh you. So muchhhh. You're so cuteeee. I didn't dance with anyone else tonight only the girls I promise. Men tried but I told them nope uh-uh I have husband he wait for me." she says kissing my cheek. Morgan walks into the bar we all walk out. "We bring JJ home?" she asks as I put her in the car. "Yes she is already in the back seat okay darling." she nods 

"Hello?" Will answers I could tell he just woke up. "Hey. It's Spencer. I just picked JJ up from the bar with the girls. I am on my way to bring her to you. Please be prepared. They each had 22 drinks and are not at all in the right state of mind." I say pulling on to the street. Once Will gets JJ from the car I have to pull Hannah back in the car. "Bye JJ. See you laterrrrr." Hannah says hanging out the window. She crosses her arms and looks away when I pull her back in. "That was mean. I was saying goodbyes to our friend." She says "and we have to go home and get you to bed and cleaned up. Remember Henry and Kai are running a marathon tomorrow the whole team has to go to the race." I say looking at her. There was no point she is already sleeping against the window. We pull up to the house and I get her out of the car and lift her upstairs. Once I bring her into the house she wakes up and I place her on the couch. That doesn't last long within 10 minutes I am holding her hair back while she is sick in the toilet. "Look away Spencer. Don't see this." she says wiping her mouth. "Just finish and then we can put you to bed." she nods and I lay her in bed around 7:45. The race is at noon so when I wake her up she isn't happy. Before I wake her up, I grab advil a bottle of water and some oatmeal and place them in front of her. I stare at her for a little while watching her peacefully sleep. 

Hannah's POV

"Babe. Babe it's time to get up." Spencer says shaking me. My head instantly throbs. I open my eyes and instantly pull the blankets up over my face shutting the light out. "No more drinking." i mumble into my pillow. "Yeah right. Listen we have to go to. Remember the Marathon the kids are running today we told Will and Joy we would be there. SO you have to get up. I brought you advil, food and water." Spencer says ripping the covers off me, I roll me eyes and take the medicine. "Do you remember anything from last night?" I ask her. "I remember we talked to some who pretended to be an FBI agent and after that no. Did we drink a lot?" I ask looking up at him. I finish the entire bottle of water and get dressed. I make Spencer drive to the race and throw my sunglasses on. When I get there all the girls looked dead. We all are leaning against the railing with our heads down and sunglasses on. 

Once the race begins the crowd behind us won't stop screaming. I look at Spencer and place my head on his shoulder. "If they don't shut up I am going to shoot everyone." I mumble. "I will help" Emily says. "Luke you work for the FBI make the crowd stop screaming please." The race ends and we get into the car. "I am going home and going back to bed." I say looking at Spencer as he pulls out of the parking spot. "That's fine." he says holding my hand. "You are already a bad driver. Eyes on the road not on me." I giggle as he stares at me out of the corner of my eye. "I am not a terrible driver." I roll my eyes "Okay babe whatever you say." I say. We pull up to the house and I walk inside and sit on the couch and Spencer sits next to me and I cuddle in to him. Later that night Rossi drops Grace back off at the house and Spencer moves me to get up and bring her in. She is almost 6 months old and brings us joy. Spencer wakes me up accidently placing her in the high chair so he could watch her while cooking dinner. I wake up and just watch him walk around the kitchen. I walk up and sit in front of the baby and feed her the baby food I bought. He spins around and drops an egg on the ground. "Holy Shit babe. Announce yourself please." I laugh and continue to feed Grace. 


Spencer's POV 

I get home and before I even enter the house I can hear christmas music playing through speakers. I enter the house without Hannah noticing and smile to myself when I see her dancing around the kitchen making dinner and notice the decorations all around the house. She turns around and screams and turns the music down. "Spencer- Damn- you almost gave me a heart attack.- Now I know what you felt like Jeez" she smiles and turns the oven off. "Is that my T shirt?" I ask pointing at her and she nods giggling "You like what I did with the place? I know we are going to Rossi's on christmas but I figured why not decorate anyways it's Grace's first christmas. Plus it makes me happy." She smiles walking over to me "I like it a lot. You going to do the outside?" I ask stopping in the doorway "Yes eventually. Look up baby." she says and I notice the mistletoe hanging above my head I laugh and pull her in for a kiss and we don't stop until I smell smoak "Ummm is that supposed to be smoaking." I ask looking towards the stove she groans "No. I don't know why I tried I can't cook." she says sadly as Grace starts crying "You go get her and I will make dinner." I say kissing her forehead "Thank you." she says. 

When we get into the office the next morning it looks like a winter wonderland and santa claus had thrown up in the office. There is tinsel hanging from the desks and garland on the banister and a tree in the corner with ornaments of the team on them. Hannah squeals "Penelope this looks amazing. OMG you wanna come over this weekend? I have to go christmas shopping for the party and finish the ones for my family. But I need help putting lights on the house and decorating the outside." She says "What did you get yourself into pretty boy?" Morgan asks and Penelope looks like she is going to cry "Of course absolutely yes. Derek you have to come and keep Spencer company. You can bring Hank and Savannah. Please my love?" she asks looking at him "Fine but just to watch the amusement on your beautiful faces and how annoyed Spence here will get with all the decorating." he says laughing "I my friend will not get annoyed. If it makes my wife happy to decorate the house like the north pole than so be it that's what we will do. Either way we are going to need muscle to help us move the christmas boxes out of the basement." I laugh shoving Morgan out of the way. "Is that all you need me for muscle? Seriously I am more than just a hunk of muscle." he says "Of course you are. Now bring me to go get coffee." Penelope says grabbing his hand. They walk away and I smile to myself watching Hannah amused by all the decorating. 

"I never really was fond of christmas. It always led to disappointment you know. Being in 27 foster homes in your childhood can do that to a person. I never celebrated it but now I have a family and a daughter who is going to love christmas. I bought decorations and we will make it an unforgettable christmas." Hannah says to me on the car ride home while watching the houses covered in lights. The awe on her face makes my heart smile. I nod and squeeze her hand.   

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