Without Me || Jikook

By maknxes

120K 6.1K 1.8K

"Because of you, i put my career on the line and didn't care if i lose my fame as long as i make you mine aga... More

1. I need him back
2. You are perfect
3. She wanted Jungkook
4. Are you happy?
5. Fame - The fashion show
6. Better off
8. Guilty [Part 1]
9. Guilty [Part 2]
10. Fooled him
11. Strong man
12. Got no regrets
13. His pride
14. Open your eyes
15. Suspect
16. Someone special
17. You're wrong
18. I'm here for you
19. It's never too late
20. Insane
21. Sight - The ceremony
22. His eyes
23. Unstable
24. She's a woman
25. Toxic
26. I belong to you
27. Nothing feels like you
28. I promise you
29. My point of view
30. The one
31. Mirror reflection
32. Hug me
33. Precious
34. So what?
35. Because of you
36. When it comes to Jungkook
37. Why him?
38. Fall out of love
39. My only family
40. Let me go
41. The love i have for you
42. I'll make it worth it
43. I cared
44. Happy new year - Final

7. Attention seeker

3.3K 197 128
By maknxes

Sunday, next morning.

Joohyun stepped inside the kitchen, asking her maid to make a cup of coffee for her boyfriend that has just arrived at her place.

Without looking around, Jungkook entered Joohyun's wide living room and sat on the couch with a sigh.

He stretched his neck, still feeling exhausted from all the work he had to finish in just hours last night.

After Joohyun's call and the mental breakdown last night, Jungkook managed finish the rest of the papers like he had to while he still cried, which it harassed his eyes.

So no wonder why his eyes were looking a little swollen now and red. But despite that, Jungkook visited Joohyun.

He wasn't able to have a good sleep last night anyway.

However, once Joohyun returned to the living room and sat on the seater couch next to Jungkook's seat, she placed her arm on the armrest, leaning her body towards him and flashed a smile at him. "I'm happy you didn't forget to come over."

Jungkook smiled faintly and rubbed a little with his fingertips his tired eyes then leaned his head back against the couch to rest his shoulders. Not responding.

Joohyun was uneasy. Because of course she remembered all the things she told Jungkook on the call last night the moment she woke up. Not to be feeling guilty about it at all, but she was worried he question her about it and there wasn't any good excuse to make for any words she said.

But she decided to act normal in front of him as long as she was able to as she sat there, stroking her fingers and prayed for mercy.

The awkward silence as Jungkook still refused utter a thing made her a little scared of him. Not knowing if she was able to talk with him because she was afraid to open her mouth to say anything and watch him get frustrated with her, since all she does was getting on his nerves and Joohyun was sure Jungkook was still so pissed at her now and anything would easily make his blood boil.

That would make it hard for her to find words to defend herself. Because Jungkook's raising anger never failed to make her weak and tremble.

She closed her eyes for a second, swallowing, and decided pretend like she didn't remember a thing at all after getting drunk. Returning the smile to her lips.

On the other hand, Jungkook didn't really wish to open that topic, no matter how hurt he was with everything she said, since he was already tired enough and didn't want his condition any way worse than this. He just tried not even think whether Joohyun was telling a clear truth or spoke bullshit.

He wasn't even sure if she remembered the call, but if she did and has just a little bit of manner, she needed to apologize.

But would she?

Jungkook doubted.

He turned his head to her side and their eyes met for a second. Joohyun shivered, giving him nothing more than a short smile since he didn't respond and so she didn't know what to add now.

Joohyun also, definitely didn't want to look like she remembered, or let Jungkook realize she meant the things she said. But a little did she know that Jungkook didn't need to make sure she meant them because he knew she did.

There's when the maid came, holding a small tray with a cup of coffee. Jungkook sat up and thanked her, taking the cup.

"Baby?" Joohyun called when the maid left. 

"Yeah?" Jungkook responded into a soft sigh and took a small sip of the hot coffee, hoping this would relax his head.

"Seulgi's wedding is soon."

Jungkook frowned in confusion and Joohyun continued, "It's next weekend, Saturday."


The model had already lied to convince Seulgi that Jungkook wanted to be in her wedding. So she couldn't find it hard lie to Jungkook too, about what she had in mind to say.

In fact, lying to Jungkook was easier.  

She smiled. "So, Seulgi asked me to invite you."

"Huh?" Jungkook asked, surprised. "I'm invited too?"


Jungkook never really thought Seulgi would invite him to her wedding too, definitely for the fact he broke it up with her precious best friend Jimin. So he drank and wondered for long seconds with his eyebrow raised until he realized something. 

Oh, Jimin.

Right! Jimin was going to be definitely there.

"And so that means we are going together." Joohyun added.

And so that meant Jungkook was going to see Jimin.

Jungkook's feelings raced. He inhaled and exhaled softly, eyelashes fluttering. He had no idea how to feel about this now. If he should be happy to be invited so he could see Jimin again, or hesitant since he doubted Jimin was wishing to see him.

He thought Jimin hated him after all he knew. So the thought Jimin will be disgusted and hurt to look at him, made Jungkook's eyes dull.

Yet, seeing Jimin was Jungkook's one and only wish. He couldn't help the little weak smile that formed on his lips to think he'd be able do, even if from distance. 

His lips pressed against the cup, Jungkook drank his coffee with his gaze focusing on nothing in particular as he thought about that all at once in only few seconds until his lips left the cup and a long sigh escaped them. "I'll think about it."

If he agreed, It'll be the very first time for Jungkook to see Jimin after their break up.  So that made him feel uneasy.

Yes. Because he couldn't get a guess what would Jimin's reaction be.

Jungkook knew, even Joohyun did, that Jungkook won't have the gut to face Jimin, but despite everything, he wanted to see him because he missed him, he longed for him.

Jimin won't be happy to see him with his girlfriend. Jimin would actually be so hurt but Jungkook wanted just a chance to maybe apologize to him and explain himself even if he didn't really know how to do such thing after hurting him so bad like he did. He didn't know if he was able to fix a thing, though. But even if he doubted his reasons were sensible, he wanted to try, for Jimin he wanted to do. Because as much as Jimin didn't want to lose him, Jungkook didn't either.

Jungkook thought and completely forgot about Joohyun that was watching him, studying him, not really realizing how he managed look so distracted like that while he was staring at the coffee inside the cup between his hands.

"What's wrong, Jungkook?"

"Oh, nothing.. just confused why would Seulgi invite me." Jungkook shrugged and finally looked at her.

"Oh Honey, She insisted. " She smiled at him,"But i meant why you're so quiet? Are you.. okay? Your eyes are red also."

He hummed. "Is it obvious?" Sighed and placed the cup down after he finished half of the coffee. "Yes I was-"

Crying over Jimin while working.

"... working. I'm tired."

"Yea."Joohyun smiled faintly. "Anyway, Ask me how was the show." She giggled.

Jungkook paused. He paused because he couldn't believe Joohyun actually suddenly decided to be funny and respond with that. He wasn't surprised though. But he chuckled at the fact how she ignored him to turn the attentions on her without respecting the fact he wasn't okay and shook his head.

He pulled his phone out, unlocked it and opened Instagram. Because why would he care if she ignored while he can do the same, without wasting his time on her.

He could just look at Jimin's pictures from last night and not give a damn.

He was done being nice for now. Jungkook rested his elbows on his thighs and opened the explore page, searching his famous lover's name.

The pictures popped up and Jungkook smiled to himself at the newest pictures from Jimin on the red carpet and stage last night. He was able to feel warm inside by just looking at his beautiful smile, completely ignoring Joohyun, not caring what was she thinking to herself now.

He saw pictures of Jimin on different pages with different actions and perspectives. Him chatting, smiling, laughing. A picture of him with his fingers in his hair.

Jimin looked-

Damn! Like a god. Jimin was Indeed a perfect man.

But wait.

Who's this?

Jungkook asked himself when he scrolled and noticed a picture of Kim Taehyung holding Jimin close to him with wide smiles on both of their faces.

Jungkook couldn't remember he saw that man with his boyfriend before so he wasn't his friend.


He slid in the comment section and,

Top comments.

"They look perfect together! Just like couples. Like if you agree."

Jungkook's eyebrows curled, looking at the 1011 likes on that.

"Kim Taehyung didn't stand to take pictures with anyone but only Park Jimin??! Jimin was obviously enjoying it."



Jungkook blinked and took long minutes there staring at that picture before he closed the app and decided go search the model's name.

Joohyun there next to his side, was close to tear up as she was looking down at her fingers, twiddling them and biting her lower lip.

She felt upset and just for a second she thought of apologizing.

But she's Joohyun though. Even if did upset Jungkook many times, she never apologizes.

But could she try at least embrace him?

The model looked to the side at Jungkook, a tear stung her eyes.

"Jungkook?" She called into a sad tone, trying to form a smile on her face and approached Jungkook's frame, sitting closer.

Right as Jungkook was googling Kim Taehyung's name, Joohyun placed her hand on his shoulder, making him flinch and almost immediately switch the phone screen off and look at her as if he just snapped back to reality.

"Yes?" Jungkook's gaze moved down, realizing now how close she sat.

".. You didn't answer me."

"Oh.. uh, what did you say though?"

"What's with you?" She raised her voice a little.

".. excuse me?"

"You gave me attitudes, ignored me more than once and now you didn't hear me!"

Jungkook blinked three times and looked away from her gaze immediately. "It's not like that. I seriously have headache. I slept at four in the morning. That's all."

"Well i slept at four too!" she crossed her arms, leaning back.

Jungkook scoffed. "You slept at four because you were out enjoying your time drinking after midnight with some famous ass people. But i slept at four because I spent the night working on paperworks in the office. There's so much difference between these two, Joohyun."

"Wait- you were in the office last night?"

"Ah, you never care, though. Not even if you knew, right? so why are you asking?" Jungkook chuckled. "Besides, you pissed me enough last night. I'm too tired to start an argument now so I'm ignoring. But i thought at least you'd apologize."

"Last night?" she blinked, trying to look brave. "What did i do?"

"So you don't remember?"

"Remember what?!" Joohyun, obviously, wasn't ready to give in. She huffed and tried speak carefully next. "All i tried say is, you're with me but you're ignoring me."

"That's definitely not all you tried say." Jungkook rolled his eyes, looked away and got up. "But listen. I'm too tired to convince you how tired i am. So I'm going upstairs to give my head a rest instead." He turned around but stopped. "But yea, I just remembered what you told me and you know what? You've been acting like the show was your whole life Joohyun."

She got up almost instantly and stood in front of him, "The show is a part of my fame and my life depends on my fame! You can never understand!!"

"What's with you seriously?" Jungkook snapped, "I know what your Life depends on and I know your priorities. I know, so why you want to be so Annoying about it?"

She continued to stare hard at Jungkook and from the angle of her eyes noticed the maid standing in the kitchen, looking at them arguing.

She breathed out softly, "The maid's watching-"

"I don't give a damn! " Jungkook continued. "I'm giving attitudes. Yes, because I'm tired. I ignored. Yes, because you did the same. You do not respect me! .. I'm here to 'visit' you, just like you asked. But look how you treat me Joohyun. I gave you attention yesterday like you asked. I liked every picture you updated when you know i didn't want that. Then now you are raising your voice at me but when i do back it's wrong because the maid is watching?" Jungkook let out a frustrated laughed, pushing his hair back, a hand on his side.


"I guess i see what you are now." Jungkook carried on, making Joohyun's mouth close. "You never really cared about me but you get mad when i don't. You say i don't understand when it's You that can't understand how tiring my work is. Besides that, you're too attached to praise! You try too hard to be unique! You fish for compliments! Ah.. now i know what. Now i know what you are. Should i tell you?"

"You are an attention seeker!" Jungkook finished and walked away, leaving the living room to go rest in Joohyun's room upstairs as the model stood frozen where she was, shocked by Jungkook's words.

She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe Jungkook dared argue with her like that and leave.

However, the angry man entered the room and pushed the door, slamming it close. Right when he was about to sit on the bed, the door opened and he turned around.

There Joohyun stood, holding the doorknob so tight, panting with anger that was showing all over her face.

Jungkook sighed voicelessly. "What do you want now?"

"Say sorry, Jungkook." She mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

That was the last thing he expected her say. Yet, it was again funny.

"I said, say sorry!!" She repeated shouting with a dark gaze. "For calling me an attention seeker!"

"You made me do it!!" He snapped, "It's the truth though! And you're mad with me now because you know i was right!! Now please leave me alone!"

"First, say sorry!!"

As soon as she stood before him and yelled those words, Jungkook didn't hesitate to grab her arms with a harsh grasp, making her gasp, and slammed her against the wall behind her. He grabbed her so tight that his arms' veins popped out, with anger burning through him. "Bae Joohyun!? You begged me to call you a slut in bed the other night. Now you're asking me to apologize for calling you an attention seeker??"

"J-Jungkook.. " The model trembled as she pressed her back against the wall in fear, holding Jungkook's wrists and tried to somehow pull his hands off her. "Let go!! .."

"If i let go, will you leave me fucking alone??"

The model panted faster. But she looked up at Jungkook's face that turned red and frowned. "It's my room! .. it's my house!!" She clawed at Jungkook's wrists since he hurt her arms by holding her forcefully like that and breathed out.

Jungkook just pushed her against the wall harder and tightened his grip around her arms, making her flutter and whimper in pain. "If you don't leave me alone, I'll make you regret, Joohyun."

"J-Jungkook.. that h-hurts!" The power Jungkook's word held, made her feel weak. She hissed and cried looking into his eyes. "p-please.. "

"Then Just Leave!!" He breathed and pushed her towards the door.

She shaked and began to sob before she immediately run out of the room.  

The man shut the door close behind her and locked it. He stood slamming his palms against it and turned around, throwing himself on the bed over his back.

Taking slow breathes with his hands shaking a little as he tried to calm down. He pressed his lips together to think he went way too hard on the woman but cussed at that in his head then pulled his phone out, brought it up his face, unlocking it.

Jungkook's eyelashes fluttered once his eyes were filled with sudden tears looking at the screen that showed Kim Taehyung then switched back to Instagram where there was the picture of him next to Jimin smiling.

Jungkook focused on his lover and the way he badly wanted to kiss him all over his face overwhelmed him to the point he started to cry with silent tears.

He was desperate now.

Jungkook was desperate to get Jimin back, telling him that he loved him and never stopped loving him and he wanted nothing then but Jimin to believe him. He looked at Jimin's smile and happy expression on the pictures, and sniffed.

"He's better without you."

"Jimin is better off without you."

Joohyun was right, though. Jimin looked so happy. And happier hugging Taehyung that close. That handsome man looked so famous and into Jimin.

That was obvious!

Jungkook thought if Jimin could give someone a chance with him and start a new life without him, completely forgetting about him.

But the real question was,

⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀

Are you really going to let Taehyung take your man Jungkook?

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