Turpentine & Vetiver

By dergrauel

753 94 68

Book 2 in the Red Void Series, parallel to Saltwater & Ink. Takes place in the same time frame, but from Thor... More

1. Thorn -the pure soul is a pure lie- Nietzsche
2. Baptism -they muddy the water, to make it seem deep- Nietzsche
3. Trauma -what matters most is how well you walk through the fire-Bukowski
4. Rage -strange how we decorate pain-Margaret Atwood
5. Obsession -follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly-Kafka
6. The Performance -we have art in order not to die from the truth-Nietzsche
7. Aftermath -art should comfort the disturbed & disturb the comfortable -Banksy
8. Void Vision -the oldest & strongest fear is fear of the unknown-Lovecraft
9. Watching You -create silence-Albert Camus
10. Dark Observation -evil is whatever distracts-Franz Kafka
11. Coordinates -I do not know myself completely-Franz Kafka
12. Reality -I am touched by your beautiful anxiety about life-Rilke
13. Blood Sacrifices -the cure for pain is in the pain-Rumi
15. Red Paint -from which stars have we fallen to meet each other here-Nietzsche
16. Erase Myself -find what you love and let it kill you- Bukowski
17. Perversion -eyes. those damn eyes fucked me forever- Bukowski
18. Damnation -first we feel, then we fall- James Joyce
19. Black Paint -we suffer more in imagination than in reality-Seneca
20. Realization -the more you love, the more you suffer-Vincent Van Gogh
21. Confrontation -the beginning is always today- Mary Shelley
22. Fiction -fiction is the lie through which we see the truth-Camus
23. Destruction - every act of creation is first an act of destruction- Picasso
24. Acceptance
25. Understanding
26. Haunted -invisible threads are the strongest ties- Nietzsche
27. Into the Void -you are the knife I turn inside myself; that is love -Kafka
28. Disrepair
29. Returning [ 1 YEAR AFTER THE VOID ]
30. Isolation Chamber
31. Sleep Paralysis
32. Love -if I know what love is, it is because of you. - Herman Hesse
33. The Parallels (Oath of Darkness)

14. Waiting In Silence -the human is evil- Nietzsche

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By dergrauel

   The night was cold and still, a certain undefined silence under the dark skies. Thorn sat in the back of Tapestry, formulating his dark plan. He knew the Red Void was getting close again, and it was long overdue since he had killed someone. It had been at least a year, and he was surprised he had been able to control the darkness inside for this long. Inky was the only one who'd been distracting him from these dark deeds- but now he would kill someone for her. This is getting ridiculous- I don't even know what I feel for her; I'd kill someone for her sake, I've even hurt myself to keep the Red Void away from her. She doesn't know what I'm capable of...
   Thorn stared idly in the direction of the bar, his target was working tonight, not aware that she was his intended victim; a sacrifice to the abomination in the void. He'd been at Tapestry for several hours, working on a research paper and trying to appear quiet and unassuming. Dani had started working the late shift, and had only been here for maybe half an hour. Following someone to find out their schedule was a tedious, time-consuming job- especially somebody as boring as Dani. He planned on waiting here at the bar until after she was off work, but it was only a quarter past 10:00 and he was quickly growing impatient- wishing he had a better method to his madness. I'd much rather be watching Inky right now. This feels like a waste of my time, he thought, drinking his gin and tonic.
   The hours slipped by with painstaking slowness, and Thorn had nearly finished his research by the time the bartenders had announced last call. He had only been able to have one drink so as not to impair his judgement and reflexes when the time came to carry out this particular indiscretion. He hoped that she wouldn't put up a fight- any unwanted attention she'd draw would be most unwelcome and difficult to explain. He paid for the drink in cash, making sure to thank the other bartender. "I'll be going out of town for a business trip- if Cayson comes by and asks for me, let him know I'm busy." The bartender said he'd pass the word on, and Thorn stepped out into the night, satisfied with his lie. It might not be the best alibi, but it'll have to do, he thought.
   Thorn drove his car a few blocks away, making sure the rental was well-hidden from the fluorescent streetlights and any surveillance cameras nearby. He hoped that everyone who might have seen him at Tapestry would assume he'd gone home. He waited another hour for Dani to finish her closing tasks at the bar; it was now nearly 3:00 in the morning. How damn long does it take for you to close a bar, are you incompetent or wasting time gossiping? Thorn wondered, making sure he had everything ready he needed to accomplish ending her worthless existence.
   Double-checking everything was, in fact, there- he stepped out of the car, leaving it unlocked. It was a fairly safe neighborhood with an average crime rate, and Thorn wasn't worried about anyone breaking into his rental car. He walked casually down the alleyway, catching a glimpse of his reflection in an oily puddle. Nobody will be able to recognize me now, he thought, staring at the blank face mirrored back. Thorn wore all black as usual, blending in with the night- however, tonight he wore a black hooded sweatshirt with a featureless white mask underneath to disguise his face. He didn't want to run the risk of leaving fingerprints at the soon-to-be crime scene; so he wore a pair of black disposable gloves as well- though they were ill-fitting, sticking uncomfortably to his skin.
   He'd also bought a new pair of plain black leather work boots- with a generic pattern on the sole that would leave common, unremarkable footprints. Everything had to be planned out carefully, methodically- every detail was precise and exactly as he had planned. Thorn smiled darkly behind the mask, his reflection showing nothing of his identity besides the cold black eyes beneath. In the back of the rental car was a sheet of plastic, a roll of duct tape, zip-ties, and several assorted hunting knives. Bladed weapons had always been his tool of choice for the job- though they were messy; it was more personal, more of a challenge than shooting someone and walking away.
   Thorn decided he didn't particularly care for the actual act of killing- he felt ambivalent at the very least. It was the methodical preparation and control that he truly desired; the aspect of having power over somebody else's pathetic life. He didn't mind the blood, either- after everything was over with. It was yet another medium he could use in his dark artwork, yet he knew it was foolish to keep the evidence. The law enforcement in this town and the neighboring areas weren't the most intelligent, as Thorn had killed before- five people; with no repercussions or remorse.
   Avoiding the streetlights, Thorn moved slowly down the alleyway behind Tapestry, slipping silently through the shadows, blending in to his dark surroundings. In his left hand was a small cloth soaked in chloroform, which he'd obtained in a semi-illegal manner. He heard the jangling of keys, and saw that Dani was locking up the back door of the bar; she'd appeared to have had several drinks prior to leaving- drunkenly fumbling with her keys. Thorn could smell the cheap vodka in the air- even standing as far away from her as he was. He would have preferred her to be sober and painfully aware of her last night on Earth, but this was yet another thing he could not control.
   Dani finished locking the door, drunkenly mumbling to herself about the bad tips of the night. Well, you won't have to worry about the customers where you're going next, he thought in amusement. Thorn stepped out of the shadowed area he'd been concealed in, accidentally kicking a half-broken glass beer bottle with his boot. Dammit- that was loud, he cursed himself in annoyance. Dani looked up, her pale blue eyes glassy from the alcohol. She searched the alleyway briefly, not noticing Thorn standing like a statue by the green metal Dumpster. He was looking down, the blank mask hidden from view.
   She turned, ready to walk back to her car and leave; and Thorn moved quickly to stop her, reaching out his gloved hand and holding the chloroform-soaked cloth over her face. Dani struggled slightly at first, attempting to jab at him with her keys, but the position she was in was awkward enough that she went unconscious and limp before she could do any damage. She nearly fell to the ground; and Thorn had to grab the back of her jacket, along with a handful of long brown hair, to keep her from hitting the wet pavement. Now, I can't have you leaving any unnecessary evidence all over the place, he thought, holding her unconscious body upright at an arm's length away.
   Thorn figured the best way to get her back to his vehicle without drawing suspicion was to go with the fact she was already inebriated, and if anyone asked, she had blacked out and he was taking her home. He knew the white mask looked conspicuous, but it served to disguise his face from onlookers. I'm a bit out of practice, he thought sarcastically. Dani reeked of vodka and generic floral perfume, and Thorn was immediately disgusted having her unconscious form this close to him.
   Everything about her was off-putting;  she was a snobby, entitled rich girl who hung out with artists- though her own attempt at artwork was laughable. Her designer clothes probably cost more than a month's rent, and she seemed to be a judgmental, shallow person with no substance and expensive taste. Thorn supposed that other people probably found her attractive; she had long brown hair with carefully maintained highlights, ice-blue eyes behind tortoiseshell glasses, and a prim, superior attitude- Danielle McKenna was the epitome of a spoiled little rich girl who lived off her parents' paycheck. Your parents won't be supporting your lifestyle once you're dead, Dani- you'll belong to the Red Void soon enough. Once you're dead- the abomination will have its way with you, I'm almost sorry I won't be around to see it...
   He propped her up against his shoulder, taking her keys from her hand, and awkwardly shuffled down the alleyway with her dead weight leaning against him. Once he made his way back to the rental car, he dumped her unceremoniously into the trunk, placing a strip of shiny silver duct tape over her mouth. Thorn wasn't sure how long the effects of the chloroform would last, and he erred on the side of caution; attaching black plastic zip-ties tightly around her wrists and ankles. Now that she'd been rendered completely immobile, he was satisfied with his work, and closed the trunk of the car. Thorn drove down to the shipyard, where he'd originally planned to commit this unspeakable transgression.
   The familiar scent of salt air surrounded him, and Thorn dragged the unconscious body out of the back of his vehicle, placing her on the sand. He had chosen this location due to its lack of cameras, and it tended to be isolated during the night. It was 3:30 in the morning, nobody was here to witness what he intended to do. He'd folded the plastic sheeting up neatly next to Dani's unmoving figure; and as a dark afterthought, had procured a glass jar in which to collect some of her blood for his artwork. Thorn did not intend on torturing her physically, he kept the method of murder quick- but he did plan on her being aware of exactly why she was chosen to die tonight. Inky could have been assaulted, and you found humor in the situation? What kind of terrible person does that- let alone what kind of friend? You're not her friend, you're nothing, Dani. You will soon become fodder for the abomination, and I sure as hell won't mourn your loss.
   Pouring a handful of saltwater over her face, Thorn watched as Dani slowly came back to reality. Her pale blue eyes stared in confusion at her dark surroundings, confusion that morphed into terror when she realized that she was immobilized on the sandy beach. She glanced around in panic, her eyes finally settling on Thorn, who was still wearing his masked disguise. Dani attempted to talk, but the tape covering her mouth prevented her from doing so. Thorn didn't want to hear her speak regardless, there was nothing she could say that would make him change his mind about killing her. Instead, he spoke first, voice slightly muffled beneath the mask.
   "You're probably wondering why you're here- people like you; so unaware of their actions, so foolishly entitled in their everyday lives. You really should have kept your opinion to yourself, Dani." He emphasized the fact he knew her name, so she wouldn't just assume she was a randomly selected victim of circumstance. Everything I do is with purpose, including killing you. Her eyes grew wide, and she struggled to free herself from her plastic bindings. Her long brown hair had become stringy with sweat, sticking to her face from the effort of escape. "Don't think you're going anywhere- this is the end for you. First, I'm going to kill you, then I'm going to give you to the abomination that lives in the Red Void." Thorn spoke calmly, matter-of-fact about what he intended on doing to her.
   She struggled harder this time, desperate to free herself from this inevitable fate. He stared at her impassively, then spoke again. "If I take the tape off, you can't scream. If you do, I'll only make it hurt worse for you," he warned. Dani nodded quickly, eyes filled with complete fear and lack of control. Thorn smiled to himself at her expression, he wanted her to know she had no way of escaping what was going to happen to her. He slowly peeled the tape off her mouth, and she stared at him, her expression like a dead fish. "Why- are you doing this to me?" Dani asked, tears running down her face now. Unlike when he saw Inky cry- which made him feel helpless and uncomfortable- he felt nothing inside except emptiness.
   "First of all," he replied darkly, "why the hell not. I don't like you, and there's no reason for you to be alive." Thorn laughed a bit at this, and Dani made a pathetic noise. "Secondly, it's because of how you reacted when Miranda joked about- something bad happening to Inky. I really don't appreciate it when people find humor at the expense of-" he paused, unsure how to explain this part to her. Dani sniffled, eyes turning upwards to look at him. He doubted she knew who he was behind the ominous white mask; unless she somehow recognized his voice through her drunken stupor. "What do you mean? How do you know Inky- she's just a weirdo who works with me at the Gallery, and I'm dating her friend." Dani seemed more coherent now; perhaps the effects of the chloroform and alcohol cocktail were indeed wearing off. Her words angered Thorn- how dare she insult Inky again, and right to his face?
   "Inky isn't a weirdo- she's more talented than you'll ever be. You're a bad bartender and a worse artist, and that's all you'll ever be remembered for." He cursed himself for losing control like this- showing his anger, but he couldn't stand the pathetic woman in front of him- pleading for her meaningless existence. "You're not a good person, Danielle. Inky doesn't need someone like you in her life, so I've opted to- remove you. Do you have any last words? Maybe an apology?" Dani just stared, tears streaming from her bloodshot eyes. "Who the fuck are you?" she whispered, and Thorn slowly took off his mask, allowing her to see the face of her executioner. Her eyes filled with shock and recognition almost immediately.
   "Thorn Keir? What the hell are you doing here- why are you doing this to me?" Dani asked, and he laughed again humorlessly. "I already told you why I'm here. I'm going to kill you. Were you even listening the first time, or are you as stupid as you look? You're going to die because of what you said about Inky- oh, and because of the way you reacted to my art show. Now- I want you to say you're sorry." Thorn stared at her coldly, expression intimidating and remorseless. She shook her head in disbelief. "Okay- I'm sorry, I'm sorry- now can you please just let me go? I won't talk to either of you ever again." Now she was trying to rationalize with him, and her apology sounded flat and insincere. "You don't sound very sorry to me," he answered, pulling out the large knife he'd kept carefully hidden behind his back. Dani tried to crawl away from him across the sand, absolutely horrified; her eyes scanning the horizon for an exit- when there was no place to go. Do you not comprehend there's no running away now? Thorn mused, staring at the sharp blade in his gloved hand.
   He walked across the beach, grabbing her by the arm and pushing her down roughly onto the sand. She made a sound of protest, trying to twist away from his grasp. "Apologize, right now-" he insisted, and held the knife in front of her face. Dani choked back tears, mumbling incoherently to herself. "I- I'm sorry," she sobbed pleadingly, eyes meeting his. Thorn saw the look of fear and revulsion in her gaze, and knew that he must end her life soon. "Don't apologize to me- apologize to her. To INKY," he stared back at her with murderous intent, pressing the edge of the knife blade slowly into the side of her neck.
   "I'm sorry, Inky," Dani whispered softly, her broken voice carried away into the night. Her eyes were full of defeat; and she looked as though she were already giving up, accepting the unavoidable. Thorn nodded, finally finding her apology satisfactory. He pressed harder with the knife; a small trickle of blood dripped down onto the collar of her shirt. "Can I ask you something?" she asked in a strained voice. Thorn looked at her in curiosity- what the hell could she possibly want now? "Do you love her?" she asked quietly, staring down at the sand beneath her.
   Thorn was taken aback- he had no idea how to respond to this. He'd never loved anybody- not even his parents- especially not his parents. I'm not capable of- that particular emotion, he thought; feeling a sudden, sharp emptiness. He turned to Dani, forcing her to look up at him with the tip of the blade. Very carefully, he answered- each word precise and full of purpose. "I don't feel anything. I'm a psychopath. I'm not capable of love," Thorn admitted, confessing his darkest secret. He drew back the knife, slashing it across Dani's throat in one fluid motion, watching intently as the bright red blood spilled out, glistening wetly under the cold moonlight. Her body slumped sideways to the sand, blood pouring out at an accelerated rate.
   The wound emitted a disturbing gurgling sound, as it appeared she was drowning in her own spilt life. All Thorn could think about was the question she'd asked him- her last words. Do you love her? He shook his head, mind conflicted once again. He knew he was capable of dreadful atrocities- but love? He knew nothing of it, it was a foreign concept to him. Thorn wrapped the cold body in the plastic sheet after collecting some of the blood, then carried Dani's corpse out to the sea; wading out through the dark water as far as he dared to go, before letting her body be carried away by the tides. Dani's question consumed his thoughts as he silently walked back up the beach. "Do you love her?"

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