Babe, I Love You

By kimjagganim

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Fate decides to bring rough circumstances for the two lovers who just started to madly fall in love with each... More

The Beginning or The End?
Open Gate
The Encounter
The Moves
Fly Me To The Moon
Hide and Seek
Hear Me Out
Letting You Go
His Story
A Second Chance?
Only You
Wet Drops
Stick with You
Mi Amore
Baby Yejin
Ice Cream
A Whole New World
4 Years Before HER Present
4 Years Before HIS Present
It's Been A While
You're My Home
I Choose You
Unending Challenges
Your Captain
The Hyun Family
Special Chapter I - Family Day
Special Chapter II - Device


2.8K 153 65
By kimjagganim

"I'm sorry."

The short and painful line she least expected to receive from Bin.

'What the fuck!!! Why Bin, why!? After waiting for how many godforsaken days, that's the only thing you could say to me? You don't have any care to explain what happened to you? What happened to us? Just your injustice sorry?'

She's sure that even she didn't hear an explanation from him yet, the pictures she saw already says it all.

Her world is slowly crashing with the thought that what if Bin only approached her to satisfy his lustful needs? What if he only used her as his pastime while waiting for his marriage? She wants to know about his relationship with that woman even before they tied the knot. How did he sneak time for a month to be with her? And so on and so forth... Her heart is pumping so fast again. Her whole body is screaming again and again.

Yejin can't utter a single word but only to let out the flowing tears from her eyes. She's hurting and getting angry at the same time.

Her mind and heart are starting to battle... 'Should I respond? No, don't. So what should I say? Should I curse him? No. I can't. I don't know what to say.'

She hits her left chest using her right hand since it feels like a block of concrete is drying in her heart. The man she thought who loves her is ripping her off. The man she thought is different from the others is leaving her hanging. The man who promised her nothing but felicity and harmless love got married to a different woman. Now, where are those bullshit promises? Everything was a lie. A big fucking lie.

While her breaths are getting heavy along with her cries, she heard her phone beeped again.

It's from him.

"Yej, can I call you?"


Again, she can't.

It's impossible for her to talk to him at this state. Her whole body is trembling. She even doesn't want to face the reality yet that Bin is no longer calling her his "baby"— her favorite word hearing from him since the day they started dating. The word that she didn't know will be taken away from her that fast.

Yejin stood up and throw her phone to her bed. Slowly, her feet are bringing her to the farthest corner of her room while covering her face with her hands. Her back hits the wall and her knees were bending making her sits on the floor.

Bending on her knees, she tardily hugs them and rested her head. She never stood up. Never had any strength to chew a meal for the whole day. She stayed like that for God knows how many long hours while crying her heart out.


6:30 AM

Yejin woke up from the annoying alarm tone of her phone. She didn't realize that she slept on the cold floor until she opened her swelling eyes.

Her head is spinning. She felt dizzy. She felt so weak.

Yet, she took all her courage to stand up by leaning her hands on the wall for support. She walks slowly going out from her room and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water as she felt discomfort on her throat.

After gulping the last drop of water, she stuck her eyes straight to the wall.

"You need to face this battle, Yej. It's not something new. You were used to this." She told herself and put the empty glass on the sink.

Trying to start her day as normal as possible, she went to the bathroom to take a warm shower. After she freshens up, she went to her closet and dressed up to her usual office attire. She also put some red tint on her lips and a light shade of concealer to cover up the dark circles around her eyes.

She went out early from her flat, wanting to make sure that she'll arrive first at their office's building before her other workmates.

Yejin decided to focus on her untouched reports to be submitted in the next few business days. Making herself busy with her paperwork is a great escape from her broken heart in the meantime.

Until someone is knocking on her door.

"Yes, come in." She says.

It's Lee Jooyoung. She went closer to her and sits on one of the chairs in front of her office table.

"Son maenijoenim, we were already out of stock for some of our best-selling products. The invoicing team is currently having a hard time getting items from other branches for their extra inventories, and there's a customer in the releasing area waiting for her twelve boxes of orders." Jooyoung worriedly stated.

Yejin stops scanning the paper folds on her table and tapped her head using her right hand.

"Oh... I'm sorry Jooyoung-ah, I totally forgot to send a request for the products from the main branch's warehouse. As you may know, I was out of the office yesterday." Yejin frustratingly answered.

"It's okay, maenijeonim... But, can you call the last branch that the invoice team haven't contacted yet? I'm sure if you'll be the one to ask a request, they will spare at least twelve boxes for us."

"Okay, sure." Yejin took the telephone ready to dial the other branch's number... "Which branch it is?"

"Sacheon branch."

She paused. Fuck, of all the branches, why their branch?

Jooyoung waited for her to dailed the Sacheon branch's number, but still, Yejin didn't move.

"Son maenijeonim, are you okay? Maenijeonim?"

She froze. What if Bin will answer the call? What the fuck! She wanted to be professional as much as possible, but right now, she can't do it.

"Uhmm... Jooyoung-ah, I... I think I need to send a message first before calling them since as far as I know, that branch is also quite busy. Don't worry, I'll update you as soon as I can hear a response from them." She promised.

Since Jooyoung was also busy at their warehouse area and needs to go back immediately to her post, she just nodded to her manager and steps out from Yejin's office.

After Jooyoung closed the door, Yejin closes her eyes and covers her face using her hands. She's literally worried about the possible thought of calling the Sacheon branch and Bin will answer the call.

Minutes after, an idea popped up in her head. She can actually call directly to the Warehouse Manager of the Sacheon branch, so she instantly dialed the designated number.

Thankfully, the Warehouse Manager of Sacheon branch approved her request with no trouble. But before she ended the call after saying thank you, she asked one last question to the other line...

"Is your Head Manager on duty?" She asked, but tried her best to sound professional as much as possible.

While waiting for an answer from the other line, she already felt nervous.

Until she heard the Warehouse Head answered her question...

"Oh, no, Ms Son... Hyun maenijeonim is currently on leave for three days now. But, I think he will be back on Monday after his Jeju honeymoon trip."

She gulped hard. She froze. A big lump on her throat is making her hard to breathe. She wants to take back the question she asked earlier, but it's already too late.

Yejin didn't answer the other line anymore as she slowly puts the telephone hanging on top of her table. She doesn't care if the Warehouse Head will think of her being rude, but that's the least of her concerns at this fucking moment.

Emotionally unstable, she leaned her back and rested her head on her office chair where she seated. She closed her eyes and started wiping the little but painful tears on each side of her face. She tried to calm her breathing again, but still, her heart is still aching with the 'honeymoon' word she just heard.

Yejin took her phone and texted her Managing Director informing him that she wants to have a half-day of duty for today. Using the 'family matter' line as an excuse for her absence so her request will be approved without hesitation.

She took her things and headed outside from their branch's building. She actually didn't know where to go. Not wanting to contact her best friend as she knows Hyojin is also busy with her job. If she will also call her cousin, she might also be shocked if she will tell her about the status of her relationship with Bin since she just happily told her a few weeks ago about their blooming love story.

A few taxis and buses already stopped and passed in front of her, but she didn't hop in. She's just sitting blankly at the bench of the bus stop not far away from their office.

She shakes her head when she started thinking the thought of Bin having sex with his wife now. Having their lunch at a romantic restaurant beside the beautiful sea in Jeju. Hugging and kissing his wife like what he usually did to her at her flat— when they still have their own world. Singing a song to her that makes his wife fall in love with him a hundred folds like her.

Tears starting flowing down again on her face.

While she bowed her head and started wiping her tears, she sees a manly hand offering a handkerchief to her. She looked up to see who's the person standing beside her.

After she recognized the man, she stood up and talk to him...

"Yah! Hoobae Changwook-ah!" She excitedly said.

It's Ji Changwook. Her junior club mate in musical theatre during their college years.

"Sunbae (senior), are you okay?" Changwook worriedly asked as he noticed the redness and tears of Yejin's eyes.

Yejin took his handkerchief and wipes the remaining drops in her face... "No, I'm okay. Why are you here? I thought you went abroad after you graduated."

Changwook took her bag in the bench and hold her wrist... "I bet you haven't taken your lunch yet, sunbae. Let's eat! My treat."

Since Yejin felt so weak after not having meals for two days, she wasn't able to get off from his holds, so she just followed him.

They entered a fancy restaurant just a few blocks away from the bus stop. When they entered, they seated to one of the tables and Changwook started scanning the menu for them to order food.

Yejin look at him, and tried to continue asking her hoobae that she didn't see for a long time... "Ya! Answer me. Why are you here? Haven't you enrolled in a musical school abroad?"

He nodded and showed a wide smile to Yejin before uttering a word... "Sunbae, you still looked like the Yejin I know in college. You haven't changed at all. The musical club's muse for four consecutive years is still glowing in you."

Before Yejin could respond, Changwook continues... "That's why I had a crush on you for how many years. I had a hard time moving on, you know!"

Yejin's face blushed as she was a little surprised to Changwook's statement. But to avoid the awkward silence after his words, she just laughed and took the menu to find food of her choice.

The reunited club mates enjoyed their lunch together. They talked about random things and tried reminiscing back the moments during their college days.

When they finished, she bids her goodbye to Changwook. They exchanged their numbers and planned to meet up again one of these days.

Yejin felt a little happy to see him. Changwook is one of her hoobaes who has a beautiful voice in their whole University. She remembers the time when Changwook asked her before to be his leading lady on one of their plays, and they pulled out that musical show very well.

While she was smiling looking at Changwook walking to go on his way, she heard her phone beeped.

She received a text message from her Managing Director.

"Okay, Ms Son. Thanks for informing me. Also, a quick reminder for the monthly report this coming Monday. The invitation email will be sent later, but just wanted to inform you ahead of time. By the way, it will be held in Sacheon branch this month."

What the hell! Sacheon branch? She worriedly sighed. For sure, she will meet Bin there.

What she's going to do? Is she ready to face him?


Hi, Loves!

Yes, our mommy Yejin here is a singer. Relationship goals. Hahaha! 🎤

Anyway, I know this chapter is boring, so I'm really sorry. But, I will try my best to make it up to you on the next chap. Prolly will post it later (crossed fingers)! 💋

Thanks for patiently waiting! ❤️


P.S. I just want to give a quick shout out to my ever-supportive BINJIN family— authornim binjin0818, bebe binjinsnacks, mommy ArmiTitular and mommy Lay. I love you guys! Thanks for always pushing me beyond my limits! 💞

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