My Hero Academia: A Hero from...

By Jakesnake4425

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What happens when a Saiyan gets sent to another universe?, one where being a hero is an every day thing, how... More

Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2:UA Begins and Zens past
Chapter 3: Sadness and the Battle Trial
Chapter 4:Attack on the USJ
CHAPTER 5: Sports Festival Preparations and Mastering Super Saiyan 2
Chapter 6:Let the Sports Festival Begin!
Chapter 7: Capture the Flag
Chapter 8:First round Zen vs Ilda
Chapter 9: Quarter Finals
Chapter 10: The Simi-Finals Zen vs Izuku
Chapter 11:The Yuei Heavyweight Championship
Chapter 12:Internships
Chapter 13:A New Enemy Zen vs Homelander
Chapter 14:A Day of rest
Chapter 15:Title Defense and Prepraring for Finals
Chapter 16:Finals begin
Chapter 17: The successors vs All Might
Chapter 18: The Confession
Chapter 19:Camp Begins
Chapter 21:All Out!
Chapter 22: Back to her
Chapter 23:Dorms *Zen's Pov*
Chapter 24:Preperations for the License Exam
Chapter 25:The exam Two vs Ten
Chapter 26 :Traitors
Chapter 27: War: The Shield v.s. All for One's Army
Chapter 28:Unleash Immeasurable Power

Chapter 20:Return of an Old Enemy

197 4 0
By Jakesnake4425

As days pass as it is now the third day of camp, our hero pushes himself every day. Attaining higher levels of super saiyan god kaioken, but this is not the only only improvement he has made. His swordsmanship also improved allowing Zen to cover Ki on the blade of his sword to make it stronger. But meanwhile in a bar, we see the league of villains around talking. "Kurogiri is this the group were sending to capture our target" Shigiraki asks

"Not yet tomura, were waiting on one more" Kurogiri responds

"A new recruit, he or she better be worth my time" Shigiraki states

"Oh trust me I am" A voice states gaining the attention of the league "The name is Raikon" He states as he smiles sidictally

"Well this just got interesting" Dabi says

"And what can you bring to the table Raikon" Kurogiri asks

"Lets just say I can handle a certain golden haired brat" Raikon says as he laughs "Its gonna be a fun reunion Zenkichi" as it reveals his crimson eyes.

"Ah so you have history with that brat huh, then things just got better a lot better" Shigiraki says as he then takes a drink of his alcohol "Kurogiri lets welcome our new friend here with letting him on the mission." He adds smiling.

Back to our hero he is training as he is in his godly stat kicking the air left and right honing in on his martial arts, as he trains he thinks on improvements or just things in general. 'Things don't feel right, as my body adjusted to the use of the kaioken and super saiyan god, I mean is it possible if only I had the book then I might be able to know' Zen thought as he continues to train as the sun is slowly setting. "Yagi it is time to eat" A voice yells as Zen stops his training and deformsback into his base state and smiles and walks off to camp. "There you are goldilocks what the hell have you been doing" Bakugou yells as Zen approaches the table after showering and changing.

"You really think I'm gonna come and eat food while I smell, then you are crazy." Zen says as he sits down and eats

"Yeah but you have been training longer than us past the time Aizawa tells us to, you shouldn't work yourself so much"Izuku says as he takes a drink of water.

"Yeah I know geez, but this is the only way I can allow my body to adapt to you know what" Zen states as he has to keep his saiyan blood a secret

"Tch, just be careful dumbass" Bakugou states

"I am" Zen says "Trust me I know when to limit myself" he adds as he continues his dinner.

Time passes as the heroes want to give the students a break and allow them to relax. They end up a scaring game where each class has to scare one another and the ones with the most screams win. This didn't interest Zen so he just relaxed on the roof of the cabin and enjoyed the nice night. Time passes as things were going smoothly as the class went through the others haunting but a figure floated over the camp with a sadistic smile on his face. "Let the show begin" the voice says as he holds his hand up in the air and a giant orb forms, the man launches it and sends it towards the camp. The attack didn't go unnoticed as the attack was so bright it caught the attention of the class and the pros. The orb of energy got closer and closer as the students looked on in horror as it was almost at the ground but our hero appeared in front of it  and held it with one hand . He closed his hand making the orb dissipate as it reveals Zen looking up in the air widened at the man who sent the attack. "It's been a while brat" Raikon says ginning.

"H-How are you alive" Zen asks

"Oh trust me that attack of yours was deadly but wasn't enough to kill me, but it did leave me a present in from of a scar" Raikon adds "I bet you're wondering how I am here, well lets just say you sent me here boy,your attack cause my transporter to malfunction and send me here" Raikon adds as Zen is in shock.

"So you have come for revenge I take it" Zen asks

"Oh trust me I will have my revenge but that will have to wait cause I have an objective to complete" Raikon says as his energy flares up "Plus I'm sure you don't want the same thing happening again do you" He asks as Zen tightens his fist.

"You BASTARD" Zen yells as he transforms into a super saiyan and charges Raikon and swings his fist at him.

"Oh struck a nerve, but you bet get ready, Zenkichi. I'm on a level similar than your newest transformation, one that rivals a super saiyan god" Raikon says as he holds his hand near Zens rib cage and fires a crimson blast into him.

As Zen has an energy blast shot through him he gasps for air as he deforms and falls to the ground crashing hard. He is unconscious as the students and heroes look in horror as the man then flies away and leaves the class but this was only the beginning. More villains attacked leaving the students to protect themselves, some managed to listen to the pros who said to go to the cabin and hide. Whilst others were in the forest trying to survive. Izuku was fighting a villain who looked like he was on steroids and was having trouble. He continued to fight, shattering one of his arms just to win. More time passed as Iida carried Zen to hide and try to have his wounds treated but he was losing blood. As our hero is struggling to survive he is in his mindscape once again. "Raikon is alive so that means,No damn it just no remember what she said but this just straight pisses me off"Zen said to himself as he sighs "I'm bleeding out right now and practically useless" he adds as tears from.

"Don't you dare start crying like a child, your saiyan aren't you act like '' A voice said as Zen turns around.

"No way your Vegeta" Zen says shocked to see a legendary saiyan

"Tch, I'm more the just Vegeta I am your grandfather, now don't tell me you plan to give up do you" Vegeta asks

"I-I don't know know if im strong enough" Zen states as this aggravates Vegeta

"Where you since of pride, so you got knocked down this Raikon person took someone dear to you and your acting like a child" Vegeta scoffs " IF YOU KEEP ACTING THIS EVERYONE YOU LOVE WILL DIE" Vegeta yells at his grandson "So what are you gonna do about it" He asks

"I'm gonna fight" Zen says "No I'm gonna kill the son of a bitch and protect the planet with all I have" He adds as Vegeta now smirks.

"Now your acting like a saiyan, I'm sure you have questions but that book you read before being sent here gave you plenty of information" Vegeta says "I'm gonna say this once you are full blooded saiyan because your father made a wish to make you one" He adds "Good luck my grandson now it's time to wake up" Vegeta finishes as it fades to white.

Zens pov

I woke up in the hospital for what a second time, I don't remember but I sat up and felt pain in my ribs I looked down to see they were bandaged and I remembered what happened, he was back the man who took Sasha to the afterlife he was alive. I looked at my hand and balled it up into a fist as the anger seethed through me. "Hey your awake,everyone Yagi is up" Kaminari says as I look at him to reveal the class.

"How you feeling man" Sero asks

"I am hurting like hell, that's how I feel" I said as I look at the class"Where is Katsuki and Izuku?" I asks as they look saddened

"Midoriya is in the next room and Bakugou he was taken by the league" Mina says as I was shocked

"So that is what he meant" I said as I tighten my fist

"Yagi that person who was he '' Yaoyorozu asks as the class looks at me."And don't you dare say it is none of our concern cause we were attacked to" she looks on.

"Yeah Yagi do you know him" Mina asks

"I do, he is an old enemy of mine that I thought was dead" I said as I grit my teeth "but he is alive and now I gotta stop him" I say as I get up out of the bed stumbling onto one knee.

Kirishima walked over and helped me up, "You can't do anything right now,hell you're lucky to be alive" He says as I sigh.

"Yagi you need to tell us the truth, you're hiding more than you know about this guy"Yaoyorozu says

"Yaomomo don't start this, he doesn't like talking about his past" Jirou says

"No she has a point, Yagi knows this guy and we deserve to know since we were also attacked by him" Sero says as the class agreed.

"Guys we shouldnt pry into it that much, he just woke up"Kaminari says

"Yeah and he can rest after we get answers"Yaoyorzu says "Now Yagi tell us" she states

"No, just no as I told you last time I am not prying into my past" Zen states

"Oh get over yourself, just because you're strong doesn't make you the right to be a jerk better yet after our lives were in danger by someone you know now tell us" Yaoyorozu demanded.

"DAMN IT JUST STOP" I yell as I feel the tears go down my face "Just stop, he is the one who took her away from me and now he is back and I have to deal with him: I say as I wipe the tears from my face as my father walks in.

"All of you get out now," Dad said as I looked at him. "You have done enough" He adds as I just look at him.

I watched the class leave as some looked down in sadness and apologized for Yaoyorozu but I didn't care right now I had other things to deal with and that thing was Raikon. "Son are you okay?" Dad asked me as I sighed

"Yeah well remember what I told you about Raikon,well he is back and all cause I sent him here when I first transformed." I say as I am now mad "Now i'm gonna have to put him down or the planet could be destroyed" I say as I crack my knuckles.

"Then I guess you're gonna have to join us when we save youn Bakugou" Dad said

"Yeah, this is do or die now" I say

A few hours later I was released from the hospital and was on my way home. I couldn't help but think that if I dont pull off stopping Raikon the world could be destroyed, 'I have to stop him no matter what' I thought to myself as I checked my phone. Nejire was told about the attack and she has been non stop texting me and I truly am grateful to have her by my side. I was silent on the ride home, 'I won't lose no matter what,not until I know this world is safe' I thought.

Days passed as I trained, nonstop I put myself through hell so I was ready to end this but I did have to go to Nezu to inform him I was joining in on the mission to save bakugou. I arrived at the gates of Yuei with dad by my side as we nodded at each other and entered the building straight to Nezu's office. Dad knocked on the door and opened it to reveal Aizawa and other staff there. "Zen what are you doing here"Aizawa asks

"We have come to talk to Nezu" Dad tells Uncle Aizawa as I nod

"I'm joining in the mission to save Bakugou and Im not taking no for an answer" I said as with determination in my eyes

"I see, is this to do with the man who injured you Zenkichi" Nezu asks

"It has more to do with that man then you would believe" I say as I tighten my fist

"He is from your home isn't he. So he is a threat we can't stop" Nezu asks

"Hitting the nail on the head, Raikon was the man who killed Sasha and will destroy the world if he isn't stopped" I say as I sigh "and I don't mean jailed" I add as it's silent.

"You mean he has to die" Aunt Nemuri asks

"Unfortunately, Nemuri is right along with my son" Dad says as I look at him "This Raikon is a threat like my son said" He adds

"Then I guess there is no arguing, Zen you will join the mission to stop this threat and save young Bakugou" Nezu states as I nod.

Now it was only a matter of time, a fight that could determine the fate of the planet, one I don't plan to lose.

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