I'm a Sucker for Pain

By Amanda_Dulagan

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3rd RCB Love Legacy #IMASUCKERFORPAIN Original Writer: Amanda Dulagan Genre: Sabahan Slang Love Story Catego... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58

chapter 15

1.9K 111 23
By Amanda_Dulagan



My Engagement was havoc…!

Saya mau create the worst kind of chaos konon supaya tu pertunangan tidak akan terjadi atau akan terbatal saja…

But what did you end up doing, Kimmy?

Kau teriak abang kau pasal dia tembak your cake, pointed your gun di kepala abang kau in London the psycho’s defense… and you actually terangsang dengan dia with all that messy look and blood on him, you even tasted his blood, Kimberly!

You like such a bad guy, you bad girl… Such an animal you! Hahahaha!


Ugh, kenapalah setiap kali saya perlu mengingatkan diri saya yang pertunangan kami mesti digagalkan…? Tidak boleh ka otak saya auto type saja – ‘MISSION: TO FAIL YOUR ENGAGEMENT’ supaya it will not lead to marriage…

Dan dia panggil saya MRS. ROBINSON tadi! DUSH jantung saya…! tapi saya ignore, I changed the subject…. Oh, and what’s with wanting to kill my bff, Angelo..?

“ui… apa kau berkhayal sana?” Angela memetik jari di depan muka saya… it snapped me off my thoughts…

“ai? Cepat juga kau mau balik?” saya tanya dia… “I need a full body wax lagi ni…”

“licin sudah badan kau tu…” Angela bilang… “buat before your wedding day saja bah kalau kau betul-betul mau…”

Wedding day?

“ahh.. siapa bilang saya mau ber-wedding-wedding…?” I rolled my eyes…

“handsome bah fiancée kau, Kim…” aik? Bila masa kau ada instinct kewanitaan ni, ANGELO?

“kenapa? kau mau dia?” saya tanya sambil menjeling… “ambil lah… kalau saya terkahwin dia bukan Mrs. Robinson… Mrs. Psycho saya jadi…”

“sexy bah psycho…” eww, Angela! “kau imagine bah, Kimmy…”
“imagine apa, gila?!” apa gila si pengkid ni?

“imagine kamu make love di court room after work time gela-gelap, dia duduk di kerusi judge then kau di atas, dengan nenen kau dia hisap-hisap lagi tu..” saya tengok Angela macam dia sudah gila… “AHHH, Your Honour… AHHH AHHH.. fuck me, Your Honour!”

“kau terlampau tengok porn ni kan? Buduh!!” saya humban dia pakai bantal-bantal saya… SOT! 

Mati-mati Angela ketawa sambil mengelak bantal-bantal yang saya humban ke arah dia…

“tutup saja mata kau, Kimmy… imagine… BUAHAHAHA!” terus dia berlarian keluar dari bilik saya…sempat lagi dia pusing balik… “jangan kau trip innocent sana! Kau ingat saya tidak tau kau tengok Pornhub di handphone kau….! WAHAHAHA!”

Kitai kau, Angelo! Kau kasi kotor otak saya yang suci ni… suci lah kali.. tsk tsk…

Ah! Tidur dululah sekejap… saya tutup muka saya pakai bantal…

Eyes shut… but damn! Betul-betul saya terbayang imagination si Angela… SIAL!

Macam hot lah pula… ooppss… 🤭

Saya teringat malam saya tidur di katil si psycho… dia topless with boxers saja dan dia tarik saya sampai saya terduduk atas dia…

Ahh, tu bulu dada… apalah rasa tu kalau n*pples saya bergesel di dada dia.. then the incident inside his car… mmm…


Saya tidak dapat tidur sudah… saya lompat dari katil dan melangkah ke bilik mandi… bagus saya mandi air sejuk supaya fikiran saya fresh…

Siap mandi saya keluar dari bilik mandi dengan bertuala saja…

KARTER! Sitting on my bed like no one’s business…

Ha… tidak tau mana dia pergi kelmarin after ruining my engagement party…

“pakai lah baju cepat…” masuk-masuk bilik orang, suka hati saja mengarah macam boss…

“saya lambat ni… I have my hair to dry, my make up to fix, manicure.. ped…” tiada-tiada bah.... 🤣

“sudahlah, alasan!” Karter meninggikan suara…

“what do you want, Karter?” belum sejuk lagi hati saya sama dia ni…

“break off the engagement, Kimberly…” another instruction from Mr. Dictator…

Ah, how I wish! I want to break it off…. Tapi kau sudah buduh ka, Karter? You should talk to mom and dad not me, duh… but the rebel in me am not going to give Karter the satisfaction of knowing that I never wanted to get engaged…

Biar dia fikir sebaliknya… Dia lah punca semua ni terjadi kalau dia tidak paksa saya balik KK!

“I don’t want you to get hurt, Kimmy…” Karter’s voice soften… jelas kerisauan di mata dia…

“I won’t, Kart…” suara saya pun turut terlembut…

“Love hurts…” Karter whispered… “I don’t want what happened to you… to Kendrik happen again, Kimmy…”

Ya, sebenarnya saya faham perasaan Karter…

KENDRIK… it still hurts…

“I’m over Armando…” jelas kedengaran kesakitan di suara saya… “don’t.. not Kendrik.. don’t dig out old wounds, Kart… it still hurts…”

“Listen to what I say, Kimmy…” Karter berdiri… “break it…”

Karter hugged me tight…
“I’m bringing your jet back, I got a commercial flight here yesterday…” My jet? Then saya? macam dia dapat baca expression saya… “I’ll send it back to you straightaway so you can come home immediately…”

Karter turned to leave… sampai pintu, dia pusing…
“get dressed cepat… Natalia’s boobs are way bigger, I think if you won’t break it off soon, your Mr.Bad Guy will break you off… pasal nenen kau kici…”

“pukimak bah kau, Karter!” saya humban tu remote aircond ke arah dia…  😡

“HAHAHAHA!” dia closed my door and left…

SIAL! Kici ka nenen saya?

Taik dia! Memanglah kalau Natalia punya boobs tu silicon… Fake!

Nenen saya kalau London mau genggam pakai satu tangan pun tidak cukup tu tangan dia…

Aii, macamana kau tau, Kimmy? Belum pun pernah cuba, sudah tau… kuat imagination kau ni tau… tsk tsk… saya terimagine lagi… ARGH! Kau saja Angelo!

Saya tengok jam saya, hmmm.. 7.45am… mau mencari breakfast dulu lah… Lintas banyak konlow man… laju saya pakai baju and turun…

In 5 minutes saya sudah dalam kereta Jemie…

saya start engine and drove off… berkeroncong sudah perut saya kelaparan… ini semua gara-gara London and Angelo… kalau London tidak call saya, saya masih tidur masa macam ni… kalau Angelo tidak tanam tu imaginasi dalam kepala saya, saya tertidur balik sudah…

Ini pula, here I am on the way to Lintas barely 8am…

Hmmm… mana Holly ah? Better saya bawa dia and Joshua breakfast… call Holly dulu… I reached for my handbag.. aip? Mana handphone saya?

Saya berhenti tepi jalan dekat simpang Bukit Padang… mencari-cari handphone saya… okay, rupanya saya lupa handphone saya… Saya tengok windscreen… ada satu kereta hitam di belakang saya, my bodyguards in daddy Harren’s car…

Saya u-turn balik to rumah Holly untuk ambil handphone saya…

Sampai saja di main gate, saya signal mau masuk tapi…. Eh? Ada beberapa kereta… Holly’s car dan ada 4WD lagi and another 2 black cars… Hudson’s car is behind me, dia baru sampai…

Apa ni? Road block ka? But then I saw Holly in blood… screaming… saya stopped kereta Jemie dan berlari keluar daripada kereta…


Joshua accident! Then I realized someone… very familiar…


“Ah, the Bestians… young blood, but cold killers…” dia cuba melarikan diri…

You are right, Lucas… we are young, cold killers…

Hudson gripped on Lucas’s neck, Lucas mau kasi keluar his gun is it?

PANG! Saya tembak tangan dia… and smiled…

“AHHH!! FUCK YOU, BITCH!” Lucas shouted…
“Ah, I’ve been longing to be called a bitch… it sounds so fucking good, Luc…” I smiled coldly…

Hudson shot Lucas 6 times in the head…

“Jasper…” Hudson called out to his bodyguard…
“Yes, boss?” Jasper menyahut…
“Clean that shit up…” Hudson mengarahkan …

“No!” saya yang mau buat… “let me and my bodyguards do it… Hol, Hud, go!!  Now!!” dorang mesti bawa Joshua to the hospital…

I stood over Lucas’s dead body, stepping on his neck…

Dear Lucas, I’ve got my revenge… although I did not kill you, but I’ll be the one to bury you…

“I’m going to bury you deep… in a cold cold tomb… and engraved it as IN LOVING MEMORY OF LUCAS LEVIERRE, THE BROTHER OF A SLUT TO LUNA LEVIERRE…”



Milan Malpensa airport, 7 years ago…

“tesoro…” Armando! He’s grown up into a drop dead gorgeous hunk!

Berapa lama sudah saya tidak jumpa dia ni? I was born in KK, every school break kami akan balik Milan…

Armando was my childhood friend… I had a crush on him since playschool… HAHAHA!

“Armando…” I smiled politely, sedang berusaha cover perasaan teruja saya dengan kehandsome-an dia…

“Sei bellissima, Kimberly..” ah, what a sweet talker… sugar coating my beauty…

“Grazie, Armando…” I know a few basic Italian, I’ve lost my Italian bella touch since KK…

And after 8 years, I’m finally back to my second homeland… my mom’s side of the family… actually third.. Paris is my dad’s side of the family… tapi keluarga saya decided untuk tinggal stay with mom’s side of the family sebab saya masih ada grandpa, my papa… my mom’s dad…

“Kendrik…!” I jumped into my brother’s arms… “I missed you, Ken!” saya cium-cium pipi abang saya…

I love him the most! Hahaha! Kami selalu bervideo call dan dia lah tempat saya meluahkan perasaan, selain Holly and my mom…

Kendrik is 3 years older than me… dia anak ketiga selepas Kurtis and Karter, and has been staying in Milan his whole life unlike kami bertiga yang semuanya menghabiskan alam persekolahan di KK… Kendrik lah peneman papa bila kami semua di KK….

“Kimmy…!” Kendrik membalas ciuman di pipi saya sambil ketawa, kena cubit lagi tu pipi saya… “monello birichino…”

eee… siapa bilang saya naughty little brat? Mesti Karter cerita semua kegiatan saya di KK ni…

Tidak hairan Kendrik picked me up from the airport, as usual mom and dad busy with their business travels… Kurtis is busy with the underground jobs to handle and Karter…

ya kan… mana tu munyit?

Dan tidak hairan juga Armando ikut Kendrik sebab they are bestfriends…

Then saya terpandang pada kelibat seseorang… a slim, sexy figure…

Armando took my hand-carried luggage for me… saya menghulurkan tangan saya…

“who’s this beautiful girl?” saya tersenyum sambil menanya dengan ikhlas….

“Kimmy…” Kendrik memperkenalkan the girl, somewhere my age… “this is Luna, my girlfriend…” Kendrik memperkenalkan Luna dengan penuh bangga…

Luna menyambut salam saya, macam just half a second, dia tarik tangan dia… that was the shortest handshake in my life… I looked up and smiled at Luna…

DUSH…! Lain hati saya… saya boleh rasa macam dia tidak suka saya… tapi kenapa? Kendrik is my brother, saya tidak akan pernah rampas kasih sayang abang saya dari dia…

our brother-sister love is not the same with their couple-kinda-love…

dan di situlah permulaan permusuhan antara Luna dan saya… kebencian Luna terhadap saya, pada masa tu saya tidak faham…

saya lebih cantik? Dia pun cantik…
saya lebih kaya? Dia pun kaya…
saya lebih sexy? Dia pun lagi sexy…

so what triggered her hatred towards me?

Di rumah after sending Luna back to her hotel, rupa-rupanya Luna actually tinggal di Paris… and our family is quite traditional di sini… none of my brothers can bring their girlfriends or scandals stay the night tanpa ikatan… kalau mau, tunang atau kahwin terus…

Strict kan…?

“Ken…” saya menyapa Ken sambil saya mendudukkan diri di atas tilam empuk saya… I missed this room… Punya banyak Barbie saya… terus saya berdiri untuk greet all my Barbies..

Satu-satu saya mengusap Barbie saya…
“hi Jenna, Neena, Lauren… oh you’re still so gorgeous Kimberly…”

Kendrik rolled his eyes bila saya sayang-sayang my Barbie that I named Kimberly… hahaha!

“Is that Ken?” Kendrik tanya saya sambil menunjuk ke arah Barbie’s partner, Ken…

“I forgot what I named him… but can’t be Ken… eww… my brother…” saya buat muka jijik…
“If my memory is still so good…” Kendrik senyum tersengih… “he’s name is Armando…”

Termerah terus muka saya…

“eee! Stop teasing me…” saya tersipu…

“ai…? It’s the truth… I’ve been living with him under the same roof…” Kami berketawa…

“Ken.. tell me…” saya berhenti ketawa… “you never told me about Luna…”

Bersinar mata Kendrik… he’s really in love…
“She’s an angel…”

“I see…” saya tersenyum… “where’d you met her?”

Sebenarnya saya dapat agak sudah… i just wanted to conform…
“Paris of course… I travel to take care of the biz when Aunty Sarah travels to Brussels or Munich…”

“Karter…?” saya tanya… berkerut dahi saya…

“that womanizer…” Kendrik ketawa… but Kendrik is still too young untuk menerajui any of our family business… what the hell, Karter…?

And so hell began…


Hampir 5 bulan berlalu… Kendrik and Luna seems happy… walaupun Luna selalu gave me cold stares…

Luna travels between Paris and Milan macam KK to Papar saja… same goes Kendrik… macam KK to Tuaran…


He has been flirting with me eversince saya bertapak kembali ke Milan… He’s the sweetest, the handsomest, the most charming guy I’ve ever met…

So it’s only flirting… saya tunggu-tunggu juga saat Armando bawa bercouple…

My parents approve of him… Kendrik lagilah gembira… His bestfriend and his sister… tapi belum lagi saya Armando cakap apa-apa pasal bercouple ni…

One day… saya dan Armando bersantai di Camparino In Galleria…

Sitting at the outdoor sidewalk, the square and sipping my favourite Campari mojito,  i listened to Armando’s update on his latest business trip to Shanghai… it’s the first time that he’s been there…

“I love Asia, Tesoro…” dia bilang dengan gembiranya… Tesoro… darling… saya terbiasa sudah Armando calling me Tesoro…

“Then you should be loving the Asian women there too…” I laughed…

“Neahh… I only love one Asian woman…” DUSH jantung saya bila dia menatap mata saya dengan mata kuyu dia secara tiba-tiba…

I laughed nervously, mengubah topic…
“I know you love my mom’s cooking… such a talented Asian woman to love right, Armand?”

Tiba-tiba ada someone tripped and fell on me!

Tertumpah my Campari on my pink dress… saya ternga-nga, terkejut…

“sono così dispiaciuto, signora…!” the girl macam mau menangis…

“it’s ok, it’s just an accident…” saya lap my dress with the napkin in front of me…

Then dia kena marah-marah oleh dua orang lelaki… pundan… hahaha!

“OH MY!” tu lelaki tengok saya… terbulat mata saya… suka hati dia saja menyentuh pipi saya… dan dagu saya… “gorgeous… gorgeous!”

And that’s where my modelling career began… with GIOVAN…

From a model to a supermodel, bukanlah terus-terus… it came with few years of attitude and hard work…

Giovan ni lembut tapi Armando macam cemburu saja dengan Giovan… deii, manalah Giovan ada nafsu sama saya… Gay pula dia tu…


6 bulan berlalu sejak saya melangkah ke dunia modelling… my family were very supportive, sebab at least I have something to do dorang bilang…

I catwalked for top Italian fashion brands; Valentino, Versace, Prada, Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Missoni, Trussardi, Moschino… you name it…

I’ve been in the cover fashion magazines of Vogue Italy, Elle Italy, Harper’s Bazaar, Compolitan Italy…

Dengan kejayaan saya sebagai model dalam jangka masa yang sangat singkat, tambah saya menyedari sesuatu… Luna actually stopped talking to me… kalau dia travel to Milan dan bermakan malam atau lunch with my family, asal saya ada dia tidak akan ikut makan bersama…

Kalau saya tiada, then tiba-tiba saya pulang and join my family at the living room or dining room, Luna akan berdiri dan meninggalkan ruangan tersebut…

Saya menjadi semakin hairan kenapa dia semakin benci saya… female jealousy is real.. the green monster in her is growing bigger…

Kendrik pernah minta saya tolong memasukkan Luna ke dalam the Italian modelling industry… I did try… Saya suruh Kendrik bawa Luna jumpa Giovan… tapi Giovan refused to take her… such a common blonde Giovan bilang, and her features are too hard…

manalah saya tau… saya sudah pujuk… tapi saya tidak boleh paksa Giovan sebab kalau Luna can’t get contracts with the top fashion brands, Giovan will lose his career…

Well… so life was exciting and fun… but my feelings towards Armando never changed despite all the fame and glamorisity… I guess I have that strong Bestian blood of loyalty in me, so do Kurtis and Kendrik…

Karter lain cerita… dia terpesong sikit… ikut sebelah mom’s family kali… uncle-uncle saya sebelah mom kebanyakkan kahwin 2,3 kali… Mom’s lucky dia found dad… hahaha!

It’s a Saturday… saya ada photoshoot di studio Moschino…

Saya melangkah keluar to the shooting area selepas siap bermake-up and putting on Moschino’s latest winter design…

Sedang saya sibuk-sibuk, tiba-tiba ada suara menyapa saya…

“Tesoro…” saya berpaling ke arah suara yang sangat saya kenal…

I  missed him! Armando! 2 minggu dia di Gold Coast on a business trip…

“Armando!” saya peluk dia ketat-ketat… “you’re back…”

“si, Tesoro… I missed you..”DUSH jantung saya…

Then baru saya sedar, he’s holding a bouquet of red roses… banyaknya roses!

“what’s this?” saya ketawa…

“for you… my Tesoro…” dia menyentuh dagu saya, I looked up at him… “365 roses for the most beautiful woman in the world…”

Ah, sugarlips!
“365?” terbulat mata saya… banyak juga!

“today is the day, 365 days ago…” Armando looked into my eyes deeply.. apakah ini? “that I laid eyes on you again… at the airport…”

Oh… cairnya hati saya dia boleh ingat yang saya came back to Milan a year ago sedangkan saya pun tidak boleh ingat…

“grazie..” I took the roses dan menghidu dengan penuh kegembiraan… I love the smell of roses… no, I love roses! 😍

I heard gasps.. and ooh, aah.. orang-orang do sekelilingi kami sangat teruja dengan betapa romanticnya Armando…

Then he suddenly went down on his knees! Apakah ini?! Begini ka mau bawa bercouple kalau di Italy?

“tesoro…” he whispered on his knees.. bila masa boleh ada sebuah kotak kecil di tangan dia? “be mine?”

Dia mengeluarkan a diamond ring from the box… semua dorang menjerit excited… banyak camera flashes!

And the next day keluar in a famous fashion blog and weekly fashion magazines, Youtube, Twitter, IG, Facebook.. everything lah…



It was the happiest day of my life… and the next day and the next…

saya sangat bahagia dan teruja yang Armando actually proposed, tiada lagi yang start dari couple-couple biasa duluan baru fikir kalau mau kahwin…

I became a girlfriend, a fiancée and a future wife in just a day… the future Mrs. Armando Cavaldi… Kimberly Bestian-Cavaldi… sounds perfect!

Keluarga saya pun sangat gembira… At 19, saya I am already unofficially engaged… bah faham-faham lah negara barat manada sign-sign tunang ketua kampung segala… tapi… tapi… saya masih berpegang to my crown…

I’ll only give myself after marriage…

My wedding… only when I’m 21 and officially have the key to freedom…


4 bulan saya sangat bahagia…


Saya sedang memandu to a photoshoot…

I looked at my handphone screen…


Saya sambut…
“Ken…  can I call you back? I’m driv…”

Saya tersentak… Kendrik sedang menangis teresak-esak…

“Ken!” saya panic… what happened? Did something happened to papa? “Ken! What happened?! Tell me!”

“Ki… Kimmy…” Kendrik masih sedang menangis… “I cannot go on… Kimmy…”

He was okay last night! We had family dinner last night, walaupun muka dia sedih but he was laughing at me and Kurtis’ jokes..

Kendrik beberapa bulan yang lalu tidak tinggal di rumah sudah… he bought an apartment and lived in with Luna…

“talk to me, Ken…” tanpa saya sedar air mata mula membasahi pipi saya… I stopped at the side of the road…

“I’m sor.. sorry, Kimmy…” apa yang dia buat sampai mau cakap he is sorry?
“where are you, Kendrik?” saya semakin takut… “where’s Luna?”

Mana Luna? I have to get to her! She needs to be with Kendrik…

“Kimmy… my baby sister… remember… remember…” oh my God… why are you saying like this Kendrik?

“You are scaring me, Ken…” I whispered in fear..

“I love you, Kimmy… I love you…” BANG!!

“KENDRIK!!!” saya menjerit sekuat hati… tangan saya bergegar… “KENDRIK!! PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!!”

Saya teringat kami ada family bodyguards yang can track us by a device… oh, even Kendrik’s iphone can be tracked…

Saya clicked on the app.. and tracked Kendrik…

At his apartment!

Laju saya drive to his apartment… sampai saja terus saya berlari ke arah lift, the door’s not locked!

Saya buka pintu… the living room empty.. 2 more rooms empty…

And the last room…

“KENDRIK!! NO!! NO!! NO!!” saya tersungkur memeluk tubuh abang saya yang sudah tidak bernyawa…

My brother… my closest brother, I love the most… he shot himself…

“Kendrik…” saya bergegar… I hugged him… I sang him mummy’s lullaby…

🎶Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing
Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turns brass
Mama's going to buy you a looking glass🎶

I cried my hardest, covered in my brother’s blood…

“don’t leave me, Ken… don’t leave me…”

saya cium muka abang saya… muka dia yang suatu ketika dulu bernyawa… gelak tawa dia, kebahagiaan yang terpancar di muka dia, tubuh dia yang tegap dan selalu berdiri megah penuh dengan keyakinan… sekarang hanya…. Mayat…

handphone Kendrik berampai tidak jauh dari tubuh dia…

saya mencapai for his handphone… I think I forgot my handphone in my car sebab terlalu panic bila saya sampai saja apartment Kendrik…

I need to make a call… tapi siapa duluan…? Saya tidak berani call mom or dad…

Armando..? No, better Luna first…

Saya slide open Kendrik’s phone… and what I saw in his handphone screen yang dia tidak exit before calling me…


‘Getting married to my dream guy… walking down the aisle soon…!‘

OH MY GOD! Ini adalah punca Kendrik shot himself!

I’m coming after you, Luna!


“saya akan balas dendam, Ken…” saya menggenggam Kendrik’s gun…

I walked out of Kendrik’s apartment, my dress covered in his blood, his gun in my hands…

Sampai kereta saya, saya call Kurtis… I tried not to cry… I have to be strong…

“Kimmy? You ok?” suara Kurtis lembut…
“Kend… Kendrik’s dead…” I gritted my teeth…

“what the fuck, Kimmy! What are you saying?!” Kurtis teriak…

“he shot himself… go to his apartment, Kurt…” saya memberitahu Kurtis where to find Kendrik…

“where are you?!” Kurtis demanded to know…
“I’m going somewhere…” saya bilang saja…
“KIMMY!” Kurtis teriak lagi…

“It’s ok, Kurt… Kendrik’s death will be avenged….” I said in a low voice…

“KIMMY! DON’T DO ANYTHING STUPID! Let me do it!” Kurtis panic… my brothers tidak pernah membenarkan saya memegang pistol.. buat apalah my shooting skills kan? This is the day to put it to use… “tell me where you are right now, Kimmy! KIMBERLY!”

You killed my brother, Luna… and now, I’m going to kill you…

DUOMO DI MILANO… beautiful… this is where all the rich and the famous have their weddings and get married…

This is the cathedral that Armando and I are getting married… kurang dari dua tahun lagi…

Banyak kereta berparking…

How grand… how come I didn’t know about this grand wedding…?

Saya melangkah ke arah pintu besar of the cathedral…

No bodyguards? You thought your wedding is so safe, Luna?

Sesampai di gerbang pintu gereja… sunyi, semua orang menunduk dan sedang berdoa…

Then the priest recited the wedding sermon…
“Do you ARMANDO CAVALDI take LUNA LEVIERRE as your lawful wedded….”

Samar-samar sudah pendengaran saya… berderu telinga saya.. I heard
"I now pronounce you…”

Air mata yang saya menahan, kini deras berjatuhan… I think I cried too loud…

Semua orang menoleh ke arah saya yang sedang berdiri halfway down the aisle…

I’ve never felt betrayed in my whole life… not until today…

“Tesoro…” I hate that word!

I pointed my gun straight at Armando…

My brother’s bestfriend and his girlfriend…
My fiancée and my brother’s girlfriend…

When? How? Why?

Semua orang menjerit…

“You killed my brother…” my voice cold… you killed me, you killed my heart, Armando…

“Teso…” he tried to say something…
“SHUT UP!” saya teriak…

“there’s nothing more you can say, Kimberly…” I hate that thick French accent of that slut! “I am Armando’s wife now… you’re just a little nobody…”

The hatred in her eyes…

“you took my brother away from me…” the gun pointed at her… “and my fiancée…”

She laughed her ugly laughter… sangat jelas kecemburuan dia…
“Tesoro…” saya benci! Sial punya lelaki!


“you cannot give, Armando what he wants, Cherie…” Cherie sial kau perempuan! “he needs a woman.. not a little girl…”

“so it was sex, Armando?” saya tanya dia with a smirk… “you… backstabbed your own bestfriend, betrayed your fiancée for cheap sex?”

“shut up, Kimberly! You are cheap!” Luna menjerit…

BANG!! I shot the goblet at the priest’s table…

“Ahhh!” Luna screamed in fear… dia sangka saya main-main dengan pistol bah pula kan? “you’re a crazy bitch!”

“I might be a crazy bitch, but I’m not a fucking slut…” forgive God, for cursing in your holy temple…

I aimed the gun at Luna’s head…

“Kimmy!” ARGH! KURTIS…!

Kurtis merangkul pinggang saya…
“let me go, Kurtis!” saya sigung abang saya..

I aimed again and BANG!! Saya melepaskan tembakan…

Armando fell to the ground…

“ARMANDO…!” Luna menjerit…

Kurtis took the gun away from me…

I got part of my revenge, that’s my satisfaction…

I was broken, seakan bukan Armando yang ditembak oleh saya, sebaliknya, Armando yang menembak hati saya sehingga hancur berkecai…

BANG BANG… my baby shot me down… 💔


That was my darkest past…

Saya bersumpah… I will never love another man in my life again… kalau suatu hari saya dipaksa tunang atau kahwin sekalipun, I will never give my heart away…

Tuan Hakim London Robinson, you might trigger the lust in me… but you’ll never trigger the love in me…

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