His Sunflower

By alwaysokayforever

664 205 6

" He found his warmth deep within her cold self " " You look beautiful Sunflower" Elara Nova Curtis returned... More

1. Too Long for a Party
2.Toxic and Intoxicated
3. Stangers and Stanger school
4.Party on fire!
5.Squeeze out the drama please!
6.Firefly-first kiss
7.Seek Him and Then Hide
8.Campers and Goners
9.Drunk'in Trouble
12.Pretty Fuckable in Purple
13.Unexpected couples
15.From school to home, It's the Office
16.Like Any Un-normal Day
17.Study and Stupids
18.Costumes, Cat-Fight, and Corpses.
19. Seduce and Sleep
20. Whipped Cream Romance
21. Prom-Proposals
22. Ties and Lies
24.Miles and Mountains
Don't die on a Friday night.

14. Yes to Yale

15 8 0
By alwaysokayforever

The sizzling sound of the pancake batter making contact with the hot pan roared across the dining area and the kitchen. The smell of coffee was wafting giving that place a heavenly finishing. 

" Good morning love. What are you making love?" Sebastian husked pulling Clare into her from behind as her back crashed into his chest.

" You're not blind Sebastian." She said freeing her from his grip and flipping the most perfect batch of pancakes, yes, she was a chef.

" You sure you are not hungry? We could go over last night al-" He turned her and pulled her closer and their lips touched but soon to be interrupted by a groan.

" What the fuck did I drink last night?" Elara made her way to the kitchen nook and sat their grumpily with her head in her hand, pulling the nesty hairs of her.

" Way to start a morning!" Sebastian said sardonically turning to look at her and then pass a Tylenol pill and a glass of orange juice. She took the pill and drank the juice in a haphazard manner, not able to control the pain in her head.

" No, seriously, what did I drink yesterday?" She asked looking in between Sebastian and Clare. Clare passed her a plate of golden-brown pancakes with whipped cream on the side. 

" You had five glasses of champagne." She said untying her apron and throwing it on the chair beside her.

" And no one stopped me?" She questioned digging into the pancakes and lowering her head in embarrassment. Sebastian turned to her and gave her a look while sipping on his coffee," If you wouldn't be so discreet about it, I would have." He remarked.

" Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid!" She exclaimed slamming her head into the table of the kitchen nook when their parents came out of the guestroom on the right side of the house.

" Good morning kids!" Preston exclaimed, his hand reaching for the newspaper. None of his kids greeted them. 

" Morning, Mr. And Mrs. Curtis! Pancakes?" Clare asked them flipping yet another batch and then turning to them.

" Oh sweetie, it is Preston and Amara to you. Last night we didn't get much time to talk, although it was glorious! The Blakes sure do know how to throw a party!" Her mother exclaimed and Elara rolled her eyes filling her mug with coffee.

" I have an idea! Why don't we hang out, maybe go out shopping? I am sure Elara's closet needs to be replaced." Her mother added again and Clare jumped in excitement. Elara turned and twisted the idea in her head to make some sense out of it, but no matter how much she did, it made no sense either way. Nor did she want to 'hang out' with her mother neither did her closet beg for a change.

" I wish you all could hang out together, but Elara needs to be present for some business." Sebastian said without looking at his parents as if disregarding them and then he turned to Elara pointing his mug at her and said," You should be ready in an hour, dress formal we have a meeting."

" Is it a press conference? Please tell me-"

" No, not a press conference but it's like an interview, on paper just a couple of journalists, no big show." He calmed her down before fading into his room.

Elara finished her breakfast and took a quick shower. She was surprised to see that things in her room were kept as she left them, none of her stuff thrown away, none displaced.

Seeing that Sebastian always had meetings that Elara too had to attend, she had upgraded herself with a couple of formals. For today she decided to wear a black high neck top with bottle-green pair of pants and a matching coat. She completed her look by straightening her hair and tying it into a high pony.

" I see you haven't thrown away my stuff yet." Elara commented going through the contents in her bag and rummaging for a lip moisturizer.

" What do you mean yet?" He cross-questioned her giving her a look fixing her tie and pulling on her jacket. She smiled seeing his reaction when she thought to text Archer.

El-Good morning. Reached?

She hit the sent button and instantly got a reply.

Ar- Yes, howz ur head?

She smiled at the message closed the door of the car after she sat.

El-Brownie points for concern, going for some red tape work, call later?

Ar-Sure, come back, my heart can't wait to flutter again at the sight of you...

She found herself scared at how much, just a single text could have such a large effect on her, how it made her heartbeat so fast..

She knew she was falling for him and she was falling so hard.......

She sucked a deep breath in thinking of the words ringing in her mind again and again when Sebastian asked her if everything was okay.

" Just nervous, by the way, Clare met our parents, pretty serious, huh?" She poked him in his ribs and mocked.

" Hey, hey don't go there, Xavier has made his purpose of existence to pull my legs!" He widened her eyes while laughing and protesting against it.

" So, do um, do you like her?" He asked casually making a turn and she jumped on her seat turning to face him totally surprised.

" Sebastian Lucas Curtis, are you asking for my approval for dating your girlfriend? Really what wand did Clare flick to turn the playboy into a loyal pup?" 

" Okay, seriously stop Elara." He said laughing so hard and eventually, silence followed till they reached their destination.

The paparazzi surrounded their car as soon as they entered the premises of Blake industries. A couple of bodyguards helped them into the building and Sebastian had his arms around Elara's shoulders, so she wouldn't get hurt.

" Good afternoon Mr. Curtis, we would like to apologize for the paparazzi. Mr. Blake is waiting for you two." The polite lady with a very vibrant smile said.

" Lead the way miss-"

" Walter, Amelia Walter, Mr. Curtis." She led them to the conference room on the sixth floor of the skyscraper. Elara was a bit disappointed as she wanted to see the view from the highest floor, although Sebastian lived on a floor high enough to have a glinting view of the city lights.

" Good afternoon you two. Everyone, this is Sebastian Curtis and his sister Elara Curtis, the prodigy who made the official app for our company." Jason greeted them both with firm handshakes and introductions took place.

The meeting and the official interview ran for over four hours and Elara was absolutely elated for all the praises and the good word she had got from everyone. Although she was exhausted, she still explained her plans for future updates and how data management was made easier and efficient. With three cups of coffee, she had spoken about the features for over two hours and everyone paid attention.

" Thank you, everyone. You may leave the room now." Jason said in a professional tone as everyone scrambled out but Elara and Sebastian. When the last person had left, the door opened and entered Cathedral Blake, as professional as always.

" Good afternoon, Mr. Curtis. Miss Curtis." She greeted as they sat opposite to each other on the table and Cathedral cleared her throat before speaking," Elara, you are a very talented programmer and that needs to be appreciated."

" You know, since it was a competition, we can't legally pay yo-"

" Oh no, I did it because I love to do it, not for the money. I don't want anything in return." She explained.

" Actually, we wanted to appreciate your talent. Cathedral and I would like to offer you a scholarship to Yale and an internship during your time in college. We came to know that you dreamt of going to an ivy league. So what do you say?" Jason proposed an offer while Elara sat dumbstruck and her eyes as wide as a panoramic view. She troubled herself for some words but nothing would come out so she let out a chuckle and smiled.

" Yale would be good. Thank you." Elara replied still not believing her ears and chuckling again. Everyone shook hands and congratulated them on the deal and the scholarship.

" You knew about the scholarship didn't you?" Elara asked her brother as they rode the elevator to the ground floor.

" No, I just told them about you. but congratulations little one. I'm happy for you." He smiled and ruffled her hair and patted on her shoulder.

" You are happier because I would stay closer to New York." 

" So smart at computers, yet so weak in geography, you will be staying in New York." He corrected her as they walked out towards the parking, obviously surrounded by the paparazzi.

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