Of Melody and Stars

By RoseEchoes

1.8K 41 5

Tristitia knew going to Alfea College could be either good or bad in her favor. The same said for her brother... More

The First Dance
Black Mud Swamp
Date with Disaster
The Minotaur
Race for the Rose
Bloom Tested
Miss Magix
Visions of the Past
Mirta, The Pumpkin
The Test
In Dreams
Dearest Father
Stolen Flame

Welcome to Alfea

562 8 4
By RoseEchoes

 A gentle breeze drifted about the school grounds, waving perfectly trimmed grass. Her hands were clutched around her handle of the suitcase in front of her. Every so often, Tristitia would stand on her heels hopeful to see over another girl fairy's shoulder if the line moved at all. Her eyes close in great frustration when it is not.

Of course, her mother warned the disciplinarian Griselda was not one who accepted with ease. Just my luck, is it not? I was looking forward to coming here, thinking things will be different. She's going to send me away, I know it

She pursed her lips. Tapping her left foot as the line began to move, little by little.

"Hey, are you going to move yet?"

A girl was behind her. Blinking once, Tristitia shook her head. "No, sorry I was a little distracted. First day and all."

No word was given in response. A weary sigh left her lips, when the girl bumped into her shoulder in a rather rude manner.


Tristitia hurried along when she is finally called forth, standing straight and at attention. Griselda raised an eyebrow at her posture but glanced at her clipboard. One would assume the woman was ill, due to how pale she is.

"Name?" she asked.

"Tristitia Vita..."

Griselda arched her eyebrows, thick and brown. She pushed her glasses further up her nose bridge. "You sound unsure, as if that's not your name."

"No, no it is, I mean to say."

"Very well, you may enter."

Shoulders heave in relief, as Trisitia was quick to enter the school grounds. Her gaze shifted up towards Alfea Academy in pure awe and wonder. It looked bigger in person, more so than her father's castle back home. Many students lingered outside still as she opened the doors, pleased to see many glass windows for natural sunlight.

It did remind her of home in many ways. These long hallways, where she and her brother Virtus often chased one another or ran from their nurse. During the holidays they were always decorated, more so on All Saints Day. A tradition in which those of Rilieria celebrated annually, honoring loved ones on the day of their passing with heaps of food, dancing and music.

She almost smiled. Almost, for not all was well and fine with the Vita family. Startled hearing her phone go off in her pocket, Tristitia stopped for a moment to answer setting her bag aside. Flipping it open, a grin crossed her face.

A hologram image appeared of a young man, average in looks. He shared her soft brown skin and hair the shade of the ocean at night. Garbed in his academy uniform.

"How's my favorite sis holdin' up?" he asked, with his usual grin.

"You dork, I'm your only sister, I should be asking you that don't ya think?"

She saw the way he rubbed the back of his neck, followed by giving a nod. "Yeah, I guess it's not going too well. Riven and the guys still aren't back with their ogre captive, a big blue guy with a nasty temper failing in comparison with Knut."

"Oh no, that bad huh? I'm sure they're alright."

"I'm tempted to go after them, but I'm sort of...on...lockdown, by Headmaster."

Tristitia deadpanned at his sheepish expression. Lips pursed tight. "I don't even want to know. If you're under lockdown, I suggest...don't you hang up on me!"

"Sorry, gotta run, love you sis and good luck out there!"

"Virtus, you-!"

He vanished before she could utter one more word. All she could manage was a weak chuckle, moving down the carpeted hallways. She reached what she assumed to be her dorm, for it had the names Stella of Solaria, Musa, Flora, Tecna and Tristitia of Rilieria in cursive writing. Pushing it open, she was unsure of having to share a room with another.

More so with those she did not know a thing about. Pushing Virtus out of her mind for now, she began the unpacking process. Decorating her side of the room in purple and white.

"Hello, are you new as well?"

Placing a hand over her chest, Tristitia turned to find a girl looking at her. A pretty girl indeed, her skin that of a soft brown tone and long curls of brown hair with streaks of blond. Her eyes were kind, a fair green shade mirroring her ocean blue eyes.

"Yes, I am: I'm Tristitia, of Rileria. You are-?"

"Flora, it's lovely to meet you, Tristitia. I hope you don't mind plants, this poor thing needs to be watered on a regular basis. I'm sure you will get better soon, sweetie don't worry." Flora spoke in a coo to the plant on her desk, resulting in Tristitia to raise an eyebrow.

Not the oddest she had ever seen. Something ran over her foot then, causing a gasp followed by her almost falling backwards. She never was fond of bugs, the thought of a roach or grasshopper caused her foot to raise.

"Oh, Kiko what happened?!" A worried cry sounded from another girl whom rushed in, her fire red hair blowing behind. The rabbit, Kiko, jumped about on someone's bed pointing to and fro at the plant Flora had been talking to.

Another voice spoke, one that sounded definite a male. "Seriously, people these days! They don't have any manners whatsoever!"

Tristitia's jaw slacked. "I-It just talked-! The plant...!" she stuttered.

"Kiko must have stepped on him, poor thing." Flora cooed, petting the plant's head.

"But, he just talked! A plant!"

"I know! Is he not cute? He's my latest creation!"

Flora said with great enthusiasm, as she gestured to her desk. It is piled with various plants and phials.

"Whoa, what was that? I could hear it through my headphones!" A girl with navy blue hair in pig tails entered.

"It was the plant." Tristitia uttered, pointing with a slight trembling finger.

"A talking plant? Now, I've seen it all. And I've seen a lot, the name's Musa." Musa introduced with a good natured grin, offering her hand. Tristitia shook it first after moment's hesitation, Flora and the red head girl followed.




They looked upon her with curious glances. A red hue crossed beneath her nose. "I-I mean...I mean..." her eyes were wide, filled with horror.

"What she means is, Bloom is just a name she really loves! Her real name is Varanda, isn't that right, Viranda?" Another girl chimed, her hair is long and blond. Her gaze at once turned to Tristitia, her eyes becoming big. "Tris, it's you-!" she squealed, tackling in a hug.

'Varanda' blinked in great curiosity, tilting her head. "Stella, is that the girl you mentioned before?"

"Yup! Tristitia and I have known each-other, from the day we could walk. Our mom's were good friends but, can't say for our dad's."

A sheepish chuckle escaped Trisitia's lips, as Stella cast her a wary look. "Yeah, he's not one for friend making alright. Our planet's are neighbors, in a way, helping each-other and assisting in other conflicts."

She saw the look on Varanda's face, having a strong notion the girl was not understanding any what they were discussing. Odd, for one who has come from another planet herself. "Where are you from, Varanda?" Tristitia asked.

"I'm from Vallisto. Yup, that's me!"

"Vallisto: Fourth world of Magic Realms upper ring. Renowned for its rich, artistic traditions it's features are popular among tourists." The voice sounded from the doorway, belonging to another girl with short purple hair and a friendly face, carrying a small suitcase.

"Right. That's me." Varanda nodded.

"Cool. I'm Tecna," she smiled and waved her hand.

"Hey Tecna, I'm Stella, nice to meet'cha!" Stella pulled from Tristitia with a startling amount of eagerness.

"You are quite famous, Stella. And you as well, Tristitia. Princess of Reallia. Your brother has also been accepted; into Red Fountain Academy I've heard." Tecna stated.

Her jaw slacked open slight, while Tecna merely winked her way. "How do you know so much?" she uttered.

"It's my ability, can be a blessing and curse all in one."

Musa clapped a hand on Tristitia's shoulder, startling the princess a bit. "Hey, we should hang out later! Pig out and dance, that sound alright?"

"I don't see why not. I've never pigged out before." Tristitia added sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Oh, her dad was a major stickler for rules," Stella chimed with a huff, ignoring Varanda's warning look. "I mean, he wouldn't even let us go out hardly ever!"

"But, he's still my father and I do love him all the same, Stella." Tristitia replied, perhaps stronger than she intended to sound.

"Anyway, Downtown Magix is really fun, we should go there." Flora chimed.

"What is it like?" Varanda asked.

"It's fresh." Musa added. "You've never been?"

"No, but, if we could grab a slice, I am so there."


A bus was needed to be taken in order to reach downtown. Tristitia knew how busy it would be, having seen buildings much like it on her own world, yet it still astounded her the amount of people. Many adults were getting out of work. Parents or parent figures took their children for ice cream or what other hobbies they took to.

Tecna had her hands over Varanda's eyes, grinning. "What do ya say? Can I open my eyes now?"

She giggled and nodded. "Yes, you may go ahead and look."

While Varanda admired their surroundings, Tristitia was dragged off by Musa and Flora towards the outside café. Kiko bounded after them to her amusement, hopping on Tristitia's shoulder while she rubbed his long ears. Varanda made several failed attempts to call her parents, as they ate.

"My cell phone isn't working for some reason. I mean, it's not even getting a signal or anything." She said, with slumped shoulders.

"May I see it?" Tecna asked. "I love taking these things apart." A chuckle escaped her lips.

"Yo, what's so funny Tecna?" Musa inquired.

"This "Cell Phone" is ancient technology. It belongs in a museum."

"But, it's the newest phone." Bloom stated.

Stella rolled her eyes. "Um, maybe on Earth it is. You need an inter-realm phone to call Valisto."

"Oh. Right..."

Tristitia cupped a hand under her chin, before shuffling through her left pocket. "Here, you can use my card to call them."

Varanda gave a grateful nod to her. "Thank you, Tris...Tristi....."

"Just call me 'Tris' alright?" She chuckled once, staring after Varanda in a curious manner while the others ate the rest of their lunch. Her fingers drum against the table, biting her lower lip glancing towards the street clock. Night had settled over their city.

"Something's happened...." She began.

Musa gave a nod. "You feel it to? I hope she's alright."

"We'd better go look for her, come on."

An alley is where Tristitia heard sounds of a quarrel taking place. Her pupils dilate at once when they see Icy, Darcy and Stormy. A trio of witch sisters who call themselves, The Trix. Her hands clenched into tight fists to find Varanda encased in ice.

"She won't last long, good work Icy." The purple clad triplet exclaimed. Her grin is the worst of the trio.

"Why thank you, Darcy." Icy jutted her chin, the arrogant one of the trio.

Tristitia whistled, sharp and loud enough for the sisters to whirl on their heels. The youngest sister Stormy smirked, upon seeing her. "Well, well: If it isn't daddy's little wash out." She replied in a smug tone.

"Shut up, Stormy: Let her go, now!"

"We are Cloud Tower senior witches, so no one messes with us! Just tell us where Princess Stella is, and we'll let your little friend go!"

Tristitia gritted her teeth. Closing her eyes, she could feel her Winx begin to grow. "I will never stoop to betray one friend over another..."

"Have it your way." Icy scoffed, not one for theatrics. She closed her hand, as ice began to form. Cold puffs left Tristitia's lips, before shouting.

"Magic Winx!"

Purple light envelops the fairy. Her attire changes from normal clothing, to a black and pink sleeveless top with a black skirt. The wings are colors of purple and white, glimmering when the moon shines just right.

"Hey, above you." She gasped to find Darcy above her head, launching a vertigo attack.

Her ears rang, the world around Tristitia swayed as a kick to her back was delivered. Blood stained her chin when she makes harsh contact, before thrusting her own attack at Darcy.

"Star Blast!"

Darcy thrusts up a psychic shield, her eyes wide when it failed too late. "Need some back up?" Musa and Flora appeared on her right and left, garbed in their fairy attire as were Stella and Tecna.

"Couldn't have come at a better time, ladies." Tristitia breathed out, delving another attack towards Stormy next.

Stormy's face resembled one of the many storms that threatened Tristitia's planet daily. "I've got a flash for you, faeries!" Lightning streaks from the palm of her hands, aiming for the group.

"Get behind me, now!" Tecna hollered, as all obeyed. A green force field surrounds them.

"Thanks, Tecna!" Tristitia chimed. Her eyes alight, at the raw power emitting from the other fairy.

Stormy conjured up a tornado, sucking Musa in it. Tristitia grabbed her hand pulling her out of the vortex. "Sound Wave!" Upon Musa's command, four stereos appeared casting a terrible vibration around the Trix.

Flora summoned her power, blowing green dust towards the Trix, slamming them against the alley wall.

The coldness from Icy subside gradually, rendering all five panting after the witch sisters flee. "Bloom, you're alright!" Stella cried, hugging Varanda tight once freed from her ice prison.

Tristitia raised a brow, her arms folded across her chest once floating back on the ground. "'Bloom'? I thought she was Varanda?"

Sheepish laughter escaped from Stella's lips. "It's kinda a long story. Look, we'll give you the details once we get back to Alfea."


She was more than ready for bed after Faragonda declared none of them, were to be punished for what had taken place. None were upset either, to learn Bloom was a fairy from Earth, a rarity in itself.

Sleep is the only thought on her mind. A faint smile touched her lips, when Musa wished her good night, as they shared the same room. "My light won't bother you, will it? I like to write in my journal before bed." Tristitia explained.

"Nah, not at all, only if my tunes don't bother ya." Musa replied, climbing under her covers. "Just make sure you rest up and all that."

"Yeah. Of course."

Soon as she had been certain Musa was asleep, Tristitia began her journal entry. And no dreams followed that night. 

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