My Step brothers...[TXT FF]

By EllieMajestic

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A tragic loss was endured by Yuri along with her mother, they've lost a loving father in an unfortunate accid... More

chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 12

457 12 3
By EllieMajestic

Yuri's POV

Ooof i really pity kai i hope he realize all of this....


Oof we have school for tomorrow
But i am not complaining tho
Let's just sleep.....

(I know some of you doesn't really like studying or going to school but for me i liked it but i am not a nerd tho)


Hmmmm... five more minut-

"Young Lady, Rise and shine! Wake up"
Yana said on the other side of the door

"Uhhhh whyyy?"
I lazily replied

"Young Lady, it is monday that means you have school!"
She shouts

"Oh yesss school....wait what school oh ma gawd how can i forget!"
"Wait for me!"
I shouted

"Ok Young Lady, You have 30 minutes for getting ready! Be fast"


Then i immediately jumped in the bathroom..

Cr: Facebook user
By the way this is the uniform

Then i put a hairpin on my hair so that it would look good


Let's gooo

At the dining table

"My childrens ready for school later?"
Dad asked us

"Yes dad"
We said in unison

"Good while me and your mom were going to the company and expect us to return late because there were lots to do" dad informed us

"Yes and be careful there mom and dad" i said

"Thank you, yuri- oh we ahave to go
C'mon sweetheart" father said
Dad and mom linked their arms and walked away then mom shouts " study well kids!"

Inside the car

"Sooo all of  us attend same school together..?" I asked

"Yes me, you and kai were on the same grade level and section.." taehyun informed

"But why didn't i saw you in there?"
I asked confusedly

"Ohh that, i was at the corner of the room so that's why you didn't see me"
He said


"We're here!"
Soobin informed

Ohhh already

When i was about to step out the car yeonjun hold me back, then he whispered" Keep close to me you might get hurt"

"Huh why?"
I asked him

Then he pulled me beside him as he stepped out the car with me trailing behind him ..

Wait why is there a lot of people
Are they waiting for us...?.
I mean my brothers..... are my brothers popular like on a wattpad stories...!


"Get used to it you'll gonna encounter this daily, or should we say be part of your daily routine" Taehyun said

"Hahahhaa, were y'all popular in this school??" I asked

"Yes because of my HanDsOmE facE"
Beomgyu said while forming a check kinda finger putting it on his chin while wiggling his eyebrows...

I giggled at his response

"Ye sure"
I replied sarcastically

"Hey! That is mean, i am sure i got u flustered the other day thats why you choked on your food" He says while feeling annoyed

I immediately felt my cheeks became hot all of the sudden.

For a bit of time we forgot about the crowd that are looking at us or more likely glaring at me.... are they jealous..?

"Oppa who is that girl?!"
They shouted

"I heard she is a transferee infact she transfered here yesterday"
They gossips

??? POV

"That damn girl what is she doing with them!" I said through gritted teeth

"Calm down yuna that girl can't take kai away from you and the rest of them"
The girl with long black-haired said

"Ye just look at her, her fashion taste was- a big no no" The short haired girl said with a disgust look on her face.

"Guys... just don't mind her okay?"
The other girl said

"How can we just ignore her- look she's literally with them!" The girl with narrow eyes said


Phew luckily i went out of the crowd safely.... but my brothers said that they can take care of it.... but what is happening right now...

I asked in my mind while staring at them with the crowd squishing them....ohh so loud.

Lets just get out of here,,,

Maybe this is my classroom lets just wait for kai and taehyun

I walked in then sat on the chair beside kai's chair that is unoccupied right now...then someone walked in,,,  there stood kai

We made an  split eye contact for a second but he looked away then continue to walk towards his seat taht is beside mine..

"Where's the rest?"
I asked him

"Still stuck, but they'll gonna be on there assigned classes when they got out of there" He said while looking at the window

"Ahh" was all i could reply

Then students started to piled in
Then there's taehyun who looked like just have got out of a crisis..

"Hahaha that must be hard.." i said to him while he continued to walk on his assigned seat.

"Ye, i am getting exhausted from those fangirls" he replied

"Ooohhh" was all i could say

Then the door suddenly opens
Our Homeroom teacher stood there.

She walked directly towards her kind of like Podium thing.

"Good morning class, shall we start our lesson for today..?" Ms. Kim says

"Yes ma'am!" We shouted in unison

"Alright then, lets start with math"
She says

Then the class goes on


"Okay class, dismiss"
Our teacher says

The student started to pack their things slowly piling out the hallways..

I started to pack my things as well when taehyun comes towards me...

"I didn't knew that you're smart"
He says

"Uhhh not really but thanks"
I said as i smiled at him

"Well would you mind join us at the cafeteria for lunch..?"
He asked

"Ohh ofcours- where's kai..?"
I asked him while looking around trynna search for him.

"He already went to the cafe so c'mon, they might be waiting for us"
As he pulled me out the class

"O-oh okay"

As walked together through the hallway i could feel students were lookin at us, some even glaring at me...

"Don't mind them" Taehyun says.
I nodded

As we entered the cafe they are lookin at us again ugh! I hate this attention that i am getting.

Then i spotted soobin waving his hands up in the air for us to notice him, we walked towards them.

Sittings arrangement
___________   ___________
Kai                       Soobin
Me                        Beomgyu

___________   _____________

We continued to eat while chatting some random things..

"Oppa why is she with you and who is she?" A high pitched voice got our attention so we looked at them

Ohhh they are the girls that confronted me the other day ....

"And why is this matter have to deal with you?" Taehyun asked savagely

"Well this girl is trying to flirt with y'all, that is why i am concerned." She replied

Do i look like i am flirting with them, like duh they're my soon to be brothers

"Well then thanks for your so-called concern but we don't need it" This time soobin says

I already felt the tension between this people

"Yuna let's go"
The narrow-eyed girl says

"Just wait..."
Yuna says

Then they walked away

"Just ignore them they are just like that"
Beomgyu said

"Oh okay"


just when the three of us walked out of the class for the second time we saw a bunch of people looking into the "school charts" out of curiosity we walked near it to get a better view.

Then there says "Hello our dear students, we may like to announce that we are looking for a boy group or boy band to be the representative of our school for a Divisional Competition that will be held on Nov. 30, 2020 if you know someone who are willing to join or you with your group members then you can go to the gymnasium to fill-up some forms and wait for the further instructions the deadline is on Nov.15 thank you and bless you all..

"What do you think kai..should we join..?" Taehyun asked the brown-haired boy

"Ye if the others would agree"
He says calmly

"Woah the 5 of you gonna join that's cool!" I said amazed

"Yes so lets call others so that we can ho to the gymnasium together" Taehyun said

Kai nodded

"What about her" kai pointed me

"Uhh right,,, yuri can you wait for us or you wanna go home first.??" Taehyun asked me

"Uhh me i wanna go with you!"
I said cheerfully

"You sure??"
Taehyun asked

I said

"Ok.... so i already texted them they said they'll gonna go straight to the gymnasium so lets go" taehyun informed

Then we continued our journey to the gymnasium...

That's all for now...

Thanks for reading

Lots of Wuvs😘😘

See ya in the next chap.

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